Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, March 11, 1943, Page 9, Image 9

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    rip Adair Sentry
Thursday, March 11,1943.
Page Nine
"Every time we would pass over a
Billfold Girl .
hump or a hill we would lose our
With the Medics
“lip bite” on the mouthpiece which
T 5 John E, Sheehan
sour note to resound.” We never
Cpl. Robert C. Gaard
noticed ... of course we know very
liss June Powell of Service Club little about a “lip bite” on a bugle
1 made quite a hit as she mouthpiece so we’ll take your word
“The Pill-Rollers’ Patter" will
eared at the 381st Officers’ for it ... Anyone hear a sour note ?
endeavor to give you all the inter­
b Saturday evening with other
esting facts and "inside dope” of
irtainers. Miss Powell demon-1 Rehearsals for the Hillbilly Jam­
what is happening at the Hospital.
Never discuss secret or con­
Ited and explained the move- boree go into full swing this week
Hope you like it.
fidential matters over a public
ts and meanings of Hawaiian
Dan Cupid has been very active telephone. The operator may be
an enemy agent or you may be
ting. She was formerly a resi- If you play any instrument, sing,
of late, to wit: Miss Amy Tilton, overheard.
L of the Isles and moved to the dance or have any novelty act,
formerly secretary to the Chiefs
niand upon the outbreak of come on down, gang, and let's have
of Medical and Surgical Service, is
plities in the Pacific. The group it! We’ll be at the Rec Hall al­
about to dive into the sea of matri­
bared earlier in the evening at most every evening or better yet,
mony, the lucky fellow being Mr.
rice Club No. 2 for their Satur- watch your Special Service bulletin!
James Marr of Seattle, Washing­
-o -
evening floor show and then
ton. Mr. Marr is employed at Boe­
Company Reporter, Pfc. Paul
kd down to the Officers’ Club
ing Aircraft. Lots and lots of luck
their second presentation of the Solomon wants to know why it is
to you both!
most insignificant matters
that all the men who go on sick
M/Sgt. Sidney A. May (the king the
strangers. By piecing such in­
call during the week days are the
- O -
of women haters!) has finally tak­ formation together with that ob­
. ... of the Week
^Monday morning a civilian (you first ones in line for week-end
en unto himself a wife, namely, the tained elsewhere, the enemy may
something of the greatest
what I mean .... there are passes ? Come, come, Paul...
former Florence La.isdon, from learn
Boys, meet Miss Ruth Kary of , Yakima, Washington, and a very
a Bw of them left somewhere)
Sgt. Patrick of “D” Co. lost $20 Seattle. She's Ye Ed's nomination lucky man he is! She’s tops!
^Hped in our office and inquired
A. The premium will be figured
Bekish. He stated that he . . . betting the sun would not shine for Billfold Girl of the Week. Miss
Pfc. Robert O. Sukopp (from the
Bekish were school chums in five days in succession ... that is, Kary is presently occupied as a ( Motor Pool) also managed to get according to the applicant’3 age.
^^Rx City, Iowa, and hadn’t seen in Oregon. Yes, it even surprised charm provider for the test pilots his heart-throb to say “yes.” She For a man 21 years old, the prem­
^■another since graduation. A us! Take note, Bob Ripley! Take at Boeing Aircraft. She and two is the former Hazel Elaine Burgett, ium rate will be sixty-five cents
men were the first arrivals at the of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. From all (65c) per month for each $1,000 of
or so ago our civilian, V. S.. note!
insurance. Arrangements will ba
recent crash of a Flying Fortress reports she is really de-lovely!
of Albany, glanced through
in Seattle which cost the lives of
I of the local publications and i Stranger Than Fiction
The charming Roberta “Bobby” made for the premiums to be de­
eleven of her personal friends in­ Slagle, from Dallas, Oregon, is be­ ducted from your pay each month.
ed there was a boxing show I |
3. Will the premium rate increaad
in In lent which had as one of the Is This Tale of a Man
cluding the famed Eddie Allen, test ing presented by Pfc. Raymond C.
D contestants none other than 1 Who Has Son at Adair I pilot. Miss Kary was on duty for Pritchett, from the Physiotherapy as I grow older?
A. No. The premium rate will
I twenty-four continuous hours as- Department, as his brand-new
Ish. We hope the two boys get |
remain the same as long as you
kher ... all the way from Sioux ’ ‘Greater love hath no man'— ’ sisting the stricken men, doctors bride.
I out here ... Shoop is under this phrase would clothe the father, ' and firemen combatting the blaz-
Pfc. Sam Posner, one of our keep the policy in effect, or until
I Service and delivering coal of a private stationed at Camp.
“Joisey boys,” is still busy cutting you convert your policy into an­
Miss Kary, according to Sgt. Ce­ out coupons and sending for free other form of Nutional Service Life
|he Camp; Bekish is ... yeh, I Adair perfectly.
rs right ... in the army! We
Birnkrant of the 96th Div. Spec- samples with the names of a cer­ Insurance.
The father, living in Chicago
4. When can my policy be con­
korry to say that Bekish is in ' found a book in the Chicago Pub­ i ial Services office, hailed origin- tain T/5 who complained he didn't
B83rd and not the 381st ... but lic Library and thought it so excel­ ' ally from Alaska and it was after I get enough mail affixed thereto. verted?
A. Your first policy is known aa
lakes a good story and we got lent he informed his son that he. her- arrival in Hollywood that she It is a certainty that the T 5 will
“Five-Year Level Premium
L. so there!
should try and obtain a copy of it. i
— o-
In the meantime he laboriously, that time she was working as an since he received a pair of model Term Plan.” After this policy han
been in effect for one (1) year, it
Beryone in the 381st was happy started to copy the entire book in ' actress in several motion pictures teeth!
The Medical Supply has chal- can be converted into the following
¡beaming Saturday ... Reason? i longhand to send to his son and and !t is onl? recently that she
| lenged any other other department plans: “Ordinary Life,” “Twenty-
Regimental review took place _________
had sent 59 __________
handwritten ________
pages be- has K°ne into defense work.
rtly before noon and reports fore the boy informed him that he 1 Sgt. Birnkrant s only complaint at the hospital in baseball. Their Pay Life,” and “Thirty-Pay Life.”
8 it that it was really snappy! could obtain the volume in the Li- *8 that he sees her all too infre- challenge was immediately accept- As the “Five Year Level Premium
i quently and he hopes that after ed by the Administration Building. Term Plrfn” automatically expires
only remarks heard from the hrary of Service Club No. 2.
was that of a bugler in the
The name of the book ? “Strang- this “mess” is over he and Ruth It should be a swell game, as both after it has been in effect for five
can become far better friends.
m and Bugle corps who states, er Than Fiction.' »
have good men. May the best team (5) years, it should be converted
Soldiers, send in those entrants win! (Of course, your editor might into one of the above plans within
the five (5) year period.
in the SENTRY’s Billfold Girl of be prejudiced!)
5. Will the premium rates in­
the Week to Public Relations of-
Joe (Sick and Wounded) De-
fice, Post Headquarters.
Bruyne is experiencing a double crease when I convert my policy!
A. Yes. The premium rate will
heart-fluttering sensation this
increase according to the plan you
new set of M/Sgt. chevrons. Con- select. The premium rate will ha
grate on the chevrons, Joe, and figured from your age at the time
As American people we have
lots of luck with your new-found of conversion, and will remain the
«, .
most lavish with our bounte­ love!
same as long a« the policy is kept
• I lie-.
ous resources. We have often come
Sgt Major Johnny Birkes and in effect.
to the point -..ere we thought it wife, Peggy, have definitely gone
Don Budge, national amateur
our God-given right to possess rural. They are now farmers in
their spare time, with a farm about tennis chnmp for three years be­
these things in abundance. Often
five miles outside of Corvallis. fore turning pro in 1939, entered
the rest of the world have suf­ They were at the NCO Club Satur­ the Army last week at San Fran­
fered shortages and even famines day night, and Peggy was quite cisco. “I'm ready to go anywhere
tired. It seems that the pigs they order me,” Budge said. “I’m
of the necessities of life.
in pretty good shape.”
Naturally, though we have strayed away Saturday afternoon
lieutenant in the Air Forces, wag
learned to readjust our lives in
awarded a medal for his partici­
conformity with discipline and ing them up. Better learn hog-call­
pation as a bombardier in a heavy
authority, we have not yet learner!
We have lost three good men to bombing raid on Wake Island, De-
the golden lessen of thrift enough.
’ Candidate School recent­ cemlier 24. Lou competed in the
A few of us are not careful just
1936 Olympics held at Berlin. He
to take what we can eat on our ly: S/Sgt. Joseph Duffield (from
says he'd like to return and bom!»
plates. Others of us are not plan­
hell out of the place.
ning our month's pay so that it Tank Destroyer School and from
will reach for what we need and
T/Sgt. Francis B. Troy, Mess Of­
fice accountant, and a CPA in pri­
Our families in civilian life are vate life, is attending Anti-Air­
perhaps practicing thrift in some craft school. He has just gone, but
cases for the first time in their there is no doubt that he will come
1 ■ 1
” Ik*
lives, partly
rationing through with flying colors. Cpl.
schemes and
o th hr en- Frank Fa .11:,
thi a
in War froi
Me ai
nemies certainly
ticed ringent thrift by gov<
ment ■cree to prepare them for How About Insurance?
all-out war. This lesson of Here Are the Answers
thrift which we are learning but
slowly is another way to forge the
1. Whq is eligible for National
links that will bring final victory. Service Life Insurance?
Our British cousins set us a noble
A. Every man on the Post is
example of resourceful planning eligible for a maximum amount of
with the little they have. Our gov­ >10,000. If you are only partially TM( NLA TUT SWITCH i« radle: It’«
ernment is very generoua with us covered now, application should be «bea heaiely maw - heatiag Vera
for which we are grateful. Let us made for additional insurance at Vague of Bab Hope'. NBC rhew. ba­
HEROES* MEDALS — Most Important medals awarded
tt me. berteli — tot al - Barbara to
Lour hchtinc men. Top row. left to right: Congrrational Mrdal ef,
in asnall ways prove our latitude once. The total of your new and AJtoa
She'. ibi«» bere reefing CM
Hi o nor. Distinguished Service Cross and Distinguished Service
ber San Perneada VaNey reach leQeta
Medal (all artnyl; middle: Congressional Medal for Navy, Marines
with our food and money. — Sgt. 000.
■eg a tear et eastern tanica ciarpe
and Coaat Gaard: Navy tree», Navy Distinguiahed Service Medal;
381st Infantry
In This Column
Life Savers
•i 1
----- DtoUageuahed Hytaa Creta. Stiver Star, Pnrpie Heart. ,
Vaka m "Timber Wolf Cannoneer.”
2. What are the premia rate»?
<rdb the NBC cetwediea't ate troapa.