Pag*- Eight The Post ! Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, March 11,1943. SOCIALLY And Round-a-Bout I SOCIAL SWIRL By Adel« Adair Practically all the Adair family has been doing Adele’s column the past while, but that is practically all right: so much has been taking place. Friday night’s big dance at Field House, in which all hands from both service clubs moved over to take advantage of the greater space and the down-beat from T Sgt. Bob Black’s “Casa SCU swingeroos” (the boys are smoothing out beautifully by the way), proved a huge success. More than 300 girls from near and about attended and yet there was no congestion on that big floor, which had alrtndy seen a top-notch basketball game earlier in the eve- i ring. Thi» meant one thing—the dance this Friday will aguin be at Field BROADCAST CANCELLED House. The music this time will “Camp Adair on the Air,” come from the 96th Division and which has been broadcast from will comprise the 18-piece Artillery the Service Clubs for the last band of W. O. Robert Chetney. several Thursdays, has been cancelled, it was announced yes­ To Continue Until further notice, figure your terday. Friday night stroll (or hop from the shuttle-bus stop) to carry you Mrs. Merriam ha« promised our ol’ to the Field House, coiner E Ave. fran, Raymond Paige, will break forth. and 1st St. S. Sunday’s afternoon concert in­ If criticism of Friday be needed, it would deal with the refreshment cluded renditions from “The New situation, because nigh unto Moon" and “Rio Rita,” plus other HOME WAS NEVER LIRE This.... mumldu-mumble cases of Coca selected music by Kastelanetz. This may not be exactly a typical scene, but it should give you an idea of the pleasant atmo­ sphere surrounding the SCI ¡911 NCO club, which opened Saturday night. In this Signal Corps Cola went the way of all coke, but , Voices were the beautifully-teamed photo we gaze at (left to right) CpI. Nick Sansonia, Service Club Hostesses Flurence Cordy Merriam there were no sandwiches. And Eddy-MacDonald duet. The one and Ann Caddy. The acting waiter behind the bar is T/Sgt. Jack Reed. your Adele was so-o-o hungry. So “heavy” piece, but of a rhythmic was Adele’s dancing partner. And sort that any music lover could If Latin Blood Boils, ¡OSC Artists'Plan to our darned good friend. Roy Scriv- appreciate, was the “Hymn to the Sun, ” from Rimsky Korsokoff ’ s ner, was “closed for the night” ’ at Tuesday Night Lessons Entertain on Tour “Coe d’Ore.” This, somewhat ill­ Post PX restaurant across the 1 Will Help it Bubble iberally translated, we are afraid, j A troupe of 18 Oregon State •treet. means "The Golden Rooster. ” (orvallu Dance Keen interest prevailed last Tues­ ■ college students will forego their The Sunday Hour of Music, dat­ [week’s spring between-term vaca- We must mention reports that As a parting gesture, ere de- day night in Service Club No. 2, tion this week to entertain soldiers EM really took their grand Cor- ing from the first radio show a when Sgt. Cecil Birnkrant of the at army camps in Washington and vallis hosts at their word Satur­ month ago, have gone over not only parting this man’s Army Tuesday (presumably hack to dear old Hal ­ 96th Division Special Service Of­ British Columbia. I at this Post, but with a wide au ­ day evening when they said “All ly wood I, Pvt. Bruce Sharnrt ( Eddie fice, assisted by June Powell, in­ The company of entertainers, or­ soldiers welcome." For the EM dience of civilian radio listeners. Bruce I, both engineered and co- ganized by the speech department fairly stormed the gates of Me­ Anniversary Celebrated troduced the first of a scries of I j here and sponsored on its trip by Among the happiest of the gay. MC’d the Saturday Night Cabaret morial Union Hall and a grand | lessons in Rhumba and Conga danc- ■ the Associated Students, Was time was had at the dance jointly : , at Service (Tub 2’s ! Saturday |at Service Club 2, and ’twas as big last fall to provide enter­ I | formed " the best thus far. Helping inject ing. sponsored by the USO and the De­ Night Cabaret (see yon column fori tainment for soldiers at Camp the true night club atmosphere, Miss Virginia Guernsey and Miss I shindig doings), were Pfc. and Mrs. fense Recreation Committee. Adair. Their 10 performances at ' Robert Eick, formerly of Chicago. were touches by make-up artist Virginia Linquist of Corvallis USO Camp Adair proved so popular that St. Patrick Theme __ ..l.l.. ... first ... A Steve Clensos and light-spert Bill The coming "Saturday Night, I ...U_ who ... were able A. to _____ spend a their were responsible for escorting the requests came from other camps, Cnhnret,” nt Service Chib 2 will ■ wedding anniversary at Camp Linahan. and this week’s trip which will many charming dancing partners take them as far north as Van­ feature (naturally, since that day ( Adair. A good bit of the floor show Sgt. Kcssner directed W. O. for the Irish is almost here) a St. | talent directed their effort to the Robert Chesney’s 96th Div. Artil­ that went to make the evening couver, B. C., was arranged. Directing the complete musical Patrick's Day flavor. Details for | table of the couple. Club 2 provid­ lery band which provided dance most successful. ! revue company is Charles B. Watts, the big night are not completed at ed “Sweetheart” ash trays, though music for a capacity house. Tuesday more soldiers will be I ' assistant professor of drama and this writing, but there is no doubt I not the smokes. Due to length and repeat calls able to participate, since Miss ■ speech, who formerly was recrea- Cpl. Sansonia will render some of for entertainers, some of the per­ Guernsey promised to increase the | Itional director for a USO unit in his justly famed Irish ditties and Is This Man W anted? formers who were slated to give number of dancing partners from southern Texas. the Irish tenors and baritones their all to the gala occasion didn't, Oregon State college. All men ought to be out. Is there n Mother Pfc. Booth Advertises BRING ON THE IRISH but will be first call come this Sat interested in joining these classes Machree in the house! are requested to leave their name March 17, Saint Patrick’s Day, urday night ’ s St. Patrick style cab ­ Pfc. Joe Booth. Post Signal KOAC Program “Goes Big” with Hostess Mrs. F. C. Merriam. , USO Club, Corvallis, will hold aret. viz.: A follow-up to last Sundays' i Corps, has a number of choice |“cabaret” night at the Women’s The “ Victory Quartet" of the splendidly received “Camp Adair photographs now displayed in the 96th I Marion Mifflen, George Ran­ •Club, 7th and Monroe, 7:30 p.m. Oh, Woof! Big, Mad Dog lobby of Service Club 2. The sub ­ hour" of semi-classical and light­ Cabaret night made its debut at dall, George Higgins and Jim Dal­ Invades Service Club 2; the Women's Club last week and opera music, from 3 to 4 p.m. over ject matter varies, so your Sentry ton) and that clever song-dance reporter decided to let Pfc. Booth KOAt , will lie on the air this Sun-1 proved a very successful event. team of Pvt. Bob Gregory and wife. Oh, Poof! Doggie Sleeps I name his own horse. day. ’ Through the cooperation of the Sgt. Cecil Birnkrantz had law- Mrs. Merriam, who initiated the | He said promptly: “The one with yered some eastern-style table- Two soldiers rushed into ----- the li- Women’s Club, we are planning an ---- ------ programs and is responsible for infra-red showing cloud effects on pounders for the duh and these I br,ry °f Service a a Club v ,uu avu recent- of Irish festivities in No. . 2 z recent ­ ' l'ven‘nK the ««lections, announced that there D Ave. and 1st St. South is the now add to the confusion. ly and reported a mad dog on the i honor of Saint Patrick, will be, m addition, some of Sam­ choice, but I like thia one best.” Acta that went over so lustily front porch. The librarian, Helen I We expect to see you there— my Kaye (tha classical Sammy of, , Your reporter scanned the thing: included tenor Pvt. Rex Meza, for­ bhumaker, inspected the animal, . ....... [ Harrigan. Finnigan and Flanni- Sundays, not the “swing and sway" i I “But what the Corvallis is it?” merly of the Rio Rita cast; tap­ wkich was frothing at the mouth Iiran- Come one. come al) and dance Sammy of the rest of the weekl.j “That.” said the Great Photo- dancers Sgt. Chuck Healey and his and kicking around in a peculiar!“ lively Irish jig to the rhythm of Andre Kastelanetz and others i grapher, “is a thumb-print.” wife- Ginger; Betty Rowe of the manner. a real good army band. At Adele'« sister'« |>ersonal request,! "Yes! Wkaae!” cafeteria staff, cute lil tappist and The dog's appearance seemed ! i Pfe. Booth was hurt. “Why. mine. tenor. Pvt. Ray Etseman. It’s An III Wind more like a fit than madness, but I 40 (ials Saturday: . of course." Sharritt turned over the MC job I to be on the safe side she called Call Date Bureau to CpI. Bob Gaard mid-show and [the Officer of the Day. who ap-' The war is prolonging the lives ILIMb AT ELKS CLUB ihiity lasses from McMinn­ the latter took his “Hep Cats” peared immediately with two M PM * °f ,he razor clams along Oregon’s ville mostly from l.infield Col­ through some kind of a thing After a conference, the O.D called iCO,U,t’ Mr"' Je“ie Dunning, who lege and others from the town, . Saturday, March 13, 8:00 p.m.. called "Before I Took Bromo the hospital O.D., i „v , „ operates the Seaside canneries at ■> n ua 1> | Seaside and Wairenton, »aid today. will be on hand to help enliven Ion«* again Corvallia USO Club will Seltzer." but carefully. Also a skit I arrived with two other doctors, j A i Government blackout regulation« batuiday Cabaret Night at Ser­ hold Ila dance at the Elks Hall, 4th about how a Mth-er meta a Tim­ long consultation over th« dog. prohibit night digging, doing away vice Club 2, Principal Hostess and Monro* Becwwee of past sue- ber Wolf when in Corvallis. which in the meantime had lain with the chief source of supply. Margaret Blodgvtt said yester­ cewees al the dances at the Elka Hostess Florence Coardv Mer­ quiet,y “n<* r<»ne to sleep, day. They will be chaparonad HaU, USO la looking forward to riam, lovely in gold taffeta eve-' resulted. ”■ ~~~ .•’■«’••»«u. .Xn Al.P. wjiM stationed 'Spring Fever’ a large attendance. by Mr . Jennie Fink. "T. C‘,OCOla,i hrw" “» doc *ith hi. gun. should At Independence All service men are welcome. military jacket, sang two So there is one thing for it, request it show signs of action. After two Friday evening, April second, nBwr» make u«e of Date Thone attending will dance to the numtiers. "At Last” and •TVarly hours the d,< was taken away, and is ______________ ______ the date set _________ for the _ presenta- • >ncvpat«d tunes *f a gmwi five- Beloved.” • wtchu . Inc. Contact Mrs. Mer- i Miss Shumaker feels now that she ’ Gon of “Spring Fever” by the 1»43 Special guests of the eyenmg either saved the camp from hydro- nam or Mrs. Blodgett at either piece army batwl. Join the fun and eUta of Independence high fottviUe* »nd meet us at the Elk« were Post Commander Col Ser*!«- Club and suddenly. (.ot .Ion phobia or had been «old the Brook.’ school. This laughter-drawing pro- ¡(Tub this Saturday. H. McCoy and Mrs McCoy. ljr' Br>dxe'' R a “must not miss.” Club Nite Big Nite I I . ______