Page Six C amp Adair Sentry Thursday, March 11, 1943. The Mountaineers 1 . Í 1 r* Proud Outfit Now Champion Ti mber Wfdv* 1 M 1 Fl ■ , ■ y If1 i ti •Hint olor» ave re Mountaineers Take Redleos-Änd Tille Handball Boys Bal Into Big Tourney Camp Adair WSPORTS Surge From Behind Win in Final Minute Maddy Wins Game; Champs in Hard Haul By Pfc. Bob Ruskauff With 55 seconds to go the Itedlegs led, 25-23, blit 55 ■conds later the score was 29-25. This time the Mountain­ eers were on top and at tha* ever-important place, the ent’ of the game. So the Infantry men are league champions of the Timber Wolf Division. More than two thousand officers EM slid guests watched the king pins of the Infantry league pin down the champions of \rtillerv in One of the liest-attended and most dramatic basketball encoun­ ters seen to date at Field House. Spark-plug Frye Spark-plug of the driving, fighting last-minute rally of the Mountaineers was Sgt. George C. Frye, rangy center, who sank the sia points uhich clinched matters and ho slipped the ball through the hoop ffith a one* handed, underhand delivery that reminded of a guy letting looae of a bow ling ball. Throughout, Sgt. Frye . , plavisf , _ » bang up game to top his team with 14 points, as did Sgt. Clark Brow who as team captain later received the : plendid trophy awarded the winning team It was presented by­ Mrs. Ce Ce Cook, daughter of Mn jor General Gilbert R Cook, divi­ sion commander, at the close of the fame. Important Jump The ladder handball tournament underway at Lorenz Championship court is going to town, with a tough row laid out for seeded favorites, who must work up through the ranks to win titles before the tourney is over, late this month. Honor of winning the first match on the card went to Fireman Ray Maddy, who moved from fifth to fourth spot Tuesday night by tak­ ing Chaplain, Lt. Victor E. New­ man in tcuo games, 21-14, 21-10. Buss vs. Brow n Tonight Sgt. Percy Buss is slated to play Pvt. Bill Brown to see who stands eighth and ninth. At 8 p. m. Pfc. Bob Ruskauff. who stands 19th on the reversed ladder, challenges Assistant Fire Chief Toby Wallace, runner-up in the recent Post open tourney. Contenders in the tourney are requested by Director A. L. Sherk to check tvith the challenge board at the Lorenz court— and be sure to clear playing time by calling 3131. Big Game Box ScGre MOVTAINEERS Hopkins, f Bluette, Frasier, Adams. J J® & sSWW m I S k ; -j Redleg Star Sgt. John Frailer, center for the Here's a tense moment of the Mountaineer-Redleg play el, Redlega and a one-time star of Ol­ game, as a couple of star rivals prepare to go up for the hall, ton's Terrible Swedes, was king­ which CpI. Kennedy has just tossed—Sgt. Fry. who spark-plugged pin for the fighting Red legs. who the Mountaineers, and Sgt. John Frasier, key man of the Red log­ in the background, coming in for the tip-off. is Pvt. Thompson. had carved the right to mvt Toby