Camp j\dair Sentry Page Five Thursday, March 11,1943. ------------- - ------------------------------------------------------- The Atlantic Monthly Press in connection with Little, Brown and DISPLAY WARES ON Co. has offered a prize of $5000 SUPER-DUPER HOARD Not bulletin board nor hill for the most interesting book­ length manuscript of non-fiction board, but something super- having to do with the war or the dooper and in-betwixt is the 5’« peace that will follow it. The x3’e foot display easel (there contest ends on April 15, 1943. It you have it) now attractively can be a book of personal experi- set up near entrance to the of­ fice at Service Club 2. ence, but need not be. I It is made to carry displays This announcement is to be of individual soldier talent, in construed in the broadest terms, j The book may deal with A meri- i sketch work, painting, tooling, etc., and Hostess Florence can efforts to win the war or make Coardy Merriam invites EM to the peace. It may recount the ad­ submit examples of their work. ventures of a refugee, tell a story The board at present graces Pfc. of diplomacy, or of underground Booth’s photo display and may activity, or be the tale of an soon include sketches by our aviator, a tank commander in the own artist. Pfc. Don (Notes desert, or the torpedo officer on a from a Soldier’s Scrap Book) submarine. It is not rank nor Lynch. name the judges seek but talent, variety, and a story to tell. The • single qualification is absorbing and thou reignest over all” Chron. 29:11,12). interest. Among the citations which com­ Only double-spaced typewritten manuscripts of unpublished and prise the lesson-sermon is the fol­ nonserialized words in English will i lowing from the Bible: “Now faith be considered. Translations are is thé substance of things hoped eligible if the manuscript has not for, the evidence of things not previously been published or ser­ seen. Through faith we under­ ialized in any language anywhere. stand that the worlds were framed To the author of the winning by the word of God, so that things manuscript as determined by the which are seen were not made of judges, the Atlantic Monthly Press things which do appear” (Heb. will pay, on the date of the an­ 11:1,3). The lesson-sermon also includes nouncement of the prize winner, the sum of $5000: $2500 as an the following correlative passages outright prize and $2500 as an from the Christian Science text- advance on account of royalties. i book, “Science and Health with Key Manuscripts will undergo their to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker first reading shortly after receipt. Eddy: “Truth, Life, and Love are Manuscripts not reserved for the substance, aa the Scriptures use final judgment will be returned to this word in Hebrews: ‘The sub­ their authors (by express collect stance of things hoped for, the if unaccompanied by return post­ evidence of things not seen.’ Spirit, the synonym of Mind, Soul, or God, age). The prize winning book will be is the only real substance” (p.468). published by Little, Brown and Co. »«th DIVISION as an Atlantic Monthly Press book. I RELIGIOUS SERVICES Personnel and enlisted men are urged to attend religious services I regularly at the following chapels. >.■ Chapel No. 2 — I) & 3rd St. South » Catholic Masses—1030. Catholic Station of the Cross and Benedictions — Wednesday at 2000. Protestant Worship — 0915 and 1900. Choir practice Thursday at 1900. Chapel No. 3 — I) & 7th St. South .....-------------------------------------- Catholic Mass—10830 and 1130. POST CHAPEL SERVICES Catholic confessions — Saturday Avenue D and 3rd Street North at 1800 to 2000. Wednesday. March 10 Protestant Worship—1000. Sunday evening Forum—1900. 1930 Jewish Service, Chaplain Chill Jewish service—Friday at 1930. Friday. March 12 Chapel No. 4 — C and 12th St. So. 1845 Hospital, Chaplain Chill Catholic Daily Mass 1830; Sun­ 1030 Jewish Service, Chapel No. 3, day Masses at 0645 and 1130. Chaplain Chill. Catholic Station of the Cross and 2015 Jewish Service, Post Chapel. Benedictions — Wednesday at Chaplain Chill. 19)5. 2100 Jewish Service, Chapel No. 7, Catholic Confessions — Satur­ Chaplain Chill. day at 1930. Sunday. March 14 Catholic Sorrowful Mother No­ 0800 Episcopal Communion, Chap­ vena—Thursday at 1930. lain Newman. Protestant Worship—0900 and i >900 Catholic Mass. 1900. 1000 General Protestant Service. Lutheran Lenten Services—Wed- Chaplain Harmon. Special nesday at 2000. music by civilian musicians. Lutheran Services—1015. 1045 General Protestant Commun­ Chapel No. 5—C & 8th St. South ion, Chaplain Harmon. Catholic Masses —0800 and 1130. Mormon Service, Pfc. Alma Catholic Confessions—Saturday Nielson. at 1900 to 2030. Services at Hospital Episcopal Holy Communion — 0800 Catholic Mass 0700. 1000 Protestant Service. Chaplain Protestant Worship—0900, 1000, Bartell 1900. ( hruitia* Science Churches Chapel N*. •—C A 4th St. Sauth Catholic Daily Masses — 1836; "Suhstance" will be the subject Sunday Masses at 0700 and of the iesaon-aermon in all Church«« 1115. of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. Catholic M.M. Novena—Monday March 14. The (¡olden Text will be, “Thine at 1900. Catholic Confessions—Saturday 0 Lord, is the rreatnese, and the after 1800. puwvr. and the glory. »nd the vie- Protestant Worship—-0900, 1000. .nry and the majesty . . . both 1900. riches and honour come of thee, CHAPLAIN'S COLUMN Yep. They're Still At It In Caribou, Me., the draft board re-classified John W. Keene 1-A liefere it learned that he was: (1) 90, (2) blind. Theodore, The Timber Wolf • You ve Said, "Boy, Could I Write A Book ; Well, Here Is Your Chance to Do It "see, daughter. I told you he has the paws that refreshes. Chapel No. 11—D & 5th Sts. North ' Christian Science Service—Sun­ day at 1100. Christian Science Service—Wed­ nesday at 1900. - TIMBER WOLF DIVISION CHAPEL SERVICES Sunday. March 14, 1943 Chapel No. 7, C & 1st St. North Episcopal Holy Communion 0700 ’Catholic Mass . 1000 Protestant Service .. 0900 & 1100 Bible Study Class ................. 1500 Evening Service .................... 1930 Mens' Choir Practice, Thurs. 1930 Choir Rehearsal, Friday .. 1900 (Catholic) Chapel No. 8. C & 5th St. North Lutheran Service ............ 0800 •Catholic Mass 0900, 1000 & 1200 Protestant Service 1100 & 1030 1300 Catholic Eucharistic 14(81 Catholic Novena Protestant Discussion Club 1830 Catholic Confessions, Satur­ days 1630, 1830 & 1900, 2130 Catholic Mass every day 1816 except Monday Catholic Choir, Mo. & Tues. 1900 Catholic Lenten Devotions, 193(1 Wednesday .................... ' Protestant Choir, Thurs. 1900 Stations of the Cross, Fri. .. 1930 Chapel No. 9, C & 9th St, North •Catholic Mass 0800 & 1000 Protestant Service 0900, 1100 and 1930 •Catholic Mass every week­ 1830 day except Sat. Novena Service every Tues. 1900 Protestant Choir Rehearsal 1930 Tuesday Bible Study Class every Wednesday ...... 1930 Catholic Lenten Devotions, 2000 Wednesday Discussion Group, Thursday 1930 Catholic Confessions, Sat­ urday 1800. 2030 Chapel No. 10. D & 9th St. North 0730 Catholic Holy Communion •Catholic Mass 0900 & 1130 Protestant Service 10C0 & 1800 1060 Protestant Communion 2000 St. Barbara Forum, Mon. Service Men’s Christian league. Monday 1900 & 2100 2045 Choir Rehearsal Monday (Protestant) Choir Rehearsal, Tuesday & Thursday (Cath.) 1930 Blessed Virgin Devotion, 1900 Tuesday Midweek Prayers, Wed. J 900 Blessed Sacrament Devotion Thursday ......... 1900 Catholic Confessions, Satur­ day 1530, 1700 & 1900, 2100 Chapel No. 11, D & 5th St. North ’Catholic Mass ........................ 0900 1OOO Protestant Service for Div. A- Sp. Trps Christian Science.................. 1100 also Wed. at 1900 Lutheran Service 1900 Protestant Lenten Service Wednesday 2000 Prot. Choir Rehearsal, Mon- 2000, Wednesday after Lenten Services. Catholic Confessions (visit Chape) No. 10) ’Confessions la-fore Mass. I USO ICO CAMP ADAIR AREA USO WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS • National Catholic Community Service • YMCA • bah »(ion Army * Jewish Welfare Board • YWCA • National Travelers Aid Association ALBANY DATE 113116 East Third St. CORVALLIS MONMOUTH lliway W9W & Main Rt. 7:30 pm Stump Club inert H.00 1 liNcuMNion Club. 7:30 pm Small games mtir itles 6:30 Informal dancing THURSDAY March 11 Informal Activitiea Building open for your c Hl lent Building open—Limited faeiiitie«. 7:30 10 30 Irish Rhe l.acifBM < ¡J.arr» style- Woman's club 6:0010:30 pm Informal activities 7:30 nm Rniall games art k*t ire W.OO Informal Dancing. TT’KRDtY March 16 Informal Activitiea • WEDNESDAY March 1? Informal Activities SERVICES AVAILABLE—Library, Showers. Snack Rar. Ping Pong, Headteir Room. Writing Room, Craft Materials, Photography, Pool TaMrs, Small Games, Dancing H-nr, Counseling, Valet Room, Information Service, Cherhing Service, <''nnfortahle Lounges, Housing Information, Sleeping Accommodations, Distributions of Religious Articles. HOSTESSES AT EACH CLUB EVERY EVENING USO-Your Home Away from Homo t