Camp Adair Sentry Thursday. March 11, 1943. ■ Out ol the HQ. Well ! Page Eleven IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT By Cpl. “Dubby” Duboff Hq. Co. SCU 1911 to All Class /ZAZZ Pay Reservation Subscribers ■ THE SCU NON-COM CLUB; It was almost unbelievable to find yourself transposed to the warm at mosphere of the Islands by merely entering the portals of the i. bar room. The Club will be rated as one of the most unique Non- On March 31. 1943. the LAST deduction for the Commissioned Officers hideaways’ purchase of United States War Savings Bonds under to be found on any military in­ : the Class “A” Pay Reservation Plan will be made from stallation in the United States, if t your pav. On that date ALL Class ‘‘A” Pay Reserva­ I such a scale of ratings should be tions will AUTOMATICALLY terminate: NO cancella­ formulated. From the bamboo bar . tion form is required. All bonds paid for up to and I to the indirect lighting of the I including that date will be forwarded to the address spacious dance floor there is little which you authorized under your original apnlication that is wanting for a NON-COM or “request for change” form. The purpose of discon­ at Camp Adair who seeks a change tinuing the Class "A” Pay Reservation Plan is effected front the routine day. So without primarily to expedite the issuance of bonds which you further ado, if you are attached have been paving for and have not as yet received. to any unit in the SCU. why not However, it should be impressed upon your minds that drop into the Club, situated on D all deductions which have been made from vour pay are ave. North, hidden in the grove of accurately recorded and properly accredited to vour trees next to the SCU OFFICERS account by the Chief of Finance, and that lx nds will be Mess Hall. The little matter of issued accordingly as soon as possible. All balances membership fee, will not be men­ which were not applied towards bonds will be disposed tioned. for fully an hour, while you of in accordance with instructions to be announced soon. are left alone to relax comfort- ' II. “No. Madim, we didn't lose nothin*, we’re looking fcr little bp».“ ably in our made to order sucker The Class “ A ” Pav Reservation Plan is being re­ ses ts. placed by the Class “B” Allotment Plan. Profiting by SUCCESS STORY: Back in July was this reporter yelling to “Come “Ninny” is not lost to the offiee the experience resulting from the Class “A” Plan, the 1942, Private B. T. Towsky alias on put her in there, Sarge.” He did, permanently as he is gone on tem- plan for the purchase of United States War Savings Tim Benson was a mere Janitor , but I wasn’t where I should have porary duty only. Bonds is primarily aimed at facilitating the early issu­ at Post Headquarters. Trudging I been, and instead the ball landed ance of bonds to alloters who are entitled to receive along with hairnet, broom and 1 right on my mouth. “No, than you,” New Men in New PoeitioM them. Those subscribers who wish to continue the duster, he would say to anyone I said next morning, when asked Bill Cassler "subbing' for S Sgt. purchase of bonds through pay deductions are requested who would listen, “Someday they if I would have some toast in the Minichiello us head of the conimer- to fill nut an application in their respective orderly will find the great man that I meSs hall. '.Just pass the soap cjai accounts section. Bill recently room. Officers and Nurses may obtain such forms from really am.’’ This can’t go on for­ flakes.” ; got his corporal rating as did Bob their Officers’ Sections. Those forms must conform ever.” “I’m mortified, humiliated FIGHT ON HQ. COMPANY : Torcasio. Congratulations to both. to the regulations outlined in Memorandum No. 10. this and grossly underestimated.” “If Now that “Something new has | s S)it. Louis Ceirman now act- Headquarters, dated February 24, 1943 All military I can't do something concrete, and ' been aded” every day under Capt. Jn~ ‘"^art'and"roallv "d'o- personnel are encouraged to familiarize themselves with be of some value to the Army, why Jas. D. McKay, and Lt. Pete A.Laf- ing thjng!( jn mintary manncr. the benefits of the Class “B” Allotment Plan and to take doesn’t somebody send me home?”| ka, we should no longer ! e • f *• full advantage thereof. ’s! Warrant Officer Matthew Ha­ Seven months later today. T S Tim , ferred to as the ‘ “Old — Soldier ................ tala. former technical sergeant in Benson the Great, is now occupy­ Home.”—Not with the beautiful INVEST IN UNITED STATES WAR SAVINGS RONDS ing the very same desk he once demonstration of last week’s re- ; the Fiscal department and now AS A GUARANTEE OF SURE AND SWIFT VICTORY! dusted daily, as chief discharge ‘ treat, and Saturday’s inspection. | chief clerk of the Finance office. Post War Bond Office man, sending 6F soldiers home. IT The barracks were so clean you I Camp Adair, Ore. In and Around the Office HAPPENS ONCE IN A LIFE­ could see your face in the floor, ■ The new training program has TIME. from the reflection of the shine on Johnny Maras is back home in CONGRATULATIONS: Recent the seat in Cpl. George “Mail Bag” •• hit the offiee with a bang. The has made both look years younger. fellows really went in for the close It must be the thought that not far Milwaukie, Wis., all safe and sound promotion to Sgt. D. E. Mattingly, Dearth's trousers. 1 order drill in a big way last Tues­ J. G. Wolff, H. Backer and C. Tor- in the future there will be warm after he got into the Army by fib­ day. A little rusty, some of the rice. To Staff—T. E. Hunter. It is weather and no more furnace de­ bing a bit and then showed hr was Frenzied Finance fellows met strangers face to face only co-incidental that talking tail. a good enough soldier to get three on the command. “To the rear by about Sgts, reminds me of Fort I maTeh. ’ ’ A few more drills and Sgt. Fred Ashworth stripes the hard way. Dix, where this story was origin­ NUI-sance of the week. the fellow* will be Imck in cadence*. Johnny was having the time of ated. “Lishvn,” said this veteran There's a sergeant that always Financially speaking, things are We are all waiting for firing prac- his young life at an embarkation of exactly four days in the Army, forgets, Post Finance this week. tice. but wonder how many will post when his colonel found out "I like Sgt.’s I like Master Sgts., as new,_ at _____ To buy his daily cigarettes. how old he was. A little bird told Tech’s, Staff’s and even Buck i as a “shiny new silver dollar.” feel at “Home on the itange.” ! But much to our sorrow. him. (Maybe it was the stork All the regular personnel got a He remembers to borrow. Sgt’s.” “Well, SO WHAT?” shout­ , New faces, new positions and new ed this T 4, “Go back and finish ' ratings. Time changes all things “kick” out of the Friday night And he’s particular about the which brung Johnny back on June 20, 1927.) peeling those potatoes in the kitch­ ! and nothing is as interesting as “clean-up detail for Saturday’« in­ brand that he gels. The “old man” sauntered up on® I something new, so here goes the spection. With the eight new men en.” “Do I still haff to back. Sgt?” Above poem was respectfully in the barracks we had a time submitted to me by the Enlisted day when Johnny was awaitin’ “Don't you think I’m a little bit 1 new news. shaping them up and getting beds Pay section and I am not in doubt shipment Am) said, “I’ve found out crazy and shouldn’t be entrusted t with anything sharp?” | New faces at the office in the made in a military manner. When as to who the sergeant in question how old you are. You're only 15,” “Oh no, sir," said Johnny, “F(h PUNISHMENT: “Excessive past week are privates: Lawrence G.I.-ing the floors and • windows is. drinking is stupid, asinine and ridi- Martinelli. Frank Bringhurst, Har- all the recruits soon got in ca­ Although then* Are Nl'-merous 18.” Old “Buzzard Shoulders” chuck­ culous.” If you had to write the old Brandt, Howard Giles, < lifton dence and according to rumor, “did other, “no news is good news,” so led. “I checked up at city hall,” above sentence five hundred times Reeser. Thomas Gibbs ( harles right well for beginners.’’ ‘ no more until next week. he said. —perhaps you would soon agree Smith and Donald Flynn. They are _________________ ■ So Johnny confessed. Vote of thanks from all the fel­ with the officer who dished it out. all right from the induction center This Sqt., Aged 15, The colonel continued. “You that he was right. To make it a and still a bit strange in their lows in the office to PFC Iver know, Johnny, you're the first 15- wee bit harder, the next offender new surroundings, but they have , Perry and private Morris Trim- Not at Camp Adair year-old sergeant I've found in thin will have to drink all the ink re­ the right spirit and should t>e vet­ ingham who have gotten up every Many a private likes to dream of Army.” morning ail winter at fi.00 o’clock erans in a few weeks. maining in the bottle. Ouch! Regulations are all-powerful and to keep the fires going at the of­ getting out because he's over age, SPORT DEPARTMENT: Sgt.' Ray Atkins is rounding into shape, i Newest man to leave the office fice. No complaint! much) was but a sergeant has been kicked out there was nothing the old boy pitching every* noon hour to all was S Sgt. Arthur Minichiello f^om heard from these fellows about of this man's Army because he was could do except boot the infant sergeant out. comers. Crouching behind the mitt, the commercial accounts section. that detail. The recent sunshine under age—just 15 years old. I I Male Call by Milton Caniff, creator of Terry and the Pirates K, ITS M c OOOLTV. PAT V •NEW POLL MOVED \ < IN HEIZE-AN WE \ ¿ otta KNOW f NAME AN wow j / ' she feels aeout ^ you ôitv* NEvee ask \ ME TD ÖO I A l OVO WHEN I TOV ze sues I -9uT ILL J 1 ,T' THE S€• Y n , — TAH-LAC-Y SINCS^ YOU LIVE SO 1 ./ close to ax & ITKOL ONA 7 AZMY i’OiT WE 1 - t HIKE? Z OOTTA KNOW \ k-_____j NAME AN' 1 \l SERIAL NUM — - I ” O ee : mean Overdue—Must Be Considered Lost