Ciinip Adair Sentry Thursday, March 4, 1943. Page Three » Vets of 382nd Inf. Plan Organization life' Expounds on flyer From Oregon Home Was Never Like This Corvallis Eagle Belts 75c T he older men now being discharged from the 382nd Infantry are forming tin organization of those who have been members of that regiment. While this movement was initiated by men leaving the service on account of age, it is hoped that both officers and enlisted men who are being transferred to other stations will also become members of the veterans’ group. The organization is being formed with a twofold purpose: first to AND TTZZ IS GOOD FOR provide for continued contact be­ SORE FEET. REMEMBER During « recent Gift Book tween the regiment and those who campaign for one Post library a have left it and second to provide established channels through which soldier asked a bright young met: leaving the regiment after the flarne in Houston if she.wouki contribute a book. She turned conclusion of hostilities may mere ensil !;• find employment in civil up her nose a bit and said, “Aw life, Naturally the first of these shucks ... I don’t see no use two pti'poses will he foremost in of buying them cadets books. of the members in the They spend money on me right the minds t immediate future, The men who and left.’’ “But,” countered the soldier are firming the organization do not intend : it to be a charitable trying to keep his voice cool society or a political pressure and detached, “they spend money showing you a good time. group. Wouldn’t it be nice to buy them A t the i stitution of (he organization is be­ a book in return?” “Now listen here!” was her ing drawn up and will be submit- > ted to the membership for their I clincher, “I’m not without ex­ votes by mail. It is planned to | pense. I have to buy powder have one national organization and perfume to keep ’em com­ which will have local chapters in i ing!” Chicago, Omaha and St. Louis.1 Each of these chapters will have a i Veterans’ Organization and that president and a corresponding sec­ I its purposes shall be as stated in retary whose duty will be to keep , the second paragraph of this ar­ in touch with the men from the ticle. Pvts. Samuel Miller, Conn E. urea around each of these cities. Andrews, Harold E. Railey and Officers Elected Pvt. Edward A. Culbertson was Connie T. Campbell took a leading elected secretary treasurer of the j part in the creation of the organi- organization at one of the meet­ ' zation before their recent dis- ings held just before the discharge I charge. of the older men. Chaplain Philip W. Roberts of the 382nd has been How Times Do Change! designated liaison officer for the organization and will have charge Indoor Swimming on Tap of the newsletter which will serve For Soldiers in Portland as the chief formal means of con­ What interests you? Swimming? tact between the regiment and its former members. The first issue | Then you will want to drop into of this newsletter will be published ! the U. S. 0. Club in the Portland soon and will he. sent to each of Y. M. ( A. at Sixth and Taylor the men who has left the regi­ Streets. The swimming pool located in the ment. A copy of the proposed con­ stitution of the 382nd Infantry | building is available to service men Veterans’ Organization will be en­ I every day in the week including closed with each newsletter and 1 Sunday. Morning, afternoon and the eligible men will be asked to ' evening swims are nt>w available vote on it. Thus far it has been , and Camp Adair soldiers are cor­ agreed that the name of the asso- dially invited to partake of the ad­ ciation shall be the 382nd Infantry vantages offered at the Portland center. ' The gymnasium, lounge, writing i facilities and showers have been I added to the swimming pool as I added features open to service men ' and the Y. M. C. A. officials wish I to emphasize that all facilities are inTon inSURRnCfc «»CHanG« 1 offered gratis. 218 S. 2nd St New Shipment to Membership to Include Oldsters As Well as Soldiers Transferred Webb Belts Garrison •3.95 & 4.95 Caps 2.00 See us for Military Supplies HERMAN'S MEN'S STORE mower au tirai t€ ( ALL MANY A BARITONE has sung about a ‘home on the range.’ but the home lu had in mind n- not n the rifle range. But between shots, the soldier has time (sometimes) for a little relax.-: ion. :i ; a!■■ picture amply proves. A few moments of rest like this often result in a better score when tla man returns to the line. Night Club Night Is Night of Nights Yoy owe it to those at home! six i :<»x I If This Story Doesn't Seem to Make Sense; Read 2nd Paragraph 1st “Hello, Mom—bet you didn’t ex­ pect to hear my voice over a record, did you? I'm here at th<- Red Cro* Timber Wolves and 96th Join and a bunch of the fellows ar To Make Merry at Club No. 2 standing around all waiting their , turn to talk to the folks at home— | fellows from Texas. New York, and A “Night Club” night that WAS a night club night took just about every state in the Union. place last Saturday evening at Service Club 2, under joint We’re having a swell time. I feel auspices of the 96th and Timber Wolf Divisions, and featuring okeh now so don’t worry about me ' an array of fine talent the like of which has never been seen —-but you might write a littl ■ more often. We spend our afternoons since Camp Adair was born. and evenings here at the Red Cress 1 The unanimous and whole hearted thanks of the Adair- where we have games and pro­ men and their guests who saw the show have been heaped grams and movies twice a week. upon each and every member of the troupe ... from Pvt. Gee! I’m running out of talk—guess Bruce Sharritt, who arranged the show and emceed the affair, I’ll introduce you to some of my ; to Pvt. Gus Cerese, man-about-Club 2, who loaned his aid buddies. Here’s “Tex.” Say hello i to Mom, Tex. And hire’s Red— ’ in constructing and setting-up the stage at the club. he's from New York. Well, they For Sharritt, this show repre-1 ♦----------------------------------------------- asu making faces at me meaning 1 sented his last contribution to the i won the title as “European Master, •that the time's about up on this entertainment portion of life at of Equilibrium.” His stage equip­ side of the record. So turn it over this post, for he soon is to be dis­ ment and effects arrived this past and see what's cuttin’.” charged to civilian life. Hours of week and his appearance Saturday And so it goes — six minutes j long and headachy work and prepa­ night with new feats of balance worth — on Monday and Wednes­ ration went into Sharritt’s produc­ and coordination was fascinating. I day evenings when (he patients at tion. He has made a name for Deafening applause was his. the Station Hospital talk to their himself at Adair in the few brief Cute little darlings were the home folks on records provided by months he has been here, and his “Four Majorettes” from Eugene the Red Cross, together with con­ modest nature and publicity-shy­ . . . were adept at twirling their venient envelopes for mailing, A ness attest to his fine showman­ silver batons with precision and three-cent stamp will carry the i In Curry county, Oregon, where ship. won the audience to their hearts greeting: to their des and bombs from a Jap plane landed, Many Highlights the moment they appeared. . a lot of happy peoph e will gather 33 school children collected 160,- Highlighting the show was the Pvt. Jack Gates won deserved j 'round ■ the family phonograph to 000 pounds of scrap, averaging al­ new act. introduced by Cpl. Eddie applause with his vocal renditions hear Joe’s voice vol -o and foe] a little District Mgr. Phone 1142 Jacobsen, the muscular mail who of several songs and with his re­ nearer to him for a few moments. most 2’i tons each. 215 Monroe St., Corvallis, Ore. peat performance of his “Bathroom To see that nothing is recorded Scene.” Pvt. Les Baer, aside from of a military nature, a representa­ assisting Pvt. Sharritt with the tive from th- P->st Military Inti 1- master of ceremonies work, offered ligence officer is on h-i'. I n- or’- several vocal selections, and as a recording s<. ‘i m. Taboo subjects novelty singer, Cpl. Pete Wong ap­ are listed for the. group hef ire any peared and by popular demand re­ recordings ar<- made and a per i tr­ peated his Chinese version of eat record is kept inrludii g th' “When Irish Eyes Are Smiling’’ patient's name. h:s A.-’N, organ! a- WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS and a couple of other selections, tion and the name and a Idr s of • National Catholic Community Service ® YMCA • Salvation Army (pl. Nick Sansonia was at the the person to whom the record i • Jewish Welfare Board • YWCA • National Travelers Aid Association piano. sent. Sansonia Again But we’ll get to Cpl. Sansonia SALEM I MONMOUTH CORVALLIS right here and now, since he ap­ Timber Wolf Sicmaleers DATE 6»3 Chiun,-keta St. Fifth and Madison Sts. Jliwuy 99\V & Main St. peared in an entirely different type Give Out With Rc >■'. ~s 7:30 pm Stump Club Building open for your 2-5 Offivers-wh e« «lui». of role. For Nick turned to bur­ meet «■«mvenience - limited 6:00 ID:30 pm Informal 8:00 p. m. Informal The broad jniles that light« ■ I ui 4 actif »ties lesque pantomime for onb of the fncilities available Dancing. 7:00- Dance instruction. si iide-splitting numbers of the show. the area of the Timber Wolf Divi His cohorts-in-fun were Sharritt sion Signal Company last weil Building op. n for your 6:00-10:30 pm Informal 7:30 pm Small games < onx enience — limited mtivitles activities and Cpl. “Chuck” Healy, and by were caused ,y the following new facilities available 8:30 Informai dancing shere gesticulations enacted the promotion:; : I It) pm Canteen open well-known “Vampire” skit. Nicky 1 To 1st Lt. Robert G. M oor<> 8 11 Dance—Joint USD 1 11 :00 pm Informal Ac- 1 5 pm Registration for lloine Hospitality portrayed a fallen woman as only WilliJhi A. B lunk and Recreation Com 2 pin Sewing and mend­ To S »Sgt. 4 to 8 pm Register for niittee. ing. he could. What more could we Richard M. M >ri is sleeping cots 'I'o Sgt. URO Building open -— 8 11 p. in. Dance (Bull­ Limited facilities. say? James C. Smith. Harold E. St ever room ). Sgt. “Dink” Freeman added var­ and Leslie H Storey. iety to his impersonations by in­ Thoma W. Re: rd on 9 nm to noon Visit the To T/4 church of your choice troducing several new Hollywood •John A. Lehti arc i To Cpl. 9 am to 10:30 pm Can­ Dn tiding open frr your 1:00-11:00 — Informal film favorites as well as presenting Edward II. !- ehott, Jr. teen open Activities. com ••• ■ • • limited SUNDAY 3-5 pin Ballroom dancing a one-man skit demonstrating the facilities available M arrli 5:15-5:45 pm Musical Villads A. A rdf r en To T 5's pi ograiu types of men arriving at a foimal Eugene J. Be i-k, William F. ( ichy 8:30 pin Singfest party. Carl F. IJoarn, Robert G. Doig Pvt. Ray Allen impersonated the William M. 1 'ahey, Jack L. Sold- Building open for vour 6:00-10:30 pm Informal 30 pm. Small Games shy gal from the country with the < onvenience - limited activities activities. dry comedy for which he is known, facilities available . to the delight of the audience. He 1<) am to 2 pm War Mother« meeting ¡sang with the 382nd Infantry Band 6:00-10 130 pm Informal Building open for your 8 pin Dis«-UK*ion grown Activities. which rounded out the show with Jl-., John A. Melvin, Eugene J. < onv<»nieh< <- — limited 8 pm Contract Bridge 8 to 10 Enlisted me« Inforninl Activities facilities available and wives’ party instruction .several selections. Also assisting Milord. Franci R. Prewett. Wil­ 9 pin Singfest were Mrs. Healy. Mrs. Elsie Meyer, liam D. Reitmeier, Richard L. Siv- and Cpl. Healy, and the entire host­ its and oseph E. Wilkirg. Building open - Limited To Pfc.’s - Fobert F. Barker. ess personnel 'of both clubs co­ 6:00-10:30 pm Informal facilities. Wilfred Brown, Robert W. Chick, activities WEDNESDAT No cabaret night — will operated in this gala effort. Informal Activities continue next Wedt 8 pm Dancing. Marnh lo It is truly the express hope of Julian F. Coleman, Donald E. Duer­ as usual. the enlisted men at camp that more er, Leslie Fuchs, Moises R. Garcia. ' floor shows of this commendable Carlos Gonzales, Floyd F Gi'ffith. nature are forthcoming. They are Jr. Reagan Hanna. Ma J. Han­ SERVICES AVAILABLE Library. Showers, Snack Bar. Ping Pong, Reading Room, sincerely appreciated, and are well nah, Robert V. Hick-. Norman R Writing Room. Craft Materials, Photography, Pool Tables, Small Games, Dancing Classes, Counseling, Valet Room. Information Service, Checking Service, Comfortable worth the effort and amount of Johnston, Walter E. Jone , Richard I Lounges, Housing Information, Sleeping Accommodations, Distributions of Religious J. Kirby, Fred F. Levitan. Mi l s I n time involved. Articles. E. Lotz, Charles C. N'< al, Roddy N.I Of the imported foreign labor­ Scherdin, Cl) de II. Schindler r, 1 ers in Germany, 25 per cent are Thomas I ’. Sheridan, Marvin W L women, and they are forced to Simonson. Harvey L. Tippie, Le Work from 13 to 15 hours a day, Roy W. Towne and Herman C '•I many in unhealthy occupations. Wille. Open I hursday and Saturday Evenings for Your Convenience Wc Tailor Officers' Uniforms. . SEND YOUR PHOTOGRAPH Portland. Oregon 515 Photographers 520 State Street -------- Salem NON-COMS SOLDIERS WATCH THIS LIST AND CHECK ITEMS NEEDED Or better still come into either of our stores—at Albany or Salem— and go over the stocks with us. □ Ail Wool O. D. Shirts i ] Uniform Buttons □ Serge Pents (An □ Garrison Caps wood □ Shoulder Patches □ Money Belts W. Guy Parker usoCAMP AREA 4 uso HOSTESSES AT EACH CLUB EVERY EVENING USO-Your Home Away from Home □ Zipper Utility Kits □ Shoe Rags Chevrons for All Grades □ Web Belts, Brass Buckles □ Reg. Buckle Oxfords □ Officers' Slacks □ Sewing Kits □ 'T' i Shirtc la □ Souvenir Pillow Tops □ Slippers - Packed in Kit □ "Aunt Lydia's" Thread □ "Spiffy" Collar Stays (Pihk4Green> I. ! O. D. Laundry s (with Division Insignia) 1 Top Kick Chevrons □ Gun Cleaning Brushes Brass Wire | 30 and 45 Calibre J Glastic Dog Chains J O. D. Scarfs (ioo% wooi> Í ! O. D. Army Coveralls Soap Boxes □ O. D. Woo! Sweaters O. D. Cotton & Wool Sox (Wool, slecvelpss) i ! Shoe Brushes, Shoe Paste □ Leather Wallets □ Field Caps (100(\ Wool) Officers' Raincoats □ Military Jewelry ~ 1 Tooth Brushes (Prophylactic) □ Garrison Cap Rain Covers □ Stationery ' ] Whistles With Chain □ Copper Button Boards □ Army Woo! Sox ^Gray) [ I Compasses—Officers (Kits, folder or box.) “Your Dollar's Worth Always” TWO STORES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE 233 N. Commercial 206 W. Second St. SALEM ALBANY