Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, February 25,1943. i Hq., 921st, Hold To 96th League Firsts Handball Hounds In 'Ladder' Tournament Friday night’s lightweight bout in Madison Square Garden between Cleo Shans, veteran Los Angeles _____ <•------------------------- —----------- __ It had to happen sooner or later ♦ contender, and Johnny Greco of As a prelude to the Camp ■ .air night at either Field House (phone ROLL ’ER TO 7 As the sixth week of the 96th Di­ Canada, will be broadcast over singles and doubles handball tour- or Fire Station I (next-door Added sports news will be found vision's championship cage tourney by gently turning over—to Page 7 KWIL, Albany. Tutje to 1280 kilo­ tc Lorenz Court on 1st St. S. and F> namtnts’ to be conducted in late roared by, the three way first place (lucky number!). cycles at 7 p. m. Phone is 3131. Play will begin next tie up in the Kane League was April and May. a singles “ladder” Thursday and tournament will close broken when the high and mighty tournament will be launched next March 16. On March 15 and 16, five of the 2nd Bn., 381st Infantry players standing in the first four Thursday on the Lorenz Court. took a nose dive at the hands of rungs on the ladder will meet in When the ladder tourney is well the 1st Bn.. 382nd Infantry. This underway and player combinations pl; y-off matches for the champion­ leaves the 96th Division H.Q. Com- ship. prny and the 1st Bn., 382nd In­ arranged, a doubles tournament Soldier Hockey Star, To cl;mb the ladder. Chief Sherk Nothing Fussy About fantry still fighting it out for the will also be started. This was the said, a player may challenge an- CpI. Bob Smith, Was lead. : Second Guessing Fusselman; He Still announcement yesterday of Fire o'her player rated rot more than Tech. Sergeant Howard Berge, Great Gopher Lineman Chief A. L. Sherk, who has been two rungs above himself. Matches t. v guard of the 96th Division under A.A.U. rules. By T Sgt. E. A. Brown Adds; 79 Pts. Total playing the old Irish game for lo, Headquarters squad, earned hi* Corporal Robert A. Smith, ath­ The tournament is open to all T these 30-odd years, and is sort of keep in last Friday night's game letic director assigned to the 96th handball players—EM, officers cr when he led his spirited team mates the unanimously-appointed handball Division Special Service Section, Ten Bouts on Card at 'Wolves' Hit Stride The three New York baseball The high and mighty Lester L. civilians—on this Post. Al! play­ in a 36-24 triumph against the 321»t was recently added to the lineup clubs, which can quarrel over noth­ Fusselman of the 921st F.A. Bn. commissioner pre-tem in these ing dates will be cleared by phon- Engineers. Dispelling the old feel­ of an all service men ’ s hockey team Salem Armory March 5 ing at times, agree that they won’t still wears the coveted crown of the parts. With Passing Attack i ing 3131. Next Sentry will an- ing that big mon are slow men, which meets at the Portland Colis­ High-lights of tourney rules fol­ ; nounce entries and ratings; players let any of their players train by 96th Division ’ s basketball high Berge, who has to knock the snow • themselves in warmer climates eum every Sunday night. scorer with 79 points to his credit low: I of proved past performance will be off his nose every morning, ran To sports adicts, Bob Smith will Two 96th Div. boxing teams will after the northern camps open . . . in six weeks of competition, Fus- With identical, “believe it or Enter by Monday 1 seeded to start, others to be placed long-legged circles around the En­ not” scores, the Timber Wolf bas­ be remembered as one of the Uni­ help the American Legion Capital “You know a ball I player's idea of selman has been in the le^d ever Entries must be filed by Monday by lot. gineer* until the competition looked ketball team clipped the 96th Divi­ versity of Minnesota’s outstanding Post No. 9, of Salem, put across training,” snorts Secretary Eddie -(nee the round robin series opened like that they had dropped their I linemen during the 1940 and 1941 the first of a series of scheduled Brannick of the Giants. “They up and it looks like he’s going to be picks anil shovels. I ven though his sion in their “big game” at Field football seasons when the Gophers boxing shows, in the Salem arm- i work out a few i minutes then go us permanent as Gibraltar. House, in a prelim, the Div. Hdq. defensive position in past games were national collegiate champions. ory March 5 and also assist the play a round of ; golf.’’ . . . We’re Master Sergeant Burdette Owen has prevented him from taking a | outfit outbattled the 921st FA team He is 23 years old and parks his day room fund of the Post by doing going to urge them all to do some ' of the 96th Division Headquarters primary place in the lime light of of the 96th. | road work before they report," adds Company was right behind him at The score* — 58-38 — tor both 2J0 pounds at 96th Division Head­ so. the high scorers, Berge managed to quarters Company. He intends to I A 10-bout card is planned, rang- games! One would suspect collu- Ed Barrow of the Yanks. “We al­ the close of the week's hostilities get around the net throughout the go back to school when the war is ! ¡ng all the way from bantam to ways do.” ... The Dodgers’ Branch with 56 points while his team mate. setup ami knocked off first place 1 1 ion, had the action not been so I . „ and including a . Rickey says he’d like to get five or Corporal Norman Weiner, boasted i fast, furious and the scoring *o over and complete his senior year heavyweight with 9 points. in busine** administrâtion. | "grudge” battle between one ' six players together for prelimi­ 48 points to put him right ahead of In the Easley League, the M.P. well diversified. “Lackamu” a 98-pounder and a nary work about March 1 so he the 921st’s J. Lots of girls. Music by TOPHATTERS. asley who pulled up It was a fitting and climactic Platoon, despite the loss of big Bill Today’s Guest Star party called “Lipsey,” who scales could be sure how their condition­ in fourth place with 47. Donnie G. Salem's Leading Dance Band Boeder who was laid up with a duo of melees, marked by presence Hal Wood, Twin Falls (Idaho) 280. This ought to bring back the 1 ing is coming along. VanDervort, also of the 921st, has sprained ankle, subbed Sevier, who of both the artillery bands of the If the war keeps up flea und the elephant story. the I dropped down to fifth with 46 Salem Armory—Adm. 50c—Every Saturday, 9 P. M. heretofore has starred at forward, 96th and the Timber Wolf divi­ Times-News: "I" — o — points. Sponsored by Capital Post No, 9, American Legion in the center position and made a sions, plus and a lusty, roaring and the feminine side takes over I Fighters will represent Babe Ruth ’ s idea that northern fourth rally to eke out 27 points crowd of rooter* for both divisions. sports reporting, the boys who make 381st Inf. team, which SSO Lt., training will “ruin” players and the all-star team will be the one* against the 15 of the 1st Bn., 381st Among fans who perhaps helped who have the prettiest curls, the Robert Burrett says is going great that the pitchers will only be good Infantry. Results of the other put the Timber Wolves over the best color combinations on their guns and a team of the 383rd Inf., for a few innings at the start games: IM THE top was Major General Gilbert R. suits — and who look like good with Lt. Edward McCloy, SSO, in brought a series of snorts along the ITS CAMELS FOR Kane League- H.Q. Co. 96th Div., Cook and his daughter, Ce Ce, who jitterbugs." tow. baseball beat ... “What did he ever | ARMY BOMBER 28, 361st F.A. Bn., 18; 2nd Bn„ have been ardent rooters for the I know about training?” was the ME-THEYVE GOT 381st Inf., 32, 3rd Bn., 382nd Inf., squad all season long and Brigadier I general reaction . . . And you gotta SQUADRONS 26; 1st Bn. 382nd Inf., 35, .161st General Bryant E. Moore. WHAT IT TAKES ! admit the Babe never took his F.A. Bn., 18. Div. Hdq. Smoothies spring work too seriously ... Dixie Easley Iaugue 796th Ord. Co., In the preliminary game the Walker, for one, figures that play­ 30, 1st Bn. 381»t Inf., 24; 921st F.A. "LAYING THE EGGS Div. Hdq. squad of the Timber ers who live in the North all winter Bn., 44; 9. 96th Div. worthy of historical attention, also.! House. Final league standings: FRAGER'S Ist Bn., 383rd Inf if the phenomena does not destroy ! 2nd Bn., 38 Ist Inf wes \ the recording instruments. 96th Signal Co. ROY ' To West Point ii.l Bn.. MM Inf. Besides inspecting Bear Moun­ VENETIAN 2nd Bn.. 383rd Inf tain the party will look over the ALBANY Mist F A. Bn. field house at West Point, five Gabby* Hayes Ea*lgy League « miles away. It is here the Dodgers Mlg| FA Bn Now Playing J*-— probably will do most of their M P Platoon //' -FLYING FORTRESS’ training, if the explorers find what 2nd Bn., 382nd Inf The Avengers" KU II V KI» I.KI 1 N I they expect to find on the ground 3rd Bn.. 381*1 Inf C »KIA LEHM \NN With Ralph Richardtutn at Bear Mountain. 796 t h Ord. Co. We are doing our level Arrangements have been made Ist Bn.. 3M3rd Inf. Coming Sunday Starts Sunday for the Dodgers to use the baseball 321at Med. Bn best to carry on as near­ -CROSSROADS” cage in the Army’s field house for ly to normal service — W ai POW IT I and three hours on any day when con­ Hint I.AMARR ditions are not suitable for practic­ both in stocks and in in- ing outdoors at Bear Mountain. — o — dividual help to shoppers < »uval i.iw1»tarar rm* in« Wonder if Ford Frick's effort to —as it is humanly pos­ < OK\ O LIS get the Phils back on their feet First Baptist Church will be as successful as his first big sible under present con- Th itrsdayt-Friday—Saturday GRANADA Albany ... Fifth and Lyon job as National League president ALBANY Feb. 2.1-28 ditions. ... Baek in 1935, if you remember. I Frick stopped into John Heydler ’ s I First ILiplist Church Now Playing shoes just in time to deal with a ' ’orvalli«, Ninth and Monroe P. M. HK.HW AYS IB NK.HT similar situation at Boston ... He j March 2-8 KH II »RD CARI SON (or the National League» wasn’t so gentle that time as yesterday's Each Address illustratisi with dealings with Gerry Nugent . . . I large colored charts. Munday Gerry, at least, got some money- " ednesday Dr. Rot I.. Brown Speaker out of it. but all Judge Emil Fuchs Friday got when they took the Braves Saturday DONT FORGET YOU ARE away from him »i< the bounce... | WELCOME t participate in Start* Sunday But the Braves kept solvent and , SKATEWAY all the activities vf the two churches. then moved out of last place, which I FALCON'S BROTHER” Roller Rink was all the league required .. . All GEORGE SANDERS SERVICE MENS < ENTERS we can say for the Phils’ buyers is 7th X Montgomery also in ALBANY A CORVALLIS •.hat they must have as much cour­ Albany, Oregon Coming Sunday—3 Day* Make it your home when in M AN W HO ( IMS age as money—and our understand, l.'sn Relax Write letters 'Journey for Margaret" TO DINNER” mg is that they had to show ■ g sxl Mid * illaiaettr Valiev'* UMS TvMPlt, Always something to eat ROBERT VOL NG and Top-F light Roller Kiah MONTE WiMtU-EY bankroll for expense* beside« LARAINB DAY price of the club’s stock. Timber Wolves Defeat 96th in ‘Big Games9 Division Pugilists Battle lor Legion Identical Scores Both Games, 58-38 : DANCE - Decide Timber Wolf Cage League Champs LET’S DANCE at AND PACKED Al Benning's Look Over FRAGER’S Stock ci Home Furnishings You are invited to shop through our three IÌ floors of furnishings to convince yourself that is the place you are looking for when in need of furniture -- for a whole home ROGERS WHITESIDE or for one occasional piece. SOLDIERS BIBLE CONFERENCE Floor Coverings Available LOifJW ROLLER SKATING You may assure yourself that our service in this department is much above the average i : store. : Our Prices Will Leave Some for WAR BONDS i