7*age Eight 'Rajah' the Hornsby Hits at Club Owners Trim Tumblers 4. V iwirnirri 1 m I ìmbìbm Soys Now Is Not Time To Eye Dollar Sign Pfc. Bob Kuskautf, Editor Rogers Hornsby, general manag- er of the Fort Woith Cats and vet- eran of many illustrious battles along ba­ «■ball's rugged trail, says it's time '• r the Texas league to off the dollar sign take its e Executive i of the league, A-l minor ii> r:’*'' » 1 .. 1 ! i 1 1 23 to 27, point in nine gnm< s. Lew Beck plus h trip to M os <(» a , Idaho, to of Oregon Stati und Bill Morris of meet the tail-eider:. Two other games with Idaho are at Pullman. I Oregon, in third spot, ha won more games than the other teams and bus three of it - remaiiiing four EG games nt Eugene. Wn hington 49 must meet Idaho nt Mo'cow thi 40 week mid Oregon Slate at Seattle 43 to wind things up. 45 The northern division individual 37 scoring race hn develop d , to u dizzy race. Flipping End Quinn of the tail-enilei■■• Idaho, ha- set the scoring puce . ee the imon 337th Q.M.'s Break Tie in opened and now ha. u t< • il . f Ils Post Complement League The two top teams in the Post .. mi I and IX Corps basket- tall h ague are in a race a* tight as a fat lady's girdle. The 337th t* M five has negotiated the entile season thus fur without a defeat to m .r its iiri ial. The eln sy SCU Q.M quint is pressing close on the leader's heels having lost only one i game • ■ fur. With the season fast . oniing to u dose the smart money Im- it that the league title will end in n lie when the two leaders meet again. League Standings on Lost II 0 I 11 D 3 5 « 6 6 « ' (’> 8 7 4 ♦> ß •> 5 3 8 .273 342!» Ord. 1 35(15 Auto Main. 2 « .250 o 7 222 SCU M. P. 0 3 .0(81 '3414 Ord. . .. . ' Lot- of girls. Munie by TOI’H.VI LLUS. Salem’s Leading Dance Band Salem \rmory—Adm. 50c- Every Saturday, ’> P. M. Spousoied by Capital Post No. 9, American l.e inn WHITESIDE rt itllÌM I'll ltrs. - Fri. • Sat UFFE of 1 D FROLIC! Thtirs.. I ri.. Sat. d It Scientists in India who worked m th< problem of warm clothing or the grow mg Indian army dis ova ted a process of treating cot­ on cloth with the seeds of two ■ntae tries, and have produced a inished prodm t that is warm, soft SOLDIERS BIBLE CONFERENCE me >31 tn ROLLER SKATING Ihiptist Church SL'CMS TWI the RANGIL fc(Ö*T ... Fifth and Lyo Feb.23-28 s OO First and M «CAMFOM Dr. Hot I ANDY CLYDE Jay Kirby < > N Mi<|-H iHamrttr Valiev** lop Might Koller Kink V ; I EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Enjoy the Smooth. Modern Stylings of Al Benning's .th Montgomery Alim tv, Oregon tl i Joe Di Maggio reported for in- duetto: into the V. S Army yes- terdav expecting to become a »50 a-: tenth private before night­ fall. 2 Mi N of Alba’ s on Hwy. 39 SKATEWAY Roller Rink V J Joe DiMagqio Reports For Army Induction at TUMBLE INN Monday V edn< -day Friday Saturday tiro n Speak»' Rolling along like a runaway i locomotive the 96th Division’s round robin basketball tourney gained momentum this past week in a cries of hot and heavy tussles Timber Wolf Basketball at the Field House. (■ames. Standings, Page 7 From the looks of the score liook it is obvious that there will be ome excellent games in the offing Service Fives Romping luring the next few weeks. Thus Over College Teams 'ar, both the Kane and Easley | leagues are tied for first place and The Serviceman’s basketball 1 the .only way to break the deadlock teams are wreaking as much havoc I is by a series of elimination games. among collegiate foes as did their However, the leaders on all fronts gridiron brethren in the first half are far from completing their of the football season- Reports schedules and anything is liable to from various sections of the coun­ happen before that time does ar- try indicate that there are about 10 different military outfits that As a harbinger of things to come rate with or above the best college the outstanding game of the past teams. Ineluded in the listing are the week featured the severe 39-21 trouncing that the 3rd Bn. of the Noifolk Navai Training Station, 383rd Inf. inflicted upon a larger Great Lakes, 36th Armored Regi­ but slower team • representing the ment, Camp Grant, 111., Aberdeen 96th Signal company. Following Proving Grounds, Corpus Christi till- old adage of the bigger they (Tex.) Naval Air Station, St. come, the harder they fall, the Mary’s (Calif.), Nava] Pre-Flight, mighty mites opened the game with Newport (R.I.), Naval Training a tremendous burst of speed and .Station, Camp Edwards (Mass.) kept up the pace throughout the and Manhattan Beach Coast Guard. The Norfolk bunch seems to be entire game. Signal company picked up the the best. Led by Red Holzman, the pace in the second quarter and former <]ity College star, they dropped a number of field goals rushed through their first 20 games to score seven points to the Infan­ against the stiffest sort of opposi­ try’s four but dropped down again tion without coming close to de­ in the second half. From then on, feat. Observers who have watched the it was speed exclusively and the 383rd had a monopoly on the mar- Norfolk outfit in action say it might possibly be the very best in ket. all the land. Their most outstand­ Leading the hot shots was Gil- ing performance was a complete more of the 383rd who outpassed route of the powerful Georgetown both his team mates and his oppo­ team. The Hoyas, rated highly in nents by chalking up 14 points. In the East, were unbeaten when they all probability he would have piled faced the Norfolks .... had not up even more had he not been taken even been pressed by any of their out in the middle of the last quar­ Southern and Eastern foes. But ter when the referee called his the Sailors romped to a shocking­ fourth foul. ly one-sided, 15 point triumph. Results of the weeti's games are You can start an argument in as follows: any military reservation if you Easley League attempt to rate any of these clubs. 921st F A Bn. 49, 796th • )rd. But we'll risk having the MP’s and Co. 22. SB’s called to say that the Great 3rd Bn. 381st Inf. 35, 1st I Bn.. Lakes team seems to be the second 383rd Inf. 26. best among the boys in the Service. M. P. Platoon 55, 362nd F. A. It has met defeat now and then, Bn. 16. but it boasts defeats over Creigh­ Kane League i ton, which had been unbeaten, and 361 st F A. Bn. 25. 3rd Bn. 382nd Stanford, which was ’42’s national Inf. 20. champion. 2nd Bn., 383rd Inf. 34. 363rd The Great Lakes outfit, which is F. A. Bn. 19. loaded with stars from the Big Ten 3rd Bn., 383rd Inf. 39, 96th Sig­ teams and other outstanding court nal Co. 21. • leaders, started out the season with And here are the league stand­ an all-star five, led by Bob Davies, ings: former Seton Hall sensation. Every lad on the team was a crack shot, Lost they were good pals, and yet they 0 F. A. Bu. Jacked smoothness because each 0 Platoon hail been drilled for three years in 0 college to take command of the 1 2 hall, and do the playmaking. After a couple of few-points set backs, 3 the duh was shuffled and now the 3 training station has three complete teams which shuttle back and forth 5 o during a game anil run you ragged. 3 o The “all-star” five now is the sec­ o 1 ond team. i 1 The St. Mary's Pre-flighters 1 i must be rated right behind Great .> 1 o 2 Lakes. It is led by Hank I.uisetti. former Stanford stalwart, who is considered by many to be the great­ SGT. COMMI MH I» est basketball player of our time. The Moraga Marauders have Official recognition of Sgt. i whipped most of the best on the Paul F C Vaka’s work in con­ 1 West Coast - — a fast league, you nection with the Timber Wolf : know. Division Army Orientation The 36th Armored Regiment [ course broadcast has been made seems to be the best of the Army. in a commendation by Major General G. R Cook, The com- ; It bogged down a bit after a bril- mendation cited the sergeant’s ' liant start, but it suddenly acquired presentation of "The Battle of I John Garfinkel, (former St. John’s star) from the Bowman Field the Atlantic" as outstanding. ' Bombers and John Toomey from I the Fort Knox post. (AAU All- I American), and has been going great guns since LET S DANCE I’. M. eh Add BOYD RUSKAUF KAYO’ED Pfc. Bob Ruskauf. sports edi­ tor of Ye Sentry, over matched himself last week and is rele- gated to the sidelines by the team physician. So if in this issue you find the basketballers playing football and the hand­ ballers playing black-jack, blame it all on Kid Measles. His sneak punch to Ruskauf makes this page a trifle spotty. Hq. Co. Five Leads in Round Robin Tourney Mur) Spark< ( op) and 1 city lidie ol the 1 ,os Angeles Athlcti»’ club rebeurse a dificult U) mi uEtic stunt in preparation for dui» compdilion. Their acrobati< h require both grace and physical I ouk I iik Four Quintets Still In Race for Crown '’’MOPP' UtKbKLS Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, February IS. 1943. 10-Piece ORCHESTRA I featuring DOROTHY EVANS I The routine physical examina­ tion began shortly before 8 a. m. The «ath of induction, provided the examination is passed, will follow later and the New York Yankees' •43 750-a-y.ar star would be in the lineup of another Yankee team for the duration. Schoolboy Rowe Returns To Minor Leagues Again Pitcher Lynwood (Schoolboy) Rowe and Catcher Homer (Dixie) Howell have been sold to the Mon- treat Royals of the International league in a straight cash trans- action, the Brooklyn Dodgers an­ nounced Monday. Bought originally from the De­ troit Tigers, Rowe was optioned to the Royals last August. Howell also was on the option with the Royals last season. Washington State continues to lead northern division basketball with only three defeats as yet, one fewer than Washington has, but don’t bank on it too much. The Cougars have seven left to Wash­ ington’s six, four of ’em on the dreaded four-gaines-in-five nights Willamette valley trip. Worst, their sparky captain Owen Hunt TERRIBLE TERRY goes immediately to the army. PHIL MANAGER? With Oregon and Oregon State I Sports fans in the Quaker rapidly putting each other out in t city Monday looked forward tc their throat-cutting series, Wash- Bill Terry a« temporary presi­ ington chances loom as be? r. T -e de:.t of the Phils, as a syndi- ♦ ; ■ i Oregon schools have now li ' ate’s offer to buy the National tach. Oregon having fo-.r? mcr o play (three at home, one at Cur-- league team seemed to have hit a snag. vallis) and Oregon State six (three Terry has been reported to at home, three on road). Washing­ ton with six left has thus far lost be willing to assume charge of only feur. and after the recent Ida­ the Phils’ business affairs, and ho '■ ries the final four all come in the event that he is given on her own floor. executive powers, it is predict­ ed that he will appoint Frank The main chance to haul down the Huskies is for Idaho to rally and ; I (Pancho) Snyder, former big league catcher, as manager. take a game. It could happen, at that, if B ib Ryan helps by having I a big basket-hitting night, for the SCU team their first defeat, Freddy Quinn, the league’s leading i Previously the SCU’s had won It scorer, is always apt to break loose. straight games. In fact, Washington defense would i 1 Pvt.’s Torgerson, Sid Rosen, seem to be made to order for him. Charlie Johnson, John Steer, Larry Ford, not defensively brilliant, Belka and Sgt. Hank Di Benedic- would never stop Quinn. If the job tus who comprise the sturdy Ser­ is put up to Chuck Giimur, who vice Command hoopsters, are out gets it done only at cost’of many ' for revenge. Teamk next on sched­ fouls, he’s almost sure to foul out. ule—look out! QM Hoopsters Lose Heartbreaker, 36-34 The QM SOU 1911 basketball team bowed to the 337th QM Depot Co. 36-34 in a hard, fast game last week. The 337th hoopst'ers, league champs, had the honor of handing CAMELS ARE EASY ON MY THROAT—AND SWELL TO TASTE THEY SUIT ME THE T-ZONE-where cigarettes are judged The "T-ZONC"—Teste and Throat— is the proving ground for cigarettes. Only your taste and throat can decide which ciga­ rette tastes best to you . . . and how it > effects your throat. Based on the experi­ ence of millions of smokers, we believe Camels will suit your "T-ZONE In New York state, navy engi­ neers have authoirzed erection of 2,500,000 square feet of roof dock bqilt of pure gypsum in order to save metal and lumber, scarce strategic materials. Tongued and grooved flooring board of gypsum has also been developed, saving wood. SAYS ACL TEST PILOT