WW T ’V’*' ■0«4»' 4*44« t Camp Adair Sentry r i ♦ i i Thursday. February 18,1948. Page Se refi down the long, enclosed corridors Time or place are of no conse­ drinks. (Whassamattah? GI coffee PASSING Tin: BICKS and located building 312 . . , the quence to the Duke ... If a song ain't good enough for you, any­ Red Cross project in the hospital pops into his head while he is on way?) The sports situation in North area. Boy, it was worth getting a train, at dinner, or playing golf, 25 When visiting, never over­ sick in order to have a day room Africa is becoming almost as it goes down on paper right then sig- your welcome. The third cup BY SGT. R. C. JOHNSON involved as the political en ­ and lounge and other rooms like and th«r«‘ . . . His arrangements, of coffee is usually the signal to these in which to pass recoupera- tanglements which now confront ■ to quote a well Worn phrase, art“ leav,. (When he kicks you in the the allies. It was one of those mornings l tory hours! In the dayroom he on the beam, and are regarded by fanny, it’s a sure bet.) Recently two teams of French that many have experienced. Joe IS THERE A STEVE BRODIE found current issues of "Life” and ALL musicians as masterpieces. 26. Don’t bring a dog into the soldiers played a basketball [Rookie awoke feeling as if his IN THE HOUSE? “Time” which he read leisurely, A real lover of music knows no house. (Even if she has a build game for the benefit of wounded tongue had borne the brunt of a Here’s one for the books . . . and from the rangey library sel­ [ bounds . . . Swing, sweet, concert, Nazi retreat from Stalingrad, provided someone accepts the ect« d one of the latest “Book-of- American soldiet s hospitalized i or what have you ... a person who like Mae West.) 27. Don’t kill snakes and birds. monev in the area. When the [headache gremlins were pounding challenge! And if anyone does, the-Month” selections which he de­ likes music for the sake of the hi« forehead With mallets and picks, we want to be the first to know cided to take back to his ward to was turned over to the U. S. music likes it all. and that is one S< me Arabs believe that the souls and he felt generally like the per­ about it . . . because each and read that night. Then there were troops it was found that they of th«1 big reasons why, when Duke of departed chieftains dwell in sonification of Dante’s “Inferno.” every man in Public Relations cards and games, radios and phono- j had everything they wanted so finished a concert at Carnegie Hall them. (The Sentry believes this But he dragged his ill-feeling body left it to “the better man than graphs and over in the auditorium, the Yanks used the money to (Y’es, I said Carnegie Hull) a few is strictly for the birds.) 28. Don’t express any race pre­ out of the blankets, dressed, and I am Gunga Din” ... so. Pvt. pianos and ping pong. What a buy several cases of cigar«'t tes weeks back, he was presented with [stood reveille! Then, pi r schedule, Din, come out, come out. wher­ grand set-up! Everything was there which they turned over to a testimonial plaque signed by judice. (Never, never, say—“You wounded French soldiers. stink.”) ever you are! he reported on sick call. everybody from Benny Goodman to make one's hospital days enjoy­ It seems that the QM.« are able “It’s the hospital for you,” the able. to Kost. lanetz . . . They all respect withdrew to the main base, bar­ his achievements and his knowl- Dogs of War dispensary doctor asserted after a to boast a fellow by the name But after an hour or so, his ' edge of music . . . That goes double brief but conclusive check-up. Pret­ of Stanley Tykowski who has strength waned and he decided he’d racks 465. A brilliant rear guard delaying in spades for his men. . . . He Arrive at Post ty bad fever . . . temperature 102.4 boldly challenged any and all better wander back to his ward and . . Hmmmmmm! Go back to your in Camp Adair to match what he rest for a while. Before he knew action was fought by those old- [ has not had a man leave his band (Continued From Page 1) barracks and pick up your gas thinks is an eating record ... 15 it, he hail fallen asleep and heard timers Sgts. Reynolds. Kenngott , for about ten years ... It is the vital camp installations. They (yes, we said fifteen) hamburg ­ mask, toilet articles and writing nothing until he was nudged for and Geirman and Corporal Molloy. same “ork” year after year, ami trained to work either alone or Outstanding in the raid was PFC [that is one of the big contributing equipment . . . and report back ers at one sitting. (We do not supper. After eating he waded with a “team" in carrying ou their know it they were “with" or Johnson. Johnson is a very rug- factors in his success story . . . here as soon as possible.” into the book and by “Lights Out I duties of assisting the Camp “without".) 1 ged man in combat ami has more He is a prince of a fellow, and In a bewildered daze, Joe obeyed He thinks such a feat signifies Time” had gotten well into the plot. fire-power than any man in the one of the easiest persons in the guards. If the soldier sentry is on blindly and in 20 minutes reported a gargantuan appetite ... so That night he slept soundly . . . office. He was heard laying down music game to get along with . . . the job at all times and does his back as ordered. In half hour or those who can go him one bet­ and was more or less reluctant to many of his deadly barrages and There are some awful stuffed duty according to regulations, ,it so, he and a half-dozen other half- ter get in touch with Sgt. Jacob­ awaken periodically to take his he personally “knocked out” at shirts in the game, but not him . . . has proven that the dogs will as­ alives had been rounded up and son in QM (SCU 1911) and ar­ medicine . . . until he realized it sume the same responsible conduct. least a dozen TANK-ards. His son, Mercer, is trying his best By the same token, if the sentry were dispatched to the Station ‘ rangements for the contest will was for his own good. Next morning nil agreed that Ito follow in the old man's footsteps, [Hospital via the ambulance. Ultim­ be made. Each day saw marked improve­ the maneuvers were a complete and from all reports, he is doing a is slothful and careless, his con­ ately. after proceeding through the duct will be emulated by.the beast. I ment. His strength had come back success. , fine job of it. regular channels of questions and Now that each dog has his initial to stay and be knew he would be Pvt. Trimingham was held in I “Down Beat” miigazine an­ basic training behind him, his fu­ answers and informational data, ward attendant what was his ail­ released in a few days . . . when ment. suspicion a few hours lust week nounced in its latest edition that ture work here at Camp Adair will Joe was taken to his ward. his physical condition had con­ ' The high bed . . . the cool, clean “Nasal pharan . . thump . . yump” vinced the d«K-tor that he was real­ when he committed what was [ the Duke bad again won the honors develop him into a highly-skilled he was informed in a matter of fact thought to be a pro-axis act. It ■ as the top swing band in th«- na­ sheets and the sanitary scent of sort of way. And for this malady ly recovered and ready to return turned out to be a ease of the GER­ tion . . . this is about th«1 skeeli- •sentry. But at the present stage, the ward . . . the crisp white of the dog through mishandling, can to “ active duty. ” he was given “Sulfathia . . nyah MAN measles. "Trim" is doing teenth time he has won it. and it is b«> made as useless as a housepet. the nurses and attendants . . . all . . nyah.” Then, too, his resistance And each «lay he returned to the nicely and will soon be back on about time they made it permanent tended to relax and comfort ^im. Authority in handling the dogs, was low. Well! At least that was mecca he had discovered. He man­ duty. ... It is a fitting honor to one therefore, is vested in the kennel [Certainly it couldn’t take long to something and he was happy that aged to read a book a day as well of the nation ’ s top musicians . . . get well in an environment like Private Eugene Urrere-Pon, Hou­ masters, who feed and care for he was not being kept in the dark! as the current newspapers and dini of the Finance Office, who on second thought 1 think I’ll pro­ them. Thus, divided authority can­ this! In due course he was given A couple more days brought periodicals, ami to play cards with disappears like a “transparent mote him to staff .... pills, his pulse, temperature and not harm the effectiveness of the marked improvement. The old tem- fellow-soldiers who were also near deep-sea eel,” is gone again. He respiration checked, and he fell dog's duty. recovery. Then, two nights a week, left last Saturday on furlough to off into a much needed doze. Major Riordan contends that there were free movies for the pa­ San Francisco. The Impatient Patient Soon it was lunchtime, but he these “Dogs of War” are “as much tients in the auditorium where Joe Corporal Noble Cates, "the man j How to Make Friends wasn’t hungry and ate sparingly. Greetings sir, from me to you, n part of the Army as the sol­ Periodically during the afternoon And members of your small sized saw first-run films that he had who slept next to Short," left Post i And Influence People dier, WAAC or tank.” Personnel missed at the theatres in his divi­ Finance last Saturday. Cates, a crew. his temperature was checked, re­ records for .each animal will be man of action, hail been trying for corded, and pills were absorbed I hope that we will be back soon sion area. kept giving status, behavior and (Continued From Page 1) Came the “Great Day” when he three months to get into a combat decorum, and like the American into his system. Supertime came With our friends in the third pla­ was discharged. So, he retraced outfit. Finally he has made it. better loin how dcy speak out soldier, each dog will wear an iden­ ... still no hunger . . . and more toon. tification tag. drowsiness . . . and snatches of The food is good and we’re O.K. the routine he had followed when He was transferred to the Finance heah.) 13. On meeting an Arab, always sleep. But he was beginning to feel We lie around and sleep all day. he was admitted, and when he Section, 78th Division, Butner, finally stepped from the dispen­ North Carolina. Upon having inquire after his health. ("Howrya- slightly better, anil silently thanked Everything is lovely here, sary area, it was like beginning a Cates asked me to tell everyone Mac,” or “How-are-they-hangin’,” Here Are Results of his lucky stars that there was a dammit we still get no beer, new phase. that he didn't see, "So long, Love is not enough.) Timber Wolf Games “refuge” such as this where ailing nurse up here treats us just With a repaired body and rested and Smudgies. soldiers could come to be “re­ 14. Take sweets or cigarettes fine, • Finance Section SCU, represent­ RESULTS I.EAGue games mind he was ready to return to his paired.” But you can have my part for job of learning to be a soldier with ing HQ. Co. in the IX-SCU Basket­ with you when visiting. (A pint [ (Listed in order played on Field Night seemed endless, mostly be­ of Four Roses will work, too.) thine. renewed vigor and enthusiasm. But ball league, lost the only game cause of his cat-napping during the 15. Above all, use common sense. House courts.) She is fair I must admit. Div. Hq. 39, Snoopers 16. Half- often in the weeks ahead, he khew played lust week. 32-23 to the 337th Remember that every American day and when 6 a.m. rolled around, [ But I’m not jealous, one darned bit. he would recall his stay at the post QM. time, 19 nod 11. High scorer for he was more than ready to stay | soldier is an unofficial ambassador I If course I shouldn’t be complain­ hospital . . . and remember, with llq., Adams (13), Manion (12). awake for a while. That day passed I of good will. (You and Doug. Fair- ing, warmth, the doctors, nurses and Red Legs 45, Bees 11. Half-time, slowly, even though Joe managed [ banks, fella.) NOTES TO YOU 24 and 4. High scorer for Red to do a bit of rending and write | But I’d much rather be in training wardmen who took care of him and From Pvt. Pete DON ’ T Legs, Bluett (14). a couple of letters. . ..11 more pills | Than lying around this doggone pointed the way to recovery. Then, place 16. Never talk to Moslem women. too, he would remember the pleas­ Pvt. Pete steps out of rank t<5- Gulls 61, Geysers 26. Half-time, of various shapes, sizes and flavors, 28 and 12. High scorer, CpI. N. the thermometer, pulse and respir­ I Just taking pills and feeding my ant surprise he received the first day, and presents three stripes to ' (HUH!) —Pvt. Lee Ross. time he discovered what the Red I DUKE ELLINGTON . . . 1913 is I 17. Never enter a mosque. (Y’ou Polidchak (16). ation check-ups. But he was com­ I face. Cross had done to make one pa­ the Duke's twentieth year in music, mosque not.) ing around and was feeling more Games scheduled: 18. Never loiter before a mosque. Tonight, 18(H) Mountainers vs. Gey­ like something animate. * [^perature was back where it be- tient’s hours more cheerful and and I am dedicating this little sers On this day, his curiosity got i longed and Joe was informed that worthwhile . . . and the pleasant column to him . . . the master of I (It's sacreligious.) i 19. Never discuss religion or the better of him and he asked the [ it he so desired, he was well enough hours that were always possible them all. 1900 Bees vs. Generals The Duke was born Edward Ken­ I women with an Arab. (That leaves , to leave the ward and visit the there. 2000 D. Hq. vs. Snoopers nedy Ellington in Washington, D.C.. | the weather. See how many times | day room and lounge and the PX. 2100 Falcons vs.Boneheads where his poppa was employed by I you can get them to say it's “un- Friday, 1900 Sigs vs. Storekeepers This was being treated royally! Frenzied Finance Watches — Jewelry the same fella you r working for HOW TO make friends- 2 col box | It was novel and pleasing. But 2000 Generals vs. Falcons by­ Musical Instruments ... He won an art scholarship to usual.” High-scorer gets a free [ still, Joe reflected, “I’d rather be Final will be held first week in Sgt. Fred Ashworth Guns — Suits — Luggage Pratt Institution when he wn- ix- box-cur ride to Florida—all ex­ March. | on the outside looking in.” teen, but when the Duke learned penses paid by the Sentry.) So after lunch, he meandered I a little more about “Le Piano Hot," 20. Never offer opinions on local TIMBER WOLF STANDINGS Last Wednesday night, Finance he kisstd the Institute goodbye Infantry League Section, SCU No. 1911, became the and started his climb to thi top .politic«. (Don't tell the local copper “FIGHTIN’ FINANCE.” The en­ rurgs of musical fame . . . Like you hate the mayor. Everyone's related to everyone else in small Mountaineers tire office participated in our first so many other musicians, the Duke towns. The mayor might be the Gulls became a really fla«hy dresser . . . father-in-law of the cop’s grass all-out mid-night maneuvers. Geysers Exactly one-half second after re­ Hence the name Duke . . . He built widow sister, by her first mar- Engineers his wardrobe to over 200 suits. He treat, all watches were syncronized. often wears as many as eight in riage.) Pill Rollers 21. Never eat with your left hand. ' Sgt. Barnhill and company of veter­ one day. Believe it or not . . . Be­ Artillery League Sales and Service an men guarded vital sector. Post fore we go any further, for the i even if you are a southpaw. The Redlegs Modern Shop — Best theatre number 4. Private Emer­ benefit of the uninitiate«!, Duke Moslems use their left hand only Born-heads ■ ....... Mechanics son and men kept vital sector. plays the piano . . . He isn't the best for calls of nature. (But sometimes Falcons Post theatre number 2 intact in the pianist in the business, but he isn't the right hand doesn’t know what Bees 311 N. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon face of heavy assaults by theatre­ the worst . . . He would rather the left is doing.) Generals Phone 43, 2nd & Jackson bound soldiers. Sgt. Halden and write and conduct than play, and 22. Never give Moslems food con­ Special Troops League Sgt. Fcynokls, in charge of sup­ tunes like “Sophisticated Lady.” taining pork in any form, (Thi- Hq. Co. plies and transportation, co-ordi­ “Solitude,” “Caravan.” and "I Let includes pork chops, too.) Snoopers nated all their activies in Albany. A Song Go Out Of My Heart” 23. Never cut bread with a kliife. j Storekeepers Sgt. Chich Hirsch ret out at an are proof that he knows what he Bread to the Moslems is holy. Sigs appointed time on an individual is doing . . . An estimate of how (There’s a scrap metal drive on.— Balls o’ Fire task-force. many songs he has written is a- Salvage your old socks promptly.) At the appointed hour all com- hard to git as a three day pass and 24. Don't offer them, or drink in ponente met at Price's Cafe, Ca«- you know what that means . . . their presence, any alcoholic Beginning Saturday. Southern Pacific Railroad ualties were treated by^medical of­ Company will oiterate one special train for service men CLASSIFIED ficer, Sgt. Louis Geirman, with Camp Adair to Portland, handling Portland passengers ADVERTISING what is known as “Elixir de Al- only, leaving Camp Adair 1:30 P.M. Three «••■nt« a word par inter! i«in bany. ” a remarkable medical di«- '» word« tn Hl»»».. < Round trip. $2.00 — good «ui special train only. »Kompiny ropy with ordffijr. covery. Tickets available at Main Bus Terminal and at Wells- After a few skirmishes, the pri- dale station. FOI< SALE mary objective. Moose Dance Hall, Oregon Motor Stages, for lack of equipment and was taken by storm, under the su­ 1934 DODGE SEDAN. Good inability to secure ade«|uate equipment cannot render perb leadership of Sgt. Reynolds. running condition, u lot of wear adequate transportation service to service men in Brilliant use of the pincher and Í left on tires, and economical t* Camp Adair, especially the Portland traftic, and we won rue encircling movements was employ­ AMERICAN LCAGUE BATTIO« operate. If interested contact earnestly solicit and urge all service men desiring to ed to bring all «ppoattion under TITLE (N 1941 ANO W2 2nd Lt William J. Kenyon, Jr., visit Portland over the week-ends avail them-elves of ANO WAG THE 9- BATTE«. control. After three hours of suc- ■4 Phone Camp Adair 3247 after the service to be rendered by the Southern I acific IN THE LEAGUE, TO c<--ful occupation, the main forces duty hours. HIT .*00/ Railroad Companv and endeavor to arrange for ’heir I Vignettes of Army Life SICK CALL Exchange Loan Office samples in window of Benton County Herald. Chas. C. Wilson, B*. 226, Corvallis. Postoffice, Corvallis. PRINTING, WE DO all kinds of printing plus excellent service. WANTED Benton County Herald, under Benton County State Bank, Cor­ TO BUY' A 1940 or 1941 used car. vallis, Contact Stone, c/o Post Ex­ change office, Camj Phone 2969. FEIBI.ING’S YELLOW saddle soap keeps all leathers soft, pliable TRAY El. OPPORTI’NITIES and good-looking. Be a credit to your outfit nt inspection. Sears ARMY WIFE WISHES to contact lady traveling by train to vicinity farm store, Albany. Phone 78. of New York around March 1. Willing to pay for help with 2 WILLAMETTE River Souvenirs small children on trip. Phone for mailing. Agates, moonstones, Albany 441-J. 526 West 11th, Jaspers, in red. green, brown Albany. and yellow. Petrified wood. See PROTECT YOUR CASH >r luriougn, or even while in camp, you will tind American Express Travelers Cheques always safe, always dependable. They are spendable everywhere, like cash. If lost or stolen, your money is refunded in full. No identification required. Issued in denominations of $ 10, $20, $ 5 0 a nd $ 100. Cost 7 5 c for each $ 100. Minimum cost 40c for $10 to $50. For sale at Banks, Railway Express offices, at principal railroad ticket offices and at many camps and bases. AMERICAN EXPRESS _ TRAVELERS CHEQUESt 1WV>V>\SW\V\\W,A\W.\\Y,NVAVAWAVIWAV. ! ¿ Per Roll of 8 Pictures Free Enlargement One-Day Service • • BERMAN'S DRUG STORE Opposite The Banks Corvallis, Oregon Corvallis MONEY TO LOAN Wilson Motors Important Notice To Service Men, Camp Adair CTAU>J IHJ SERVICE ted wll , ams passes or furloughs sufficiently in advance to make use of this s(»ecial train service. Your cooperation to this extent will enable Oregon Motor Stages to render more complete and greater frequency of service between Camp Adair, Alban}, Corvallis and Salem. For the return of service men to Camp Adair, Ulis siwci&l train will leave Portland on Sunda)-, at «.30 P. M. Shuttle busses will operate on Saturdays between hours of 12 Noon and 1:30 P.M. serving SP Railroad Depot. South-end shuttle bus will operate m reverse direction during these hours. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appre­ ciated. OREGON MOTOR STAGES t i * I « .■ ON THE; CARPET! German war correspondents “have been summoned from the front to receive new instructions from Propaganda Minister Jo»- < pn Goebbela," the British radio reported. The German news agency «aid that "Dr. Goebbels rave a sur­ vey of the military and politi­ cal situation to the reporters, who are to tme by the tnxvpa.” 3 /I — y- MJ SEWING MAC HINE NEEDLES, bobbin* and xhuttlr* for al] make*» of m.’i* hn < - Star Trading? C<*n- t* r. • 2nd St . aero** from 'S . .................... 7^1 I xlMli W ML * fit MQ? ‘MS INVEST toy. OF YOUP INCOME J/V WAP BONDS AND STAMPS! 2 & __ ■ Corvallis Has What You Need in Extra Clothing — Equipment —Officers’ Metal Insignia (AMP ADAIR PILLOW Till’S SERGE TRIM SERS SHOIT.DER PATCHES SLEEPING BAGS BLITZ MTS OF ALL KINDS CHEVRONS SHOE BRI SUES ZIPPER BAGS OV ERSEAS CAP GARRISON CAI’S O. D. SOX TIES G \RRISON HELTS O. D. WOOL SHIRTS SINTAN SHIRTS Many Other Hems ★ LES NEWMAN’S W here Buddies .Meet War Department Authorization A G-095 179 N. Commercial Street — Phone 5508 — Salem. Ore, Wilson Studio I.*15 S. 2nd LES NEWMAN'S in Salem ★ Reasonably Priced also Cameraw-Suppliew-Filmn r-i Service Men Get your Shoe Orders from Your Issuing Officer We Have the Shoes r ■ ■■ FINE PORTRAITS k NO/ HP« «7VWIN6 TO BE A NAHAL C - E«. ANO UKCS rr SO much K max j -o FLV'Nff XT) 9