Thar day, February Id, 1943. Late Change SOCIAL SWIRL By Adele Adair Time once trnii' ■■ > t the week’s social “doin’s” on our post. The usual i n <-f ti nee-, “Night Club” nights, bingo games, swing ; nd the like have centered about the two Si i ice < ' o <, ai I there have been weddings Of interest and the ,r.>. • -n ■■•it of engagements of officers and enlisted men stati ned here. This week, however, presents a different set-up sir ri ■ Club 2 has been closed while th- fl is are sanded and reflni-hi-d : ■ 1 all regular Service Club a< ■ ¡ties, therefore, will be hou d in ( 1 ib 1, with the Club 2 per . uhi I t- ing, until next Mon.ii . 1 ’ Club ■2 reopens “Junior Miss.” the ¡ond in the series of USO-Camp Shows ’ giti- mate theatre produilion-. dr the spotlight th- ■ co" 11.1' ' d.-i night. February 20, when it w :! he presented with an <.utst. . st i at the Field Hou ■■ Cui" ■ u up at 7:30 and from :idva ■ no­ tices, the play is something not to miss. BUI Fold Girl As we go to press, the per­ sonnel of Club 2 feels certain that the repair work on the ballroom will be completed by the end of the week in time for the regular Night Club night on Saturday, at which time a “Colonial Night” commemorat­ ing Washington’s Birthday i- planned. Dean Walker of Independence and Mrs, Arthur Rahn. Those pouri / were: Mrs. Gordon H. McCoy, wife of the Camp Adair Commander, Col. Gordon IL McCoy; Mrs. Rob­ ert S. Farrell, Jr., and Mrs. (',<•<,t"‘ White. Serving were: Mrs. Daniel Fry, Jr., Mrs. George II. Flap:', Mrs. Frank Spencer and Mrs. Ron­ ald Jones. Friday Night Dances: Just a note about last Friday night’s EM dances, the regular weekly highlight at both club Large crowds assembled at both clubs to partake of the merriment and fun. At Club 1, the intermis­ sion entertainment featured sev­ eral accordian selections by Pvt. Ray Cattaneo (competition to Cpl. Sansonia of Club 2, eh?), King by Pvt. Pat Maurino and chatter and songs by Sgt. Angelo Calabree < A group of entertainers featuring Cpl. Nick Sansonia ami his accord­ ian gave forth at Club 2. Tomorrow night, remember, only Club 1 will be holding a dance (due to the alterations at the other club). feel like singing (and there’s al­ ways something to sing about... it says here), come over and join in the fun. I Blessed Virgin Devotion. Tuesday. SQUARE DANCE LISTED If you’re a square dancer— can fling a mean foot to the quick tempo of the “Irish Wash­ Western Night Again: erwoman” or the “Virginia Another in the scries of “West­ Reel” or what have you ... or ern Nights” was witnessed last even if you’d like to join in as Sunday night at Club 1, featuring' a rank beginner .... come to variety in talent. Pfc.’s George Service Club 1 next Wednesday Belville, John Head and Clarence right. There will be 25 comely Sh> ■ ntertained, and Pvt. Foster co-eds from Oregon State Col­ and Si t. Ballard sang and danced. lege on hand ready to show you Pvt. Pat Maurino was on hand once the ropes. With Miss Betty moie (he een founded Keeps Score at Cluli 1. Pfc. I.en Green and Pvt. Mahon Tullis are the managers, and la t wek alone, sent entertain­ er-. to Albany, C orvallis, McMinn­ ville and Eugene. Those entertain­ in'/ included Cpl. Nick Sansonia, .in: r ; • ic-'ordianist; Pvt. Gene Hinkle, whistler; Pvt. Tullis, pian- i t; Pvt. James Horan, magician; Cpl. P<-t< r Wong, singer; Pvt. Bruce Sharritt, songs and patter; Pvt. Henry Schwerkalt, pianist; and Pvt. Tordy, violinist. 1830 Midweek Prayers. Wednesday, 1900 Blessed Sacrement Dev n ti o n, Thursday, 1830 Catholic Confessions, Saturday, 1600-1800 and 1930-2100 Catholic .Mass Daily, 1815 Chapel No. 11, I) & 5th St. North ♦Catholic Mass, 0800 and 1200 Protestant Service, 10»>0 for Div. and Sp. Troops Christian Science, 1100. also Wed. at 1900 Lutheran Service, 1900 Protestant Choir Rehearsal, Mun­ day and Wednesday, 2000 Holy Name Meeting every Thurs­ day, 1830 Novena Service every Thursday, 1900 Catholic Choir Rehearsal, Thurs­ day, 1915 Catholic Confessions, Saturday, 1900 I Christian Science Churches “Mind” will be the subject of the lesson-sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, February 21. The Golden Text will be, “The Lord of hosts hath sworn, saying. Surely as I have- thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand” (Isaiah 14:24). Among the citations which will comprise the lesson-sermon is the following from the Bible: “Sing unto the Lord; for he hath done excellent things; this is known in all the earth. Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion; for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee” (Isa. 12:J, 6). The lesson-sermon also includes the following correlative passages from the Christian Science text­ book, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary- Baker Eddy: “‘Thou shalt have no other gods before me.’ (Exodus xx.3). The First Commandment is my favorite text. It demonstrates Christian Science. It inculcates the tri-unity of God, Spirit. Mind; it signifies that man shall have no other spirit or mind but God, eter­ nal good, and that all men shall have one Mind” (p. 340). Night ( lull Night Terminating the week in a ral.t photo-finish were the two “Night Club” nights which la t. E .i irda Lewis-Ware Nuptials: followed the pattern in The wedding of Miss Carrie with Valentine's Day. Then1 was a of the Week Lewis, daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. “Valentine Dance” nt Club 1 - ■! Frank Moser of Dallas, and Sgt. l ovely? You can say that again! a “Sweetheart Dane ” nt Club " Eddy Ware, son of Mr. and Mrs. I; ■. meet Miss Mary Ward of Both clubs were jammed to the Ed Ware of Hollandale, Miss., and Janet Blair, film lovely, has been N' i ■. York City. She’s the newest rafters, again, and the n ervation at present stationed at this post, setting some sort of a record for '• ■ in the SENTRY’« “Billfold were exhausted long before th al' wu solemnized la t Thursday night guest appearances on Bing Crosby's fair came into being. Pallet t. 1 11 "I llie Week Contest” anil as Married ill Independence: at 8:30 at the home of Dr. and NBC program. Wiseacres are say­ we are concerned Mary Club 2 danced tn the in! , I ■ ■ h 1 ' One of the prettiest anil most I : M i . Kenneth Waters, EaHt Nob ing she may become a permanent right up among the leaders. incidental entertainment off< i' ,| hi fixture on the Crooner’s “Music 5li s Ward is the particular popular girls on the post, Miss 1 i Hill, Salem. Cpl. Nick Sunaonia. man-nboiit The Rev. Edward Allen, pastor Hall." Marvin Ward (who posed for the ß I ii I «>f Pfc. John E. Sheehan, Club 2. At Club 1, T/Sgt.'Evcr- M"l" il Section, SCU 1911, and the "Sentry’s” Hallowe'en picture) of of C alvary Baptist Church,.offici­ ard'a "Timber Wolf” Rand held i "imd has it that they are Service Club 1, became the bride ated at the double-ring ceremony Stavsky forth in aweet and swing tun . t" lie nun rird Just as soon as this of Pvt. Walter Neimy of Head­ which was read before a fireplace Sunday, February 21 The floor shows at both club, banked with palms. 0800 Catholic Mass r over. Sheehan’s gal quarters Co., SCU 191R in a beau­ featured Cpl. "Chink" H< ■!■ and The bride was dressed in a silk tiful candlelight ceremony la t 1000 Protestant Service, Chaplain his lovely wife, former ('hh n o i now bu ily engaged as a model i i tie big lily. She is 21 years Thursday, Feb. 11, at the First suit of butterscotch tone, with Bartell and New York night club t.n . of age, weighs 115 pounds; is a Baptist Church, Independence. The which she wore reddish brown ac­ who offered a soft-shoe tap routin' lately five foot four, and has bride is the daughter of Mr. and cessories and a corsage of deep TIMBER WOLF DIVISION and a pantomime on the ll.utmai rose and white camelias. bl, '!'• hair and blue eyes, John Mrs. Arthur Ward and was given CHAPEL SERVICES and Pvt. Roy Allen who : topped The bride was attended by Mrs. i : in that Mary was educat- in marriage by her father. Sunday, February 21, 1943 both shows when hi1 appmired and ■ I iJand and France and can For her wedding costume, Mrs. Dora Evans, who wore a silk dress (•Confessions before Mass.) sang. Impersonating ■ female n "Id 1 li' wait for him to become an Neimy chose a tailored Inown pin­ made similar to that of the bride, < li:i|»< l No. 7, C >V 1st St. North club singer, he put f 1 th hi all in ' stripe suit, worn with matching ac in a deep brown shade. Her acces­ Episcopal Holy Communion, 0700 such sensual numbers 11' “I Stu I I Cat resident again. Idler, if you can spare that cessories. Her corsage of gardenia sories were brown. ♦Catholic Mass, 1000 render Dear” with subtle and w II- 96th DIVISION Sgt. Charles Rumley attended ■ il in your billfold for a short was 11 present of Mrs. Margaret Protestant Communion, 0900 timed “bumps" and p slur« th<' groom as best man. RELIGIOUS SERVICES i i ■ end la-r into the SENTRY Blodgett, directress of Club 1. Dedication of Christian Flag, 1100 Gowned by Blodgett (lil.i '! <1 Ts The bride ’ s mother wore a flow ­ Personnel and enlisted men are •■i l ■ and if her picture appears In Her attendants were T 5 and Bible Study Class, 1500 Gowns by Adrian), he had the I urged to attend religious services tlir paper you will win a valuable Mrs. Henry Meyers (Mrs. Meyi r ered silk of blue. Evening Service, 1930 women hysterical throughout hi« At the reception which fdllowed I We’ll : end the picture back is also of Club 1). Men’s Choir Practice, Thursday, 1 regularly at the following chapels. numbers. Chapel No. 2, D & 3rd St. South 1 in good condition, too. Following a reception in the the ceremony, Mrs. Clarence White­ 1930 In addition to these performer-., Church hall, the couple went to side of Corvallis presided at the Choir Rehearsal (Catholic), Fri­ Catholic Masses—1030. at Club 1 also featured the up-1 punch bowl and Mrs. Waters and Protestant Worship — 0915 and day, 1900 pearance of Pvt. Jack Gates, who :i'-t. Pvt. Bruce “Eddie” Sharritt Portland on their wedding trip and daughters, Marilyn, Clarice and 1900. plan to make their home in Cor ­ Jewish Service, Friday, 2100 was master of ceremonies. by popular demand pre rated his Claudia, served. Prayer meeting and choir prac­ vallis. Chapel No. 8. C A 5th St. North "Bathtub” pantomime; I'v Man Mr- Vine is a graduate of the tice Thursday at 1900. Lutheran Service, 0800 rmo, who sang «evernl popular Mrs. Snell Is Hostess: Dallas schools and of Oregon Col­ Chapel No. 3, D & 7th St. South At School: ♦Catholic Mass. 0900, 1000 & $1200 One of the largest social events numbers, both,ns a solo ' and lege of Education. Sgt. Ware is a Catholic Mass—0830 and 1130. Protestant Service. 1100 of the week held in the surround- The two post librarians. Mi-- later with the Timber V If Blind graduate of Mississippi schools. Catholic Confessions — Saturday Catholic Eucharistic, 1300 Willamette Valley, was the Shoemacher and Miss Fickel of which also featured in the show. ii at 1500 to 1700. Catholic Novena, 1400 1 ■ mi ten given by Mrs. Earl Club 2 and Club 1, respectively, Pfc. Lennie Green emceed the af­ NCO Wives Entertained: Protestant Worship — 1000. Protestant Vespers, 1(130 ' 1 II, w ife of the Governor of Ore are attending librarians conference fair. Mrs. Eugene Maki of Salem was Jewish Services—Friday at 1930. 1830 Protestant Discussion Club, ; her Salem home last Wed- being conducted this week at At Club 2, also featured in the hoste s last Friday night to wives i\ from 3 to 5. Wives of Berkeley, California. They will be of non-commissioned officers of Catholic Confessions, Saturday, Chapel No. 4, C & 12th St. South show 1st Sgt. “Dirk" Freeman, 1 Catholic—Daily Masses at 1830, 1630-1830 and 1900-2130 who offereil his impel unntion - of < '..nip Adair officem, residing in back next week. Camp Adair residing in Salem at except Wednesdays. Catholic Mass every week day ex ­ Hollywoixi stars amid thunderou the capital city, together with her apartment at 1431 North Cot­ Catholic Masses—Sundays at 0645 cept Monday, 1815 w t. 1. Lew i..’ three charm, llri'I. .• and Bingo were played Catholic Confessions Saturday day. 1900 I iven Ince Gov. Snell ’ s inaugura ­ classical vein is playing an im ­ ing daughters who Silin-; Pvt. during the evening and supper was at 1900. i Protestant Choir Thursday, 1900 portant part in the entertainment setvi <1 later in the evening. George Goebel, pianist; < pl. N' I tion. Chapel No. 9, C it 9th St. North Catholic Sorrowful Mother No­ Greeting nt the door were Su- programs at Isith Service Clubs. Sansonia, who sang tn hi own a« vena—Thursday at 1930. 1 ♦Catholic Mass, 0800 and 1000 Isist Sunday afternoon, the sei companimcnt on the a........ n id tunc und Katherine Spencer and Protestant Worship—0900 & 1900. Protestant Service. 0900, 1100 and II isting Mrs. Snell in receiving ond in a series of "Concert Hours" Sgts. 1 h'rincr unit Mortarvlli in 1111 Lutheran Service at 1015. 1930 i ' . ..----------------------- ------------------------ th. en ts were Mrs. William H. •ired from 3 until 4 over KOAC. ♦Catholic Mass every week day ex­ Chapel No. 5, C & 8th St. South 1. iwer of Fossil, Mrx. William Corvallis and dedicated to Service Catholic Masses—0800 and 1130. cept Saturday. 1830 Mcdtyrd, and Mrs. CeCe Club 2. was heard. The selections Novena Service every Tuesday. Catholic Confessions — Saturday * . :i liter of Gen. Gilbert R. are played by request (and if you ■■■■BkJ at 1900 to 2030. 1930 < k, commander of the Timlier have anything you'd like to hour Protestant Choir Rehearsal, Tues­ Episcopal Holy Communion nt Wolf Division. in particular, ’phone or write in 0700. day, 1930 A 1 ting were Mrs. F. S. Lam- your musical wishes to Mr Mir Bible Study ( lass every Wednes­ Protestant Worship at 0900, 1000 1 p" 1 Mrs. Elmer V. Wooton, Mrs. riant al Club 2) and Inst week' and 1900. day, 1930 hour included Tsehaikowski's “Ov­ r A erture to Romeo and Juliet” (the Discussion Group, Thursday, 1930 Chapel No. 6. C A 1th St. South Catholic Confes-ions, Saturday, Catholic Masses at 0700 and 1115. theme of which wa< the ba-■■ : of Catholic Confessions Saturday 1800-2030 the popular song "Our Love"); after 1800. Fits I t It U ’ l I. SI Irt ICES Chapel No. 10. D A 9th St. North Ravel's “Bolero*; Debussy’s "Aft Al'TO ACCIDENT I rid;««. February 19 Catholic Holy Communion, 0730 Protestant Services at 0900, 1000 ernoon of the Faun” and "Engulfed FIRE LIFE and 1900. 2000 Jewi-h Service, Chaplain Chill •Catholic Mass, 0900 and 1130 Cathedral” and Gershwin's Piue III IlCI. \RY Communion Service at 1600. Sundin. February 21 Protestant Service, 1000 Concerto. A similar pi /rum will tint! nil others 1 ha|H'l No. 11. I) A 5th St. North PtrSI-COU i> m 4< by 08(H) I l>: 1 i al Communion, Chap­ Protestant Vespers, 1800 lie heard next week. II' liable Stoi k (ompaniea Ptyd-CcU Caayuy, L m ( I «lead lily, N. T. Christian Science Reading at 1100. lain Newman Protestant Communion — second At Club 1. next Sunday fr n ' •mMlsug, h: Christian Science Reading Wed­ 0800 Episcopal Communion, Chap ­ and Fourth Sundays. 1050 until 3 o'clock, u concert hour w ill nesday at 1900. Pepsi Cola Bottling Co lain Newman St. Barbara Forum, Monday, 2000 be presented featuring Arturo ■ I II \N( l: A BONDS 09(8) Catholic Mass Service Men’s Christian League, I Ik- Bill«. Phon, 142 Toscanini and the NBC Symhony NEW SCHEDI LE OF JEWISH of Corvallis Corvallis. Oregon ri-ral Protestant Service. Monday. 1900 and 2100 playing the complete Beethoven ■ 1000 SERVICES All Services con iuct- Chaplain Newman Choir Rehearsal (Protestant) Fifth, last Sunday, Leopold St- i ..... . „ Station Hospital Ser» ices Monday, 2030 kewski directe«! the Philadelphia Frida». February 19 Choir Rehearsal (Catholic) Tues­ Symphony in Dvorak’s "New W orld Jewish Service, ('pl. Morris day and Thursday. 1845 Symhony.” This is a record' <1 h ■ n arrangeai by Ann Caddy, host« - through the coopération of Dr Atwood of Oregon State C CHAPLAIN'S COLUMN Insurance BIG DRINK TO GO BUY! Elmer Patrick Send The CLASSIFIED ADS Sweetie-Pic The in The Sentry 3' per word per insertion. Cash must accompany copy Stamps acceptable. The Senlrv I«o\ 317. (on allia. Ore Mid Week Program Planned The personnel of KOAC operation with Mrs. Merriam, diacuasiog ami making plans a mid-week music»! hour who h. in contrast to the Sunday proc ram, will feature request numbers of a popular nature. But more details later. Mongfesl Scheduled Next Sunday evening hi- been' designateli as “Songfeat Time" at Club 1, says Ann Caddy. Song aheet.« will be distributed to those who want to barinoti e and Pvt Maurino will be on hand to lead. Request numbers, provided they are calles! in NOW. will be ineluil- ut> the <>ng hoot., !'«», if y.u Sentry Regularly By Mail 6 Months For A Buck Send 3 Rill and Address to CAMP ADAIR SEXTIM Boi 347 Conallb, Oregon OR 31.50 A YEAR TI it >!l by <«•» * *• ! i Camp Adair Sentry ~s •p ) t CAMP ADAIß RIDES THE AIRWAVES I i I Tue ihi.v "Timber Wolf Orientation Course—5:15-6:15 P. M.— 1 i KOAC—5$0 kc. i Thursday—“Camp Adair Sentry of The Air—4:30 P. M. KWIL i I i —1240 ke; 5:45 P M. KOAC—550 kc. i Thursday—“Timber Wolf Variety Program” — 7:30-8 P. M. — KOAC—550 kc. Tue-day. Thursday, Friday—“Pvt. Pete Presents" — 5-5:15 P. M. —KOAC—550 ke. Sunday—“Camp Adair Concert Hour” — 3-4 P. M.—KOAC 550 ke. a___________ _____—------- ed by Chaplain Abraham Chill. Wednesdays 1930 (7:30) Post Chapel, Avenue D and 3rd North , Fridays 1845 (0:45) Hospital 1930 (7:30) Chapel No. 3, Avenue I) and Sth South 2015 (8:15) Post Chapel, Avenue I I i ) i i t « D and 3rd North I , Avenue 2100 (9:00) Chapel No. 7, C ami 1st North • Customs officials on the Texas- Mexico border remove coffee stamps from rationing books of Americans who seek to import cof­ fee from Mexico. Officers Pinks $10.85 HERMAN'S MEN'S STORE CORVALLIS