Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, February 18. 1943. ■ Well, If It Occured, Then It Happened This story goes back to 1908 when Congress actually forgot to appropriate money to pay Army officers and enlisted men. After six months without pay, a certain sergeant major, out for a walk, sighted his colonel, a very straight-laced old man. Crossing the street and salut­ ing, the sergeant said: “Colonel, sir, I hate to bother you during off-duty hours, but —look, sir. I’m broke; can you lend me some money?” The colonel drew himself up haughtily. "Sergeant, get the devil hack where you came from. I’m working this side of the street —you work the other." i Income Tax Rears Ifs Ugly Head i Soldiers Can Gel Poslponment—Maybe .------------------------. -1 Page Five .. .------------------ -- ■ vouac. Mind you now, this is only the background music. Lt. Cald­ well and Lr. Davis blended their voice* in singing an old Irish song! Being afraid the other officers wriuld outshine him, Lt. Fletcher stepped forth and with a guitar solo while I.t. Bonifas opened his np>uth and reports have it that a song burst forth! Imagine tirât! Pvt. Bill Stankewitz who was on hand to cover the party adds that the most amusing part of the1 pro­ gram took place when Sgt. Keough and Pet. Pfiefer joined hands and entertained by doing a jig. GOOD NEWSPAPER MAN GONE WRONG? Corporal Wallace X. Rawles of the Military Police today was en route to Officers’ Candidate Infantry School at Fort Ben­ ning, Ga., scheduled to arrive there Saturday. His last column is in today's SENTRY. Rawles arrived here from Fort MacArthur. Calif., Nov. 18 for his basic training. He was director of public relations for Forest Lawn Memorial Park at Los Angeles. Calif. double but now they are “hep to the jive.” The inclusion of the twins in our Army only means double trouble for our enemies, The Clements boys, who will be 22 years of age on March 15tn, hail from Fairview, Oklahoma. already has a beautiful bald spot on his noggin. My! My! ... and so young, too! All of the members of this Btry. say ... Goodbye—Good Luck—and a Happy Journey—to Capt. George C. Hofmann, Btry. Commander, and Lt. Richard A. Illoway, who are leaving for another camp. The only thing we can say is: “We hate like hell to lose two such swell guys.” As the March 15 deadline ap­ married or $250 if you are single; proaches for filing income tax re­ money paid you in place of Army Now for bad news — Pfc. Steve [ turns, the tempo of inquiries at of­ quarters; money allowances paid Andelt, Jr., the Btry. carpenter, for subsistence or rations — includes ficial sources and barracks conver­ decided to use a pleasant smelling food, rent, traveling; amounts paid hair tonic, and now must suffer sation is rising steadily on the sub­ a., dependancy allowance by the really doing a good job. Steve ject of income and Victory taxes. government to your wife and other Some facts useful to bear in mind _. r . dependents; value of subsistence on these two taxes, as gathered by ' . and —1 quarters furnished female ANNOUNCING The Sentry from official and unof­ members of the Army Nurse Corps. Blondes are the weakness of Co. ficial sources, are these: , Officers may deduct costs of equip­ Change of “D,” Pfc. Paul Solomon tell* me. as around, (a flat foot in civilian life ) 1. Service in the Army does not ment to the extent only that it found many others doing the same I ’ ’ nineteen of the were were “ gigged excuse you from paying a tax on is especially required by his pro- OFFICE LOCATION for yoo-hooing at one last week, on improvised diamonds — this your 1942 income. 1 fession and does not merely take The boys tell me that they knew means only one thing -ball games! 2. If you are single and earned I the place of articles required in not what came over them . . . Book them now and all teams are more than $750 or more in 1942, I civilian life—for example he may she was so pretty! We Wish we invited. Write to 1st Sgt. Thomas you must file a return, before this , deduct cost of a sword, corps de- March 15. 358 Monroe Street with Joe Fontanazza, Sid Rosen, could have seen her ... a blonde, Davee of this Btry. j vices, Sam Browne belts, epaulets 3. If you are married and earned rend campaign bars. Joe Sciacca, and Isador Levitt in eh ? STATE FARM INSITI ANCE CO. Pvt. Ruehen A. Olson of this $1,500 or more in 1942, you must soldier suits on our recent fur- No Deduction on These One evening Sgt. Westbrooks Btry. surprised everyone hy drop­ LIFE ------ AUTO ------ FIRE file a return, before this March 15. loughs. Knowing that they won ’ t 8. Some items you may not de­ I 4. If paying your 1942 income duct in figuring your tax: longevity have to face that picture again for asked a soldier to stop at the P.X. ping his membership in the bene­ tax at this time (or past due in- pay of 5 per cent for every three quite awhile, might help them to and purchase six hot dogs and two dict's club when .he married the come taxes) would work a hard­ ¡years’ service; medal pay: salaries get over that defeatist attitude orders of “shoestrings.” The sol­ beautiful Coroline Hartman of PHONE 718 ship on you, you can secure a post­ , or special compensation paid by that we're sure they acquired upon dier willingly obliged and returned I Pennington, Minn., at Corvallis re­ with six hot dogs and (get this!) cently. The bonds of matrimony ponement of payment until six employers in private industry to i seeing us. two pairs of shoelaces. Yes. lie’s were tied by the Rev. Hartenberg- months after your discharge from (their former employees now in the from Texas! the Army, when it must be paid army; allowances and bonuses, in­ i er. Interesting to say the least is in full. No provision for install­ cluding “old fogey" pay (paid upon an occurrence that happened to Sid Struggling for twelve long years ment payments can be permitted reenlistment to honorably dis­ Pvt. Vincent McCauslin of Chi- Rosen (QM Property Warehouse’s to reach his goal, S Sgt. Felix De­ at that time. You can secure this charged officers and men); initial Gay. red-haired Dale Evans is demon typist) while on furlough in Fazio of "D" Co. finally received : cago who is doing his “time” at i stepping hiith these days as the New Jersey. A girl, that has been his cooking diploma. His cooking | this camp, became a papa for the ' WHAT YOU PAY 'singing star of NBC’s Edgar Ber- corresponding with him for the appealed so much to the boys that first time. His darling at home i Following is a table of the ANNUAL VICTORY TAX payable gen-Charlie McCarthy show, Here past four months (nhme, address, they call him “Mamma" DeFazio! presented him with McCauslin, Jr.. | who weighed 7 pounds, 5 oz. ring­ on a soldier s basepay. The tax also applies to additional pay, such she sports a new frock of soft green phone number and Dun & Brad- Congratulations, Ma!" 100% Wool side. Mama and baby are doing as foreign service pay, flight pay, and parachutist’s pay. Add per cent metallic cloth topped by a pill-box street's rating furnished upon re- well—McCauslin, Sr., well?.'???? of such pay to appropriate figure in right-hand column. This table is 1 of the same material and accentu- quest) got her first look at him "D" Company's chest is quite ex­ . in the flesh. Result: One enrollment panded these days as they dis­ , He hopes that he may be able to for computing VICTORY TAX only and is not to be confused with ated by red shoes and gloves. Form Fit, I're-Shiunk, Nofade. j in the WAACs. Memo to F.D.R.: covered that 78 per cent of their■ seem them both soon. your regular Federal Income Tax payment. Deductions may be made For a bigger Woman’s Auxiliary men were employed in defense work ' for War Bond purchases. Mike and Ike, they look alike Army, we suggest more furloughs before entering the army and now Private ................................. $606 for Rosen and his like. P.S.—We’re the entire Company has subscribed but so do the Clemerts twins, Cotton, Form Fit, Shoulder Strap. Private, first class $648 “QUOTES and QUERIES" just like him! Corporals and Tech. 5th G $792 to the purchase of War Bonds 100 Calvin is a private in this Btry., Pfc. F. Smith—Sgt. M. Gaines while Calvin is a member of the Sergeants and Tech. 4th Grade $936 5 per cent. That’s swell! t > 96th Signal Corps. For some time A news item that should have Stqff Sergeants and Tech. 3rd Grade $1,152 4-Fold. Washable. We. know you thought you saw made all the social columns, but Technical Sergeants In regards to Hq. & Hq. Co. we our boys thought they were seeing $1.368 didn’t, is the following announce­ must not fail to mention and con­ j the consequences as the stuff is our end Master or First Sergeants . . $1,656 But our pride (and heads) are ment of Joe Sciacca anil Miss Nan­ gratulate M Sgt. Joseph Fejdasz Warrant Officers (j.g.) $1,800 cy Massarri’s engagement. Both who moved into the Officers’ Bar­ When the Lights Go On on the mend Second Lieutenants— victims are from Patterson, in the racks with the title of Warrant Again Less than 5 years’ service $1,800 $58.30 I So back again we come to you Y’ou kids, with still nothing bet­ state of New Jersey. At least, they Officer. We’re proud of you! It came to the attention of More than 5 years’ service .............. $2,000 $68.30 were. Now. they’re in the state of ter do. the Sentry staff earlier this First Lieutenants— Sportcaster. Officers’ style. unconsciousness. In their half-dazed week that there’s a worried There were plenty blistered Less than 10 years’ service.................. ...... ,...... $2,000 $68.30 condition, Mr. Sciacca and his Mrs.- lady over in Salem ... so we Our furloughs finally came and and tired feet in Co. after re- More than 10 years’ service $88.30 .............$2,400 to-be, were seen celebrat.nng the turning from a three-day bivouac. are going to try to help her. went Captains— And on it all our money we have big event in the Cafe Rouge of the The boys limped into their bar­ She is Mrs. Clifford Brown. Assortment of “Must Haves.” Less than 17 years’ service ...... .............. $2,400 $88.30 Hotel Pennsylvania, in New York. racks, pausing to glance at the com­ ■ It seems she was good natured spent More than 17 years’ service $3,000 $118.80 So back to Camp Adair and you, And acting like this, with only pany bulletin board ami then the enough to offer a string of Majors— cokes in sight. (And inside) “It smiles began to blossom. Promo­ Christmas lights for use at we’ve come Less than 23 years’ service $118.80 , $3,000 Strong Khaki Duck Cloth. 5 Roomy Pockets. must be LOVE.” tions! They were: From Cpl. to Camp Adair, she knows not With stuff like this to spoil your More than 23 years’ service $14.3.80 ...... $3,500 Sgt.: Wayne E. Bequeaith, Minor where, She did bring the lights fun. Lieutenant-Colonels— $3.49 to the Salem Chamber of Com- With another wedding story, this Butler. Angelo Montez, and Theo Less than 30 years service .......... $3,500 merer, for distribution, and has dore G. Katzback. From Pfc. to Items necessary for service men's toilet. column is starting to read like a To LaVerne Mason (that old I More than 30 years’ service $4.000 drawers salesman from QM’s matrimonial broker’s report. Pfc. Cpl.: Manual Martinez, Homer Mc­ not seen them since. Colonel.............. $4,000 On the lights was attached a Clothing Warehouse or as he is Eli Roby, QM’s most popular man Grew, Lawrence W. Gee, Harold Brigadiey General ......... ................. ................ $6,000 (there’s a reason- he’s the mail Matz, Carl S. Miqut, Clyde Lusk, message, which said "Please re­ more affectionately known “ I Can Slack and regular length. Major General (and over) .... . ’ $8,000 Get It for You Wholesale Mason”) clerk) while on furlough in New Michael Balen, Delos H. Stockstell, turn" and gave her name.- The Knit to regulation specifications. Sentry staff obviously does not Donald P. Rima and Dale W. Mor ­ postponement only: (a) if your uniform allowances of officers goes our congratulations for both York, caught his beloved off guard know where they are . . . but ris. From Pvt. to Cpl.: Oscar John ­ service in the Army began after ' ($250); transportation charges the addition to his sleeve (Cpl.) I and she said, “Yes.” Here’s wish­ October 17, 1940; (b) if it would be paid by the government for the and especially for the addition to ing them both luck and hoping it son. Gail L. Fisher. Tony M. Pal­ if anyone does, will he please 1 Resilient Khaki Tie— won’t interfere with his mail calls. mer, Douglas Gruenwald, Elmer return them to Service Club 2 a hardship for you to pay it now, transportation of officers’ families; his family tree, (Baby girl— 2 White Cotton Handkerchiefs. and the personnel there will see Finch and Clyde E. Baughman. and (c) if you apply for it. You cost of additional clothing or equip­ lbs.) Let's hope her heritage isn't that they are promptly returned. From Pfc. to T z 5: Herman H. Ker- And still ANOTHER MATRI­ can apply for t by attaching a ment purchased; any money you too strong because she may try weroski. The boys now believe the letter to your tax return form spend for uniforms, even though selling her young companions, MONIAL MERGER: I Resilient Khaki Tie— stating it would be a hardship to such uniforms can be worn only on those three cornered sarongs that If any of the above, seems slight­ three-day bivouac was worth it. 1 pair Armv Socks. Tl ey ’ re now impatiently waiting . pay it now. The treasury will then certain occasions; amount of Sol- are so popular at that age. To ly incoherent, please excuse, and send you a form to be filled out. . diers’ Home deductions; cost of Mommy and Pappy Mason, we place blame for same, on the fact for the next one. Boys, it doesn't Special for E.M. that one of ye editors, Frank Smith happen like that! ' food and meals, including field ra­ say: “Now you have a referee.” Regulation style. 5. The tax law gives a special tions at 50 cents per ration; de­ by name, read that famous last The Company News Reporters grant to members of the armed ductions for war bonds, insurance Sgt. Addaway, QM’s typewriter line that makes women brides and $3.98 forces below the rank of a com­ and family allotments; expense for fixer, hadmccasion recently to move men swoon. You guessed it, he for the 381st are gradually grow­ missioned officer. A married man laundry and dry cleaning; court his shop next to the Salvage Ware­ opened his big mouth one day, ing, but as yet, every company is not represented. We do hope to see may exclude $300 from his income martial fines; cost of items such house. The question now arises: January 30th to be exact, and a For Your Used Car more names added to our list as in figuring his tax. A single man as Army officers’ gold lace, chin “Can’t he save ANY?” feeble “I Do” snuck out. The big Reporters. We’re going to have ALL MODELS may exclude $250 from his income. straps, yoke buttons and cap de­ mystery of the whole affair is the “Guest Writers” from each com­ 1935 to 1941 6. You are entitled to married vices; loss of pay due to absence fact that someone accepted him. pany write the column for their S Sgt. Mowery, the BIG Sal­ No Delay or Red Tape exemptions even though you are without leave or due to. sickness From now, till the day she receives individual company. Come on, fel­ separated from your wife. In the not in line of duty; and upkeep vage man, recently stopped writing the allotment (courtesy Cpl. Wolfe, las. let’s get the ball a’rollin’! same way you can be termed the of an auto, even if used for daily poems. Did his entering the ancient Hrqs. Co. and Uncle Sam, U.S.A.) club of married men have anything head of a family, although you are business trips. “he'll wonder why she ever let her­ to do with it? not living in the same household as self be talked into it. Such great File at Home U.S.O. work deserves publicity. So, i your dependants. 9. Your return should be sent to With diploma’s in one hand and we give you the bride, Miss Peggy Dtxlge-I’ly mouth 7. Some items you may deduct in the Collector of Internal Revenue I’hone 8M0 ALBANY 223 W. 2nd St. figuring your income tax: your in the district in which you lived gas masks in the other, QM’s iras O’Leary, of New York City, only 207 N. 2nd St., Corvallis special exclusion of $300 if you are as a civilian. Write to your city men, Sgt. Fenner, Cpl. Dworkin child of Mrs. O'Leary. The only government for correct address of graduated this week. We can just break she got, outside of the ring, By picture either one of the two char­ (she can get a few bucks on that ||| ASK FOR— the collector. Cpl. Frank W. Spaat acters in civilian life checking our in hock) i* that, for awhile sheTl Do not file your return with the meters for slugs. (And knowing be in New York, and, “Death Takes Btry. “C” 363rd Volley Ball Team collectors nearest Camp Adair. our families—finding them.) a Holiday” Smith will be in Ore­ Swamps HQ. 363rd Bn. Champs. gon. 1st Sgt. Tome Davee’s volley < Vince Michels, cashier in the bailers who were slighted in the BUTTER and QM’s Clothing Warehouse, goes to 9flth Div. volley ball tourney have TYPEWRITERS 381st Infantry ICE CREAM sleep counting, not sheep—but lit­ decided to show all the participants (Biggest Variety In This Column ADDING MACHINES tle cash slips. At least, that’s what of that tournament just who the of Frozen Bars) his bed partner, Percy Linders, was hy real champs are by shellacking the REPAIRED foolish enough to tell this “rue- ( pl. Robert C. Gaard 36.3rd FA Bn. champions in two Distrib­ some twosome.” straight games. The scores were utors for . “We live like kings down here. 15 to 3 and 15 to 4. Starring for Remarks beard after the QM’s We even have linoleum on the the team were Pvt. John Plesha, gas drill was over, “Why don’t you floor." writes Cpl. Harry Bloom, Cpl. Ijtwrence Pochocki and Sgt. take off your mask?” Oh, I'm sor­ 1st Bn. Hq. Co., about his new "Pop” Waren. Witt FQUI**.*’ ry. you already did.” Also: “If quarters at Fort Benning. Georgia. after we did have a gat attack, men Corporal Bloom was selected to 115 North 16th, Corvallis, Ore. With just a few day* of «un­ started falling it would be tough attend an advanced communication* Corvallis shine and warmth, the old baseball to prove whether it was from the school there. Cpl. Robert L. John­ 3rd 4 Adams. Phone 363 game came to life and many mem­ lingering gas or the shock of seeing son, also of the same company, has those face* again." Nothing per­ left for Fort Benning to receive ber* of Btry. “C" started "warm­ ing up” with baseball* and bat*, sonal—"Sgt. Fenner.” specialized training in motor me­ The acribe of this column, w chanic*. makes it hi* business to "snoop We’d like to kill a rumor (fooled u didn't we—we’ll bet you The "Bust" we wrote about last \ < ORPOR tl thought we were going to say week »'»mi to have become quite WHAT DOES HE GET? Sgt.) right here! There’» no truth ’’the thing" a* last Saturday eve­ to the report that those, should we ning the officers and men of Com­ In British unit* of native say mustaches, on Sgt. Van’s and pany ”L" had a shirt-dig in their troop* (according to Collier’» Pvt. J. Fagliarone’* lip* are arti­ Company me»s hall. Magazine) along the Gold Coast There was an overflow of talent of West Africa the aoldiera are ficial. To prove it. We have three hair* from each on display in our with Sgt. Herauf and Pvt. Zeimet permitted to have wive* with office. (Which is located wherever of the well-known Accordion Squad them in the barrack«, privates goldbricks gather. Service Clubs doing their bit*. Adding to the ac- being allowed one, aergeant* two and P.V* plea«« note.) cotuiotis were Cpl. Jennings and and sergeant major* four When Pfe. Ravcnhdl. Ravenhill playing non-com* are transferred to an­ We hope that the civilian morale ' a harmonica with Jennings bring other camp, transportation eo*t* in New York and New Jersey wa>-! ing in the close harmony on a toy for the ladies are borne by the n't damaged beyond repair by the saxophone found in an old farm government. appearance of ye editor«, along used by the company while on bi- Elks Building Hollenbeck Insurance Service Shop Sears Service Center Khaki Sleeveless Sweaters Military Shirts (Cotton) Regulation Officers Shirts QUARTERMASTER Beau Brummel Ties 98 Resilient Khaki Ties 69 Military Raincoat $1595 Zip Kits, for Service Men $1.50 Bosom Pal Kits 98 Barber Shop Kits Army Socks • ••••• SPOT CASH! pair 29 Tie and Handkerchief Sets 79 Tie and Sock Sets 89 Knit Web Belts 49 Army All Wool Shirts White Handkerchiefs 2 for CNoTES 25 Wood Motor Co îireen Ville Your Portrait In Uniform Green Valley Creamery Have it made HOGG BROS RIGHT HERE on the POST Quality Furniture and Appliances The Ball Studio At Moderate Prices Terms 260 State St Salem Main Bus Terminal