Adair Sinqer Appeared With Jack Benny in Ì7 Thursday, February IR, 19f:j. Page Tli r«e 1 Plenty of PX Pulchritude ■ ■■ 1 !■ 1 hi ..... ................................. .............. .- *» . • ' imi « 'A- ' • TSMy < .»TCi FWjJfc Pvt. Dalton With Navy Relief Show Seeks True Ambition in QCS ' '!t’t* Illinois. Date is I cago. Many of you will probably a str .'''»UK man strolls down , remember seeing it. "hie : ' ' i 2'lL'StS b'fere a sign ! This same young man. now a ‘ ’I’*'* Navy—See j member of Service Company. 381st t]( ' ' trode in the open Infantry, is a present member of j|( ' ‘ ' 1'1 ju-t that. Front Joliet j Camp Adair’s "Victory Quartette” ", 'e,’c *° a Naval Training'and still fascinate audiences with Station and » a ’signed ’ to the Ships his deep and mellow bass voice. uipaii). There he became just You have probably seen him on another "gob.’’ He wanted active many shows present«! here at camp "i i vice and when he read there or on one of the Camp Adair broad­ "ere to be auditions held for a casts. quartette to "ship out" with the There’s ,more to this story and attleship Mississippi he imme- and it took place a day or two mati ly ent. red as one of the con­ r.go. He is now forty-five years old testants. Needless to say his deep and was to be ushered out of the bass voice won much acclaim and service, but he has carried a hope he was chosen as a member of the with him since 1917 thut someday quartette. The four men rehears­ he might become an officer in a ed and studied together for weeks. branch of Uncle, Sain’s fighting Assigned to Show forces. His hope has at last been" One evening a show t_ was being | fulfilled as he submitted his num- given for the enlisted personnel at for Officers’ Administration School, this naval base and the quartette passed upon by the interviewing Was called upon to perform. They board, and will soon be on his way made such a hit they were relieved to the goal he has always wanted. of all routine naval duty and as­ Who is he? His name is Priv­ signed to the Navy Relief Show ate James Dalton of Chicago. Illi­ which included such celebrated stars nois. who still likes to tell you of a Harry Fender, remembered for the times when he lived in Joliet hi performance in Eddie Cantor’s and Jack Benny used to spend his Kid Boots, Bobby. Carlton, fa­ visits at Jim’s house in preference mous for his nut song “Ja-Da,” a to living in a hotel. Best of luck tune still popular today, and the to you, Jim! We’re sure you’ll rising star of screen and radio make as fine an officer as you fame. Jack Benny, The show be­ have been an entertainer . . . . gan its tour of the country, play­ which, in our estimation, has been ing first at the Auditorium in Chi- “tops!” command, at Fort Douglas, Utah. Commissions Opened service Know ledge of medical bacteri­ ology, usual methods of isolat- For Bacteriologists I I ing and the identifying pathogenic bac­ five PX Here, soldier, are girls who appeared at Field House Monday night in the open round of the post’s big contest to select “The PX Queen of Camp Adair." The winner (by applause meter) in this group is Dorothy Caldwell who graces the counter at PX No. 5. Dorothy is the last girl on the right and as a result of last Mon­ day’s voting is automatically in the grand finals to select the ( Here' •rkr. Queen. The finals will l>e held in During each week of votirg. o".c about three weeks. ' girl is - elected to be entered in the Others in the picture, left to right, are: Betty Frick. Mildred finals. Each wick’s votes .ire tab- Espozito, Margaret Hubbard and ulated . pi'.nitejy, thus if a girl i rted this week, she m: may he Beverly Babcock. Remember, these not »etc-ted votirg. No girls are NOT eliminated. If any next week. So keep voting. ting for a gill wb.i i- one is your favorite, vote for her need of voting again on one of the coupons in this already in (Dorethy Caldwell) . o ¡vote for your text choice. week’s Sentry. Army Wants Girls, Action in Movies Musical Comedies, Service Films Okey LOST: ONE OVERCOAT FOI ND: ONE OVERCOAT A communi ]u\' front the Chemical Warfare Off: e locat­ 501 reports ed in building T-7-5')! that one G-I overcoat, size 12-R was found in the office after the Public Relations Office moved to their new quniters. Since the gati iient docs not bc- long t > any PRO it ff member, i'd that it must it is believed mu t '» b'lig to one of the .-cldier . working on the moving detail. Proof of loss anil the overcoat is It will be retained at til office. i I Hail to the I nited States Ma-, best ten. Power was in “Son of i rines, says the United States Army,] Fury” and “The Black Swan” and teria. and of routine sanitary bac­ at least that portion in uniform | Gary Cooper in “Sergeant York" Selective Service tériologie analyses of water and which patronizes the 700 camp and “Pride of the Yankees.” j nation and four years' experience, motion pictures theatres and gave Status no Barrier Uniformed men failed to en-1 or a master’s degree and two years’ Hollywood $8,000,000 for film ren­ thuse over “Mrs. Miniver” or "How I Two hundred bacteriologists can experience, or a degree of doctor tals ill 19 12. Green Was My Valley,” favorites become first lieutenants in the of philosophy and one year ex­ The Army Motion Picture Ser­ with civilians, and these features Aarmy of the United States at perience, were listed as the re­ vice has been balancing the books, didn't even make the “also-ran” once, regardless of age or selective , qu'le<* qualifications, list. It might be explained that service status, if they possess the I Offictrs the headquarters said tabulating receipts fol* the calendar “Yankee Doodle Dandy" didn't hit year 1942, arrives at these results required qualifications, it was an- that "’“"V bacteriologists and ser- the camp screens until 1943, but is nounced today at the headquarters :,'lo’ris,s n,,w in colleges, univer- on the most popular pictures shown racing like a champion and “Rond on the camp screen, based, of of Major General Kenyon A. Joyce, ' p'l,vs’ h°t,plU‘ls; a’,,‘ "’«ileal labor. to Morocco,” a' December entry, is Camp Adair Limited ... general . of . the ., ninth . tones will . avail ... themselves of this 1 , the actual box office grosses: commanding also setting a fast pace currr ntly. Polls and Rolls to t opportunity, and urged that pros- i 1. “To The Shores of Tripoli." R. B. Murray, director of the Portland end Back : pective candidates residing in Ore- | 2. “Son of Fury.” Army Motion Picture Service, who gon submit applications immedi­ 3. “Sergeant York.” will have some 1000 theatres under The special train to Portland for ately to the field office of the Port­ 4. "Tortilla Flat." his wing before 1943 blows the the week end of Febrtiarv I.’., 194", land Officer Procurement District, 5. “Pride of the Yankees.” farewell whistle, has analyzed the was the usual succc ■ .tor) hun­ 13H> United States National Bank 6. “Wake Island.” results to guide his film buying. dreds of happy »■ Idler bo's re" I- j Building, Portland, Oregon, before FARmCRS nUTOmOBILi 7. “Captains of the Clouds.” On the basis of 1942 receipts the ing to Portland, aid !..••■'•' th" «nr«» inSURRDCC the command's quota is filled. 8. “Johnny Eager.” best recipe for serving the soldier time of thi ir !ir*t gr.'!:. anting I 9. "The Black Swan.” film appetite is: 1. Lively musicals around the “big city." The dies used by the Pullman- 10. “Song of the Islands.” with plenty of action; 2. Good com­ Standard Car Manufacturing com­ Since the Southern Pacific cot i- The No. 1 picture was a salute pany of Chicago in building the to the Marines, which seems to1 edies; 3. Dramatic stories bucked pany pri.ini-e.l un : i tin I ration’s first streamlined trains dispose of the belief that soldiersj by star name power. J’oitlund of ah lit I a I.'.li-, the District Mgr. Phone 1142 are being scrapped for metal. ’N 'running time I. .■ never e>< edetl are jealous of a rival service which, 215 Monroe St., Corvallis, Ore. Military Police three hours and forty-five minutes, some say, has the best press agents. three and has taken as little Barracks Banter and one-half hi ltrs on < a a nr. Gary Cooper and Tyrone Power (now in the Marine Corp ) may \___________________________ To you would-be speed il i o bi* said to be the soldier favorites, might lie well to explain tint the By ( pl. W allace X. Ra» les UNIFORMS ... INSIGNIA ... SUPPLIES since they are the only stars to Promotions please everyone, es­ track from Camp Ad: ir to Albany L. T. Chelhs 1520 Jefferson St., Corvallis appear in . two features of the pecially the promotees. Our four is fr< ight track, and net intended i'«■ u nge.- i’." i ■ u . Hence, the pmd sU'llar (it's the Hollywood influ­ for pn-ti ence) new sergeants are Saul I. of the train over this stretch is Blaikman, Lionel Moses, Paul II very limited, However, when the Nichols and LaVerne Nygaard. New train leaves Albany, th- rest of corporals are Ediston C. Nation. the run is wo thy of a streamliner, Now. look this fact ... the Joseph Pawlecka and Salvatore train can hu' Jb one thou arwl men. Mainmano, grand fellows, all. , # ........... a„ It was a big week for Blackman, The truin t\l< four hour who is from New York and NOT * National talholic (ummunily Service •YMCA •Salvation Arms New Jersey. In addition to getting the bus»*«» • Jewish Welfare Board • YWCA • National Travelers Aid V-« -iation his third stripe, his wife hud twin . trad", they Karl and Ellen; and he was ap half lurtir.' 'M, proved to attend Officers’ (aid: Port lard, ALBANY CORV U.LIS PAIE men in a I H MO.XMOITH SALEM date School in Maryland. It ail Hiway !»DW A Mani Ri j 1 1 IT 11» Ka*t Third St. Fifth and Madisnn Sta lies 1*1 u,.(, hl full happened the SAME DAY. Saul ... anil |ai! •" pm Htamp (lub flvildinr fnr y?»ur «,(H» 1<» 3o pai Informai wa studying toward his Ph. D and there I? 1 Jiifíirni«! ArtiviticR wet l « unvenienr»« -- iip»ite*d •rtiv »tir« Iii(iihi»i Mvailable •H> I». an ÍHÍorniMl | degree at the University of North in line! \v ht i tb< I ; IH Ui not i nt', there Carolina when the Army ealh o W< 'll-dui'* Knihhntf fàr CXCl’pl ingle sold eft waitii f» .(»<» lo 30 prn Infoi mal 1 him. FRTI’AY • onveni«»i>rv - liinited Informai Acliritiei WOLlIf •di» iti«» w ami It Frbnta fariiitH« availabl«* Pfc. Stanley Itood has gone to those tnrd, 0 have m is »id Now Jersey on furlough. I pui i'ant»*rn h • Yo F I ( pl. Armand Addonizio, shiek of rflimn for • 1 a in » pm Informai Av 1 I 5 pm “ II «H IfotpHaltly ttvitiv« be vi Hit ira Ihinre «t KIU the MP office forre, is now exer- F vrt’«tn.»T Inforinal Activities 4 to X pm lU-gialcr for 2 pm Srwins and mend | Hall. ?rd and M e rp»n« • of« ] cising his leg muscles on towr has in«. ft. 11 I» m. {»«are < Ball «vi r I duty. rw« ( Gertie is coming west to marrj Ar aw» I«» V>»il ,th»* Pfc. Samuel Black owner of t rhtirrh ««f your rhwire I mercantile busine.-« in Atlanti ber. aut to ID;JO put (.'an j :<♦<» io :tu pm . luí».final Adiriti«« »I AMT hm open • aMPhipiw'* —» )imit**d j City before the Arm called him •ribu «ctivitie*» 21 Febrtntf »1 • • ■ ’ll ■ ' r, fori!.!!».« a*ai*»»Lle l'• ¡»nt Muaical i Gertie and the very ni w brldi pmjcrain M nt tty | Mr.«. Shmuel Storch, may trave «II *<» pw Uinxbist Í together to Camp Adair IfaiMìng • prn !<•*• } »«r Anthqny J. Arnerieh, who own» 30 pm Informai MOM »AY 1 Informi Art mt »en I o arti* itim many acres of orange grovex ir farilHio* • vailaM«' w i th< southern California, has tran»ferrc «*5 «v«i!«Me ■ Police. in*iructfou To that fine soldier at Posi r«, Eddie Cusark. wh< I Headquarte BvaMimc • <•*■»( («•* r»M*r 6 00 lo 30 pm Informai 1 V KDXF.< «r* a r»i fobie F.'ruary -I i time sw div«* thank- for hi constant and thor . the train will av ough «»-operation with *11 m* m- Saturday fi^ruary 20th SERVICES AVAILABLE—Library. Showers. Snack Bar. Pin< Pu g. Iba inig Room, her« of the MP, Ibmm. Craft Materials. Photo ' R. indtrip ticlwt* ar" (2, nnd metFr« will save mor* than 125 the.' is eio' row h reserved for ton* of thi* a year (’.w O'SiOfwil Office- W. Guy Parker ARMY CASH TAILORS Í Furthermore, as soon as the ex­ change pupe**s ere chicked in nt the PKO. they are divided i 'id di t: b- belwicn the two post libra- located in the Service Club ...nrd there they remain for siv- erul da) in care you are ii.ti rested in dropping in and finding cut what’s cookin’ at your former rta- tion. To mertion only a part of the li. t (and we have exchangers in Alu-ka and Canada!) wo icceiv regularly publications from Camp Wolters, Ton«; Camp Crowder Mh'oiiri; (amp Livingston. Loll i. . a; Ciwnp t'nllun. Fort M c HURLEY'S LOTION Fcr Poison Oak USO-Your Home Away from Home You owe it to those at home! We Tailor Officers' Uniforms. . A 35 M ¿ SVIVI M Open Thursday and Saturday Evenings for Your Convenience SEND YOUR PHOTOGRAPH Portland. <'rr«rn IB 515 BISHOP Photographers 520 State Street - - - - Salem fine Clothes OFFICERS - NON-COMS SOLDIERS WATCH THIS LIST AND CHECK ITEMS NEEDED Or better still — come into cither of our stores—at Albany or Salem and go over the stocks with us. □ All Wool O.D. Shirts □ Uniform Buttons I 1 Serge Pants nn vv ..<, d 1 Garrison Caps ! Money Belts (Witll Z1Pper) ' i Shoulder Patches U complete line <>f the FAMOUS | 11 Zipper Utility Kits U STETSON CLOVES—Available now. 1 j Chevrons for All Grades f Slippers - Packed in Kit "Aunt Lydia's" Thread "Spiffy" Collar Stays Reg. Buckle Oxfords I Officers Slacks (i ; > . f 0 Q Laundry Bags J iewing Kits 1 1 'T' Shirtr Souvenir Pillow Tops | p i—. Web Belts, Brass Buckles WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS hostesses at each club every evening IN COTTLES Dr. Pepper Bottling Co., Salem Over St'IMI hollies -old Guar­ anteed treatment for poison oak relief. 50c bottle bv mail. Ill Bl.lA S DREGS. Albany USO ^AMP ADAIR USO E A I o Arthur, C::i"p Roberts, Camp San MORRIS I a 'I bi-]'o. Cabfarnia; C'amp Car­ OPTICAL ion, < • I i;*.d>* i amp Kilmer, Fort CO. 1 i . !• •• La". ; . !• .it Mon- 1 *. nth; N, w Jiriiy; Fort Hua- Our prices arc low as you can,; Camp Howze, Ft. get anywhere. PRO Gets More Than Sam Hou ton. Texas; Camp White, Origon; Ft. Kiley. Kama-; Camp Satisfaction 75 Papers Weekly guaranteed. Robin, on. Arkaiuas; Air Fa e, What camp arc you from, ; ol­ lew a; Ft. Sheridan, Illinois; Camp Phone 5528 ll'.i ker, Alabama; Cump Chaffee, die r ? Hr. Harry E. Morris Arkinc a. ; and a.any others .... in No. we mean before y. u came t > 4k I State St.. Salem t uc t, about 75 in all. Adair. I ------------------------ Well, m t to la at around the If. bush further, lien’s an even money 'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll bet (hut just try to collect!) that AT THE EXCHANGES OR IN TOWN the i.ew-paper printed at the camp you camo from ... either your re­ ception center or your last post . . . i ic eiv.d by the Public Relations Cfi co. in exchange for a copy each wxik of thi camp’s official mouth­ piece . . . “The Camp Adair Exchange Camp Paper; in Libraries 'iiiu iiit iHiiiiiiiHHiiiiiuiiiimiiuiiiiiit mi»»» c«*mp Adan Sentry | " jist received - holly vogue 1 -1 >. H»’.>.----------- 1 11 ^".Clcanm« Brushes Top Kick Chevrons *1 D Glastic Dog Chains HMntHl Polishes □ O.D. Army Coveralls 0. D. Wool Sweaters Í Wi’iii, L-IU. u. hearts (,w.. □ Soap Boxes __ D I Officers' Raincoats xlei'V* le«» ) Shoe Brushes, Shoe Paste □ Military Jewelry j Leather Wallets Tooth Brushes ,yl„.tif) Field Caps n... w ,, Stationery (K. g f.,i.i.r « bo«.» Garrison Cap Rain Covers Copper Button Boards ARMY l NAVY “Yetir Dollar’* Worth Alwavu” TWO STORES FOR YOU! CONVENIENCE 233 X < ummercial 3M W. Second SI. ALBANY * SALEM R b