Page Eight r— ■■ — li Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, February 11,. 1943. Slate Cage Games at Portland and On Post . < ♦ t I *-------------------------------- Athletic Failures; They're Fed So Well 96f’i vs. Timber Wolf 'Big Game' Wednesday Two Bands to Play; Top League Teams Meet in Preliminary Tilt It ha >" n “in the air at ('amp Adair” since basketball reared its' beautiful head. It will happen next Wednesday night, at Field House— The l r oame between the “varsity” team of the 96th Divi ¡on and t.:;it rugged, fast five of the Timber Wolf Divi­ sion. It v ill U a big night at our local sports palace, for both ' the Timl r V Field Artillery Band, under direction of W. 0. Ji ph Ruhell, and the 96th Division Artillery band,1 under W.nranl Officer Ohetney will be on hand to furnish stirring bi-tween-game music. A- a prcT.i.'■ (■■ lhe main game.*-------------------------------------------------- - the smooth Div. Hdq. teuin of | west’s top teams in competition Special troops league in the Tim­ during the pa-1 three months. ber Wolf Divi ion will play the Player will lie drawn from the crack 921-t F.A. five of the 96th. same roster thut meets in the The fir; t cont st will be at 6:30, Boilermaker-Timber Wolf game, the second at 8 o'clock. to help the "sports equipment for Although the division game by service men” drive, underway out any count should he a lulu, it in the civilian world and will in­ would be indeed ill-advised to try elude: and dope-bucket the outcome, for Player-coach Lt. Bob Duffy and there hasn't been much chance to Gene Badgley nt guard, Waxman make an accurate comparison of and Frazier, forwards; Lt. Herbert the teams. Brown, center; Lt. Jos. Quin, Sgt. The 96th Presents Clark Brown, Al Burink, Adams The 96th players are picked from am! Kennedy complete the roster. top squads in the Divisional play and will embrace five each from th, Hdq. and Ml’ quads, with one player from the 381xt team. Mail for man they will be bigger than the Timber Wolf quintet, with such sky-scraper iih T Sgt. H. Berge, 6 foot 3 inches; Pvt. W. Three Teams In Line Reeder, 6 foot 4 inch MP giant; For Conference Title and Pvt. R. Jackowxki, 6 foot 3 inches, in the line-up. Oregon added nothing to the Balance of thero, ter from which peaevof mind of the nortehem di­ starting players will be drawn in­ vision leaders, Washington State eludes M Sgt. H. B. Owen, Sy and Washington, by a bard fought Sgt. M. .1 Freed, S Sgt. C. F. 44-40 victory Tuesday night over Bolte. CpI. Weiner. Pvts. L. the University of Idaho basketball Wetkowxkc, J. Sevier (the trick team nt Eugene. shot artist). Jack Kelley and W. Coupled with the Wehfoots’ Mon­ Lepper. day night 6U-41 victory over the Timber Wolves Offer Vandals, this left them but a half The Timber Wolves have what game behind the league leading advantage there might be in long- Cougars although they were nomi­ er time playing tugethc r ax a squad nally in third place, with a few per­ ami have met mo of the north- centage points separating them from the Washington Huskies. Friday a n d Saturday nights I Washington and Washington State meet nt Pullman and Oregon and Oregon State play at Corvallis and I Eugene. Potentially these games CORVALLIS I can send one of the top three teams definitely mi the victory road ill the I RIDA) & SATURI» Y Y division race or further before the si X«»\Y MONDAY ultimate decision. In winning their fourth game with the Vandals last night the Ore­ TAJI OR gon club found itself extended to the limit to turn buck repeated chai, letlgex. Oregon Trips Idaho League Fight Close DONLEVY LAUGHTON VENETIAN ALBANY Walter BRENNAN Starts Sunday IM MQ WHCTvtr “NIGHTMARE" DIAX \ It \RR> MORE BRIAN DOXIEYY CORYALL S GRANADA ALBANY ÿ Lt. Willard P. Hovey has trouble keeping his Battery C, 363d F.A. ! athletes “in shape” because 8 Sgts. ! f SPORTS Paul Whilley ami T Sgt. Jurovich, | - mess sergeants, feed ’< m too well ! ' (rumor sez). I Pfc. Bob Ruskauff, Editor RADIO RARITIES DISCOVERY OF NEW OIL POCKETS IN OLD WELLS HAS BEEN MADE POSSIBLE 8Y A RADIO DEVICE WHICH DETECTS THE PRESENCE OF OIL / ■'PRIVATE PETE PRESENTS” 6 p. m, Tuesday, Thur« day. Friday. KOAC, 660 Kilocycle* Jive With Pvt. Pete GUNS, A RADIO-TUBE STOPWATCH IS USED WHICH CAN SPLIT A SECOND A THOUSAND WAYS / I Starts Sunds« BIG STREET" 337th, SCU QMs Now Tied in League War Two teams were stuck more firm­ ly on the top-rung of the Post Complement-IXth Corps basketball league during the week, but it was an easy deal for one*of them. The 337th QM increased their standing to 9 wins (I losses by pro­ cess of getting a default. The Quartermasters of SCU 1911, however, boosted their total to 9 and 0 and a first-place tie in the usual way, by taking the 34291 M it h John I.oder and Ruth Ford lair is at I’r -t Exchange No. at Nati e and Rank ...... 1 II II ♦ situated I » •1 : I II BIG DRINK TO GO BUT! rirsi -Csb cola i. «u* -b w Uss BhU City, R I Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. of Corvallis Billfold Girl Meeting one of the northwest's toughest basketball teams in a game that bids to be fast, hard- fought and, whatever else will go down in the “good cause” book, the Timber Wolf eagers will tangle with the famed Portland Bailer­ makers, in Portland, Saturday night The game will be played in the Jefferson High School gymnasium and will start at 8 p. m. Of particular significance, the proceeds will be given over to the drive in which civilians of the northwest are participating, to pro­ vide additional athletic equipment ♦ for service men. Launched less than three weeks ago, the drive has had big and enthusiastic response. Already in­ dividuals and agencies throughout Oregon have contributed heavily in . either goods or the wherewithal to | get the athletic goods. And, the ar- I dor is not diminishing. The Line-up Coach-player Lt. Bob Duffy, in­ dicated that his team is ready for the battle against a squad which ------ Pill Rollers \R I'll l.FRY I.EYGI E Boneheads 8 Redlegs 8 Falcons 3 Bees 3 Generals I Willamette Wins Game In Late 5 Minute Spurt Until the last five minutes of their Monday night game in Salem, it looked as if the Timber Wolf division team would grab a win from the fast University of Wil- iamette five. Then Wilamette spurted and captured one of the closest cage battles on the schedule, 50-46, from Lt. Bob Duffey’s players. At half time the crack division team led 23-19. The set-to was one of two played during the past week, for the Tim­ ber Wolves traveled to Eugene Sat­ urday, only to drop their second encounter of the season to the powerful University of Oregon quintet. ROLLER SKATING “If a person has to be quoted athletically, I should say things are going along about as fast as they Of The Week 8:00 can go, though we hope to make “The prettiest girl I’ve them go faster.” P. M. And so we quote the new Post seen," says Pvt. Frank Gostomski Athletic officer, Lt. Walter Sind- of the Timber Wolf division. The linger, from his new office at Field Billfold Girl judges are inclined to House. Monday agree with the private. Lt, Sindlinger, who arrived last Wednesday The above pretty eyeful is none 1 Friday, falls heir to the job vacat­ Friday 2 Mi. N. of Albany on Hwy. 99 Saturday ed by Capt. Frank Wimer and 1st other than MRS. Frank Gostomski EVERY SATURDAY Lt. Byron Wright, recently assign­ and it therefore will not be neces- ( NIGHT ed to other duties. sary to lust her address for Frank Enjoy the Smooth. Modern • The new Post A. O. is a product Stylings of of Galion, O, He is a former high insists that he, and he alone, is the ' school instructor of drumatics, who only one eligible to carry on a 7th & Montgomery combined this duty with the some­ correspondence with her. Albany, Oregon 10-Piece ORCHESTRA Our week's Billfold Girl is 5’ 4" I what different assignment of as­ featuring sistant coaching—and the coaching and has dark hair and eyes and has Mid-Willamette Valley’s DOROTHY EVANS was in practically every type of been married to Frank only a Top-Flight Roller Rink short time. The judges greet Mrs. sport. From Camp Atterbury. Ind., he Gostomski as the third winner in llllllllllllllllllHllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllltllllltlllillllllllllllllllllllllK. came to Camp Adair via Army Ad- (our Billfold Girl contest and we ministration School at Grinnell, O., urge those who wish to enter their via Ft. Douglas. [wives and sweethearts in the com­ petition to mail in their billfold ' pictures to THE SENTRY office. Jitterbug Contest for Men in Uniform — Cash Prizes LET S DANCE at TUMBLE INN Al Benning's SKATEWAY Roller Rink DANCE A Sporting Question— What Makes A Star? Leadership in all three of the league play began back in No- Timber Wolf division leagues is veniber. Tonight the Bees of Artillery threatened this week ax those red- hot teams point toward their last League tangle with the Redlegs rounds of cage action at Field and, if they win. the fightin' Red- House. legs may lose their still slippery As result of some of the hot- hold on the league tie with the. test conflict witnessed in long | Bonehead*. League will close by moons, the Boneheadx defeated the end of February. Redlegs, 25-11 (14-5 at half time) In other games played during the in their "bet a million” battle at week the Snoopers swamped the Field House, and with another vic- j Sigx 48-3, with Jones taking 18 tory for the week now stand tied points and Ellis, II); Hdq. put out in series. Each team has won 8 • the Balls o’ Fire. 32-1(1, after goose­ and lost 2 games. egging them 14-0 at half-time. Likewise tile Gulls uf Infantry Manion got 12. A night later the l< ague added a victory and are now Hdq team mixed up the Sigs,*32- within S game of the “oner-unas­ 10 while the Balls o' Fire handled sailable” Mountaineers, with 8 wins, the Storekeepers' stock, 30-25. after 2 losses. By piling up three wins trailing them 12-15 at half-time. during the week, the Snoopers of I League standings: Special Troops league have also I come up to within a half game of I L. the Hdq. Co. aces, with 8 wins, 2 1 ' Mountaineers losses. o Gulls Anyone kin plainly see. that Geyser* 5 make* it nip and tuck. 7 Engineers Gorilla Man PX GIRL BALLOT Ords into camp to the tune of 44-20. In one other game of the week, the 336th Q.Ms defeated 3506 Auto- Mamt. 26-18. Most of the other scheduled games were taken by forfeit in one of the lightest weeks of play during the league schedule thus far. Action will he increased this week. Games are scheduled both tonight and tomorrow night at Field House. Leaders Threatened In Hot League Play HENRY FOXI)\ H XI 1 Proceeds of Portland Game Will Aid Sports Equipment Drive Now Under Way for Soldiers Follows Capt. F. Wimer, Lt. Wright WOMEN WAR WORKERS ARE PRO tec rep from machinery accioents BY RADIO ELECTRIC EYES/ IF THEY CROSS THE LIGHT BEAM THC MACHINERY AUTOMATICALLY JWi' And More Coming Boilermaker Till Lt. Sindlinger Is New Camp Adair AO Q n TESTING THE FIRING QUALITIES OF BIG It bids to lie even nippier f Irl­ lowing a pair of games tonight and tomorrow on Field House courts. Fridays, at 2100. may prove to be the game of games. The Hdq. team meet* the Snooper* and there is a chance aye. a possibility even that their leadership will be usurped for first time since kJ Oh, Yeah! Oregon Game Laws indicate that this Lt. (of the 336 QM Depot Co.—at least we can go that far) shall be nameless, here: Lt. and Mrs.--------- --—enjoyed a fine pheasant dinner this week. But it happened this way: During a road march the birds was disturbed by the passing of troops and. as it tried to fly the Albany out of the vicinity, struck a wire, broke its neck. The pheasant died (according to our report), froni internal in- juries. P. S—No kiddin' warden— the company didn’t even have their rifles along that day. We might as well have used the Lt’s, name after all. by C_ i/ •Iso Mv choit >f Can who Camp Adair enlists on its roster none other than the redoubtable Slim Winter- mude. Against the Winter-mude led Boilermakers the Timber Wolves will probably start: Lts. Duffy and Gene Badgley at guard; Lt. Herbert Brown at guard, Waxman and Frazier as forwards. . with plenty of playing time likely ! for Lt. Jos. Quin, Sgt. Clark Brown, I Al Burink, Pvts. Adams and Ken­ nedy. • 2 2 rt 6 7 SFECI \l TROOPS I E \<;| E Hq Co. Snooper* Storekeepers Balls o' Fire The 1943 basketball fortunes California and Stanford found no uplift Tuesday night when Bear* and the Indians, sharer* of the last spot in the southern division coast conference standings, came up against two independent teams. The University of San Francisco Dons won from the Indians. (9-33. holding a lead throughout the game. Santa Clara took California. 39- S9. in ti c second half of the double- I header at Civic auditorium. L. H. (Greg) Gregory, Sportsed | the Oregonian, is refraining, for 30 days from calling any athlete a star. Reason, an Albany sub­ scriber beefed, in the following ' manner: “In nine-tenths of the stories for the public print anyone who ever wore an athletic uniform ha.« been designated as a star when: (1) he got killed either in war or in an automobile accident; (2) got mar­ ried; (3) got arrested and (4) in I innumerable other circumstances." J Greg believes the guy ha« a . legitimate squawk. The Immortal 'Rock'; His Words A Prophecy A former Notre Dame gridiron- er recently recalled some prophetic words by Knute Rock ne on a home- , ward journey from West Point in 1 1925, after Army administered a 27-0 shellacking to the “Fighting Irish.” Said Rockne. “I know you fellows feel bad, but I want you to ; remember one thing: If we ever go to war, God help the fellows who ever tackle them!” On that 1925 Army team were I Brig Gen. LaVerne iBIondy) Saunders. Brig. Gen. Emmet i I (Rosy) O’Donnell and Maj. Trap ¡Trapnell, all decorated for distin­ guished service in this war, and . Capt. Moe Daly, captured with Maj. I Trapnell by the Japs in the Philip­ pines. and Art Meehan, killed there. Elect Your PX Girl; Contest Rules Here Rome Rambles On New York (CNS>—A radio broadcast from Rome picked up here reported that President Roose­ velt had worn a zoot suit when he addressed the new Congress. Lots of girls. Music by TOPHATTERS, Salem’s Leading Dance Band. Salem Armory—Adm. 50c—Every Saturday, 9 P. M Sponsored by Capital Post No. 6, American Legion TillI 11 11 ! I II II I II I II 1111 Hill II 11111111111 III || Hill 11 II | Il 1111 II 1111 Hill 1111 III 11 Illi 1111 II 11 Stocks Are Practically Complete at FRAGER’S New shipments from eastern manufacturers are arriving almost every day. Frager's can funish your home — or one needed piece. A short shopping visit to our store will convince you that we are doing our job. SPECIAL Console Model Radios We have a few — some recently put in stock Come and see them. First come—first served I (Continued From Page 1) the Eugene Glemen (details of this big show elsewhere in the Sentry>. There you can look 'em over. If your gal just missed and isn't of the four, then take your pick of these gals and try again. The Bal­ lot Box will remain at each PX. So vote in the finals for one of the four girls. We hope yours is one of these A I m rjce portion of the warm­ four gals—your dream of »he PX water panfish prvuuveti in federal But the only' *ay to put her ! luHchcrir* to »lock farm across trooper is—start bucking ! to pr*»vi<|e lot'll fish tar her now* Y’otc I I I BE SURE TO BUY BONDS AND STAMPS TEMPLE fck . -7« ‘ ... 1 Mum—— # A lbany , ore