Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, February 11,1943. i Sentry Runs Down Fads on Purchase of Shoes in Stores by Men of Armed Forces i “How’m I gonna git me them ; ; withheld “ pending official instruc- fancy yaller dress oxfords I was ' tions from military authority, ac- goin’ to purchase this week-end?” I cording to Maj. Kenneth Horne, With shoe rationing coming like acting administrative officer in the a Zero out of the sun Monday . Camp Quartermaster’s office. When morning, the above query has been I these instructions arrive the fact repeated many times this week, I will be publicized. Maj. Horne said. and answers over radio and in newspapers have varied so much that The Sentry undertook to find out for sure, what it takes for army man to buy shoes. Although necessary orders have not yet come through military channels, here is what will be neces­ sary for you when these orders reach Camp Adair: First, ration ticket No. 17 will get you a pair of shoes at' any store—if you have the money and the ticket. Second, if you want shoes other POST CHAPEL SERVICES than issue, you must have a ra­ \venue 1) and 3rd Street North tioning board certificate, issued in Friday, February 12 the Camp Quartermaster’s office 2000 Jewish Service, Chaplain here. This certificate is that issued Chill. • • in lieu of tickets 'for sugar, and Sunday. February II must have the word “sugar” 0800 Episcopal Communion. scratched and the word “shoe" in­ Chaplain Njwman. serted. It is the only form on which 0900 Catholic Mass. Chaplain service men can buy shoes outside I McDonnell. of quartermaster sales. 1000 General Protestant Service, Local rationing boards have no I Chaplain Harmon. authority to grant certificates, but 1045 Genera! Protestant Com­ they must come from the “Issuing munion, Chaplin Harmon. Officer” of the army. 1115 Mormon Service. Pfe. Alma This information is from the Nielsen. “Office of Price Administration, STATION HOSPITAL SERVICES Bedell Building, Portland," and is Friday, February 12 signed by James A. Mount, Ration­ 1845 Jewish Service. CpI. Mor- ing Representative of Miscellane­ lis Stavsky. ous Products. It is in answer to Sunday, February 11 long distance telephone calls placed 0800 Catho|i< Mass. Chaplain by The Sentry. McDonnell. Issuance of certificates is being 1Ò00 Protestant Service, Chaplain Bartell. 96th DIVISION RELIGIOI S SERVICES Personnel and enlisted men are urged to attend religious services regularly at the following chapels: Chapel No. 2—D & 3rd Sts. South Catholic Masses—1030. Protestant Worship — 0915 and 1900. Prayer nfreting and choir prac­ tice Wednesday at 1900. Chapel No. 3—I) & 7th Sts. South Catholic Mass.—0830 and 1130. Catholic Confessions — Saturday at 1500 to 1700. Protestant Worship — 1000 and 1830. Jewish Service—Friday at 1900. Chapel No. I—C & 12th Sts.. South • • O HERMAN'S MEN S STORE Corvallis 218 S. 2nd St .VSJVMIWWJW, 25e Per Roll of 8 Pictures One-Day Service Free Enlargement • • • BERMAN'S DRUG STORE Opposite The Banks Corvallis, Oregon Guest Artist With Gleemen Hal Young, prominent ten it who will be guest star with the Eugene Gleemen at Field H »ase Monday night, was leading man in the original production of Sigmund Romberg's "Student Prince.” standing; unwillingness to learn all Catholic—Daily Masses at 1830, things rightly binds Christendom except Wednesdays. with chains” (p. 95). Catholic Masses at 0645 and 1130 Sundays. “Abraham Lincoln, the Modern Catholic Confessions Saturday Man of Sorrow” will be the subject 1900. of a sermon lecture Chaplain Lloyd Catholic Sorrowful Mother No- V. Harmon will deliver Sunday venua—Friday at 1930. morning in the Post Chapel at Protestant Worship — 0900 and 1000. Chaplain Harmon has de­ 1900. livered thia sermon lecture a great Lutheran Services at 1015. many times, several times over the Chapel No. 5—C & 8th Sts., South | radio. All men are invited to ta- Catholic Masses—0800 and 1130. tend. Catholic Confessions — Saturday TIMBER WOLF DIVISION at 1900 and 2100. CHAPEL SERVICES Catholic Holy Communion at 1000. Sunday. February II, 1943 Episcopal Holy Communion at Chapel No. 7 C & 1st St. North. 0700. Episcopal Holy Communion — Protestant Worship at 0900 and 0700. 1900. ♦Catholic Mass- 1000 Chapel No. 6—(’ & 1th Sts., South General Protestant Service Catholic Masses at 0700 4 1115. 0900. Catholic Confessions — Saturday General Protestant Service after 1800. —1100. Bible Study Class—1500. Protestant Services at 0900, 1000 Evening Service 1930. and 1900. Jewish Service. Friday—2030. Chapel No. 11—I) & 5th Sts., North Christian Science Reading. 1100. Chapel No. 8 C 4 Sth St. North Lutheran Service — 0800. Christian Science Reading Wed- •Catholic Mass— 0900, 100 and nesday at 1900. 1200. Protestant Service—1100. Christian Science Churches “Soul” will be the subject of the f Catholic Eucharistic—1300. Catholic Benediction—1400. lesson-sermon in all Churches of Protestant Vespers —1630. Christ, Scientist, Sunday. Protestant Discussion Club — The Golden Text, “My Soul shall 1830. make her boast in the Lord: the Catholic Confeaiaons, Saturdays— humble shall hear thereof, and be 1630-1830 and 1900-2130 glad. O magnify the I-ord with me, Catholic Mass every weekday ex­ and let us exalt his name togeth­ cept Monday—1815. er" (Ps. 34:2,3). Catholic Choir, Monday and Among the citations which com­ Tuesday—1900. prise the lesson-sermon- i« the fol­ Protestant Choir, Thursday — lowing from the Bible: “Unto thee, 1900. O Lord, do I lift up my soul.... (hapel No. 9(4 9th St. North Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach •Catholic Mass—0800 and 1000. me thy paths. Lead me in thy Pio testa nt Service—0900, 1100 truth, and teach me: for thou art and 1930. the God of my salvation; on thee •Catholic Mass every weekday do I wait all the day” (Ps. 25: except Saturday—1830. 1,4.5). Novena Service every Tuesday The lesson-sermon also includes — 1900. Protestant Choir Rehearsal, the following correlative passages from the Christian Science text­ Tuesday—1930. Bible Study Class every Wed­ book, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary nesday—1930. Discussion Group, Thursday — Baker Eddy: “Material sense does not unfold the facts of existence; 1930. Catholic Confesiaons, Saturday, but spiritual sense lifts human consciousness into eternal Truth. Saturday—1800-2030. Humanity advance* —— slow+y ---- , out of ( hapel No. 10, I) & 9th St. North sinning sense into spiritual under- [ •Catholic Mas* 0900 and 1130. Theodore, The Timber Wolf "W«e( mt ■*« friend; th« KAT« »aal h« "a* Pl Phi Pi material1 Protestant Service—KAM). Protestant Vespers—1800. Choir Rehearsal (Cath.) Tues- day and Thursday—1930. Choir Rehearsal (Frot.) every Wednesday —1945. Catholic Mass daily—1715. Catholic Confessions, Saturday -1530-1700 and 1900-9100. Chapel No. H I) J 5th St. North •Catholic Mass—0800 and 1200. Protestant Service—100 for Div 4 Sp Trps, Christian Science—100 also Wed. at 1900. Prot Choir Rehearsal, Monday and Wednesday—2000. Holy Name Meeting every Thurs­ day—1830. Novena Service every Thursday —1900. Catholic Choir Rehearsal, Tues­ day—1915. Catholic Confessions, Saturday— 1900. •Confessions before Mass. ■ NOVENA FOR VICTORY OPENS IN CH U‘EL NO. 8 SUNDAY Last Sunday afternoon hundreds of members of the Timber Wolf Division crowded into Chapel No. 8, North 5th and C Streets, for the opening of the world famous “No­ vena of Our Lady of Sorrow* for Victory.” A novena is a nine days' devotion at which special prayers are said by the congregation for some special favor. It is seven years since the original Novena of Sorrows service was initiated in a Chicago Church at which time 3000 parishioners under the direction of Rev. Jas. Keane; O.S.M. gath­ ered in prayer for the opening ceremony. Today, five years later, I the Novena has been instituted in every state of the union and in several foreign countries. Recent­ ly the service has been established In several army camps and the spir­ it of the novena has been apoted by hundreds of thousands of sol- I diers in our armed forces. The Novena in Chapel 8 was opened by Chaplain Edmund Mur­ ray who las May initiated the pray­ ers at Camp Barkeley, Texas. Al­ though the chief petition offered in the Camp Adair Novena is for a just peace and complete victory for our allies, novenites at each ser­ vice s‘gn petition slips requesting other favors through the inter­ cession of our Lady of Sorrows in whose honor the prayers are con­ ducted. Since the novena began in 1937 more than eight million petitions have been signed and al­ though no numerical Computation of prayers answered is yet com- plat«, thousands of novenites, Prot­ estant, Catholic and Jewish, have flooded the offices of the NoVena Office in Chicago with letters at­ testing answers to their prayers for such favors as cures from ill­ ness, conversion to God, happiness in marriage, employment, financial aid, success in business, etc. The traditional day for the nov­ ena service in civilian communi­ ties is Friday, but inasmuch as the pressure of army duties prevents the soldiers from attending the reg­ ular week-day services the Army Chaplain by special dispensation may hold the Novena on any day ot the week, hence the choice of Sunday afternoon in. Chapel 8. A. Sure. You can be promoted office, where it goes through up to the grade of master sergeant, censorship and is prepared for if you're qualified. After receiv­ publication. ing your final citizenship papers TO BUY A 1940 or 1941 used car. you will be eligible for OSC. Contact Stone, c o Post Ex­ change office, Camj Phone 2969. G. E. PORTABLE radio, late mod­ CLASSIFIED el. State Price. Inquire Sentry. ADVERTISING Three cents a word per insertion. Count ’» words to line <’a«h must accompany copy with order. FOR KENT FOR SALE 4 ROOM FURNISHED house. In­ quire at Atwood 4 Mills grocery store, Corvallis. 1934 DODGE SEDAN. Good running condition, a lot of wear left on tires, and economical to operate. If interested contact 2nd Lt. William J. Kenyon. Jr.. Phone Camp Adair 3247 after duty hour*. Got a thirst TOOTH POWDER SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, obblns and shuttles tor all makes of machines. Star Trading Cen-1 ter, 316 So. 2nd St., across from Postoffice. Corvallis. PRINTING. WE DO all kinds of printing plus excellent service. Benton County- Herald, under Benton County State Rank. Cor­ vallis. Q. To Kettle an argument, can you toH u* whether the U. 8. pays captured dnemy officers’ A. It does. The U. 8. follow* the rul^ laid out in the Hague Conven­ tion of. 1929 which set up inter­ national rules of war and was signed by all the major nations now fighting, to pay captured of­ ficer* $25 per month. Q. Who are the “Armoraiders’*? A. “Armoraiders” ia the nick­ name for the steel-clad legion* who strike the enemy in tanka and other mechanized weapons. Q. I* a technical sergeant eligi­ ble to receive a monthly family al­ lowance under the Servicemen's Dependents Allowance Act of 1942? A. No. Only enlisted men of the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh grades in the army, navy, marine corps, or the coast guard, inchid- ing any ami all retired and re- serve components of such serv­ ice*. are entitled to receive ■ monthly family allowance for any period during which such enlisted man is in active military service of the U, 8. on or at ter June 1, 1942. during th« existence of any war declared by congress and th< six month* immediately following Q In order for a serviceman to obtain an allowance fur a wif* and r-PMd under the Servicemen'« Dependent* AtfowanCr Act. doe* he have to atibmit proof that they «re financially dependent upon htrn for support? A. No. It is rot necessary to prove that they are dependent, but it is necessary to show rela­ tinnship by submitting the proof, Q I'm «n «lion and would like to know tf I can Cver ria« above the grade of private I’m waiting for n»y Hmrt chiRenship paper* ■ ) ,'i (COMMENDED BY DENTISTS GENERALLY * BARGAINS * Here's the drink PHONOGRAPH RECORDS 200 to | choose from. Your Choice 3 for 25c ! that takes the print PHONOGRAPH—Completely over­ hauled $7.50 no thirst too big for EASY IRONER—First class condi­ $69.95 tion. Lato model ROUND OAK DINING TABLE— $6.00 Looks like new COLEMAN GASOLINE RANGE— 4 burners and oven. Ideal for an apartment........ .. $20.00 ELECTRIC CHICKEN BROODER —50 chick capacity. Bargain price $2.95 SPARK GAS RANGE—Will sacri­ fice for la its cost price. $50.00 BLACK FI R J ACKET—Thia num­ ber is nearly new. Size 12. $15.00 Star Trading Center 316 8. 2nd St. Across from the Post Office Corvallis c22tl Phone 1779 WILLAMETTE River Souvenirs for mailing. Agates, moonstones, Jaspers, in red, green, brown and yellow. Petrified wood. Sec samples in- window of Benton County Herald. Chas. C. Wilson, Bx. 226, Corvallis. ASK FOR IT AT YOUR PX On Sole ot All Drug Counter* PX GIRL BALLOT My choice for The PX Girl of Camp Adair is who works at Post Exchange No, situated at Signed: Name and Rank Organization ................................ No soldier may cast more thun one vote. 1940 BUICK SPORT coupe, excel­ lent condition, good tires, heater, radio, 34000 miles. Lt. James K. Taylor, Post Phone 2916. WANTED SOLD1ERS to represent their own outfits in the news columns of The Sentry. Turn ydur stuff in to the Camp Public Relations FOR O V E R TWENTY YEARS IN REGULATION NEEDS FOR OFFICERS AND ENLISTED MEN ASK FOR That’s why Army men pre­ fer Nudelman Brothers, offi- cial distributors by appoint­ ment of the War Department, for all their uniform nteds. Our smarter styling and fit­ ting give you top ranking with army men and civilians alike. ’ s Officers* Uniformn ... $44.50 Officer!** I’ink Tronaer« $12.00 Officer»*' Short O’eoatx $29.75 Officers Long O'coats $44.50 BUTTER and ICE CREAM (Biggest Variety of Frozen Bars) ANSWER BOX / Distrib­ utors for Green Valley Creamery Corvalli* 3rd 4 Adams. Phone 363 and all other accessories NUDELMAN BROTHERS NOTICE! SOLDIERS! BAPTIST CHURCHES I/ y ■ 425 S. W. Fourth Ave.. Portland Albany and Corvallis Want to make your visit pleasant when in either of the two cities. ¿A« Also Store« In Tacoma and Seattle Albany— Edgar B. Luther. Pastor — Corner of Fifth K Lyon Hte. Corvalli*— Edward B. Hart. Pastor- Corner of Ninth and Monroe CLASSIFIED ADS You are welcome any time to visit the Service Men's Pel- lowship club*. Ixicated in the churches. Make it your LIV­ ING ROOM when in town. in The Sentry Worship Services Bible Kehool Sunday 9:15 a. Morning Worship II 06 a. Young People** n'r. <10 a. Evening Worship 7:10 p m. m m m Fellowship Clubs Open Saturday. Sunday. Wed- nesdaj and Thursday. KWII. lt:M AW and R:#B A M. Yun will find the putrir» in the churches on Saturday afternoon, 2:00-5:00. 3’ per word per insertion. Cash must accompany copy. Stamps acceptable The Sentry fa 317. Corvallis, Ore.