rage Six Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, February 11, 1B1J. Jstaf^^whic^ i sounds like a Wall ■ ored with a miscellaneous wedding Street law firm) “Blodgett, Cad­ shower last Thursday evening at SERVICE CLUB DATEBOOK dy, Clensos, Linahan, Greene and the home of Mrs. Louise A. Kanipe, Thursday, Feb. 11—Open House at Club 1; Jam session at Club 2. Tullis,” the night went without a 730 North Fourteenth street. ! hitch. Friday, Feb. 12—Enlisted men's dances commemorating Lincoln’s By Adele Adair Before her marriage the honoree The entertainment portion of the birthday. Both clubs, 8:30 until II p. m. was Miss Margaret Westcott, grand program featured Pvt. Tex House ­ Saturday, Feb. 13—Valentine Night at Club 1; Sweetheart Dance Socially speaking, the fh -t v k <,f February started off daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas man who did a bang-up impersona­ at Club 2 as regular “Night Club” night activity Thorsen. Now she is the bride of Bvith a bang on the Camp A<: ir f i t. Aside from the regu­ tion of “Souse-American” Carmen ... dance and floor show ... make reservations Lieutenant Woodrow Barnes of larly scheduled activities that have become part of the camp Miranda ... resplendent in a tight early. the Timber Wolf Division, Camp routine, such as the Fri1 dances at the Service skirt, bare midriff and bra, beads Sunoay, Feb. 14—Recorded concert of operatic gems ... Club 1 Adair. His home, before he en­ tlubs, the new post attraction- .Night Club night—on Satur­ and a turbaned headdress featur­ tered the service, was in San An­ from 2 to 3 p. m. “ Concert Hour ” over KOAC ing enough fruit and vegetables to day night drew capacity attendance . tonio, Texas. The wedding took dedicated at soldiers ... Club 2, 3 to 4 p. m. open a concession in Portland. With * Then, too, there was the touring USO show at the typical gyrations and “bumps,” he “Western Jamboree,” Club 1, 7:30 p. m. Open place in Vancouver, Washington, House at both clubs all day. I last December 26. Chaplain Bare theatres and Field House, this time featuring Ada Leonart disposed of a basketfull of favors read the ceremony. Monday, Feb. 15 — Informal and impromptu entertainment at both and her All-Girl Band (and another I SO show in the offing for the guests. clubs. Open house. Refreshments were served to the ¿—“Junior Miss,’’ the laff-comeily now in its second year on Others appearing in the show honoree, Mesdames Mary Ryman, Tuesday, Feb. 16—Latin American dance classes starting at 7 p.m. were Miss June Powell, who did Broadway—booked for the 20th, a* ' Peggy Hayes, Jerry Brooks, Merle at Club 1. week from this Saturday night!) ■ (Tub 1 was turned into a interpretive Spanish dances; Pvt. Pierpont, Helen Fulton, Mary Car- Joe Grizlak, who did song imper ­ Wednesday, Feb. 17 — Game night at both clubs. Bingo with Jn addition to this, there were ■ v- )>■ I<* night club last Saturday | rol, Marion McEvoy, Eilene Averill. cigarettes as prizes. eral weddings and parties in the n ■ hl for “Night Club” night, a sonations of Bonnie Baker and Dorothy Sieving, Louisa Kanipe. Ronnie Kemper; Warrant Officer surrounding Willamette valley n< < ■ ti rt;,.ament feature on the ■ Lorena Byrd and Jo Siratt, and Rubell, who sang several popular towns. So, you see what we mean jo Wi'h colorful posters and official “visitors day” on the post. Dance in Dallas: Misses Helen Lockren, Alice Stone, selections (as well as direct the by "starting off with u banfc!" ■ ■■■ learners ns decorations, the Service Clubs keep this in mind Here’s a swell chance for 35 men Rose Morse and Mary Awdry Rad­ > wkil ik» d- Miss Bea Nelson of Eugene, Ore., do oc in civilisu An atmosphere of carnival days where the feature of the evening affair and augmented the enter­ Icori uy. COSTS . . . with barkers, balloons and is “Bingo Bust,” and at Club 2 on tainment portion of the program was bridesmaid and wore a floor­ BUT A multi-colored streamers, prevailed the same night. Prizes consisting which was in the nature of a floor | length blue lace gown. Gordon Follar noilaon , tnoyyy. crii) oypoorosco. SPIFFY 1» dtiaf BEFORE at Service Club 2 last Saturday of packs of cigarettes are offered show and featured Cpl. Chuck Barron of Corvallis was best man. FEW • iwoli )ol ia firmisi «y Iko iray. Both the bride and groom are night to mark cabaret night and high scorers. Wednesday is desig­ Healy as MC, Pvt. Ray Kolver, CENTS this club, too, was jammed to the nated as “Game Night” at both former radio singer, Pvt. Horan, graduates of Hamline University, Easy On—Easy Off rafters with guests. Along the clubs, as you already know, and magician extraordinary, and Pvt. St. Paul, Minnesota, and both were Ray Allen whose interpretation of members of the university A Ca- Quick »1 a wlnk lo pul on ond lik» «I. li’» sou'h side of the ballroom, miscel­ other games are also available. •oli »diaili»» ond iloti pai. the late Helen Morgan had ’em pella Choir. The bride arrived in laneous booths were constructed Jamming: rollin’ in the aisles, to borrow a Corvallis on Tuesday before the where the "customers ” could fish, AFTER The regular jam session, a popu­ corny adage. wedding. throw darts, toss rings or have All in all, it was a grand dance their weight guessed and win free lar interval at Club 1 on Wednes­ prizes. Each booth had its barker day night, last week featured the and the Adairmen are looking for­ Centenarian Steals Show and competition was keen. The musical talents of Sgt. Merle How­ ward to the next one. INVISIBLE COLLAR STAY In Portland Ice Revue new bracket lights, installed dur­ ard on the tenor sax, Sgt. Robert I ing the past week, were fitted with Fowlk on trumpet, Sgt. Eddie Gal­ Back on Duty: Miss Elizabeth Rogers, directress | A Centenarian who has been colored bulbs and a gay, holiday loway on drums, Pvt. Keith Greka skating for 95 years stole the show mood was obvious. Every table on piano, and Pvt. Ray Thomas on of Service Club 2, resumed her at a Portland ice revue last week. trombone. Request numbers were duties over the weekend after hav ­ available was taken and the list of He was John Jerome White of My choice for The l‘\ Girl reservations was filled long before filled willingly and it was a swell ing spent the better part of last Spokane. Representing the Spo­ program ... for those liking their Week on sick leave. Mrs. Merriam the requests stopped pouring in. kane athletic round table White of (’amp Adair is The refreshment stand furnished down beat on the solid side, The carried on while she was away. cut figure “8’s”, skated backwards band will not be heard this week, “get-'«m-while-they're-hot” f ranks who works at Post Excliangi* Xo. situated and whirled to the amazement of and soda pop, and business was however, since they are playing in Palmist: onlookers. at............. Eugene. But the jam sessions are Dorothy Cannon, world famous better than good. ‘‘I’ve been on ice so long, I’m not confined to Club 1. For on palmist, is to read hands of rugged The entertainment portion of the Signed: Name ami Rank preserved, ” cracked White, who program was handled in typical Tuesday and Thursday nights other individuals of the United States voted for Abraham Lincoln at 21 hep-eats get together for the bene ­ Organization “night club" style, and was divided army and disclose the mystifying and who raised 10 children, the secrets in their lives. into two sections .. . one at 9 and fit of one ami all. No soldier in-o ■ > tln.n one vote. oldest now 79. Miss Cannon is to appear at the the other at 10:15 p. m. Private Service Men’s Center in the Fed­ Eddie Sharritt was MC and pre­ Friday Dunces: It seems like so much rehash erated Churches on Saturday eve­ » sented, in turn, Pvt. Jack Gates who repeated at popular demund (reportorially speaking) to keep ning and made her initial appear­ his “Bath-tub Pantomime" and bragging about the Friday night ance last Saturday. She had be­ Optometrist sang; Sgt. Freeman of the 96th enlisted men's dances at the clubs hind her world-wide experience, Ball Bldg., Corvallis, Oregon . . . but they ’ re always worthy of who impersonated Hollywood movie having rend palms of patrons in Office Phone 470 stars; Cpl. Nick Sansonia. who was mention. Last week's dance at every section of the globe, includ­ Club 2 featured a Jitterbug demon ­ ing Ceylon, Sumatra, Shanghai welcomed back after a furlough back home in New York; S Sgts. stration (that REALLY was a and Hawaii. Jones and Gibson, the "Two Serge­ demonstration) during intermission ants of Song” with piano and voice; at Club 1. The break featured Pvt. Soldier to Wed: and Pvt. Ray Maurino, who sang. Alien's vocals, Pvt. Verrone’s Applying at the Benton county The band of the evening was dances and Pvt. Mahon Tullis’ office last Friday for a marriage ivory tickling. Reasonably Priced hybrid in nature hut swell to listen license were Dotren E. Mattingly to. Some of the members were also of Frankfort, Kentucky, stationed “loaned" by Chief Warrant Officer Entertain in Albany: with the army at Camp Adair, and Camera»-Supplies-Films Residents of Albany who are Krog and the rest of the outfit Georgia V. Sabutis of Albany. 3rd and Monroe Phone 1180-J was recruited from places known members of the business and Pro­ Corvallis, Oregon only to those in command of the fessional Women’s Club (and their Shower Guest: a club, and those making up the out­ guests) are still talking about the 135 S. 2nd Corvallis Mrs. Woodrow Barnes was hon- fit included Homer Carlson, John variety show staged by the men from Camp Adair last Tuesday Pospiehal, Lloyd Perryman, Morris night. Pvt. Tullis made the ar­ Levine and Joseph Truman. rangements and the program in­ troduced Sgt. Calabrese, who was Sunday Varieties: . With Sunday being more or less MC and also sang; Pvt. Perez, whistler; Pvt. Wong, comic songs; Pvt. Andy Dahl, banjoist; Cpl. Healy, dancer, and Pvt. Tullis rounded out the show with his piano selections. SOCIAL SWIRL HOLDS CO AR POINTS DOWN SPIFFY PX GIRL BALLOT Dr. A. W. Marker Large Stock Rolling Stock Indianapolis. Ind. (CNS)— | Members of a boys club here have given up $1,105.11 which would i have bought candy, ice cream, movies and pie and bought a jeep for the Army. THE BABE BLOWS Babe Ruth, 48 Saturday, blew out candles at the annual Baseball Writer’s party in New York. IT’S A FACT A» we don't hive to resell your pol- icy every year—n it ia renewed by mail—it ia not necetsary that our rate» include ■ yearly resale coit. That'» why a Farmer» continuing lorm* automobile policy five» the finest protection for lev*. EARL HITE Dist. Mgr., Phone 844 221 W. 1st, Albany, Or. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES REPAIRED i FARMERS AUTOMOBILI ^'•' INSURANCE E k M ss » OFFICE EQUIPXEMT 115 North 16th. Corvallis. Ore. .lllllllllllllllllllllllillllItlIlillllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllÇ; AT THE EXCHANGES OR IN TOWN IN BOTTLES Dr. Pepper Bottling C'o., Salem ìiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii miniiini iniihr I Good Portraiture Still Available! PINE PORTRAITURE is like fine clothes ... it wears! The Jesten- Miller Studio in Miller’s Department Store in Salem invites the boys in service to visit their studio when in Salem. Now is the time to have that service picture taken and sent home to the home folks ... to the wife or sweetheart. SHOP JESTEN-MILLER'S FOR GOOD PHITOGRAPHY The Jesten-Miller Studio In Salem Officers Trench Coats Oilskin Coats FINE PORTRAITS WOK Army Store Wilson Studio KRATAVIL'S SHOE SHOP For Quality Shoe Repairing We guarantee both work­ manship and materials. Full line of polishes and shoe laces. 118 S 3rd St., Corvallis Vedding Receptions: True to his army career, one Pvt. chose to celebrate his wedding by attending the carnival night at Club 2 last Saturday evening. He is Pvt. Steupner and he was mar­ ried in Post Chapel 1 at 8:30 p. m. after which he and his lovely bride, 4 and wedding party of 15 ci^ne over to the clubhouse. Mrs. Merriam ' HURLEY'S LOTION had suggested court favors and the bride and groom wore paper For Poison Oak king's and queen's crowns, and Over &000 bottle» told. Guar­ their guest« were t<>p,«d as knights anteed treatment for poison oak relief. 50c bottle by mail. and ladiv- of the court. Novel, no? HURLEY'S BRIGS, Albany \ ___________ talentine'» Day to Be Marked: It's to he a Valentine Dance at Club 1 next Saturday night and a “Sweetheart Night" at Club f. Featured performers will appear at either club and appropriate dee- orations will be on view. There is one word of caution ... MAKE Sales and Service YOUR RESERVATIONS FAULT. Modern Shop — Beat Ami in case you want date«, as Mechanics arranged by Madame Blodgett*» Super Deluxe (No Rags) Date Bureau, Inc., put in your bid at Phone 43. 2nd A Jackaon lea»t three days in advance! Corvallis Wilson Motors I KEEP ’EM WORKING! 117/A Good Care Your Electric Appliances Will See You Through Your electrical appliances, particularly now, represent a very vital value not only to your­ self, but to the Nation at large They are re­ sponsible for many additional hours of valu­ able time to the war effort. Now, w^ile your appliances can be repaired, mav we suogest that vou make arrangements to have it done soon. Repairmen, in some dis­ tricts, a^e scarce, repair parts for some equip­ ment are hard to secure but in most cases your aDDliances can be repaired Coll a re­ pairman today and give him time to work out your problems Mountain States Power Co. A Self-SuDoortinQ. Tax-Paying, Private Enterprise He serve the cities and rural territorr Surrounding Camp Adair.