I ' ■unp Adair Sentry Thursday. February 11. 1943. Lieut. Kressaty New Head of M.P.'s Thev Handle thé Finances IV t Sr Succeeds Lt. Patrick Now Provost Marshal ( (By Pfc. Mallace X. Rawles) Meet Lieut. George Kressaty, the new Commanding Officer of Mili­ tary Police. S. C. U. 1911, Camp Adair, Oregon! He was appointed to the post when Lieut. Walter R. Padrjck "’as made Provost Marshal. Lieut. Padrick had been Military Police Commanding Officer. Lieut. Kressaty is a native son of New Jersey, while Lieut. Pad­ rick is native to Oregon, and prior to coming into the Army, a high school teacher and executive at Bend, Oregon. Lieut. Kressaty was assistant manager of a large man­ ufacturing concern in New Jersey before being inducted into the Unit­ ed States Army June 6. 1941. His home was in Union City. N. J. Lieut. Kressaty received a cor­ poral’s rating at Fort Lewis, Wash., in August, 1942. He went to Of­ ficers’ Candidate School at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., and was com­ missioned in the Corps of Military Police as a second lieutenant Nov. 6, 1942, and assigned to Camp Adair Nov. 28, as MP Training Officer. Lieut. Kressaty is a young bache­ lor, fond of softball, basketball and football. His hobbies are dancing and photography. He is an expert in jiu-jitsu and Judo.- He was educated in Union City, New Jersey. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Kressaty and has three brothers and three sisters. One brother, Fred, is a corporal at ! Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Lieut. Padrick is married. His I wife is the former Marie A. Bausch ! X Insurance AUTO ACCIDENT FIRE LIFE BURGLARY and all others Reliable Stock Companies Elmer Patrick INSURANCE & BONDS Elks Bldg. I’hone 112 Corvallis, Oregon I i *. f « Back in 1908 or some time it was that Congress forgot to ap­ propriate money with which to pay the Armed Services, and if that happened now to the world's best- paid Arqiy, (oh, perish this evil thought) these EM and officers would be out of a job. You are right, it’s the finance department, all grouped about Colonel Lee R. of Portland. Oregon. They have two children, Doris Marie. 13, and Dy an Ray, 5. If Your Wife Is A Kat Here's An Invitation Alumnae of the Kappa Alpha Theta are cordially invited — through the column* of the Sentry —to attend » -tea to be given at 4 p. m. Saturday, at the Kappa | Alpha Theta house, 145 N. 21st street. Corvallis, Social Chairman 1 Ilene Paulson announced. This doesn’t apply to soldiers in i case you didn't know -but to your ' wives, in the .-v*nt they were mem- j tiers of this Sorority. , —_------- -------------------------------- I Humphrey Bldg., 557 Monroe—Corvallis—Phone 424-J PX G!RL BALLOT My choice for The PX Girl of Camp Adair is who works at Post Exchange No.. at Signed: Name and Rank Organization No soldier may cast more than one vote. Woods, Jr.. Post Finance Officer, who is seated fifth from left in the middle row. In order, reading from left to right, please meet “finance”: Top row — T/Sgt. Marvin R. Rathsam, T 5 James M. Molloy, Pvt. Weldon IL Emerson, T/4 James It. Kenngott, T 3 Louis M. Geirman, Jr., T 3 Harry J. Ander- ALBANY FRÎPKY February 12 CORV \I.LIS Fl ft i Infirma! Activit iea (’U’R informal Activities U < Lost, 7 30 pm Nt a mu Club meet ft 00 p. m. Informal Dancing. . Main St h instruction i m Informa! th ¡ties. 1 11 pin Canteen open 1 ■ pin Itrfistration tor Hom»- Hospitality 4 t«> h pm for sleeping rot» I 11 p m Dunce i Ball ro«»in i. 9 V ar 1 on-m 30 pm Informal activities » 3 s M 7 il 30 prr. Pin* pr»n< lo No pm Informs! 1 in tcmpav G 06 10 30 pm Informa! •rlivifies 30 pm Mather Informal Activit iea [•»i LhsR.t’S ftaev v rnvt sntT Informal Activit iea im Io n»»on Visit the church of your choice am to 10:30 pm Can teen open -I pm Hallroom danrinr 1 '» 5 15 pin Musical procram 3«» * pm Valentine paity 30 pm Ninffeat 30 pm Melon Merlin* (Ballruomr 30 pm Nmal! Game* i< I ti 04 in ?r» pm fnfo'mal a tivities 4 pm Con tract Bridge >n»tmrtion 4’6 T:IO 9;3<> |>sn Art i’lnas «4 » m pm .*M«are do:.« St. 1R:00 pm Informs! Av- e IS Chemek eta 30 pm Small frames activities • 30 Informal dancing -, ... ................ C03 6:00 10:30 pm Informa! •efivities 2 pin «nd mend inff • d-1! pm Company danre fer Co D 4M3rd In fantry. Pfirh Divi«k*D - n pm Valentine nic Temple, 1119 S. W. I Wellsdale Station Saturday, Feb­ det as best exemplifying con­ Park street. ruary 13 at 1:30 o'clock, sharp.! centrated, 'er, sentiment: The pick of Portland's pretties “Need you. Want you. Mi s I will be on hand to dance and to For the return trip, the train will ... bv wire. Bonded delivery I | introduce you to sonic fine < ata. service .. Florist Telegraphic leave the Union Station in Port­ you. Love you." But­ in our opinion, the order is Entertainment will be there for Delivery Association . . land at 7:30 o’clock Sunday eve­ A N Y W H E It E wrong. It should be “miss, need, the listening, too. Mias Oregon ning. February 14. love, want. ” We still feel the will warble popular songi; Sgt. This train ride last weekend was I Leading Floral Co. by far the most successful yet, guy was trying to build up to Phil Thompson, harmonica wizard, Clio. 201, Corvadla, 458 Madison a climax. will give on the hepest mouth or- ■ and took less than three and one-! gan you’ve ever heard. A quartet half hours. The boys were in Port- land by 5 o’clock! And they were Camp Adair for Portland until <> from the Oregon Shipyard.«, the “ Singing Sentinels" will make o'clock Saturday evening. well satisfied, too. “Sweet Adeline" sound the way Roundtrip fare is only $2.00! It is with mixed emotions that One coach is rserved for Com­ ■ymr thought it sound* 4, the last we hear the tales of woe from the time you were out on the town, “smart fellows” who hightailed it missioned Officers. PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS Maybe you'd better try the USO to the nearby towns, and tried to hop the Portland buses there. Most NOW AND AVOID THE LAST this time You may find, perhaps of these venturers took from four MINUTE RUSH AND CONFU­ to your i surprise, that you had a better time than if you tried your­ to eight hours to reach their des- SION! The George White Service Men's self by the usual hit-or-mi. s meth­ tina:io|, and suffered the usual WATCH THIS LIST AND CHECK ITEMS NEEDED inconvenience and discomfort, rid­ Center in Portland will provide od. Or better still — come into either of our stores—at Albany or Salem free lodging for any man from ing the crowded buses. Camp Adair, who makes his reser ­ and go over the stocks with us. Buy tickets from Special Service Military Police Officers of the 96th and Timber vations early. This is the one spot Barracks Banter Wolf divisions and Post Adjutant that you don't want to miss whin □ All Woo! 0. D. Shirts □ Uniform Buttons --- ------------------ until Friday evening, February 12. you visit the City of Roses! Many i The mystery of birth still is On Saturday. February 13; the tick­ varied activities, a regular week Serge Pants (An wo *. d 1 Garrison Caps ets will be on sale only at the end dance (a Valentine Dance this fascinating Corporal Saul I. Black­ Southern Pacific Station at Wells­ week), and a luncheon bar that man of the Military Police. He was Shoulder Patches ( Money Belts (With ziPP.r) dale, and at the Oregon Motor caters to service men exclusively, standing qi: etly in the Provost at no charge whatsoever, are only Marshal’s office lei-. 4 when Ser­ Stage Bus Depot. I COMPLETE LINE of the FAMOUS I There will be no buses leaving some of the attractions at th< geant Gillis Nurramore handed him Zipper Utility Kits - George White Center. Remembei a telegram from Forest Hills. N. Y. || STETSON GLOVES—available now. | 'Twins a boy and a girl mother the name! ' ; Shoe Rags .... so, if you want to make and babies doing nicely,” read the February 13th your lucky day. telegram, from Blackman's mother. Chevrons for All Grades purchase your ticket now for the CpI. and Mrs. Blackman wire mar­ 1 Slippers - Packed in Kit Camp Adair Special Train to Port­ ried a year ago. The corporal is making a splendid r •over land! Hurry ... hurry...! Web Belts, Brass Buckles | USO CAMP ADA,R AREA 11.1 11 « J 1 SERVICE COMMAND UNIT 1911 DR. CHAS. O. ANDERSON Optometrist DATE i 5- lives with his wife Anna M. at 41H Marion St.. baleni, His home town is in Toledo, uo, wh >re he attend- cd the Univ i;y cf Toledo. JEWISH CHAPLAIN TO CONDI CT SERVICES FOR SERA ICEMEN OF THE F6TII DIVISION (' nUh neiv; thi: I’- .’.T. ning. February 12th. at 19X1. o'clock, and evert Friday eve- ning thereafter: Chaplain Chill, the Jewish chaplain a«i lociatcl with ’he post cha Jain’« off he. »ill conduct servi.-c- s In Chapel o. .1—D and 7th st tnets s uth. “I understard that you are not attending rcligiou • services this ?ear either. I «ay 'EITHER' be­ cause you d!d not attend them laes Informal Dancing SERVICES AVAILABLE — Library- Showers. Snack Bat. Ping Pong. Reading Room. Writing Room. Craft Material«. Photography. Pool Table«. Small Games, Dancing C u«»es. Counseling. Valet Roof». Information Service. Checking Service, Comfortable Lounge*. Housing Information. Sleeping Accommodations, Distributions of Religious Article«. HOSTESSES AT EACH CLUB EVERY EVENING USO-Your Home Away from Home (Continued From Page 1) they will parade trough the street to the Elks parking lot acr< from the Temple where picture­ will be taken for Elks Magazine, newspapers and periodicals. Then will come the luncheon and talks by the dignitaries. In addi­ tion to those already mentioned there will be talks by Boehnke, Charles Wiper, chairman of th’ I-ane County Red Cros*. Just I fore the caravan gets under way for Camp, Mayor Elisha Large will present keys to the city to Camp Adair soldiers. The Eugene Elks launched th«- drive early in January ar.d th« response from Lane county citize was so whole-hearted thitt two large warehouses in Eugene were net'«- «ary to store the collected article . The warehouses served as a centre collection point and article» in the need of repair wen- reconditioned by a corp« of skilled refurbbhen1 Official.« of the lodge aver thai thia collection drive which eulmin ate« Saturday is one of the m- successful of any drive ever at tempted. Virtually every man woman and child in Larte couni', contributed aomething toward to­ day room» of Camp Adair. A partial list of items (n •ent to the Post Saturday includ- 40 ping pong table« fully equipped table and reading lamps, book caaea, over-sluffed chair* am! davenports, and many miscella' eous articles suitable for furrii-h- ing the rooms. i- to d N. « F. v-ki. □ □ □ □ □ "Aunt Lydia's" Thread Reg. Buckle Oxfords r r • i a rs i P h k 1 Green i 0. D. Laundry Baqs ■nr— . I — m I RECEIVED—-HOI.L1 \ OGI E SUNTAN STAY TIES. Sewing Kits □ Souvenir Pillow Tops n. ] "Spiffy" Collar Stays / r Gun Cleaning Brushes Bin-- Wire 30 und 45 Calibre □ Glastic Dog Chains h< lor ol ty Colle a fur narried Vitow, 2 th* art. Or-rw Mear fur- 24. Hti- - of wer Metal Polishes O’ P- Scarfs goo, w (of al! kind* 1 O. D. Army Coveralls □ 0. D. Wool Sweaters (Wool, 'leu vu I pmn ) le 11 » 1 F nn< ■ Hi >rr » Dre Paul < tu V Shoe Brushes, Shoe Paste Field Cops ad O.K, u Military Jewelry □ Tooth Brushes (prA„hyla