Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, February 11,1943 It's A Crea! Lile Notes From a Soldier's Sketch Book |AMP OAfMANDER’S 1OEUMN PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY A weekly newspaper published for the military and civilian per­ sonnel of Camp Adair, Oregon, and circulated free to officers, soldiers and civilians by written permission of the camp commander. Published by the Camp Adair Sentry, publisher. Box 347, Cor­ vallis, Oregon. News matter pertaining to Camp Adair, furnished by the Camp Public relations Office, is available for general release. Camp Adair THE SENTRi It sure is gTeat to just »it back, and read the Adair Sentry. To read the tales of soldier boys, both poor, and landed gentry. To read how Ryan has made T 5 how our chow hounds in mess halls thrive; A sergeant's wife has had a baby, furloughs for the QM—maybe, A picture qf Sam Duboff’s girl. Who’» who . . . what’s what . . . the social whirl. A cartoon too hy Donald Lynch, The boy’s got talent . . that’s a cinch. Some words of wisdom here and thers, that’s our Sentry—at Adair. There’s shot» for everything. Fallen arches. Leprosey— Boy, those shots do sting. Sometimes those Vampires stick | me good. Right in a vein on me. And then they take a pint of blood And smile with a fiendish glee. •j Oh. I haven’t been in battle yet, In war I haven’t starred. But if you saw the holes in me, You'd swear I'm battle scarred. Is just the one to knock us down and desert us in the end. So do not judge your many friends by gooey smiles and flatter. With all their friends together they’ll pick you quite apart. And they won’t care a jiffey if it does break your heart. They’ll serve you up with apple­ same, mustard and relish, too And you’ll be naught but dog scraps when al) of them get through. So i do not slight the casual friend who has little to say, For he maybe the only one to stand by some'rainy day. In a recent radio quiz program a contestant was asked if there was any Army regulation that A FRIEND IN NEED Subscription by mail $1.50 a year or $1 for »lx months. would restrict an enlisted man from Sometimes the fellow that we think Advertising rates upon request. becoming a general. The answer, is really our best friend, Address all communications to "Camp Adair Sentry, Box 347, of course, was that there is not. Corvallis, Oregon." In this democratic nation of ours the only real obstacle to a man News contributors to this issue: Lt. George II. Godfrey, getting to where he wants to lie The characters and all promo­ Public Relations officer; T/Sgt. E. A. Brown, as oriate director; is his lack of opportunity to fit tions mentioned herein are purely T Sgt. R. L. Black, Sgt. Raymond C. Johnson, Up). John J. himself for the job he wants. fictictious, and any resemblance to Gubelman, Pfc. Wallaoe Rawles, Pfc. Robert Ruskauff, Pvt. James O’Connell, Pvt. Raymond M. Rogers. This obstacle has been eliminat­ anyone living or dead is purely co­ ed for men in the armed forces incidental. —T. J. Ryan, Pfc. by a plan recently announced by I (Much has been written and broadcast of late about the the the War Department, a plan proper amount of hate a soldier should build up to he a good whereby any enlisted man can avail soldier. The following editorial which appeared in The himself of the finest educational Christian Science Monitor, January 25, is reprinted here facilities in the United States, no without comment . . . The Sentry.) matter where he is stationed. From the This has been made possible by 337 QM. Depot Co. HATE IS WASTE a working agreement with some by NO INCREASED PRICES Pvt. David Rosenfeld 79 leading colleges and universi­ One by one the stops are being pulled out by frantic ties fur correspondence courses in organists, and the hymnody of hate swells in an ugly cres­ more than 700 different subjects. The Yokum Basketball team rep- I cendo. Mon and women of fotxl will are being asked to hate, Any enlisted man is eligible to resenting the 337th QM Depot Co. not simply the evil that is in the world, not simply the con­ I enroll after four months of service. were honor guests at a banquet .... uh, if I could hut there he scious planners of mass mesmerism and world destruction, All courses listed have been se­ tendered them by the company as With thee. "Your Buddies Will Tell You" but our fellow beings who have become the unwitting or un­ lected and approved by the Army a reward in maintaining the leading Where robins sing ’neath some .haily tree, Bathed in sunshine as studies which will add to mili­ position in the P. C.-IX Corps bas­ willing tool» of evil. Even warmer than wine, tary efficiency and improve chance [ ketball tournament. The affair was The argument is that we must hate if we are to win the With thy hand in mine of promotion. It is up to the in- | held Tuesday night at the Hotel Oh! to be with thee, my Valentine.- ... • r Benton in Corvallis. Guests in­ war, that we must get this hate down from the plane whore —r ' dividual solier to choose the par-1 cluded Capt. L. E. Bentley. Lt. Al- ! 11 it is a product of reason—for such hate, it is argued, is too ticular course that will help the ( AMP ADAIR RIDES THE AH i Ù ’AVES mild and develop it in the emotions. The only way to do so, most. Just to mention a few in fred Smith, and Lt. John N. Norris. I Among the guests of honor were passing, a soldier can obtain in­ Monday “Camp Adnir on The Air" 8-8:30 P. M. KWII it is jiointed out, is to hate people. Lt. Walter Miller Jr., under whose struction in business, scientific, 1240 kc. capable and proficient coaching en- A recent article by a widely read author begins: “Love 455 Madison technical, industrial, liberal arts abied the team to attain such high Tile: day • "Timber Wolf Orientation Course P. M.— your enemies. Fight your enemies, shoot them, starve them, and engineering fields. Anything KOAC 550 kc. standard« ami Captain R. O. Camp­ \< u . L S uw kill them, destroy their cities, bomb their factories and gar­ from accounting and aviation to bell, until recently company com­ Thursday "Camp Adair Sentry of The Air 4:30 P. M. KWII. trignometry and welding. dens—bul love them! That may make sense to the Tuesday mander. The Yokum Basketball 1240 kc; 5:45 P. M. KOAC 550 kc. Time for this study is also op­ team is composed of Corp. Hill Evening Culture Club but not to me.” Thursday “Timber Wolf Variety Program’’ 7:30-8 P. M tional with the soldier. Even an Welton, Sgt. Welter, Sgt. Lalnian, There are at least two reasons on which the most worldly- KOAC 550 kc. hour of spare time now and then Sgt. Stolpe, Sgt. Afterburn, Corp. minded among us can agree for loving a fellow being. One Tuesday, Thursday, Friday “Pvt. Pete Present 5-3:15 P. M. will show results. The student is( Snacks, Pfc. Blevins, Pfc. Staunch, -KOAC 550 kc. of these is that our love may do him some good; the other, his own timekeeper and can fit his i S-Sgt. Pardavy, Corp. Strickland, reading to suit his schedule of l and Pfc. Biano, and last but not is that it certainly will do ourselves good. Hate is waste. It 1 Sunday “Camp Adair Concert Hour" 3-4 P. M. KOAC 550 kc. regular military duties from day to to be forgotten our emeritus boost­ wastes our mental resources, it undermines our self-control. I er Pvt,. Bert Segal who has been day and from week to week. It is not winning the war for Hitler, although he taught so A LETTER FROM THE FRONT............. TO ŸOÛ! This course of self education is attending every game in the ca­ many Germans to hate so horribly that half of Europe fal­ (The following letter was received by one of our soldiers stationed just one more way of making the pacity of official score keeper. ut CAMP ADAIR and is quoted verbatim with only short passages of tered before the threat of that hatrey fast, it nevertheless is a long time to be away from home, But the news report had this strange fact to relate: The so naturally the boys afe eagerly hoping for some kind of a break. your librarian, or write direct to What’s the big idea, walking out the Army Institute, Madison, Wis.) of the mess hall with that toast? banana came from Toronto, where “they say bananas still We have progressed a long way from the day we left and no doubt Pfc. Rosenfeld? hang in golden bunches in fruit store windows." It probably at present arc on the offensive, not only in the Pacific, hut on all fronts. (•Square Service Corvallis I’m studying to he an artist ami I just received a Boston Globe and read of the great Bond Drive isn’t so very important not half as important, for example, I. O. O. F. Hall, services. Sun­ I Want some G. I. charcoal. MOST STYLES as buying war bonds and stamps and contributing to the being conducted I hope it is a great success for what reason can day at (-Square Gospel, Corvallis, —0— $10.50 and $11.00 there lie that it shouldn't succeed? I read often in the newspapers 4th and Madison streets. Sunday United War Fund drives but it might interest the song of the bickering of politicians and the griping of defense workers and POET’S CORN ER — With Stamp writers to know that when you say Io a fruit dealer in Tor­ although 1 try to consider all sides, 1 can't help but become vexed school at 10 u. m., church service They give me shots of Tetanus, 11 a. nt. Evening service, 7:43. it For Typhoid, I get three Number 17 onto: ’ You have «no bananas?” the answer is "No, we have at their actions in these days. So are all the rest of the boys. I was announced by pastor E. G. The Yellow Fever is excuse. guess they don't realize what’s going on or what war REALLY is. Skultety. some bananas." For one more hole in me. So far as most of the towns and cities in Toronto’s quar­ hut Americans bettei stop their bickering and griping and thank lucky stars for the comfort and shelter of the Uniteli States, T' They stick the needle in me dry. ter of the world are concerned, however, the answer is still their You They stick it in me wet. know, the boys here would gladly take over their position*, “YES, we have NO bananas.” They punch me full of holes, it ! Work even days a week and devote their salaries to the war effort, seems. ¿iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiii If you see uny of those slackers, convey to them my utmost disgust CLEVER THESE CHINESE: A THE QUALITY STORE SINCE ’84 At every chance they get. and contempt and let them PLACE THEMSELVES IN OUR POSI- furlough was sought by Pvt. Ling OF AN THIRD and MADISON CORVALLIS TION! Take care of yourself. Ixive to all. Foo Lint at CAMP KILMER. N. J. The Typhus. Measles. Housemaids ' Your friend, Knee. OLD TIMER The captain asked why the time LEO. off was needed and the Private said Ik Henry Beckett In the Pae if it. in Africa, in Europe, in Asia, in Alaska, thousands he was lonesome — he wanted to upon thousand* of American fighting men are writing the same letters. visit hi« wife. FT. JAY, Governors Island, N.Y Battery and a picnic lunch in the Inwardly they know that YOU won’t let them down. You can't, for “O. K.,” agreed the captain, you promised to bring them back. Ami even on the front lines, they "where does your wife live?” Old timers at this post tell me pa ik. that the girl«’ stock adjective for "Residents of this city spend l»ir are concerned aisuit the suewss of the War Savings Bond drive back "China,” was the calm reply. is "cute." I'd aay "fantastic." money every summer to cross the home. A niaiotity of the soldier* themselves are buying Iwinds through The captain grunted him a three, One inescapable fact about it is aea and look at castles and moats," the Cla "A” Pay Reservation Plan, betause at the front they KNOW day pass. at on this inland one is ever I Haiti, "Doubtless few of them W HAT WAR REALIA IS Can you honestly say you cannot AFFORD const ions of the proximity of the know that there ate eaithern ram to invest in War Savings Bonds, when these men far from home are DEDUCTION: Two M. P.’s fin- great city. Day and night the parts with stone retaining walls, investing their LIVES for your future security? Rend the last para­ ished their ninth round of drinks, stupendous skyline of lower Man­ moat, sallyport and drawbridge. graph of the above letter again! THINK AMERICA, for mistake* breathed alcoholic farewells to dial tan looms there across a nar- I as well as a rustle, ««me ten nun* aie too costly in this present era! their friends, climbed into their >ow water to the north ute»’ distance from the southern jeep, and began the forty-five mile On a bright, clear day the huge . end of Manhattan.” it out of sight. Searchlights on HENRY FORD DEPT : A lady drive hack to camp. police boats play about the island from Chicago, who was visiting buildings are magnificently clear | Next I quoted from a After a considerable period one On clear nights they are a dark schedule for recruits anti shore to make sure that all is welt friends in South Texas, remarked of them observed, “We're getting blur, Through haze they have the inent on that, considering to a Fort Bliss soldier. "There must closer to camp." quality of an impre ionislic fres- ent circumstances, is anu be a great many men from Texas “Zat so? What gives you that co In fog they are invisible ami deed. 1 wrote: in the army 7" idea?" asked the other. all around one hears, continuously. I "Now that’s enough to makq a "Yes," replied the soldier, "vou’11 "Well," reasoned the first one. the blowing of whistles and the i World War veteran homesick for find them everywhere," "we're hitlin’ more soldiers." eerie warning of the siren* in the something, and thia training may "Oh yes." «aid the lady, “every- Swiped from Sioux City t»e seen free by the public in a harbor. wiwiv 1 go J mm *.44i.-i» with a B miii I wi »«iter EDUCATION \l NOTE \ N«vj Governor* Island i* different, green field where officers play boot wand, of «11 places, into though, when you’re a soldier, and polo." yOU don’t want to sjiend your “leave" waiting at S i here I am. in uniform again, the officers’ club, where he was also it is different in wartime The old free-and-aay atmosplwre is on the island that used to make greeted by a lieutenant; "Get the some bank window to deposit your pay checks or niv wistful for the comradeship of blaze.« out of here! Can’t gone. make withdrawals. Deposits . - mav , be made BY MAIL In other years it was a favorite the other war. Well, there’« no read?" at one of the nearby Branches of the United States “Officer,” (he rookie moaned, spot for a Sunday afternoon out­ polo now, and the officer« who National Rank—then make your withdrawals BY CHECK. ! had a pas« to the polo played the game here are on vari­ I could read. I'd be in the Army." ing Courtesy USNfS "ttoi-t" games, because 1 covered Army ous fronts, and the public can’t Special Env* topee atorie* for a newspaper, and my watch recruits at drill. In the old supplied without charge by wife and I liked to look at the days we casually sauntered on and Pt'IJTICAI DEPT The hoy« any one of these Branche«. officers’ brick houses, which have oft the ferryboat* running between were griping about the »on* of the charm of a bygone architectural island and city, but nowaday* even politician* when a new voice poke jietiod, and to »troll the brick we fellows in uniform must «how up behind them passes tiefore we can ride in either walks "Pm a politician'* »on," said the “A Good Time on a Quarter” direct ion. voice, "ami I’m in the army ju«t At night powerful searchlight«, tike you onlinary guy»" was the title of a newspaper aeries ] did for six weeks one sumrni r f.erhapa fifteen of them at once, The gang turned around to see and I recommended this island a* may be traced to the harbor shores who ownd the vojee. nf Portland a nice excursion for the cost of Their line« converge on a plane "Yea, captain." they replied. fly.rg over the harhor and follow fif more than subway fare to The R.i gv Firder, California Editor ami manager .............. Don C. Wilson P. 0. Address, Box 347, Corvallis. Oregon. Phone 865-M. Ä Good Photograph Have it taken now! I t HOWELLS STUDIO FLORSHEIM SHOES NOLANS MUTTERINGS lYÏHÂiiGÎ i CERPTS for Quality Furniture odd Applioneès *• » I tlbnny Itrnnch • Corvallis Urn noli r ,,nsh~Salem Branrh •• STATES NATIONAL llANfc