OREGON ST* ttf • ,r»n » »>«/ FEB 1 5 »343 i weekly journal devoted to maintaining morale, with the responsibility of circulating post informa- tion and news at Camp Adair, Oregon. j I | [ • | I j | i j | Vol. 1, No. 43. Camp Adair, Oregon, Thursday. February 11. 1943. WHAT’S VP? By special arrangement. USO program« for towns surrounding Camp Adair will be published each week. You will find them tabulated on page three. Clip and post it. $1.50 a Year by Mail Eugene Gleemen at Field House Monday r ri Eugene Gentry Give Corvallis USO Us Day Room Harvest Will Open Sat Ingenue At Camp Adair 'Junior Miss' to Famous Choral Group Be Here Feb. 20 Featured by 96th Div. I BPOE Saturday Hosts; 36 Trucks To Trundle Back With Equipment --------- ♦ Saturday will be a big day in Eugene—and a bigger one for the enlisted men of Camp Adair. Because on that day 36 trucks will arrive in Eugene to load fur­ niture for Camp Adair day rooms. It will climax a drive started over a month ago by the Lane county- Camp Adair day room and hos­ pital committee to furnish this camp with recreational facilities second to no army cantonment anywhere. The committee is sponsored by Eugene Lodge No. 357, B. P. O. Elks. E. G. Boehnke is county chairman and the executive com- mittee is a “Who’s Who" in Eu- gene. He Heads Drive Remodeled Bidding To Be Ready for Use of Camp Adair Men; Will Dance at Elks First Legitimate Stage Show; Cast Of 17; Comedy Was Big Broadway Hit Beauty Squad in Return Visit; Many Other Outstanding Skits Bill for Airing in Free Show “Camp Adair on the Air”— With a cast of 17 the comedy­ This cantonments own radio show growing bigger and play, "Junior Miss," one of the first legitimate stage shows to be pre­ better in every way, wilf be back at Field House Monday sented service men by USO-Camp night. ruary 13, at which time only in- I Shows, will come to Camp Adair on This week the show will be sponsored by the 96th Divi­ formal activities will be in prog- j Feb. 20 (on«- wsek from Saturday). sion and will start at a new time, 7:45 instead of 8:30 as on ress, as the building is not yet I I It is a play described as a com­ edy of hilarious and warm-hearted previous Mondays. ’ ready for regular Saturday night i fun. It concerns two teen age girls I dances. Only the main floor will Featured on the broadcast, the pre-show and the after­ who prance through three acts of math, will be the internationally famous Eugene Gleemen, a be available for use at this time. | devastating ant'c«: that ordinarily However, its capacity is far great- | male chorus ot more than 70 voices. Also by popular demand leave the audience limp with laugh­ (ours among them) there will be er than the room formerly used. ter. At any rate, in the play, the The remainder of the building is TIRE INSPECTORS HERE a return engagement of the famed girls' adolescent heart-aches and still in the process of renovation, An authorized inspector will 96th Division Beauty Squad. Re­ their depn-dations against society j and we do not dare promise a defi­ be at the Post Motor Pool at member that group of good look­ and things at large leave their dot­ nite opening date for the ««hole Camp Adair Mondays from 1 to ing parents prostrate. ing gals who sang and danced club. General Officers to Attend 5 p. m. for thos«> who wish their three weeks ago. Yeah, they’ll be For Your B«>ok Those who are interested in danc­ back. Many of the post’s high officers As usual the show will be free tires inspected in connection with ing are invited to a USO Valentine present mileage rationing plan. will attend an informal luncheon in to EM. It will take place- at. Fielil Even a Magician ; dance at the Elks Temple ballroom All "B” and “C” book holders Eugene tendered by the Elks. House, 8 p.m. Judging from the in­ Ed Boehnke. Eugene printer, Also lined up for the evening must have their inspection on or Toastmaster will be Judge G. J. who organized Lane county to at 8 p. m. Saturday, F’ebruary 13. formation at hand, it will be a must will be one Pvt. Hcrshel Gruver of This dance will take the place of before February 28, 1943 and all assemble contributions for Camp Playing the part of Ellen Curtis in the corned.« stage play. Skipworth with remarks by Ex­ date to put in your little j-ed book. the 383rd, who is billed as a magi­ day room furnishing. j the regular Saturday night dance! "Junior Mi«s." to sho«« here Februar.« 20. will lie the beauteous "A" book holders on or before Leading roles will b«- enScted by alted Ruler Jack Hatton. blond. Strelsa Leeds, product of the British stage, also a graduate cian and hynotist. Maybe he'll I , at the USO. Junior Hostesses will I March 31, 1943. Lucille Fetherston, well known Major General James W. Brad­ of the \ merit an Academy of Dramatic \rts, She has played hypnotize the top kick. Then there be dance partners. ingenue leads on Broadway. Seventeen are in the cast. stage an«! screen ingenue, who will ley, commanding general of the Sgt. Narra more Makes will he n piano duo that is said The regular activities of the for­ portray judy, “Junior Miss” of the Adair's 'Concert Hour' 96th Division and Major General Stripling Stripers to b<- about tops. Pfc. Bert S. Harp mer program will be resumed next I play. Helen Eastman of stage und G. R. Cook, commanding general Plays Request Programs (fitting enough) and Pvt. Loren« week. For further information, screen, is Lois, Judy’s sister. of the Timber Wolf Division, will Shake at Meeting Regener will do this chore. | refer to the USO Bulletin on responds to the remarks by the British Beauty Pvt. Lewis P. David will sing I Page 3. When M-S^t. Gillis Narramore The inaugural full-hour's pro ­ committee. Among other notables Outstanding in the cast is the The dance class on Tuesday night j British importation, Strelsa Leeds. gram of concert music in the light- “ number or two and Pvt. Roy J. scheduled to be on hand are I lets go he doesn’t hold back. After er vein, which is dedicated to the Meyers will bring out his guitar, This glamorous blonde will furnish Colonel George C. Ferch, executive all—a habit’s a habit. And Nar- which has been pushed around ' officers an«I enlisted personnel of The division orchestra will be (as half of the romantic interest. She officer of SCU 1911; Col. H. C. ranvorw has had the Sergeant habit dodging renovations will swing and Here’s the Picture Camp Adair, was heard last Tun- urua)' under the exneyt ruidunea away again next Tuesday with jive, | She may be ghe lass «with the Mandell, Chief of Staff of the Yesterday, at some conspicuous will be comploniented by Kevin «lay afternoon from 3 until 4 p. m. of Warrant Officer Krog. for about 14 years worth in this Junior Hostesses and plenty of | flashing smile behind the coke O'Shea, who wits trained by Mme. Timber Wolves; Col. H. M. Monroe, I location at all of thePXs on this j counter; or the cutie with the over station KOAC, state-own-d room. Just to be pally about the who!« Chief of Staff of the 96th, anil man’s army. Last Monday eve­ ' curves that sells you five pieces of Post there were placed ballot boxes. Maria Ouspensltaya. station located on the campus of thing we’ll even give you the name» ning he «vas the feature«! speaker The art class will meet again "Junior Miss ” whs adapted for Major Frederick Kellogg, who will 'candy where one did before. Throughout the Sentry, ar«- bal­ Oregon State College, Corvallis. of the Beauty Squad, but we won’t at the HQS Co. SCU 1911 Non­ at the USO next week on Wednes­ state from Sally Benson's scintil­ represent station hospital. She’may be the gal with the vio- lots. Th«- program, recorded in nature, tell you which is which because com’s class and he told all the day night. The dabblers thus far Others are Captain W. H. Ross, Sometime between now and Sat­ lating series of short stories in the is called the "Concert Hour" anil young non-coms around just ««'hat | have been so successful that an ex­ j let eyes, the miss with the miracle we’re not sure ourselves Monday New Yorker. A Broadway hit, it 1« SSO of the 96th and Major George I his 27 years in uniform has taught hibition of their works will be on ' curves, the pretty little pumpkin urday noon, «vhen th«- polls close, expected to prove on«- of the USO- in the future will feature request night you’ll see Midge Hampton, DcDakis, SSO of the Timber fill in and clip a ballot herewith — numbers. i him. | display in the near future, Be [ with the pumpkins. She may be Camp Shows most popular presen­ Dorothy Dreffer, Virginia Steed, Wolves. Mr. Verl Lewis, represent­ j the one that sells you th«- buttons, and chuck it in the ballot box. | Last Sunday'* program opened Penney Ree«l and Kay Ross. i ginners are welcome. That ’ s plenty. Narramore is in I tations to*service men. ing the Post Re«i Cross, Capt. or the extra stripes you hope to Vote for One—Once! I with the playing of Tschowski's favor of discipline. He got that Party Planned The Eugene Gleemen, long an Robert Roger, aide to General get next week, or maybe she only •Vote for the girl of your choice, ! popularized “Concerto" and con- across. He's in favor of the non- A party for wives of service men j punches the cash register. Oregon institution, are now enjoy­ Bradley; Capt. Gridley, Lt. Black, Blond Bombshell Takes but vote! Vote only for PX girls; ! tinued with selections from Friml’s I coms getting plenty of respect— is being planned by this group for ing their thirty-secon«l season as Lt. Saunders and Lt. Fisher, of I Whatever she is, she lings your ¡"High Jinks," "Katrinka" and no other female employee«, no mat ­ Over at Service Club , but also of his earning it by the Thursday, February 18. at 2:30 p.m. the Timber Wolves, and Lt. George j bell. She’s the reason you stand ter how lovely, are eligible in this "Ros«- Marie." The trend then a choral group. Their appearrfnces 1 way he shows that he deserves H. Godfrey, Post Special Services | 1 the trust placed in him. He’s in in the USO club. All wives ar«- in a surging line for an hour; and particular competition. A tiny blond bo.-'b-sheiled Ser­ | shifted to the Gershwin style with in the past few years have been urged to he present and to make all you may get when you reach officer. And VOTE ONLY ONCE. In vice Club No. 2 for u whole day his “Rhupaody in Blue” and se- many. Governors’ inaugurations, 1 favor of the non-com being di- After the trucks are loaded , ' rcctly responsible for the man un­ use of the USO club for their own the end is a glimp«e—but wotta this regard you ar«- put strictly on and part of an evening a few days I lections from “Porgy ami Bess.” state function,, banquets, benefits social activities. glimpse- and the chance to say, the honor system. Get as many of ago. The soldiers around fell in | The concluding selections were and even at the San Francisco (Continued on page 3. column 41 , der him—fpr instance when a priv­ Th«- Sunday afternoon discussion . as you struggle for that jaunty your buddies to cast their ballots iContinueit on page 4, column 2» ate has dirty equipment it’s the love with her and I’m speakin* the I gems from th«- “Rose of Algeria" groups which have been postponed touch that puts you touch (th«- as you can inveigle, entice, sup ­ ' and selections from “ Latoma." AMERIC AN TRAGEDY non-coms fault for not correcting truth, sh’help me, hie the ladies th«- last four Sundays will meet on across, Mayflower): plant for KI’ or any other strata­ liked her, too. this 1943 VERSION The program is arranged by the Soldiers 'Jit' Sunday, February 21, at 4:30 p.m. “Hello, Baby, gem your mind suggests. But— But nobody could help it. She’s concert staff of KQAC in coopera- Prizes Git Lots that Narramore said made It was raining. The Red Cross Those who like to “cuss and dis­ | or. maybe: one vote to one soldier. No re­ that cut«!—and 2*4 years old. She ' tion with Mrs. F. C. Merriam, social the stripling stripers wince. That’s nurse stood at hospital gate cuss" are welcome. Junior Hos­ “How's for a «late three w«-eks peating. No 'grave-yard digging,” because it went homo. Ix»ts of tesses will give you competition. wears cowboy boots. Her name is I and recreational hostess, who will waiting for a bus to Corvallis. Soldiers, frequenting the Ameri- from Tuesday?" etc. I in tin- future handle requests for | can Legion sponsored dances held what he said they would want to An officer in his private car "Tiny" Hudson. Once again we are calling the Who is she? Then What? dispute. But no one could deny stopped for her. The talk on the When H ostess Florence Coardy particular selections. each Saturday night in Salem, de- role for talent. Singers, dancers, Why, soldier- she's YOLK PX Saturday afternoon the ballots th«- salty flavor and real character , ride into town was only about Merriam sat down to the piano to Iclare that the w«-«-kly "hoe-downs’* j impersonators, or harmonica play­ GIRL! will be collected, and counted by of the man that stood before him. ' the weather. Nd introductions In Polish ghettos, established by ' are much to their liking. Jitterbug ers, register at the information And sonK'where on this gr«at an unbiased trio of judges - repre- play Tiny climbed aboard, too. He stofxl for th«- best in the old were exchange«!. In town the Nazis, as many as 1,000 people are contests share the spotlight during When ( pl. Cecil Birnkrantz turned desk at the club any time, and big Army po«t there is a PX girl ■« ntirig the 96th an«l Timber Wolf army and they had to give him nurse thanked the officer and if you can’t get in before Sunday, , to top all PX girls. You’ve seen divisions, an«i Post Complement— up to give some dance instruction forced to live in one house and ! the evening and valuable prize» are the respect that he insisted was got out. After the officer had Tiny insisted on learning the rhum­ single rooms hold up to 13 persons. ' awarded winners. All t amp Adair February 21, call or write. We are her. And you’ve seen her, Maybe I IXth Corps troops. the backbone of the Army non-com. offering three prizes. First prize driven away she remembered ! divisions ar«- represented weekly at you’ve even had a cozy little chat The four girls polling highest ba, conga and wound up by get­ her brown zipper bag was still j th«- Salem Armory dunces with tho is a call home. Talent night will i with her. But if you say you’ve 1 irnnber «>f votes will be protograph- ting slung around in an Apache Il IT LEAKS in the car. And in the bag was 96th Division eopping most of tho be a regular Sunday feature and had a date, oh brother! you oughta • America as »ell a« other lan«is. The 9*th Di»»»««, sponsor* <»f next Monday's ra«iio show will sho pre­ sent a number of other outstand­ ing acta. 7:45 P. M. ★ ★ ★ ★ »■