Tage Eight Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, February 4, 1943. TS 2 Timber Wolf Games on Sked Six Roaring Battles i No Wonder 921st FA Leading Cage Play; Booked Wednesday i Mighty Fusseiman High-Points the Way 96th League Is Well in Stride 921st FA Bn. Has 4-0 Beat on Easley Teams As Two Way Battles in Kane Gang Developing Field House Fite Nite Cage players in the 96th Divi­ Fusselman has stood out a an ex­ Heads Camo Tourney sion were huffing and puffing this cellent offense man. His guar !s Pfc. Bob Kuskauff, Editor Battle Willamette in and blocks, when on the defensive, Salem Monday; Boiler- Six sizzling buttles, including week as they tried to catch up have made him the target of the <>p- ' with Lester Fusselman of the 921st Makers Feb. 13; Help , position’s entire interference. one heavy-weight bout and a pros­ . Field Artillery Bataillon. Pvt. Fus- , Straggling behind in second place pective scorcher between a pair Ain't This Something? 'Mighty Jacob' Wins Sports Fund Drive of 150-pounders, were yesterday an­ selman ia 37 points ahead of his i is Fusselman’» teain mate, Donnie Third Handball Spot nounced by Cpl. Jim Shackleton J nearest competitor in the race for G. Van Dervort, whose scon» totals Two big basketball games, both By Trouncing Sonne Deapile the cancellation of sev­ for the “fight night” next Wednes­ i individual basketball high scoring 26. Howard G. Berge of Division eral major games, the 96th Divi­ Headquarters Company was third designed to help out in the Civilian day at Field House. ' honors. Drive to obtain athletic equipment sion’s round robin championship Battles will start at 8:00 p. m. I In every game that he ha«l played, with 22. Pvt. Eddie (The Mighty Jacob) for Army posts and which was basketball series continued last One of the best fights on the Jacobson of the 96th Signal Co., i launched a week ago last Wednes­ week, with the crack F. A. t«-am last week won to I the third spot in card to date, bids to be the four- Lead League, But in i day by the Portland Oregonian, Yes Sir! We ’ ll Gladly broadening their lead in the Easley the Camp Adair singles handball rounder between Pvt. David Men­ 50-33 Loss to Salem have been scheduled by the roving Announce Your Challenge league und Headquarters Co. of the delssohn of the Timber Wolf divi ­ tournament, by defeating Pfc. Sgt. Thomas Davee, of the i Timber Wolf team. 96th Division tied up with th«- 2nd sion and Pvt. Emmett C. Jackson, Charles Sonne, I SCU 1911, in a Showing evidence of excellent Coach Lt. Bob Duffy’« men, who Btry. C, 363 FA, would indeed Bn. 381st Inf. for major recognition belated play-off match on Lorenz colored fighter of the 246th Q.M. coaching and conditioning, the like to hear from Btry. B of last night met Oregon University in the Kane league. Mendelssohn is 27, has had seven court. After dropping the first Salem High School varsity basket- 363rd FA and the Signal Corps: at Eugene, are to play Willamette From all indications, th«- games game to the southpaw, Jacobson years as an amateur. Jackson, 28, , ball squad last Friday night scored Reference to: response to this University at Salem, Monday night. and a proved scrapper, was five this week should be hotter anil fast­ came back to an impressive win. an impressive 50-33 victory over open challenge to a volleyball Arrangements were yesterday years in amateur ranks. er than those previous us teams SeOTM were 8-21, 21-11, 21-12. the hard fighting 921st F. A. Bn. game, or series of games, with completed with Ray Brooks, athletic Wants a Taker gain in experience und practice. at the school’s gym. In semi-finals Sonne had lost to his team. Place, Field House. director for the city of Portland, to Sans an opponent thus far Outstanding gam«- of the week Toby Wallace, Assistant Fire Chief, fast 135-pounder, who has had three I During the first quarter it looked Time, near future. RSVP to 1st battle in the postponed game with was played last Thursduy night while Jacobson lost to Pfc. Bob I years of professional fighting, 145 like the score might be close but Sgt. Davee. the Portland Boilermakers, at Port­ when th«- 921st trounced the 321st Ruskauff, Hdq. Co. SCU 1911, who fights and will carry the honors I the Salem five hit their stride and land on February 13. Med. Bn., 45-25. Fusselman of the later defeated Wallace in finals. sol- pulled out in front. When the of the Timber Wolf division against vor. A fast, hard-charging con ­ Next Monday’s game may prove artillery, who leads the league for all comers. He is Pvt. Emilio Sal­ diers loosed their big guns in the test throughout, the game really to be what the boys term a scorch- individual high scoring honors, vatore, 30 years old, 5 feet 2 inches . third quarter and began to even up reached a white heat in the clos- er- The Willamette U. now boasts stood out all through the tilt and j the cards Salem came forth with a ing minutes of the last half. There ' “mon< ’t!< v.ietims th« tall. kept his scoring record intact by Globo The battle of the behemoths will terrific burst of speed and man- were four ties and six swaps of the | Trotters being the game's tup man with 21 ;, , and . may ,- • prove _ . a tougher- 1 than-tough hurdle for the Timber see Pvt. A. B. Riley, colored of the [ aged to keep the ball to themselves points. lead in the final 10 minutes and by freezing it until the final buzzer 246th QM, 195 pounds, taking on Wolves to get qver. Especially' «hanging hands With the lead not until the final two minutes did Pvt. Alcide Hunter, 195, of the sounded. since they haven’t had too much frequ« ntlv «luring the game's whole [ the Cougars go ahead to stay, on roving competition of late weeks. Timber Wolf division. Riley is a «ourse. the 96th Signal company l two quick goals by Gail Bishop i powerful slugger. Hunter, though emerged victorious over 2nd Bn, Basketballers From There i* no reason in the world Tor us Io run this picture after Bob Howard had given OSC novice, is faster and can punch. Drop Three Straight Supplies ordered through Lend- 833rd Thiir-ilny night’s second but­ of Rita Hayworth except that we follow the policy of running OSC Lose Twice to Other bouts on the program: i a 50-49 advantage. Scott Witt, re­ Lease or direct purchase, aggregat­ tle. It was only in the closing min- picture» of pretty girl's whenever the censor isn’t looking. As Two Quartermaster At 186 pounds, Pvt. Albert V. placing Bishop after his last goal, ing almost 2'/2 million tons, have ute that the Signal boys were able Washington Cougars Teams Drive Into Tie Olund, 22, of MPs, 6 feet, vs. Pvt. hit the net for the final Cougar been shipped from the United to eke out six points from the In­ Bcirgel Zolman, 21, of the Timber fantry and ha«l the fans on their Basketbailers from W a s h- field goal and Lew Beck connected States to the Soviet Union, some of With 8 Wins, 0 Loss Wolves; 175, 6 feet. feel when they burst forts in a ington State stands out sharply to­ from mid-floor for the last Beaver them traveling ocean distances of ----- r...... grand finale of field gouls. Score« At 145 pounds, Pvt. John Pe- day as the team to beat for the tally. 10,000 to 13,000 miles, but because The adage that a good start tronio, 24, of Timber Wolf div., northern division basketball title at th«» whistle wcr«' 23-17. of submarine attacks not all car­ makes a bad ending etc., is appar ­ Latest team standings (top half three years an amateur, vs. fast­ after the Cougars’ tingling 55-52 JLST GET A FURLOUGH goes have been delivered. I ently holding good for the Medics jabbing Pvt. Rudy Silva, 21, 143 ‘ conquest of the Oregon State Beav- Soldier, if you are going to only) are as follows: i of SCU 1911 in the Post Com­ pounds, 5 feet 7 inches, of the | ers here last night. Southern California on fur­ EASLEY [.LEAGUE plement-IXth Corps round-robin 336th QM. Still hard on the trail of the | Washington, however, stands pre. lough, here’s a chance to do laist. Team Won. league. 0 leading Mountaineers, the Gulls of At 126 pounds, Pvt. Alfred Silva, pared to challenge WSC’s league yourself and Pat Sylvia, who I.JC.1 Fa Bn I After starting things with six 20, 5 feet 5 inches of the Timber leadership, and th«» Husky-Cougar works at Post Laundry, one XI l> PH,, 2 0 Infantry league won unother game wins and no losses, the Medics Wolves, vs. Pvt. James Tierney of series in Seattle Friday and Sat­ i great big turn: 0 this week to lighten the first place, 1 383rd Inf. Mrs. Sylvia has a seven-year- 1 dropped three straight games, one the Timber Wolves, 27, 5 feet 5 urday will be the closest thing to 1 381st Inf. | "crucial” this season has yet seen. battle royal in by forfeit and the QMs of SCU inches. old son in Los Angeles, who she KANE LEAGUE wants very much to be here 1911 and 337th QM swept into a Won. Lost. competition. At 160 pounds, Pvt. John H. Tay­ 1 Oregon State left for home after Team last night’s defeat, the defending ! with her and her husband, a 0 tie for leadership. In all leagues < xc< |)t the Special .38 1 st Inf. 3 lor, novice, 18, 6 feet of the Tim- champions’ third in four games on 2nd lln. 0 Troops in fact, the battle for the soldier of the Post. She will 3 11. Q. Co 9«th Div. 2 Mi. N. of Albany on Hwv. 99 They each won four games, and her Wolves, vs. Pvt. Ralph Men- the road trip, and will attempt to 0 pay the fare one way to any .... 1 1st Bn. 382nd Inf. with 8 wins, 0 losses, carry along doza, 150. 5 feet 11 inches, of the salvage something from what so EVERY SATURDAY loud is Htill hotter than the Miran­ 0 responsible person who will as­ . 1 3rd Bn. 382nd Inf. 1 in rousing style. Several games Post Guards. far has been a far from happy NIGHT da Kiss we remember (lending Other bouts may be added, but season in Friday-Saturday games sume responsibility for chape­ 2 are slated this week end at Field Enjoy the Smooth, Modern ubout). Here the Hdq. Co. team, as it stands, if you like some goo«l at Corvallis against the University roning her son back by train or 6 House. Stylings of t Beavers Moke Ready one of the smoothest of all of the action, chalk off next Wednesday of Idaho. * bus. 5 League Standings i Idaho on Upgrade If interested, or if you know For Idaho Invasion 8 outfits, stands undefeated with 6 W. !.. to Httenil "Shackleton’s dance hall.” I Idaho, currently on the upgrade, I anyone who would be, contact 337th QM 10-Piece ORCHESTRA ... 8 0 wins, U losses, to 6 mid 1 for the I lioasts only one victory however, i Mrs. Sylvia via Lt. Bernard O. Oregon State’- road weary ban- QM, sec 1911 . . 8 0 featuring also-hot SiKHipers. Sports Gal that over Oregon State. The pos­ Kerns, Laundry Officer, Phone o 691st QM ketliall team will wind up its HCH- 7 1 DOROTHY EVANS sible return of Don Durdan to the Bitterest is the Artillery la-ague son’s activity against the Univers­ 2994. 1 Medical Det., SCU 1911 *8 6 lineup will do much to spur the ity of Idaho witli two games ut war. Here th«1 flying Boneheads 6 Hdq. SCU 1911 5 5 Beavers from here on in. Oregon ; Corvallis, Friday and Saturday 6 332nd QM. SCU 1911 4 7 j does not go into action again until .'min mi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiL nights. Tie Beavers returned to have piled up their majority, hut the o’ Eire 6 566th Rail Heads .next Monday and Tuesday, against 1 4 the campus from the Inland Em­ Rcdlegs are hot after As n mutter MPs, SCU 1911 Idaho at Eugene. .. 2 6 pire today mol have just two duys of fuct (here ih sonic blood rivalry 2 OSC last night was a far differ­ of 3429 Ordnance 5 to prepare for the invasion of the (of the understandable sort) on ent club than the one that dropped 33« QM Vandals. 1 7 tup for one of the week’s best­ a 44-35 decision- to the Cougars Jitterbug Contest for Men in Uniform — Cash Prizes The surprisingly strong Vandal looking games. This will In at Field 3505 Auto Maintenance 1 4 the night before. They were defi­ five split u two game series with House, 19(H) tomorrow night, be­ 3506 Auto Maintenance 4 0 nitely in the ball game from start the Orangemen nt Moscow last tween these two feudin’ squad». Lots of girls. Music by TOPljATTERS, to finish and for a greater part of week end. losing the first contest, Salem’s Leading Dance Band. Games ahead tonight mid tomor­ the game looked as though they had 52 to 49, in the last minute of row will see: the winning spark. s play, mid then coming buck strong Salem Armory—Adm. 50c—Every Saturday. 9 P. M Tonight nt Field House 11*00, Brief Tie the next night to swamp the Heav­ ( Listed in order played on Field Hous«» courts.) Div. Hd<|. vs. Sigs; 2030, Redlegs Except for a brief 6-6 tie the Sponsored by Capital Post No. 6, American Legion ers, 5(1 to 44. Redlegs def. Falcons 30-19. Score 16-6 at half time, with Sgt. Beavers led throughout the first vs. Fulcon». Ailanis scoring 12 for winners. half, which ended 34-30 in their fa- Tomorrow night 1900. Bone-» II<|||. Co. def. Sigs 35-6. Score 20-2 at half-time. heads vs. Redlegs; 1800, Snoopers Snoopers def. Storekeepers 40-23, spurting in last quarter. Score Vs. Sigs; 2030, Hdq. vs. Balls o’ 14 14 at half time, 24-21 at third quarter. Connor 12. Jones 10. I Cox 8 Fire. for winners. Hackley, 16, for losers. Results Boneheads def. Generals 28-11. Score 14-6 at half-time, Both the week outfits used two complete teams. Sentry sports. StHHipers def. Bulls o’ Fire 32-1«. At half, 18-6. Jones, 12. hijch- (3:>rv alliM sei.nil for winners. z Sig» def Balls o’ Fire, hi-14. Mohr, 8, tops for Sigs half. Now Showing HURLEY'S LOTION 10-6. For Poison Oak Boneheads crushed Be«e, 59-5. S«-ore 32-2 at half. Bees made -I steauthk Over 6000 bottles sold. Guar­ their first field goal with three minutes to go. Sgt. Trammel and anteed treatment for poison Cpl. I ourtlie). each 10. ' pH- 1 oak relief. 60c bottle by mail. HURLEY’S DRUGS. Albany Gulls def. Engineers 58-15. At half-time, 26-«. Zaiigin-Ua <8 - 1 — - Next to Singing and entertain­ MILTON BERLE ing Vncle Sam’s service men. BLUE network star Dinah Shore NOTICE! SOLDIERS’ loves sports of all kinds. She is ANSWER BOX particular!« fond of swimming, ALBANY horseback riding and tennis. Medics Hit Snag In League Wars Timber Wolf League Feud'n in Torrid Tilts LET'S DANCE at TUMBLE INN Al Benning's DANCE Results League Games, Timber Wolf Division Remember Your VALENTINE with a gift both Beautiful and Useful VENETIAN BAPTIST CHURCHES Albany and Corvallis Want to make your visit pl«-u ant when in either of the w«> «Hies. Start» Sumin« Albany— Edgar B. I other. Pastor — < ofner of Fifth A !.«<•« St». Corvallis— Edward It Hart. l‘*»t«»r— Earner <»f Xinth and Monroe TM TN*« MiSOUfflBK 10M TYIKR BOB »TULI IIMMIÍ 0000 GRANADA Yen aie welcome any time to visit the Service Men’s Fel­ lowship club* Located m the churches Make it your LIV­ ING ROOM when in town. ALBANY whitbsiih : ”1 \ I ••• I BHIVAI MW ( orvallis Ihiuble I calure Now Show ing "Jacaré I 1 X ! ING rONIGII I ON I HI OI.D < \ Ml’ GRDl XII" // Frank Buck Worship Services I I Bible School Sunday 9 1.' a m I i Morning Worship tl 90 a.m. • 'oung People’« h’r <:Ma. m. I Etening Worship 7.30 p.m. » » I I Start« Su nd a > (W ikt Animal Picture) XHMMVS TOMB" Dll h I OR \X plus "CALABOOSE" also With Jimmy Rogers and Noah Beery, Jr. NIGHT MONSTER III' II GONI IRISE HER' I Y «. I I I I I I I I I Fellowship Clubs Open »aturda* »unda«. Wed nesda.« and Thursday. KWIL 11 'M and ' Od A.M I » I I I I -V- You will fm«| U>e pastors in the cherche» on Saturday afternoon. J 00-5.00, Q How are dependents of en­ listed men classified for allowance the S. rvic«»m«*n’s Dependents ! under Allowance Act of 1942? : A. Class A. wife and child lor children); Class B, parents, brother, sister, or grandchild, who arc found 11 by the Secretary of the Department 1. concernetl to t»e dependents u)»»r such enlisted man for a substantial portion of their support. Q How does the Value of a sol­ dier’s initial equipment compare with a sailor’s and a marine’s? A A soldier. at his reception «•enter, gets no leas than 79 articles of clothing and equipment I from raaor blades to overcoat!) At re­ tail. this «»tuipment is valued at $150 A «ailor’s first issue totals 96 articles valued at »133 81 The initial issue of clothing to a marine coats »84 .5 <56 articles) aiwi of uahvidual e«)uipment. ineludmg rifle. »10) 39 tlR articles), total «■«»st 8186.14. After basic training clothing and equip«n«-nt is supple­ ment «»I ami varies according to the type of orgnniiation to which the • man ia assigned Q Is there any way that I can get a divorce while in the army ? A. There isn’t any army rvgula- . tion to prevent you. soldier. lluw- I ever, you may not he able to gel ■aw ray from your station if vou have I 1 to appear in court. American exports of sugar, wheat, andcereals, although only one pet cent of total United States supply, have been particularly im­ portant to Russia, which has lost most of its sugar-eet anti most of its richest wh«»at-producing areas to the Nazi invaders. ROLLER SKATING 8.00 P. M. Monday " ednesdav Friday Saturday SKATEWAY Roller Rink 7th 1 Montgomery Albany, Oregon Mid«illamette 'alley's Top-flight Roller Rink Furniture that is of Kind a Gift. SKe'HJ^Appreciate It More ! A tour of Fraget's three floors of HOME FURNISHINGS will convince you of the soundness of this suggestion. We'll help you to select.