I Page Six Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, February 4, 1943. 'Billfold Girl . SOCIAL SWIRL By Adel* Adair Chapel No. 3—C & 8th SU„ South Catholic Maaaaa—0800 L 1130. Catholic Confessions Saturday— 1900 and 2100. Catholic Holy Communion—1000. Episcopal Holy Communion — 0700. Protestant Worship — 0900 and 1900. Chapel No. 6—C & 4th Sts., South Catholic Masses at 0700 & 1115. Catholic Confessions Saturday after 1800. Protestant Services at 0900, 1000 and 1900. Chapel No. 11—D H l 5th Sta., South Chn-tian Science' Reading — at 1100. Christian Science Reading — Wednesday 1900. Here's Hope-ing Sgt. Wise and Partner Win Jitterbug Contest at Camp Adair the night i.revioui. Cpl. Volpe of the Timber Wolves and his partner took second placg. with Pvt. Locero and his partner taking third place. A large turn­ out of service men were present with their partners and a surplus of unattached young ladies were present, which is an unusual occur­ rence. A larger turnout is looked for next Saturday evening with an­ other Jitterburg exhibition to be staged again. , tivwn was lifted from the of Pvt. Joseph Locero of the «her Wolf Division in the Jit- .u exhibition at the Salem Ar- d.ince Saturday evening by H i.-e of the Timber Wolf • lr S : \t - with his vivacious and 11 partner. Miss Jean Carkin, : t honors in the opinion of a.ices. It will be remembered Sgt Wisi and Miss Carkin had See your War Bond officer today first in a similar exhibition about class A pay reservations. Saturday “night-club night” was | also talked briefly on what the a howling success at both clubs el .1. could contribute to the camp. and again scored the high note of In about two weeks Mrs. Mer- the week's activities. At Service ri. m hopes to have a regular Sun­ flub No. 2 the rubber bleacher- day afternoon hour of classical were packed and according to Mi- n.u-ic featured at Club No. 2. A Florence Merriam, hostess, then program of guest stars featured at couldn’t have been a bigger crowd the ciui. will alternate with an hour if war bonds had been given away of recorded music broadcast from The room was done in true night a I ■ al radio station. Mrs. Mer­ life style. With colored lights, riam is arranging for this program gtgeamers and confetti paper, spe­ which will be planned especially for ■ llllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIHI I III llllilllllllllllll111 llllllllllill IlflUlltlilllH B cially printed menus, night club this camp. tdtertainers, and swing music it Pvt. Green’s Plans was a terrific evening for all those Pvt. Lennie Green plans to re­ present. The entertainment sec- sume his class instruction in the Christian Science Churches. tibn was presided over by Eddie Rhumba. Tango and Conga this “Spirit" will be the subject oi Sbarritt, who introduced the a< t coming Tuesday evening at seven the lesson-sermon in all churches of which included Pvts. Wong. Perez. o'clock. Girls from nearby towns Christ. Scientist, on Sunday. Of The Week' the Perfect The Golden Text will be “Not by Bear anil Healey. The music was w , in also anxious to learn will might, nor by power, but by my supplied by the 96th Dicirion or- r be present. Green requests that all Meet Anne Solomon, gents; her spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.” VALENTINE! soldiers w ho are interested let him c|estra. Circus Night know by signing up at Service Club picture will speak for itself. She (Zech. 4:6.) Among the citations which com- |At Service Club No. 1 it was No. 1. Or a phone call to him there is the SENTRY’S ■< corn! Billfold Girl of the Week. Elowers Wired ANYWHERE pri-e the lesson-sermon is. the fol­ *cua night, at Saturday’s "night- will be ok. The lucky G. I. who carries this lowing from the Bible: “God is a for Valentine’s Day Delivery They Sing clnb night.” Five clown waiter«. Sunday night songfest at Service photo around ia his billfold is Corp. Spirit, and they that worship him md. -u > by Pvt. Sti ve Clcnsoa. sold spcom, peanuts, hot dogs and pop Club No. 2 was a howling success. Sam Duboff, attached to the Post must worship him in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24.) ecorations were done by ».•fist More than 60 were present at the War Bond Office. Miss Solomon is a native of New The lesson-sermon also includes Let's have another, IF IT KILLS the show was quite a hit! It was epert Pvt. Albert Weprin. Eli - affair which began at 5 p. m. Songs, lants, clowns, monkeys, cavorted old and new, were warbled with York City, and Sam met her on the following correlative passages ME. (and it might >." attended by all the Leg......... ■. n- Manhattan Beach and to quote Du- from the Christian Science text- Tulips ¿»nd Red Azaleas ... a perfect gift! >out the club—on Pvt. Watcrs. •Camp Adair to Portland “Here I bathing suit. ” We should live so to the Scriptures, ” by Mary Baker as their guests two Senat rs from Resenrutions at the dub doubled; en at OSC whs a chaperone at the come. There I go, I don’t care if I » 1 food was sold out. Warrant af­ Friday night dance at Service Club long as to refuse. Anne seems to Eddy: “The Scriptures also de­ never Come Back” made it in 3 Oregon. The "Scat Bar..: was on be a typical “ Dream Girl ” at 118 clare that God is Spirit . . . He is hand . . . Pfc. Mifflin at th« p.ano. ter Rulxdi lisl the Timber Wolf No. 2. She said that the dances Leading Floral Company pounds and wears nylon hose when all-inclusive, and is reflected by all hours and 45 minutes flat, (I don't rtillery band in the musical back were splendid and that the college believe the story that the covered Pvt. Forsland strumming tie ban­ 458 Madison. Corvallis Phone 201 she can get them. that is real and eternal and by •ound. Sgt. Angelo Calabr e was determined to cooperate with wagon got there first). Thomas jo, Pfc Eugene King slapping the Magnanimous Duboff states that nothing else. He fills all space, and c'd the floor show, Pvt. Eddie the lump to the fullest extent. he will furnish her address to any it is impossible to conseive of such “Don’t be Salubrious” Ryan, Rail “doghouse” around, and Pvt. Mo- Sgt. Lyle Heitz walker into Serv. icobson did some <•< (u 111 br i u t n of the “visiting brothers” on fur­ omnipresence und individuality ex­ Transportation’s representa­ quin added a touch of swing on his leks. A dance tium darned the u< ( lull No. 2 last week. Miss lough in N. Y. providing they sing cept us infinite Spirit or Mind. tive said when interviewed, “Sam— uccordion. The Victory Quartette nlero, did a jitterbug numcr, too. Rogers, hostess at the club, was was warmly received by all. Sgt. “Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree” Hence all is Spirit and spiritual.” They made the train too long .. vts. Roy Valerade and Bernard pr- r, the balloons had money i ti­ riff ir at Service Club No. 1 will be Polka" on accordions. Pvt Moquin, be clear, snappy and have “eye­ Cpl. Robert C. Gaard Hq. Co. SCU 1911 de. Pvt. Thimas as bearded lady, 1 .1. America night. A “Carmen Pfc. Franchina and Cpl. Herauf did mplete with dgar wmnlen I Miranda" will be there—there will appeal.” Coniprcz Vouz? just that, and, believe you me. it Greetings. Soldiers! Thomas Borrelli No. 32307230 is Kiup Colored hurricane lamp' I be a comic fight between a torrea- Co. “K” . _ . are we surprised! sounded good! lored spotlights formed the coloi dor and u bull. Tango, Rhumba, and to us what "Joe Turp” is to Damon It seems that “I” and “K” were Cpl. Bob Gaard did his imper­ ickground. Guest of honor wa Conga teams will furnish a Latin Runyon's column, and what “Joe holding a tactical problem a few sonation of “Alice from Corvail - ' iss Bonnie Wiley, AP n-p. iter dm . <■ background. At Service Club Palooka” is to every American days back in adjoining areas. Dur­ which drew a laugh, and Cpl. Ce. l oni Portland. Mrs. .Man .let reader.......... A good ing the afternoon “K” moved into Bimkrandt of Davidson Spe. „1 comic strip “Night Club” night will l>c lodgett characterized the eveim ; i irnival night. There will be side er f natured and lovable character, he “I" territory and. to their surprise, Service Office put on a icceasful, fsr beyond ,anyon - ho« and six other Imoths. Guest» gets mail if you dare to call him were captured. A check on “pris­ »kits aided by one Cpl. Gaard. All ipes. barber. Says he, “I am a ARTIST," oners” revealed that a few lieuten­ in all it was a bang-up performance fish for prizes, toss rings for prizes, Mrs. Merriam Sing have their fortunes told, have their and if you have ever been trimmed ants were also taken! There may which was enjoyed by all. P La.-t Thursday Mrs. Fiori t ■alms read mid participate in nail by this character you will agree be some dispute as to which com­ Mcrriar, hostess at Club No. 2, i > i.i and durt contests. Where’s that he is but definitely, on the pany was on the right terrain, but, journeyed to Corvallis aid Uo ie, your sporting blood—»>etu>r take Beam ... boys, in the future always be “on (e at home at 241 N. High February 7th Thy chariot. Thou who walketh pendent?” "TOOMPAH." says he, serving. They were: stre«‘t in Salem. Frim Pfc. to Cpl.: upon the wings of the winds. To (he calls me Toompah for Duboff) Send Floyd A. Wanbough, Maurice L. “Please don't say dot, I like all you Thee do we give praise und thanks. Muk« your dits* A pay rexcrvi- Meyer. Hollan Q. Woosley. Richard Bless those who have built and boys. I'm not IN-DEPANTS. It's 2:00 P. M. tioi. f. War Boutin Now. G. Wagner. Savcrio Caliiarvra. Vic­ those who shall sail thia great ship. just he situation. IT'S EXTREME­ tor J. Martell. We arv reminded in Thy word that LY CRITICAL." Cpl. William P. Ingison. com- i Who is this guy Clarke Gable, ‘They that go down to the sea in Chapel No. 8 pany news reporter. Cpl. Eugene K. ships, that do business in grant Tyrone Power, and Charles Boyer? Starkweather, ami Cpl. Kenneth EVERRGEEN STUDIO by Wire waters; these see th« works of tin Barrack No 464 houses Cpl. Cas­ W. Freeze were all promoted to the 131 W. Fimi St. Phone 113-J N. 5th & C St. Lord, and his wonders in the deep.’ io, i Torrice. “Cisco Kai number 1.” rank of Sergeant! Nice going, By the Dime Store ALBANY ... to Mother or the Gill “We consecrate this ship to the "I make ze bc< g luff by the num­ fellas! Friend buck home. If she holy task of carrying supplies to ber" -ays he. ‘ Next to me, Cisco our fighting men throughout Uns hid number 2 is Pfc. Sunty (pro­ i* in Corvallis, we have A bright future seems in store for world. We consecrate this ship to file» Towsky.” — How much ugly just the right flowers for the eagers of the 2nd Bn. 381st In­ a ministry and service of mercy to tax do you pay each year Lover? her Valentine... fantry ... so says Pfc. Schall . . . carry food to the millions of starv­ Is it a military secret? at least if past achievements are ing women and children now held in At a recent NON-COM meeting, considered. Three wins in as many bondage by cruel and heartless I t Pete A. I-a fka, speaking in games were chalked up during the military tyrants. Muy this ship en­ la-half of our Company Command­ past week by this outfit’s rangy joy Thy protecting care and help er. Cpt. Paul S. Rutledge, said, quintet. Sparked by Pfc. Ray War­ Kessey s Flowers rtfsicou i. «h W in the liberation of the enslaved "We arc proud to have such a fine ner of Hq. Co. as team captain they 308 Monro«' Street C4> (:«■*«,, Ua» Ithad Otf. K Î. everywhere throughout this world. bunch of men in our Company.” “It tumbled the 383rd Inf.. 33 to 20; (•nUbuhbr: And so in the name of liberty, is expected that you non-conis give 38 let Field Artillery. 21-18; and Telephone 344 Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. merry and kuman happiness we whol. heartedly, and unselfishly of 96th Div. Reconnaissance 30-23. Con all is christen and commit to the waves your time, und the beet that is in The team is composed of: Cen­ of Corvallis of the was this great ship, pray­ you. There ia no question but ter. Cpl. Simmons. F Co.; forwards. ing that it may go as an angel of that such loyalty, and cooperation, Pfc. Warner and Hansen. Hq. Co ; deliverance.“ will result in ultimate victory, and guards. Sgt. Kummerow. Hq. Co.; and CpI. Stephens, G. Co. future security.” The 3rd Bn. basketball team is «•Sih DIVISION ", of Hq. Company are fortu­ REl.lGIOl S SUB It F> nate to haie such sincere officer«» on the march. We predict the team Personnel and enlisted men •re wi. take a -pinal interest in each will appear as “one of the best” urged to attend reliiious «er» ice« ■ >, . f us especially in Adair With such a fine team regularly at Ike following chapels: a'o.c I’ll.I. TIME " They are aided by the supporting morale of Chapel Nn. 3—D A 3rd Sts «<.ulh prvsi : l to -< e to it that every man the men in the 3rd Bn. will tend to take them to the top. Let’s go. Catholic Ma«s< - IU3O ar 1 11 ■ stand up and take his medicine. Protestant Wonhip (»915 and I • it. the ni xt few lines of TEAM, we’re behind you! The 381st is starting training 1 ot n" to (- Pll.I.. Early N. 1900. for its boxing team. We feel quite Chapel No. 3 II * 7th St». nth .Morning»: Catholic M« s «0830 With mi mouth wide open I'm fortunate in that Cpl. Earl Gus­ -the happv finishing touches to a smart tafson. formerly under the guiding Catholic Confession» Saturxlax dreaming. ’be! Tricky collars of lovely, friMy hand of the late Jack Blackbum. 1500 and 1700 Cal it . • true, will I take TWO, lingerie .... trim belts .... costume and Joe Louis' manager, will be in­ Protopt a nt Worship 1000 and Will I surrender? structing the 381st boxing team '•usual glove» . . . l>e-autiful jewelry . . . ,1830. W itb my big mouth open. I'm Unless my guess is wrong, the boys -and- «me bag« in smart leathers.’ lovely Chapel No. 4 ( A 12th Sts 'outh scheming, in the team aided by Cpl. Gustafson, ••cxu'V* Kea-'i°n an.'- woman to wish, Catholic—Daily Ma>«e« 1» Of Ha eon and Eggs, Chicken wth will certainly make themselves On. \ akntine — make these mine.” except Wt-diii sd«« - Lee- (in Nj Ion hose» Girdle« known in the ring Watch for Catholic Masses at 0645 A 1130. and I-ace them! MILLER'S —in Salem Catholic Confession« Saturday But when 1 wake and find, that N Mir SrlrctMMi ( ourtrou» Help 1900 Sulphadiazine Pills. The JM»t «ntrrtainer» received Catholic Sorrowful Mother No Has even cured the ail’s of Elmer, an invitatati! from American Le­ vacua Friday at 1930 way up in them there hill«. gion Pont No. 9 in Salem to pre­ X- • GW lAl'T, Protestant Worship- 0900 I960. So. I will take another if it fill» vent a »hoar last Monday evmmr Hotel C.»resili» Hide C or «•!!«• Lutheran Seri ice» ~?019. Ute, and