n» vrv Page Four Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, February 4, 1943. ■ <-- - —~l ; May Be True That Dead Men Tell no Tales ; But Here's 61 Undertaker Who Tells All I__________________________________________________ i— Military Affairs Body Shown Combat Tactics Thedore, The Timber Wolf (Continued From Page 1) Wells, Mr«. Stella A. Cutlip, C. L. Lieuallan, Walter J. Gearrn, Mrs. Anna' M. Ellis, John Hail, Stan­ hope S. Pier, Fred Perry, John Snellstrom; Col Elmer E. Wooten, Mrs. I-ee Patterson, Mrs. W. H. Steiwer, Mrs. Wm. M. McAllister, Mrs. C. L. Lieuallan, Miss Kath­ ryn Gouley, Mrs. F. H. Dammasch, Kenneth Martin, Mrs. Keith Hall, Miss Maxine Kent, Capt. Fred Brunner, Mrs. Kaye Meyers. All guests were given luncheon at the various officers’ mess halls ut the conclusion of the tour. By Cpi John J. Gulielman ever sold came to $2500. Most ex­ “It’s *he artist in me,” says Pfc. pensive he ever saw, cost the buyers Julius Leighty, QM. SCI' 1911, $15,000. This coffin of coffins was whi n he’s asked how come he pre- L i* undertaking and embalming as built of solid copper, and lined a way of making a living, He likes with the most luxurious plush and it all right, because for 14 years satin. So heuvy was it that it took he's been plying his trade in und 12 men to carry it empty. The around Kansas City and Tepoka. establishment that made the sale The thing that keeps Leighty fas- featured the casket in their sales­ ciliated is, that every case (the pro. room. Protected by plush ropes ft ioiial’s polite term for corpse) like a Rembrandt, bathed in soft presents an entirely different prob- reflected light, centered in a large lem. I.eighty regards his work as ankle-deep carpet—“it looked like Camp Readies to Cope a constant and stimulating chal­ a little mansion,” says Leighty, im­ lenge to his ingenuity. When he pressed to the point of awe by the With Nasty Gremlins does well on an average case, he very memory of its beauty. The sutin that lines the coffin govern* he gathers compliments. When (Continued From Page 1) manages to make an accident case funeral costs a great deal, depend­ soldier, he still pursues his former look well, people marvel. All this ing on the quality used. Once career during his spare hours. gets around of course and is excel­ Leighty considered having u inag- "Are there any gremlins here?” lent. indeed, for business. Another nificent pair of pajamas made froin we asked him. pleasant fact about his trade: "The the best quality—Skinner's satin customer never complains,” chuc­ lining for coffins. The price fig­ "Heh heh, dun’t mek me left!” ured out to $18 for the satin alone, kles Leighty. replied Dr. McPheep. “Of course wholesale at thut. Leighty decided there are gremlins here. They is Undertaking has its drawbacks, to do without. But u coffin sales­ Want a date in Albani* A blind date!’ ebberwhere. Why, only last Leighty admits. For one thing u man friend of his, wishing to make I night—” man's time is never his own; it's a his wife a particularluv fine pres­ 24-hour-a-day job. "Of course, ent, hud a purty dress made up for Aaron B. Collins, Pfc William L. f WAR IS STILL HELL!!!!! "Just what kinds are common ...................... Pfc Hill M. Welton. . mostly you just wait; it isn't so her out of the sutin. “The material Vick, ~ hereabouts?” we said, interrupting ! By Pfc. T. J. Ryan, QMC. To be Privates First Class: Pvt Hut every time Leighty cost $30 wholesale—that show’s you bad.” him. "Those shells are driving me i s up to go out of un evening, what fine stuff it was," Leighty Kenneth 11. Anderson, Pvt Manalei washe- "Wai,” said the learned man, “I mad! ” la- ma|i- his time carefully, leaving i B. Lump, Pvt Raymond L. Blevins, have found that there are three dis- suys. The disheveled xoldier stood, Pvt William M. Maroney, Pvt David forwarding addresses und telephone gremlins in and around Camp his eyes all glazed and blood­ R. Rosenfeld. numbers. “Most of them pick be­ Busy Before Breakfast Cooke. ” And as we eagerly leaned shot. . . a madman to whom the Leighty has handled every kind tween midnight and three A. M., he forward in order to not miss a peace of sleep would not come, Some of the boys are inclined to -ays reasonably, not compluining. of case during his 14 years ut the word he said, he continued: for a while at least. trude. Once upon u time he was disbelieve Corporal Irving Berger’s Apparently this is because the hu­ "I can't sleep, I can’t sleep! Three Varieties Around man body is then at a natural low culled out ont on the case of a man denial that he tripped the light fan­ If this doesn’t stop, I'll die. Nite who got himself in the way of u "There are three varieties of ebb. Every New Year’s eve for the tastic (married) while on furlough. after nite ... I can’t go on,” he I gremlin's in and a round Camp past 13 years, except one, Leighty train. “I was picking up up pieces He looked too huppy and contented moaned. “I stand the toil of the for u half mile. Ami I got every­ Ccoke. They are: The giant splay­ has been called out o nu case. In on his arrival back to cainp. At day, and at nite I don’t rest be­ thing but one arm; never could find footed gremlins, the tooter-lipped 14 years he has hud only 10 duys any rate his stay at home seemed cause of those shells.” thut. No, 1 didn't look too hard. type und the common garden varie­ vacation. to have made a much happier man I looked at him and he seemed It was too early in the morning und ty, the bubble-puss gray. of him. She is the girl that sends Now Flowers for Baby so weary, and somehow . . . I wuh too hungry, hudn't hud my “The giant spray-footed, Spleyfo- There are other disadvantages, breakfast yet." Then there was the the “Green Envelopes.” moved with pity. . . . and while I ticus Verbatima, is the true Ar­ too. Lclghly never sends a gir) time that u worker fell 200 feet moved ... It was with just a .Making th«> rounds the other eve­ mored Force gremlin, rarely beeing flower The possibility that th« from u smokestack.Every bone in little smile of satisfaction, my found outside an armored encamp­ flowers well, it’s just too much the ho little Huir Leighty as an artist is a perfec­ me for the next sucker." vehicle, throw it Square in the face Pan Into the Fire From worrying, no doubt. tionist. lie strives to make his Leftover« of the unsuspecting driver. One Let's all chip in buy him a wig “i uses'' as ii- handsome hut us life- striking fact about this gremlin is Miscellaneous facts from Leight's Then watch him pull what's left lige us possible. Thus he gives (The Se- try, never shy when jt that TBA allows it 1 each shovel, treasure-store of civilian memories. all out. haircuts, baths, shampoos, shuves comes to literary shoplifting, re­ w handle and 1 each pick-mat tox Contrary to popular folklore, the uses cosmeticH, even curls femi­ prints here un article which ap­ w/handle. hair and fingernails do not grow Bo brave little man, don't you cry, nine hair. When a "case” hue never pears in this week's "Timberwolf Bedevils Soldiers after death; the akin recedes and You'll gi t a furlough by and by been particularly fustidious in his Cannoneer.” You can't sue us for With these fiendish instruments shrivels. The people who "carry The war can’t lust forever. own personal care, it is a proud plagarism, laiys, there's your credit of torture, they manage to bedevil on” the most at funerals make the hut nut unusual moment when a line.) soldiers in an infinite number of quickest recoveries. No longer can We certainly got a thrill when w<- friend or relative comments in sur­ Once upon time there were three ways: they dig deep holes for un­ anyone be so low as to steal the tuned in over the radio the past plus "Why, lie looks latter now boys-er-men over 38 years old suspecting peep drivers to smash pennies from a dead man’s eyes; week and heard (he nume of our who were soldiers in the army of into; they excavate pits for march­ than whin he was alive." Leighty i cotton or paper is now used to keep i distinguished Officer, Lt. Norris the U. S. These three boys were too ing troops to step off into; they ut funerals wears an attentive and I the lids down, Bodies sometimes announced as a judge in a recently old for physical lalmr. They didn't throw sand under and around properly glum expression. But ac­ weeks, sometimes last only six conducted quiz. Talk about celebri­ like to sleep in double-decker Iwds; wheeled vehicles so that they be­ tually be hears little that goes on, years. Leighty was present at the ties, yes sir, we have them. for like all the profession, he trains they didn’t like attending school a come stuck, thrust the shovel han­ a woman who had disinterment of i himself not to listen. "After all couple ot hour* in the evening, they dle between some poor dogface’s been in the grave for 19 years She We regret, though it's not our didn't like the Sergeant, they never legs—just as he is passing the regi­ -oinetunes 1 ustsl to go to nine in a looked alive. Her clothes were per fault, thut two member* of our day " 75, ex< lusive of limousine, Great numbers of them can be The following appointments and sissy; they had enough money — t ost il< pi tiding mostly on the cas­ Last Tuesday. January 27. an rating* are announced effective they had to pay $10.00 each, per seen perched on telephone lines ket Most expensive casket I-eighty announcement was forthcoming week per room, a couple of bucks carrying on outlandish conversa­ February 1, 1943. from our Commanding Officer, Cap To be Staff Sergeant: Tis h 5th for a decent nival They didn't have tions with innocent persons at one N tain R. O. Campbell, during noon to worry about steaks, (they end or another. One of their favor­ Gr Paul E. Nagel. in«»«. A silence fell over the en­ couldn't get any.I al small fortune ite gags is to make “fie-eev" sound To be Sergeant; CpI. Alfred J tire Company, and there was not a for a new suit, everything sky- like “nic-yen," consequently play­ N. Dinger. question of a doubt that if a tor­ high; they didn't need the money ing hob with dates made by soldiers To I m * Technician 4th Grade: Cpi. AITO ACCIDENT nado hud struck the Mess "Hall at for a goml lune because the niftiest and their honeys. The tooter-lip Wilmer C. Stolpe, Tech 5th Gt Ed IT RE LIFE that tune, it would huve left no gal* were always with a "Uniform." also has an extremely nasty habit ward L> Aiterburn, Tech 5th Gr BVRGLARY deeper wounds; when he informed Uncle, Uncle, How can we get of appearing out on the parade Ervin C. Quist, Cpi. Fivd J .Millet and all other* us that he was to be relieved of his back into the "Lousy" Army? ground, and at a crucial moment Reliable Stock Companie« To be Corporal: Tech 5th Gr John command of the Company and was (just after the company commander R Karnap. Tech 5th Gr Lalo A. being transferred to Ft. Lewis, older» "Eye-ees right!)” hr screams Cordova, Tech 5th Gr Frank Tem­ M I NT INFORM ITION? Washington. Our association with out, “T'th'-rvarp, Hotch!” INSURANCE BONDS pleton. Captain Campbell has certainly a Elks llldg. Phone 141 “Now, the bubble-puss gray. What is it — a dog license a To by Technician 5th Grade Pfc most pleasant one and wg fully Corvallis, Oregon marriage license a place to stay Thanetue lldnoees, is the most realize that his leaving us at this or a temporary “little common species found in this sec­ overnight time will «un ly be felt throughout tion. Scads of them live in the grey home in the West"? the » ntue Company. We are confi­ The Corvallis Ih-fensc Recreation barracks with the men and spend dent that our loss will tie another Office in the City Hall attempt« all their time thinking up ways and Company's gain. to answer these questions and a means of heckling Uncle Sam s We take this means of express­ nephews. They love to sprawl out hundred* other« every day in th« ing our giatituile for all that Cap­ on a nrwiy-niade bunk one minute tain Campbell has accomplished for week. And on Saturday afternoon, before inspection, They take a »ol- us in making this Depot Company some of the it«s>d women of the city dier's equipment and misplace it, one of the best outfits on the West try to tell th« soldier what he putting hi« pistol belt and canteen want* to know. The P.T A.'s have down in the bottom of his barracks < .'oast. Good luck to your. Captain R O. been in charge for the past two bag. taking his shelter half from Campbell With the laird'« bless­ months, and now the Business and its usual place and stuffing it be­ ing. we sincerely wish you God- Profeasional Women take over for tween his bed and mattrv».«. They Speed ami success in your new ven­ a lime. •at up a man's candy and cookie» ture. So “pack up your trouble*" and sent from home and caeafully tell them to the "Ask Me" ladle* hoarded against the maraudings W e take this opportunity to wel­ next Saturday evening. Drop in of ether soldier». come our new Company Command­ Are Faegees Tee er, Captain L A. Bentley, to the and introduce yourselves anyway, f They like to vp«n a toMier'* mail 337th QM Dtpot Co. There is no And. by the way. ask ts *ee the I before he get» it and with •* »«at doubt, whatsoever, that we will letter from your governor. a bit of forgery aa you ever »aw, i sometimes writes some of the most disturbing things between the lines like—‘I went out with one of the cutest boys you ever saw the other night. He took me dancing, dining and then we went out to the Purple Parrot—' Occasionally these gremlins wan­ der over to the orderly room just to poke around a little. They mess up the files and cunningly jumble up the names on the KP roster and whisper tantalizing suggestions in­ to the first sergeant’s ear. And then sometimes they slip up to one while he is typing and hit the wrong keys andxzq (get opt of here, you little rascals!)—and do many, many other things of a like nature. “Ah, they're great little crea­ tures, though. At times we may find them a little bothersome but after all, what would life be with­ out its little ups and downs?" (CRASH! BANG!) Now, who the hell pulled this chair right out from under me? Ada Leonard Troupe Here for 3-Day Show (Continued FTom Page 1) was featured in the Broadway show "Too Many Girls.” Lynn Russell and Marion Farrar —comedy song satirists, whose numbers were . written by Eddie Davis, who is Eddie Cantor’s writ­ er. One is a beautiful blond, one a ravishing red-head. If it matters enough, the advance script declares their costumes are lovely. Elinor Sherry — singer, who comes to the circuit direct from the Roosevelt hotel in New Or­ leans. A distinct personality girl. (Continued From Page 1) in months of 1942, $6311 was re­ paid. Only $135 had been written off as uncollectable — and this was due to changes in circumstances of the men, not because of unwilling­ ness to pay. Important among other services rendered, more than 1400 knitted I garments (mostly sweaters) were issued through commanding offi­ cers, to soldiers whose work de­ I manded exposure to inclement i weather. The garments were knit­ ted by Red Cross volunteers and sent to the Field Director for dis­ tribution. Poor Soldier Must Pay; Income Tax Dope Here (Continued From Page 1) come tax; a staff sergeant, $63; technical sergeant, $97; master sergeant, $149. But Not Officers The $250 deduction is not allowed for commissioned officers, there­ fore their income tax is propor­ tionately higher. A second lieuten­ ant will pay approximately $214 income tax; a first lieutenant. We Tailor Officers' Uniforms.. ARMY;. ENGELSTAD’S New location—414 Madiaoa PHONE 240 W. Guy Parker District Mgr. Phone 1142 215 Monroe St., Corvallis, Ore. Flowers By Wire Across The Country in a Flash The Perfect VALENTINE Delivery is guar­ anteed only on orders placed early. We have a beauti­ ful assortment of cut flowers and plants for your “Valentine” in Cor­ vallis. RUSSELL'S FLOWER SHOP Next to Hotel Benton, Corvallis Important Notice To Service Men, Camp Adair Beginning Saturday, Southern Pacific Railroad Company will operate one special train for service men Camp Adair to Portland, handling Portland passengers only, leaving Camp Adair 1:30 P.M. Round trip, $2.00 — good on special train only. Tickets available at Main Bus Terminal and at Wells- dale station. Oregon Motor Stages, for lack of equipment and inability to secure adequate equipment cannot render adequate transportation service to service men in Camp Adair, especially the Portland traffic, and we earnestly solicit and urge all service men desiring to visit Portland over the week-ends avail themselves of the service to be rendered by the Southern Pacific Railroad Company and endeavor to arrange for their passes or furloughs sufficiently in advance to make use of this special train service. Your cooperation to this extent will enable Oregon Motor Stages to render more complete and greater frequency of service between Camp Adair, Albany, Corvallis and Salem. For the return of service men to Camp Adair, this special train will leave Portland on Sundays, at 7:30 P- M. Shuttle busses will operate on Saturdays between hours of 12 Noon and 1:30 P.M. serving SP Railroad Depot. South-end shuttle bus will operate in reverse direction during these hours. ^our cooperation in this matter is greatly appre­ ciated. Your Portrait In 0 Elmer Patrick A Have it made RIGHT HERE on the POST Quality Furniture and Appliances At Moderate Prices Terms 260 State St. Salem The Ball Studio No. 1 á But—Please order NOW. If you place your order early, the florist will save out what you order. Delay may make substitution * necessary. OREGON MOTOR STAGES Insurance for WANTED OFFICE MACHINE REPAIRS By holder of Federal and SUte Repair Contract». Complete Service at Red Cross Tells Saga of Growth YOKUM HOKUM HOGG BROS. $249; a captain, $318. The return must be filed with the Collector of Internal Revenue for the district in which the tax­ payer maintains legal residence. The legal residence is usually not the soldier's Army post but where he lived before he entered the Army. Tax may be paid in full March 15 or in quarterly installments on March 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15. Owners of War Bonds, in mak­ ing an income tax report, can either report the increment in value when received, or treat as income in each year the amount by which their bonds increased in re­ demption value. For the average soldier, the former course is not only cheaper in the long run but much easier to figure. Main Bus Terminal -