•“» **• ~ .« T • ~ )N STA» F i weekly journal devoted to maintaining morale, with the responsibility of circulating post informa­ tion and news at Camp Adair, Oregon. Camp Sentry Mounting Guard in Vol. 1, No. 42. Camp Adair, Oregon, Thursday, February 4,1943. WHAT’S UP? By special arrangement, 40 programs for towns surrounding Camp Adair will he published each week. You will find them tabulated on page three. Clip and post it. $1.50 a Year by Mail Big All-Girl Review in Camp Three Nights ♦ I Sophisticated Ladies Ada Leonard, Troupe, Here for 3-Day Show Red Cross Tells Saga of Growth 4 I 22-Girl All-American Revue Gives First Show at Theater 1 Tonight; Climaxes Saturday at Field House Maybe Your Topkick Someday From Tiny Start It Grew to Employ 34 Workers; More Than Two Thousand Aided Timber Wolves Air Hosts Mond. KOIN Broadcast Set for Field House; Novelty Numbers Scheduled for Ether 1 . . . from one of the smaller The Timber Wolf Division moves corners of Lt. Robert Mallonee’s back into the spotlight at Field desk on the fourth floor of the Elks House next Monday night when building in Corvallis. they act us boat to the camp on I . . to 20 desks, crowding the the regulur weekly KOIN, “Camp second floor of Bldg. 501, N. 1st Aduir On The Air,” which is broad­ St, and Ave. E; to an entire large cast at !> o’clock over Columbia’s building in the hospital area; to of­ basic outlet for the Pacific north­ fice s in each division and regimental west. The Pre-show starts at 8:30. headquarters. The Timber Wolf Infantry orches­ Pack this all into a few short tra, under the direction of Sgt. Aus­ months and you have the story of The Ada Leonard revue, which tin Everard will furnish the bor­ the growth of the American Na­ Or Even Mali Haris is officially called Unit 64 of the ders and musical highlights of the tional Red Cross Field Office at USO-Camp Shows, is expected to A story from the George evening. Camp Adair, as revealed to the prove far and away the best thing White Cervice Center, Portland, An extravagant array of talent Sentry yesterday by Veri Lewis, the Camp Shows have sent along tells about the sailor who was including Pvt. Raymond Kolver, field director. expressing his appreciation to to our carnal habitat to date. former radio performer on eastern Let’s go back to July 13, 1942, one of the hostesses serving Per custom it ix FREE to EM, networks, Pvt. James Allen, ace when the Field Office at this Post there. He said to her, “ You know to officers and to their guests. impersonator and vocalist, Pvt. Ma­ was opened, with the arrival of ma'am, you ladies are doing a What is in store? hon Tullis, mighty midget of the James Layton as Field Director and wonderful work for the boys in Let us say that the one-time keyltoard and other smart, fast acta Verl Lewis as his assistant. Ia»ter the service—a wonderful work. burlesque queen, like her confrere are in rehearsal to round out the the same week Miss Ada Keyes Here tonight and until Sunday night, with the famed Ada You may not be Florence broadcast and pre-show. Heading of the middle aisle, Gypsy Rose Leonard all-girl revue are Lynn Russell and Marion Farrar, eye­ joined the staff. Nightingales or Lydia Pink­ filling satirists of song. The comedy songstresses are part of the the half hour show which proceeds Lee, has elevated from her former i Are Now 34 hams but you sure are doing 22-girl cast of musicians and players in the big USO-Camp Shows the radio presentation will be the sphere. At least the tales preced- | your share." Before the end of 1942, the staff revue. It’s at Theater No. I tonight (6:30 and 8:30), Theater 2 Timber Wolves' crack drill team, ing this Camp Shows tour, brought I had grown to 34 persons. Layton tomorrow and Field House Saturday. eight soldiers who go through their back by request of service men of | had departed for overseas services paces in a manner to shame Radio the nation's camps, indicate a | Beat Me, O! Daddy and Lewi« became field director. City’s fumed precision dancers. In the meantime — 2203 soldiers revue that is streamlined in more With a Boogie Beat If you are one of those foolish enough to have stayed away The entertainment quality of ways than one. had been given some kind of help from Field House during the Munday evening radio shows, you may i.ot recognize thia picture of lovely Carol Worth, who has these Monday night shows in the by the Red Cross on the post. Are ya solid, Jack? If you’re • The “Sweet Sioux” of show-land appeared on all programs. Firat she was made an honorary mem­ Field House, both on the air and Moat of the soldiery problems has a non-pareil all-girls bands of square and can beat your brains ber of the post, then a I’fc. In this picture, posed especially (or for the soldier audience, is improv­ Live been those who concern the Public Relations, she is burking for Curporal. . 17 pieces. The All-American Band out with a licorice stick or slide ing each week and the Timber Wolf soldier ’ s family as well as himself. leans to sweet music, but can “jive” wheezer then onesy twosy down to SSO has promised to surpass all To about one-fourth of these, finan­ it with the best of them and, Service Club No. 2 next Tuesday efforts to date. cial aid was given. at 8 p. m. according to several of our Post There have been a total of 524 All military personnel and guests If you can dig the jive and are music eggs-perts. rates the nod loans, amounting to 123,669 06. In are invited to attend and take part with some, over Phil Spitalny’s interested in joining a jumpin’ jive most instances these loans were for in the evening's entertainment. Pre­ session then contact Mrs. Merriam, girls. I transportation, to ullow soldiers to show starts promptly at 8:30, im­ Soldiers subject to the individual State Solon Of that, Men of Adair, you are club hostess, who is organizing a income tax law no longer will have take advantage of emergency fur ­ mediately followed by the radio solid crew of senders. If you’re a to be the judges. loughs in which the soldier's pres­ broadcast, 9 to 9:30. As usual all long hair stay away as no ickies (to swear to their returns, but there A Pre-View ence was required at home. is free to men in uniform. will be permitted to join in with is nothing to prevent them from The 17-girl All American band I the blues nodders. Due to family obligations, 12 sol­ swearing at them. has played such theater circuits as | diers were unable to repay loans Okay, fellows, we’ll translate it Congress eliminated from the old Saturday Night Set Warner’s, Loew’s and RKO all over for yOy and outright grants totaling *773 that all re ­ law the requirement «1,0 — -tin — onA lau« *, o u — li'n.. n ' were made to them. the nation and last year was a For Timber Wolf Hop Ji you can play an instrument turns must be sworn to before a (Foreword—This seems to be one All Repay huge success in a nation-wide tour CAMP WHITE IN PRINT by ear, especially a clarinet or notary or some official qualified to of the few Army Posts in America But the repayment record has of USO-Camp Shows. With a swell start, good cover­ The big Timberwolf dunce, big­ trombone then contact Mrs. Mer­ administer oaths. But this does not that hasn't been bothered yet by been high. Of the total sum loaned age, features and lots of ads, Ada Leonard herself, a talented riam who is organizing Tuesday absolve the taxpayer from prosecu­ ger and of course l>etter, will be gremlins very much, that is.) (Continui d on puge 4, col. 6) Camp White came out last week held thia Saturday evening at 8 musician, is a beautiful brunette night jam sessions. If you can tion for perjury in cases of delib­ But we believe iti preparing for with the first edition of its camp o'clock at the Memorial Union who was born in Lawton, Okla., play an instrument and do not have erate deception. all things at Camp Adair, so, for paper The paper does not yet building on the Campus of OSC at and is partly of Sioux Indian ex­ one with you on the post, then the lack of very much better to do, we Single soldiers with gross in­ have a name and carries a line of Corvallis. Free to soldiers, the traction. instrument will be furnished you. comes of *750 or more and mar­ whipped uround looking up facts question marks for a name. dance will feature the Division Catherine Westfield, a single act, on gremlins the other day. The best ried soldiers making *1,500 or The Sentry welcomes this new Infantry band led by Sgt. Everard. puppeteer, has played theaters we could do was to pick up Cpl. Timber Wolf Promotions I more, must file returns. cousin into the Oregon fold. (Air Dance contests, with prizes, will throughout the New York area, Raymopd Waters' account of the y Those Timber Wolf huskies are 5% Victory Tax family is growing. We congratu­ feature the affair. Half the SCU ’ discoveries made by one Dr. Aber­ clubs through Canada and the south going to town again. And bring­ Camp White and offer best has been invited as have attached In addition to the regular income Mrs.McCoy Is Sponsor; nathy McPheep down at Camp late and toured the west with numerous ing home the promotions, too. Here wishes for the future. units of 100 EM from the Corval­ Cooke. In a very mild way we find name bands. Operates a troupe of they are. the men who earned pro­ tax, soldiers with incomes of over Many Locals Attend lis air-port. Ail in all a fine time | *684 a year will pay the 5 per cent what gremlins are, what some of six almost life-size dolls, fashioned motions last week. Incendiaries Beware! Is expected, especially because of ¡Victory Tax on their 1943 incomes. after celebrities whose mannerisms It wax a military launching for them do and why they ure so im­ Promoted to: the fine floor show planned. | This tax will lie deducted from the Fire Stations Filled portant to you and you and you. , they ape. the George M Bibb, 129th Liberty .Major, William A. Gray; 1st Lt., : pay of civilians, but soldiers will Floor show will feature n drill The Editor); ship down the way» of the Oregon Key Taylor—single act. Pretty Ned U. Bourke, George West, Hugh team of eight men. MC will la* Cpl. One more Engine flouse (No. 2 I pay it at the end of the year. In the event that the reader is ! tap dancer; has appeared at such W. Fleischer; Cpl, Frederick P. Governor Earl Snell, Gover­ Shipbuilding corporation yards last unfamiliar with gremlins, w<- will i on the Post) has been opened, and Chuck Healey. Pvt. Ray Kolver. Return of the regular income Sunday. spots as Chez Paree in Chicago, Jost, Elmer A. Youngstrand, Is­ nor of Oregon, who paid Camp at the present time all of the six former singer over CBS and NBC, tax must be filed with the collector explain. Adair his first visit since his Vanderbilt hotel in Miami Beach, rael W. Sadler. William H. Streck­ The ceremony of christening the Camp Adair fire stations are now will be there with the songs he’s I of internal revenue for your dis­ inauguration last month. He was No one has ever actually seen Shoreham hotel in Washington; er; T 5 Dirwin I. Cook. Ferd H. a guest of the Timber Wolf ship wax taken over by (’amp one. However, it has been eatab- I i occupied. Fire Chief A. L Sherk made famous. Pvt. Horan will trict on or before March 15. Shumway. Thomas P. Gannon. (Continued on page 4, col. 6) Adair officers and their wives and revealed yesterday. Engine House astound with magic uets and Pvt. j The payment of income tax by Division. the actual christening of the ves- lished that they do exist and. are 2 is situated at N. 8th St and *' Ray Allen will have 'em rolling in (■■■■■■■■ persons whose ability to pay is sei wax done by Mrs. Gordon Mc- dark gray in color and are about a , Ave., under Captain« Charles Hac the aisles with his Helen Morgan materially impaired by reason of act. Coy, wife of Colonel McCoy, Post foot tall. military service may be deferred Their only aim in life is to play hard (senior officer! and Merle Commanding Officer. Bogart. for not more than six month- after tricks on unsuspecting persons. A pre-christening ceremony was They are not intentionally mean, 1 Additional apparatus just in­ Goes to School termination of his period of mili­ ■ I held shortly before the ship slid but simply like to play rather crude stalled includes another 750 Sea­ S Sgt. I, E Brown of the Poet tary service. No interest or penalty down for its baptismal bath with practical jokes on unhappy victims. grave pumper, housed with En­ Guard company, left camp yester­ is charged for the period of defer­ Major Fisher J. Smith, quarter­ They were first discovered by mem­ gine 4 at 5th St. 8. and < Ave. day for the east where he will at­ W’ho was it »aid that crime programs "Detail at Seven”) and ment, according to Lt. Col. I ac R. Gens. Cook, Dunckel master department, acting as the bers of England's RAF and shortly This station is under charge of tend officers* training school of the organization and baton work of Woods, camp finance officer. doesn't p— Hosts to Legislotors inaater of ceremonies Major Smith »fterwards by our own army fliers. Capt. Clarence Temple. the Signal Corps. Oh, oh! Who was it »aid that the SCU 1911 orchestra. T Sgt. But an application must be filed introduced Colonel McCoy, who And now the Armored Forces here­ Black hails from Yakima w here with the collector in ord.-r to obtain hard work is not repayed? Modern methods of engaging gave the main address to the as­ with »ubstantiates those prior Two of the nicest and brightest he was former production mana- this deferment. war-fare were demonstrated Tues­ sembled thousands of shipyard claims to the existence of these smiles seen at this Post the other ger of station KIT. Income tax is figured on the day afternoon to members of Mili­ workers. The colonel pointed out little scamps. Tech. Sergeant Edwin A. Brown base pay, including additional pay morning were worn by a couple of tary Affairs Committee of the Ore­ soldiers who have been together has been editing this here newa- for longevity, foreign service or -ea gon legislature by the Timber in hix address that it wax extreme­ Savant Interviewed In a recent interview with Dr. ly necessary for defense workers since this Post began to burgeon in paper and collaborated with the duty, flying pay, etc., and aide. Wolf Division. Abernathy McPheep. we came to to back up the Army and the rec ­ radio presentations, such as the But allowances for rations and the tent city days. Major General Gilbert R. Cook the conclusion he is truly a great , They don’t even look alike. They now-becoming-famous Monday fea­ quarters are not to be reported for I and Brig. Genera) William C. ord set by the shipbuilders wax Camp Adsir soldiers, who are fir-1 slmost day and night. They be­ an inspiration to the armed forces student of gremlins. We learned went to different schools together ture, “Camp Adair on the Air,” re­ income. Col. Woods said. ing with machine guns and rifles ■ ome more expert in handling these f Dunck«-I were hosts to the commit- Immediately after the conclu­ that he has ng was Mrs. George C, Ferch, wife self in Unde Sam's arm«! forces, vate» make more than *£»> a year Senator* Lee Patterson, Joel C. of Colonel Ferch. Post executive stationed at Camp Cooke, and de­ that the native Filipinos started Amei lean soldiers. The word "bole“ has been behind the guns of much Oregonian. T Sgts. Black and Brown, stall A »ergwont- >f not married, Booth. Thoma* R. Mahoney, Irving office,. Beverly McCoy was flower spite the fact that moat of his time carrying bolo« a very few years ha.» since become commonly used to of the radio broadcasts released Representatives Harvey girl and Post Chaplain Lloyd V is now taken up learning to lie a after they began to walk and have designate persons who did notquali. from Camp Adair .principally the | advancing together, u«ed to be would pay approximately *24 m- Rand; I the long knives in their possession fy on the range. Harmon gave the invocation. (Continued on page 4, col. 5) (Continued on page 4, col. 6) (Continued on page 4, col. 5) regular KWIL and KOAC feature I S Sgts. Lovely Ada Leonard and her All-American Girl Revue have arrived at Camp Adair for a three-day visit, And .what a visit! Tonight, at War Department Theater 1, they will play two shows, at 6:30 and 8:30 o’clock. Tomorrow night they repeat, at Theater 2. Saturday evening they will give a farewell performance starting at 7:30 p. m., before what may prove to be the biggest crowd yet assembled at Field House. Poor Soldier Must Pay! Income Tax Dope Here If 1942 Income Beat $750, You Must File; EM Get Deductions Camp Readies to Cope With Nasty Gremlins Camp Cooke Scientist Unearths Details Never Before Printable Camp Adair Launches Liberty Ship Sunday i Ye Eds. of Radio and Press, Tent City ! Vets, Become—Don’t Guess! It’s T-Sgfs ------------------------- — Military Affairs Body Shown Combat Tactics Timber Wolf Top Kick Tells Origin of Word Bolo’ as Applied to Rifle Range I