Papre Eight Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, January 28, 1943. 96th Cagers Io Meet OSC rrosh in Series Ping Pong Tournament For Timber Wolf Sigs Camp Adair First and second round matches , are now being played in the ping , Initial Game Monday pong tournament held by the Sig- | nal company. Timberwolf Division. Night, Corvallis Gym Play so far has been hotly con­ tested, and the two men who reach Basketball at its beat will be the finals bracket are expected to offered to service men free of offer a closely contested series for charge when th«* Coach Luke Gill's the title of “company champ. frosh team of Oregon Htate College takes on an all-star team repre­ The national and eastern open senting th? 96th Infantry Division, open table championships will tie in a series of games scheduled to held this year as usual, opening begin ut 8:15 p. m. Monday in the March 26-28 (National) at St. college gymnasium at Corvallis. Louis and Washington, D, C., Feb. Two other games, between the same 20-21 (Eastern). teams, will take place on the nights of February 4 and 9. , Plan* Hound Robin Stars i game at the O. S. C. gym Monday Game plans originated in the I night, the two teams arc so per­ divisional special services office fectly matched that they resemble when it was decided to give soldiers a basketball fan's pipe drcam. On­ an idea of the wonderful basketball lookers who saw the practice setup tulent that they have in their bar­ declared that the deciding game racks, Cugi men for the all-soldier will well lx- worth a journey to Cor­ team wen chosen from the out­ vallis, and then some. standing players who showed their Here's a roster of the boys who stuff in the current round robin will defend the division's basketball tilt to determine the division’s top honor: R. Jackowski, W. Reeder, notch squad. .1. Sevier, J. Kelley, I,. Witoaki, N. Teams Srrir.image Weiner, H. Berge, L. Fusselman From the looks of a scrimmage and D. G. Van Dcrvort SPORTS I’fc. Bob Ruskauff, Editor Coming — Athletic Rainfall It had to happen some time. The powerful Mountaineers of the Infantry league finally lost their first game in the divisional league play of the Timber Wolf Division, to the second-place Gulls. The score was 31-28, after a rip-roaring, dramatic melee in which the score was tied up four times during the last two minute* of play. Then the Gulls’ pace-setting dynamo, Pvt. Polivechek, who earned 14 points, sank two in Quick succession and the “Hillmen” had lost their first battle in nine stm Sgt. (.lark Brown, 8 points, high-scored for the Mountaineers. One Undefeated Team Piling up a 55-29 win over ‘he with Ordnance at iftlM); Been meet Geysers in another Infantry game, ' th< llonelu nds nt 2030. Tomorrow among tl".»e during the week, the lit will be Div Hdq. vs. Sig«, 1900 Gulls (led again by Polivechek, with . mid Falcons vs. Redlegs, 2030. 16 points), stand in gunning dis­ League standings: tance of the Mountaineers, with 6 INFANTRY LEAGUE wins 2 losses, against 8 und I. W. !.. Mountaineers equalized their loss Moiintaincei s 1 8 •> hy tripping the Medics. 28-14. 6 Gulls Headquarters team of the Special Geysers 4 4 Troops League, which now remains Engineers 6 1 the only nrdi f< ated outfit, added to Pill Rollers I 7 their trophii with n 23-15 win over Alt I II I.ERA LEAGUE the Storck« i p Adams und Led­ lionehcad- 1 6 •> better e.e-h got 8 points for Hdq Redlegs 5 Tin Fall ns stung the Bees, 12-6, Falcons 3 3 to swap places with them in the Illis 4 6 Artillery League, as the leading General» 1 Bom head* rode idle on their 6 win, SPECI\L TROOPS LEAGI 1 loss record, ('pi. Gcnni' snared 8 (I 5 fpr tin* Faloons. 1 5 Action Tonight 3 4 There will be two games each at I 4 Field House, tonight and tomorrow 0 5 night Th * evei mg the Sig.« tangle VENETIAN ALBANY ( br\albs Thurs.. I« ri.. & Sat. Now Playing Thunder Birds' Starts Sonda) You Were Never Lovelier' I Iti l> VST VIRE III r \ II \V VV OR I II IDOI I'm 'll NJOI XAVIER H i. ' I Hl WINS Hl« WAU And III* Orrhe.tra LAUOHS * ROLLER SKATING (wrvnHit' Thur».. Erl SECRET AGENT OFJAPAN FOSTER . "DEAD MAN GULCH" H :OO I». M. Mondar " Friday Saturday SKATEWAY Roller Rink 7th *fc Montgomery Albany, Oregon Mid.Willamette Valley'» Topflight Rollar Rink Timber Wolf Game at Portland Postponed Want Boxers Matched Up (or Bouts Feb. 10 Due largely to the in?bme:.t weather situation, the Timber V» o f CpI. Shackleton Asks Cash, Used Equipment vs. Portland Boilermaker basketball For Some Big Fellows Will Go to Camps game, which was to have been ii.U as one feature of a doubleheader Heavyweights and lightweights Out in the civilian sports world ; Tuesday night in Portland, was in particular, but all boxers in gen­ they started a drive last Wednes­ day to gather athletic equipment postponed until an unannounced ! eral, who are willing to risk from to donate to service merr. Since that ' later date. No immediate other games are on three to six rounds of foot-pound time, as the Portland Oregonian energy in the boxing card at Field reports, the results have been co­ the agedna for Lt. Bob Duffy's House, Feb. 10, please contact Cpl. squad. The Boilermakers are con­ lossal. sidered one of the most dangerous Jim Shackleton at Field House. Joe Waterman offered to donate “There is some good stock in the a couple dozen sets of boxing 1 teams that the Timber Wolves will gloves; Bill Klepper, new boss-man meet in their winter schedule. light to middle ranks,” said Cpl. of the Portland Beavers, offered to Shackleton, “and it looks like we’ll chip in anything—money or equip­ be able to offer the EM a good ment, and no ceiling. card. But we do need some evenly matched heavier men.” Cash From Smckjr Boxers are already in active Bobby Rowe, hockey and midget . training in the divisions, which are auto promoter, contributed a dozen developing complete boxing teams softball balls and bats. Out of the | Lusty Program Ahead to take part in the Camp Adair $1000 expected from the 11th an­ tournament, to start at Field House nual Rambler Club amateur smoker, In Games to Jan. 31 on March 30. ex-pro footballer Herman DeVault The Feb. 10 bouts will be offered pledged a considerable cash sum One of the leading teams of the to further the cause. Easley league, the 921st F.A. Bn. as more or less a dress rehearsal Ray Montgomery, official of the will play the 321st Med. Bn., in for the championship tourney. Chi violet Motor company in Port­ what looks to be one of the best land, said 65 Chevrolet dealers games of the 96th Division’s round Med. Bn.; 2nd Bn. 383rd Inf. vs. throughout Oregon and southwest robin series, tonight at Field House, 96th Sig. Co. Washington are accepting small 8 p. m. Jan. 29—2nd Bn.'381st Inf. vs. contributions. Both squads are equal in height 2nd Bn. 383rd Ing.; 96th Ren. Tr. Collection depots are established and experience of the men is just vs. H.Q. Oo. 96th Div. in three Portland YMCA’s and the about on par. Fusselman and Van Jan. 30—361st F.A. Bn. vs. 3rd Young Oregonian’s headquarters. Dervort of the 921st are fighting Bn. 383rd Inf; 2nd Bn. 381st Inf. Camp Adair will be in on the it out for high score honors. Both vs. 1st Bn. 382nd Inf. athletic feast come distribution are members of the team’s first Jan. 31—361st F.A. Bn. vs. 1st time, along with Camp White, Ft. I squad. Bn. 382nd Inf.; 1st Bn. 381st Inf. vs. 1st Bn. 383rd Inf. Lewis Barracks et a! and sundry H.Q. Co. of the 96th Division and for this, if we conceive at all i plays tomorrow night against Lt. the spirit of Thanksgiving, w«j Munn’s well organized 96th Recon- HURLEY'S LOTION should be athletically very grateful. ! naissance outfit. The schedule for 96th Cage Teams Meet In Field House Tilts Mountaineers Toppled As Polivechek Stars Hq. Co. of Special Troops Only Unbeaten Timber Wolf League Club Civilians Donate To Army Athletics /Tn i ' v p, nt 1 Well anyway, athletic equipment, and lots of it, is coming for use of the soldiers of Camp Adair and other northwest posts, from Oregon civilians. Ray Brooks, athletic director for the city of Portland and pretty Marcella Johnson here display some of the goods which a big civilian drive is netting.—(Photo courieay Portland Oregonian). 58 BOXERS OUT FOIt DIVISIONAL TEAM Two outfits of the Timber Wolf Division are going “all out” for boxing, as eliminations get underway to sort out the divisional champion* and a team which carries the “howl of the pack” into the Camp Adair championship tourney in April. Fifty-eight men are out for the Mountaineer boxing squml, while plenty of steam is also being unleashed hy the Snoopers of Reconnaiiance, now signing ’em for action. Medics Top Unbeaten Post Complement Four Three QM Squads Also Retain Clean Record; Game Tonight Four teams remain unbeaten as the Post Complement- IXth Corps round robin league swings into its third week, with the Medics of SCU 1911 sitting on top of a precarious throre, sporting 6 games won to 5 for the 691st QM squad. I____________________________________ I Conditions are bound, to change tonight and tomorrow OSC Points at Idaho in feature Field House battles. As Chicken Pox Lays The 337th QMs, who had four wins and no losses after Monday night, will meet the also unbeaten Medics at Field Donald Durdan Low House, 1800 tonight. Hdq. Co. meets 3429 Ord. at 1900 and The speedy Oregon State College 3506 Auto Maint. tangles with 332nd QM. at 2000. basketball squad were to leave to­ Tomorrow evening the Medics* will risk their solid foundation against the 555th Rail-Heads (I and 3 on the red ink side), at 1800.1 QM ties into 336 QM at 1900. ’ Who Will How? The 337th QMs will meet the 691st QMs in what should prove Eight Teams Unbeaten a stellar battle of the evening, at In 2 Division Leagues 2000, to decide who puts who into the ranks of the once-beaten. At Teams in the two crack leagues 2100 the 3505 Auto Maintenance carrying on with the 96th Division's will meet 3429 Ordnance. round robin basketball tournament In battles last week-end, Hdq. began to unload the heavy artillery team took over the 332ml QM. 23- in contests at Field House during 16 on Thursday, as Medics and the week. SCU QM took by forfeiture from Three teams with two wins each Under Lend Lense arrangements, 3429 Ord. and the MPs. are projected into a three-way tie The 691st QM won 23-17 over in the Hensley League the MP Australia is supplying milk, beef, poik, lamb, fresh apples, oranges, 3429 l)rd.; SCU Hdq. topped the i Platoon, the 1st BN. of the 381st .grapes and bananas for United 332ml, MPs took it.i. and the 91st F. A. Bn. . State* Army me* rations, wool .T’.lith 38-17, in E’ovr teams, each with a victory mid cotton uniforms for American games «i Field under the belt and no defeat,*. were soldiers ami nurses, field rations, House. sitting atop the Kane League, I canned meats and vegetables, und l.eavuc Standing* which has plenty of competition “D” ration chocolate*. W. L. scheduled ahead The standings: 6 o Medical lh*t SCU Ititi EASLEY LEAGUE 5 r 69s t QM Won. 0 Team. •> , M. P. Platoon QM. SCU 1911 0 4 0 NOTICE! SOLDIERS! 0 1 ! 2nd Bn. 382nd Inf. . 1 337th QM 4 0 2 I) i Hdq. SCU 1911 4 4 1st Bn. 381st Inf. •> 0 i.!2nd QM. SCU 1911 5 3rd Bn. 381st Inf. 0 0 0 555th Rail Head* 1 3 96 th Q. M. Company I 3429 Ordnance I 3 796th Ord. Company » 336 QM I 5 i 362nd F A. Bn. I Albany and Corvallis Ml'*. SCU 1911 I 3 321st Med. Bn. Want to make your visit ■> 1st Bn. 383rd Inf. 3.505 Auto 0 pleasant when in either of the KANE LEAGUE •> 0 3506 Auto two cities. Team. I Quincy, Ma**. (I NS) Recent l«t Bn. 382nd Inf Albany— ruling* have halted all pleasure 3rd Bn. 382nd Inf. Edgar It Luther. I'astur — Corner of Fifth & Lyon St». driving due to the gas shortage* in II. Q Co. 96th Div the 17 Eastern states. A man tele­ 361st F. A r Cort «Ili»— 321st Engr. Bn. Ed» ard It Hart, r«Mtor— phoned police headquarters here* to 96th Sig. Co. l orner of Ninth and Munror ask if a honeymoon was considered 3rd Bn. 383rd Inf. pleasuie driving 2nd Bn. 381st Inf. any time to i 2nd Bn 383rd Inf Men’s Eel- : i 96th Ren. Tr 36Srd F. A. Bn. ! I ♦ I Blackwood Bruisers Worship Services I 33-32 Loss to Albany Bible School Sunday 9 13 a. m Mornins Worship II Ma m : « Voung People * h'r 6 10 a. m Though displaying plenty of Evening Worship ':10pm i dividual ability. Major Blackwood's : "Brutal Bruisers" of the 96th MPs. i dropped a 33 32 basketball skirmish Fellowship Clubs ■ Tuesday night to Coach Bob Bu­ Open Saturila« Sunday. Wed ■ chanan's speedy Albany High nrsday and Thursday. : School team, at Albany. i The popsters led throughout, but : almost dropped ths contest when they tried stalling in the last mtn- utes of play to protect their le«d You will find the pa*tor* in the churches on Saturday Lt. John Kmskr's men will meet afternoon. 2 0t)$tX) Albany tn a return go it was indi- ¡I estoil yestenUy. .■ day for Palouse, Idaho, to open their “Inland Empire" travel tour Friday and Saturday against the University of Idaho, at Moscow. But they leave without Don Dur- dan, the fiery little red-haired guard. Sunday Durdan broke out with (of all tilings) chicken pox and was immediately placed in quarantine. It was Durdan who earned 29 points in the two game split series with Washington. title favorite*, last week. OSC plays Washington State at Pullman Monday and Tues­ day. BAPTIST CHURCHES Opening Blasis Fired In 96th Round Robin Here's the Difference; East vs. West Cagers Here's the difference: Coach Slats Gill of the travel«! OSC cage squad, reports this as the prime difference between east­ ern and far-west basketballers: The easterners stick to si t shots. I Westerners go in for one-handers. I the remaining days of January are as follows: Jan. 28—363rd F.A. Bn. vs. 321st Engr. Bn.; 921st F.A. Bn. vs. 321st For Poison Oak Over 5000 bottles sold. Guar­ anteed treatment for poison oak relief. 50c bottle by mail. HURLEY’S DRUGS. Albany ARMY CASH TAILORS UNIFORMS ... INSIGNIA ... SUPPLIES L. T. Chellis 1520 Jefferson St., Corvallis What Could Be More Practical and More Appreciated for Your VALENTINE GIFT Than Extra Furniture Pieces? Every home needs them There are literally thousands of items to choose from . .. every one a welcome home gift. We illustrate only a few here — just A as our suggestion for your choice. FRAGER'S HAS THREE FLOORS OF NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STOCKS FROM WHICH YOU ARE SURE TO FIND JUST THE RIGHT THING FOR HER HOME. Floor Coverings Of All Kinds Save at FRAGERS and Invest Your Savings WAR BONDS Occasional Pieces in Wide Variety