Camp Adair Sentry Billfold Girl Camp Impressions Given by Soldier to enlist in that portion of the United States Army which subse­ quently became a unit of the Rain­ bow Division. At the university, our fraternity Bed was made up by a couple of fellows named Healy and McGlone. In return, the Editor wrote their English essays, thus enabling them to graduate cum laude. To this day they are conscientious citizens of Denver, Colo. Good Natured Griping Requisite Of Trained Fighter He Declares Scene at Q. M. Retreat or strict­ ly G. 1. Carrying things slightly Cooking With Gas to an extreme was the "Khaki Kid,” who when caught bj Retreat, while By Pfc. Norman P. Hughes climbing a ladder to the roof of his Of Cooks and Bakers School barracks, tried to come to attention. Proof that reason came to him in L-------------------------- time is the fact that he’s still “What about Chow?” This is the foremost question in around to read this. the minds of all the fellows going Even, or in this present day out on maneuvers. Not so long ago should we say, especially. Kings this question was u very serious problem for the men in the mess must fall. With that thought in organizations, but due to the pres­ mind, we report the results of two ent day army developments in the ping-pong games played in the mess, it has become practically ex­ Service Clubs, January Sth and tinct— bo the men in the field need 15th. In one corner was QM’s own “Fancy” Sam Farkas and in the no longer worry. other. Al Niemac, of the 96th Div. The army now has what is called Both battlers are two-stripers (Cor­ Jthe emergency field ration, which porals). Results: "Sam we mourn has been developed and perfected your losses." by dieticians and food authorities. Quartermaster Quin-Type Several types of these condensed While it’s true, “dead men tel) rations have been successfully pre­ no tales.” it’s another story about pared and nearly all of them prove the Dead Men’s caretakers, All of to be very nutritious ajul palatable. which, introduces today’s Quin­ The latest addition to the ration types. Pfc. Julius Leighty, former family is known as the “K" ration. embalmer and Undertaker for 14 It is exceedingly important in con­ years in and around Kansas City. ducting field work because it re­ Pfc. Leighty works in the QM quires no cooking before serving. Clothing Warehouse. We know it The outstanding factor, however, is would make better reading if we the manner in which it is packet!. said he worked in the Dead Storage Each unit, of which there are throe, Section but "it ain’t the truth." To is packed in a light waterproof car­ those who enjoy hair-raisers. we ton that can he added to the pack suggest you corral Pfc. Leighty without much additional bulkiness. some day and listen. The “K” ration has been scientifi­ This past Wednesday night, cally tested to insure the greatest M Sgt. G. E. Jacobson conducted amount of energy producing ma­ our non-coms, class. The topic terial, upon which the strength of was, "Action Against Air Raids." our armed forces depend. Mimeographed forms were dis­ Well-known “chow hounds” un­ tributed and the action they’d have doubtedly will complain that the to take. The meeting was very ration is not filling. But through well conducted and much informa­ actual tests, it has been determined tion gained. that the "K” ration is sufficient to satisfy the pangs of any average If Your Name Is Here soldier’s hunger. Supplements have been added to You Have Mail at P.O. the basic “K" ration for use in vari­ The following named persons ous types of climatic conditions which tho fighting men will encoun- ' have mail in the Post Office, which ter. They are to be used only in cannot be delivered because of in­ emergency cases and for not more correct or insufficient address. It than three days at the very most, is requested that these persons cull So don’t worry, fellows, your at the window for this mail and “Chuck Wagon” will still bo “bring­ leave their correct address. Malcolm A’4* & Ik city; the El Tovar at Grand Can­ After one little notice in our hodge­ as it once was. food at the mess halls which civ­ etaoin shrdlu cmfwyp vbgkqj xzzz yon, Aris,; the Multnomah, in Port­ podge. M Sgt. Sinnott was trans­ Hardships I.essen land, Ore.; the Santa Barbara, ferred to Finance. (All those in And so it goes on. The < amp ilians are finding difficult to have Since history dawned, many­ Calif., Biltmore and the Tower of this week's “rogues’ gallery” please Adair soldier grows stronger in now. He has the latest movies at body and more experienced in mind the camp shows, and to enjoy his things have been said about beds, the Sir Francis Drake in San Fran­ pack your barf acks bag.) Despite jealous comments like: The hardships which at first faced favorite malt, he journeys down to but it remained for one of our cisco. “The QM Cooks are working with him have n6w become daily routine. the Service Club where he can cas­ better second lieutenants to make With calisthentics. running obstacle ually flirt with a counter girl. All the above remark while “gigging” But that hotel bungalow in Cali­ the Medics,” or “It’s not a mess the editor for a corruptibly con­ ente, Mexico! What atmosphere! hall, it's nn annex of the Station courses, walking long, weary miles, of this is easy on his small pay. But from the time when he was a structed bed in the upper flight of Soft guitars tinkling outside the Hospital,” Q. M. Mess Hall No. 105 new recruit to the present when he Barracks 1, Militarq. Police, last windows through which whispered .Mrs. Sophie Gaines Hnd Mrs. Marge was honored by the presence of has been developed into a fighting Saturday morning, Jan. 23. the delicate scent of honeysuckle Semon. Yes!!Ilf Before anyone soldier; when he has been taught and jasmine upon the subtle night how to fight and kill and not be Interpreted liberally, the lieuten­ air! Tinkling ice in an amber fluid asks—they're still breathing. We’ll admit it’s slight but it’s honest-to- killed; how to hate with deadly ear­ ant said: “Rawles, yours is the that Quenched the Thirst and goodness breathing. nestness, the Camp Adair soldier worst made-up bed I have ever seen Aroused the Imagination. Here we still loves to grumble. He and his in the United States Army.” were surrounded by Beauty. And Speaking of our mess halls, we'd buddies get together every spare Sales and Senice what a Lovely Thing, that Beauty minute and have their bull sessions. The lieutenant was right. He re­ Re-t Mattress Complete with Beau­ like to clear up a question every­ Modern Shop — Best one's asking. Those “Men in This way they can argue just mains our good friend because he Mechanics ty Rest Springs. What a BED! White" coming from the mess halls why everything is done wrong, ac- I was sportsman and officer enough I aren't internes, they're the “dough­ cording to their estimation of the to accompany us to our barracks All of which brings up another boys” from the Q M. Bakery. problem, but usually never give a later in the morning to patiently Phone 43, 2nd & Jackson better solution. One continuously show us HOW TO MARE A BED. interesting point, to-wit: When m * ■■ ■■. ) £! Cleopatra entered Mark Antony’s * ■ 1 1 ’ ' talks about his civilian life and tent upon the Burning Sands of iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih. wishes he were back "to the good “How to Make a Bed What a old days.” But given the chance fascinating subject for a column. the Nile, he was too busy Dialing to quit, he would refuse and be < Here we go, converting everything his Radio to notice her. Nor did she roaring mad. Another can only into grist for the mill. I In our near­ inspect his Bed to ascertain if it pick out the bad points of his out­ ly half-century of life on this Vale had hospital corners, a la U. S. fit, but when he gets into a differ­ of Tears and Army cota we have Army. But when their glances ent atmosphere, whether civilians I made lots of things, including taf­ met .. yes, you are right .., the (Not Christian Church) or soldiers, he brags about his com­ fy, but Making a Bed, especially Lady was merely looking for But­ 3 730 E. Sth St. Complete Banking pany, his buddies, how tough they in a public place such as the Army terflies! ALBANY. OREGON Service ? --------- are and that nobody in the whole barracks, was part of our broad MOOSE HALL Moral of this Column: Be it ever damn place can lick him. education that had been neglected 3 SEE rs FOR 2nd St., Corvallis so humble, there's no bed like your The change has been made and YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS «adly until January 23, 1943. A.D. own! the results are on the asset side. Bible Cla«8 . 10:00 A. M. The one thing which sometimes was We remember that date distinctly Preaching ..11:00A M. placed under a damper has contin­ because it wax the first snowy Moral Number 2: Go, old soldier, uously sprung forth and is now morning we had been conscious of and Flynn no more! Communion .11:45 A.M. | proving to be one of the major fac­ seeing Staff Sergeant Joseph Preaching ...8:00P.M. tors in making his a fighting sol­ Holmes at reveille. (Voice from Fair Trade AUTO ACCIDENT dier. The initiative which Ameri­ Corporal Bob Dreher’s d«*»««• fighting team. ran away at the wise age of 14 to the United States In 19*9 'lllllllmlnnlllllllH'lllHllilllllH" ' QUARTERMASTER I Í Corvallis Wilson Motors The First National Bank of Monmouth Welcome Church of Christ I Insurance Elmer Patrick J ¿ * Thursday. January 28,1B43. I Anthony Mahniur<>ki Cl M.rkrl Robert M asn . F. J. Me 11 Martin, Edward Miller. <» Malhi*. Henry Mackay, .lohn T M Kotiert Meund. A. Morton. Itrel '!’ Woodrow Nichol*. J N Narse. Nur Orxterhoff, Wilbur Oielke. Oliver. Frank H. Ouahy, Francis (’. H. U Oatey. M ims Jerry O’Brien. D. O'Connell, J. C. Owen* Art Perry _ I.. _ K. Piieffer. Stu.irl Powell. Thoma* Peiuxda, .. r.-iudA, Emil E. U uelta. -»ohnia I.. Roh?rt*on. Tubby Kitic. !.. IL- George F. I forum it. Wai Rieinem iNthneider Donald E. I. J a me« II Smith Mike Xerhal, Albert ,1 Spec. Otto \ Stviret. William <’ Smith. Josei Joseph A. ' Short«. Jam**» T. Shields. Hubert I., Sell«. A. J. V andon ber*:. Hal Van Buskirk. Paul William*. Williams, Sam Wonclgat*. Wond^Kte. Mrs. Mildred William«. Ja» k Williams, Howard V. W richt. Raymond White, \uhrev White. W o « m I. .lohn \ Wolf, George Kenneth Walker, Charles Wilkins« ¿ni 11 iiiiiiin hi min iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiltu Welcome .. ELKS LODGE 5 No. 359 Invites You to Attend All Fraternal Meetings LODGE MEETS EACH THURSDAY ELKS TEMPLE ALBANY. ORE. SOLDIERS to represent their own outfits in the news columns of The Sentry. Turn your stuff in to tho Camp Public Relations office, where it goes through censorship and is prepared for publication. f i Your Buddies Will Tell You HOWELLS STUDIO 455 Madison WEAR A STAY ADJUSTING HOLDS COLLAR POINTS DOWN Nsalssn essai* is Iks *r«y—i«*t M It > dw* to lililí** Ills. Thai'* ubai Iks *L COSTS BUT A BEFORE letti lay. Cilla* ataiaau jive* yta tkal laut, ìaany, trita appartata. »PITTI I» Mag a ewtU Nk la tramte« a* Ika «n*r. FEW CENTS Easy On—Easy Off ▼ ON tsick aa a viak I« pel «a aa4 lake al. b'i sali *d)utia( aa4 atey* pL SAIE Al ARMY AND PX • SPIFFY INVISIBLE COLIA» GET YOUR VALENTINES at Your Post Exchange Boxed candy is always gratefully received on Valentine’s day. Your Post Exchange has a go««! assortment and the quality is the bent. Send The Sweetie-Pie The Sentry It’s time now to mail your Valentine gift. Rexu’arlv By Mail 6 Months For A Buck Aino, «ec the HHMortment of beautiful valentine« at your Post Exchange. Many to .«elect from and at price« to Huit voti. Send 8 Bill and Addretw to • • CAMP ADAIR SENTRY Box 347 Corvallia, Oregon OR 91.50 A YEAR = 3 S s E I WANTED TO lll'Y WANTED = ALBANY ... will be a cherished possession in years to come. You will pay no more to have it made right. A wide selec- tion of frames, mountings and finishes. WILLAMETTE River Souvenirs for mailing. Agates, moonstones, Jaspers, in red, green, brown and yellow, Petrified wood. See samples in window of Benton County Herald. Chas. C. Wilson, Bx. 226, Corvallis. ACREAGE, farms. Large selec­ tion. Robinson Realty, Independ­ ence. pmo. = Elks in Service A Photograph FOR SALE SALEM FURNISHED 5 -room house. G.E. oil furnace, Oriental rugs, fireplace, elec, range, elect refrigerator, etc. 2 blocks from bus. Inquire Mrs. Bradley, 241 N. High, Salem. Phone 3841 after 5 or on Sunday. New location—414 Madiso* PHONE 240 TÌI lllllllllllllll llllllllllüllllllllllt Three rent« n word Der insertion Count » words to line Cash mint accompany ropy with order. FOR RENT at ENGELSTAD*S Complete Service Fusselman of the 921st F A. Bn. was six points out in front in the 96th Division's race for individual basketball scoring honors at the close of the current round robin tournament’s second week of play. Right on his heels was Van Der- vort, of his own team, tied at 20 points with Witkowski of the 3rd Bn„ 381st Inf. Berge of Div. H.Q. Co. was tied with Sevier and Reeder of the M.P. Platoon with 18 points each followed closely by Stricklin and Fincher of 1st Bn.. 381st Inf., with 17 points each. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 1940 BUICK SPORT coupe, excel­ lent condition, good tires, heater, radio, 34000 miles. Lt. James K. Taylor, Post Phone 2916. WANTED OFFICE MACHINE REPAIRS By holder of Federal and State Repair Contracts. 921st F. A. Bn. Cager Leads 96th Leaguers (Hlder. End Gill««»y H< pVIns Whinnon a Johnaon, Daniel F .Innes, E. T. Jager, Lawrence E. Johnson, llovt T Jefferson, Elmer Johnson Rugenc l> Johnaon. Unrl Kokkii T. K irkon. Tom Kiexik, J \\ K. lit . J . J K. ||| Louis Lavin. Kanmn Lonirana. Jerry W. Lenke. William F Lerch, Mark J, Lea i i)Midi, John Lohman, David Lewis. i 1 Tagt Seven POST EXCHANGE