¿Cuiup Adan Thursday, January 28,1943. —-- ■ '■ ------------------------------------------- ------------- - — after 1800 Well, last week we certainly had Catholic Confession Saturday— 1800, 2030. our share of Unusual weather. The Protestant Service at 0900 and 1000 ! Frenzied Finance members of Finance committed va­ Chapel No. 10—D & 9th St. North Protestant Evening Worship at 1900 rious acts of violence with the ap- •Catholic Mass—0900 and 1130 Sgt. Fred Ashw orth * ; pearance of snow, among which Chapel No. 11—I) and 5th St. North La Protestant Service—1000 By Adele Adair Protestant Vespers—1800 Christian Science Reading at 1100 At last Finance Section SCU No. was the following poem: i My, my, my, what a dandy time solos and accompanied the vocal Choir Rehearsal (Cath.) Tuesday Christian Science Wednesday— 1911 hits the headlines. The out­ I think that I shall never see » soldiers have been having at the soloists. and Thursday—1930 1900 fit, which had its humble begining Anything that pleases me Indeed, I know Choir Rehearsal (Prot.) every at Tent City, has been busy the two service clubs lately. Of course Pvt. Warren J. Durel gave an Wednesday—1945 I’ll never see Christian Science Churches" last six months, “ paying off. ” In all the goregous females from sur­ excellent exhibition of New Orleans Catholic Mass Daily 1715 Anything that pleases me “Love” will be the subject of the fact, so busy that there hasn’t been rounding towns were snowbound - jitterbugging. Catholic Confessions Saturday— lesson-sermon in all Churches of time to let the rest of the camp i More than a pile of snow. (not icebound buddy, never that) — * Vocal soloists included M/Sgt. 1530-1700 and 1900-2100 last Friday. But the two bands Homer McDowell, Sgt. Florian Chapel No. 11—D & 5th St. North Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Janu­ know what has been going on. In Snow whose white flakes so fine ary 31. short, the Tent City privates are showed up anyway, some soldier: Tschmelitsch, and Pvts. William F. •Catholic Mass—0800 and 1200 The Golden Text will be, “Keep ' all sergeants now, and they keep Fall down the back and freeze the did too, and a few girls wandered Cichy, James J. Tierney, John S. Protestant Service—100 for Div. spine yourselves in the love of God, look­ things running smoothly. To bring in from somewhere. These females Asker and Warren J. Durel. and Sp. Trps. When a ball by a pal is thrown ing for the things up to date. mercy of our Lord were given the old rush and doubt­ Ah yes, snow, so white and nice Besides acting as master of Christian Science—100, also Wed. Jesus Christ unto eternal life.” less all of them retired that eve­ ceremonies, Pvt. Leonard E. Dan­ at 1900. How slippery when turned to ice. (Jude 1:21.) Pvt. Robert Short of Enlisted and ning firmly convinced, this time, iel led the community singing and Lutheran Service—1900 Among the citations which coni- Civilian Pay section, last Monday Then to snow I’m sometimes prone of the irresistible quality of their sang two numbers. Prot. Choir Rehearsal—2000 Mon. prise the lesson-sermon is the fol- (Flat on the back.) transferred to Finance Office, Tim­ lure—sorry, we mean allure. and Wed. General concensus was that a ' lowing from the Bible: "Beloved, ber Wolf Division. Bob did a swell Holy Name Meeting everv Thurs. J let us love me another: for love is Fools like me, write poems like Now on Saturday night, the two very good time was had by al). job at Post Finance and will be — 1830 these service clubs up and decked them­ >d God; and every one that loveth missed not only as a skilled clerk, As I walk through snow to my Novena Service every Thurs.— is born of God, and knoweth God. selves out as night-clubs. Maybe it SUNDAY CONCERT but also as an alright guy. 1900 knees, wasn’t like El Morocco or the Per­ An organ, cello and vocal con­ And we have known and believed I Chased by a bitter Camp Adair sian Room where New York's Cafe cert will be given in the First Bap­ Catholic Choir Rehearsal Trus.— the love that God hath to us. God I 1915 breeze. Society swing with champagne bot­ tist church, Salem, Oregon, Sunday is love; and he that dwelleth in I Congratulations are in order for Catholic Confessions, Saturday love dwelleth in God and God in I T Sgt. Matthew Hatala. Word was Please God, no more snow, tles instead of beer bottles. But afternoon, January 31, 3:00 p. m. —1900 For when I go . received that Sgt. Hatala has been find a better nitery tn Corvallis; This program is to be dedicated to him.” (I John 4-7-16.) find one in Albany; look in Salem. the soldiers at Camp Adair and The lesson-sermon also includes i ' appointed Warrant Officer. J. G. in I don’t want to Freer'*. I guess that is about all this 96TH DIVISION AU right, even in Rickreal. At they will lie the special guests of the following correlative passages i the Finance Department. Sgt. Ha- RELIGIOUS SERVICES from the Christian Science text­ , tala is at present recuperating at time, so until next week keep your , Service Club 2 the 381st Scat Band the arti-ts and the church. Pro- powder dry (until you see a Jap). scatted. A scat trio, led by CpI. f< - ior William Falk the well known Personnel and Enlisted Men Aie book, "Science and Health with 1 the hospital. He was operated on fur a knee injury suffered while Key to the Scripture's,” by Mary Guard, furnished the vocal sial- organist will be in charge, and he Urged to Attend Religious Ser­ Soldiers of this Post are cordially • Baker Eddy: "Not materially but ( playing basketball. vices Regularly at the Fol­ ting. Against this musical back­ has arranged a program that any invited to an organ-voice-cello con- I spiritually we know Him as divine lowing Chapels: ground floor show entertainment one would greatly enjoy. Speaking of basketball, Post cert at Salem Sunday at 3 p. m., at i Chapel No. 2—D and 3rd Sts. South Mind as Life, Truth and Love We held audience attention for a full Finance has taken over and repre­ Game Night shall obey and adore in proportion Catholic Masses—10-30-11.30 hour and a half. Pvt. Lester Baer Mi: Elizabeth Rogers, hostess Protestant Morni.ig Worship— as we apprehend the divine nature sents Headquarters Company SCU X I got the crowd in a holiday mood. and love Him understandingly, war­ No. 1911 in the SCU-IX Corps I 0915 And a magician astounded them; a at Service Club No. 2, announced league. To date the record stands, whistler trilled them. Pfc. Peter the inauguration of "Game Nite” Jewish Friday Evening Services ring no more over the corporeality, four losses and three victories. but rejoicing in the affluence of which will be u weekly feature at 2000. Wong sang in Chinese and Eng­ Last Thursday night 332nd QM h lish. Mr, Alwaise, of the Red the dub each Wednesday night Chapel No. 3—D and 7th Sts. South our God.” (p. 140.) was beaten 23-16 with Halden and starting at 8:30 p. m. Catholic Masses — 0830 Cross and formerly an organist nt Chandler leading the scoring, 10 (¡nines of all descriptions will be Catholic Confessions Saturday Roxy’s in New York played the American forces stationed in New and 9 points respectively. Friday used on the various nights with 1500 to 1700 piano. Pvt. Jacobsen, 96 th Divi ion, special emphasis placed upon Catholic Daily Muss at 1850, ex­ Zealand are supplied, through night 332nd QM was again the did equilibrium and strongman Lend-Lease arrangements, with the victims of the aroused Ilq. Co., and l'inné of tb<' guest participation cept Wednesday. stunts. variety. It is planned that "Bingo,' »» Protectant Morning Worship— bulk of their foodstuffs, especially were deftated by the score of ,‘¡4-16. fresh meats, dairy products, fruits Werman led the winners with 16 Night ( lull Night "musical chairs” and “hubby 1000 points. At Service Club 1 “Nightclub horses” will furnish the en 1er tai n- Chapel No. 4—(' and 12th St. South and Vegetables. mint lor the expected crowd on Night” was nlso a very large uc- Catholic Masses nt 0645 and 1130 cess. One of the evening’s high W i. Rex Watson, Norbert Eisele. All oririnn) igns about Service Club Protestant Morning Worship 0845 to 0900 were made up by Hollywood make No 2 is clever artist-soldier Pvt. up expert Pvt. Steve Clensos. Made Weprim of the Timber Wolves. Lutheran Services—0945 to 1015 up to resemble Bowery Bully Boy- Loaned to the club by permission Lutheran Evening Service 1900 lh«y wore white aprons, carried of l.t. Col. Howard E. Pearson, Pvt. Chapel No. 5—(' and 8th Sts. South Tolrkish towels over the arm. Long, Weprim knows how to put the eye Catholic Masses 0800 and 1130 'Catholic Confessions Saturday evil cigars were standard equip cutch in his work. 1800 and 1900. ment. Menus designed by Pvt. II. Episccopal Holy Communion—■ Weprin presented the hill of fare. 0700 Even a cigarette girl was there' Protestant Morning Worship I Pvt. Frank X. Emmons in wig and * c fl 0900 • 1 dress doubled us Miss Weldon Protestant Morning Prayer 100'< sold five cartons of cigarettes, two » Protestant Prayer Service 1900 AMtini of gum. Chapel No. 6—C and ith Sts. South Pvt Weldon got some tips, too Catholic Masses at 0700 mid 1115 but It Is not recorded ns to whe­ Catholic Confessions Saturday ther he got them on the right horses. The Timber Wolf Artil­ lery band, some 17 men strong, provided the music nt the dub. Sunday nt Service Club 2 - aw an hour of recorded concert mu--ic POST CIIAPEI. SERVICES from 1 p.m.-2 p.m. From 5 p.m. Avenue l> and 3rd Street North. to closing time, community ■ inping Friday. January 29 and jam sessions were the order 10800 Jewish Service, Chaplain of the day. Pvts. Goble and Carl- Chill. <0n led the songfests. Mrs. Flor Sunday, ■ice Merriam obliged by singing 0800 Episcopal several solos. Next Monday from lain Newman. 6:30 p.m, to 7:30 there will lie 0900 Catholic Mass, Chaplain Mc­ an hour's recorded music from Donnell. Scherazadi. The following Monday, 1000 General Protestant Service, Chaplain Harmon. February 8, the concert will in­ clude Lawrence Tibbett and other 1045 Genetal Protestant Commu­ nion, ( Implain Harqpon. noted singers. 1115 Mormon Service, Pfc. Alma Dallas Dance Nielsen. a This week's dance at the Dallas Friday, January 29 USD has been cancelled due to bail 1845 Jewish Service, CpI. Morris ■u»il conditions. Next week, how Stivsky. Wver, there will he a Valentine Sunday. January 31 ¡>»ti which will he formal mid 0800 Catholic .Mass, Chaplain Mc­ Verv extra-special. Soldiers who I Donnell. e to go are asked to sign up I 1000 Protestant Service, Chaplain SO soon us possible with Mt's Bled New man. ‘tMt. Service Club I Hostess M Next Saturday's "Night-Club ( II \I‘EI SERVICES Night” at Service Club 1 will be (University of Oregon) * Sunday. January 31, 1943. £ circus night. Tumblers, jugglers, a ('Confessions before Mass.) Timber Wolf Infantry Band • strong man act and n professional ( h«i>i l No 7—C A 1st St. North. Pi Beta Phi Trio £ roller skater are just n few of the Episcopal Holy Communion 0700 Mary Jane Simmons, Leader Under Baton W. O. Frey hit entertainments planned. Lust •Catholic Mass 1000. week 23 soldiers signed up at the Gth Prut, taut Service- 1100 (In brand new act.) Helen Jane Kerr clubs is to get you and your Iwst Catholic Eucharistic- 1300 girl out for a good time. So let Catholic ■ Novena Service- Service—I your gal know- and let the clubs Protestant Vesper«— 1630 Accordion Troubadour Blues Songstress know by 12 noon Saturday that Protestant Discussion Club 1830 Marjorie Junor they can reserve a table for you. ( atholic (' infossimi*, Saturdays — CpI. Nick Sansonia, his 1630 and 1830. Timber Wolf Party voice and his accordion •t utholic Mass e Skit Officer* and men were gue-ts of rept Monday- the non-commissioned officers at ( Joan Dolph and company Tues- atholic Choir Specialty Acts the second in a serie- of informal day- 1815 parties held by the Timlwr W >lf < utholic Choir Monday and Tues- With M-Sgt. William Carmichael Carol Worth Signal Company last Saturday day— 1900 night. The affair was held in the Prot. -taut Choir, Thursday Pvt. Jim O'Connell Again, by popular demand, company mess hall. .1 Xo 9 -4 a 9th St Xorth Pvt. Edward Milligan "Miss Oregon" will return. High mark of the occasion was •Catholic Max» 0800 and |000 the welcoming of Company Com Piote.tant Set vice 090. 1100 mid mender. Captain Vernon H. M. 1930 Kissick, after his confinement in •i atbolu Muss every weekday ex- the station hospital. ex-pt Saturday 1830 The guests partook of sand Novena Service every Tuesday—- wiehes and liquid refreshments, 1188» and various entertainment was off­ Prot« slant Choir Rehearsal Tues­ ered. day 1930 - Pvts Rogers Duhan ami Joseph Bike Study Class every Wednes­ day 1930 ; P. Ritchenon, guitarists, and Pvts ¿Thayne D. Thompson and George D-.us.ion Group Wednesday— 1930 R Michalcaewski, pianists, played I SOCIAL SWIRL Perpetual Novena Of Sorrows For Victory ■ II N. 7th & C St CHAPLAIN'S COLUMN I Post Special Services Office Presents As we don't hive to resell Icy every year-as it is renewed bv mill—it it not necessary that cur ratei include a yearly resale cost Than why a Farmers contir.u form* automobile policy gives the finest protection for less. BUTTER and ICE CREAM ; EARL HITE (Biggest Variety of Frozen Bars) Distrib­ utors for* Dist. Mgr., Phone 814 221 W. 1st, Albany, Or. FARMERS AUTOMOBILI ‘»’•' INSURANCI Exch.,,. Green Valley Creamery Corvallis 3rd & Adams. Phone 363 l 1 MEN Letters Flowers Telegrams Candy All are nice to receive, but at best only fleeting remembrances. The next time you want to surprise your lady with something she can keep for al­ ways—a permanent remembrance. Send YOUR Photograph February 7th Chapel No. 8 IT'S A FACT i ASK FOR— Begins Sunday 2:00 P. M £ the First Baptist church. Marion and Liberty streets. Featured will be William Fawk. organist; Joan L. Kortzeborn, mezzi-soprano, and Warren Downs, cellist. in uniform DO IT TODAY! RIGHT HERE ON THE POST The Ball Studio PX No. 1 Main Bus Terminal CAMP ADAIR on the AIR Monday 7 Night, February z 1—8:30—Field House — s 9:00 o°™ SiaQrs,nat 8:3.° ,. to 9:30 on the Air KOIN- COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM SCU 1911, IX ARMY CORPS and ATTACHED TROOPS present GIRLS -GIRLS-GALS GALS Service Command Commandettes r fAdmission FREE’,- No Tickets Necessary FIELD HOUSE-Monday Feb. 1st 8:30-FREE lllllllllllllllllllllilllllilllllllllHlllllllIHlilillllHIlilHIllllllüníi? Piltre Six