l-!2’’l' Adair Sentry OSC Thespians All Out For Camp Shows Private Walden Thinks Cauldron Can Be Fun Soldier Married in 45 Minutes After His Mind Made Up for Him Exchange Loan Office MONEY TO LOAN Hiding From Your Sgt.? Wear New Plastic Face If you want a new face, a cov­ ering for the old one or a super- dooper makeup on your lass who stays home and read, her magazine except when you go on pass to see her Hq Co boasts the man who can deliver the goods. He i< Pvt. Steven Clensos, form- rly of Hollywood. Pvt. Clensos is an expert on make-up. With a specialty which involves making of life ma«k« from a scret plastic­ spray process that he developed. H> recently did a life-sized fig­ ure of General Douglas MacArthur. Pvt. Clensos has some samples f Ma ma»k-^ork at Barrack T 7- 100. Author of several pulp books, and on«- dramatized story which in- vel th- Dead End Kid. in a C camp, he haa done conaid- ■ «-able work for Monogram pic­ tures Hi.« brother. Pete Clensos. Olympic pole vaulter. \ hug« depot in Britain, bmd- sed to the United States air forces along with its operating per- -onnel of 5,000, ha« 1.500,000 square feet of floor «pace and covers '-00 Voice of Prophecy _ \ popular p r «'a ram dealing with striking pro- .««em«i -liW* lene in Stations h M-E and K W IL at »:IS p- Snnpny. wer the limit. * the ex-emperor of recently i nducted at Both arc \t Ilin««* His Pa« t all “Junior” ke the snow flics in Or?- s the way the promotions CfiMCI come in the 96th division. Here Match, 1041, tobe i are the lucky guys an«l if they the value of llpplit s owe you money they ought a have it under Lend-Lease was >w. Promoted to; »5,000,000 les < thin the value S Sgt. - George \V. Hn-we-. Sgt. Conley M. McGuinn. Rob- District Mgr. Phone 1142 f direct purchase export.« * to Lend- •rt E. Hall. Jack C. Baldwin. I1 « ' i 215 Monroe St., Corvallis, Ora. < ase countries. A. Gill, Winfiehl B. Dodge. Arthur J. Jucier. Bert \V. Johnson. James iiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiii i iiiiiiiiiiii i iiiiuiiiiiiiiuiimniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiji I D N'unli v. Seymour Rothman. Paul | Cornwell, Mervin D. Eckert. R ui ­ AT THE EXCHANGES OR IN TOWN Quin, Knox Bell, All Jjran Hall. Thomas n '. Hammond. Ex-Big Leaguers for Selden C. Fant. 's X4 - Robert IL Petersen. Wil- Timber Wolf Nucleus Ham A. Sweet, Jesse G. Hay.«. V ( pl. Jimmie I . Albert. Rob- ert ,D Conner. Roy F. Rowe Philip \\ olve J. Aviles. N’orman F Gie-e. Shirley I» Freeman, Elmer R. Streeter. rlready laving plans for i Joseph E. Radke, Teddy \V. Watt«. sionnl team, wi'b a nucleus Arvo V Pakka, Hijriy ('. Hansen. ex-big league stats and several Gonion L. Riddoch, t ai l 1! Ble- • minor '«ague players on th - poten­ IN BOTTLES ing, Edward E. Berliant, Richard tial taster. In the lineup come spring prae- Dr. Pepper Bottling Co., Salem E. Standerfer. Harry Shapiro, tice will be include.I Lt Jos. Q -iin. Maynard E. McGrcer. Milton K. form« r pitcher for the Washington ■lllllllllliltlllllllllll|i||||||||||||||||||||||||||||)|||||||||||||||||||||ülHIIIIIHIIIIIli14? Miller. Hoben J. Rogers, Maxwell Senators; Beau Bell, whose last as­ S. Austin, Elwell Orvis Claxton. signment wae- with the Cleveland 4 Richard (’. Wright. William Boyd Indians, and Sgh. Jack Knott, long Dazey. John O. Burch. Meati I . tun ■ mainstay of the St. Louis Barnhart, Orion J. Johnson. Travis Ere..« ns. I Dean Fowler, Hugh \V. Philpott. Jerry .1. Adamek, Robert D. Sfa- d, Jackie Coogan Graduate. Laurence J. Wilson. Roy \V. Clem- , mons, Frank L. Owen, William j Jackie Coogan, form- r kid movie , Azel Ames. Percy N'. Bliss. star and a former husband of B tty T 5 — George J. Rmler. Dewitt Grable, is now a glider pilot in the C. Adams. Cyril Richardson. t’)y«le Army Air Forces. with the Valentine ( oogan giuduaied from the \’ic- W Van Horn. Allan L. Wis-inger. Only VOL can give I.co E. Geimer, l ee A. Beaslcv. toivill ■ Flying School in California r Charles G. Pollack. William A. last week with the rating of Flying Off ic< r. Lengquist, Frank .1. Cusnmni’o, Max R. Hildebrand, William D. ' Andy Victor M- Laglen, - m of the Culp. Andrew Szil.-tgyi, Raymond rugg««d movie actor has be« n turned W Zimbal, Lafayette L. Loyd, down by the army f«A- being loo (all. George -1. Jnsn. Young M« Laglen i- six feet sev- THE ()N'CE-()\ Fit. LIGHTLY W. Guy Parker I'.v Pfc Fall N. Barometer. A Major Problem Prof. ( harles Warts, recent atldi-1 From a passing pickup the ■ j : i to the voice staff of Oregon I Major was seen to heave a Hate college, has taken in hand« snowball. A qui««k turn to see 14 of the "Purity Girls of OSC, who was the object of the but not because we want to be, etc. Major's fast-ball and there was and 10 young men undergrads, no one in sight. The Major was and started a revue. Just hurling them into the empty It is not only a revue, it's a jim dandy, dedicated exclusively to * blue. Consider. The Major could the proposition that OSC can do a I not snowball a Lt. Colonel. great bit toward offering top notch I Heaver, forbid. He couldn’t fire entertainment for the soldiers of. away at a Capt., Lt., or EM. Camp Adair. There must be an AR some Seven shows have been present- .place that says it ain’t befittin’. e«l before more than -2,000 men ; A Major has his dignity to think thus far and Prof. Watt says that as long as the enthusiastic response | ' of, soldier. By the time he found continues. OSC will enlarge, aug- ' another Major of exactly equal nu-nt and otherwise change their rank the Robins’d be around. Besides, like other of life’s show to offer us variety that will prove a spice of life at all times.' pleasant relaxations, snowball­ Prof. Watts, who was former ing is a matter of sudden mood I SO chief along' the Mexican bor­ —of impulse. All around the der and has had wide experience in ■ Major. EM’s and civilians were public presentations, will himself, having a /swell time . . . Some M.C. the programs. It is his belief., may laugh. But -actually the born out by figures, that the lovely ' Major’s case bordered on the and talented damsels of OSC can pathetic. offer talent entertainment a la Terpsichore that soldiers will en­ joy. There is no doubt that the of the gals on stage, all in evening men undergrads will contribute dress. much to the show also. Beauty Skin Deep Then comes a “gag” series, in Kids Present The “kids," if we may cal! col­ which the lassies skirt the audience I lege undergraduates of the Oregon and pick out the ugliest soldier, | “I have to get married—and in _______ ..... Walden, a ___ hurry, ” cried _ Pvt. . James State college that while hiding which is no problem and there are l_ usually several volunteers from the [ gCU 1911. as ho burst into the under our nom de plume, are not only tali-nt«-«i and versatile; and audience. We Camp AdairitCs have , office of Mis. Florence Merriam, study are so broken lip that the few illusions. Service Club No. 2 hostess. Official Comes then lovely, blonde Ro­ lads and lasses have surren«lered permission, best mail, bride’s cor­ their lunch hours (and their lunch­ selle Lind, a freshman, in a tap sage, wedding music, chaplain, number and she is followed by one i es) in order to rehearse. matron of honor were obtained— They have four full rehearsals of the most talented misses at DSC i but in a hurry. Pvt. Walden, who "Baby. ” Dottie Walker, blue-eyed before each show, at minimum had no idea of taking the plunge (this is particularly a note to tal­ doll <•«' each Sunday night <■*» the Mutual System on The * 96th Division Lists Score of NC0 Advances Theodore the Timber Wolf 3 Plays to Date for More Than 2000 EM by Prof. Watts' Troupe KING'S HERALIJS (HARTE,; Page Three Thursday, January 28, 1948. . - - __________ _ HOT TIP : those air mail stamps sll«’t and when you’re hat important let- melted by body illy stuek together 7 irect from lair p. ostnffice. thane fro m your Ca rette» Put in keeps works. War Bond Nel $8000 In Two Sales Alone —Your Portrait SEND YOUR PHOTOGRAPH By Pvt. Ray Mount Ilog« i . Recent newspaper h « II >-e: “Sanananda Captured from Japs.” Ilai«i enough to say Suniimindu in Fogb-li, l*ut in Japanese it mu t have been just about hvposoot you pass th«.' sassafrac in Sannmmdii- Anil then, on top of that, to b? cap­ tured! DINAH SHORE, BLUF .N>t- ork MinfclnK star, visits Wrorict»** v. eet Shop across from Hollywood adio City, and decide« that ONI' up of coffer Is quite enough for .ier. ANY JAIL-BIRD SHOULD KNOW Posed by Pvt. Jim O’Connell, who read it somewhere: What two track and field sports are barred Elsewhere on sports page you answer. As a matter of fact, we don’t think it’s worth all that trouble, either. u It’s the pole-vault and the cross-country rirti. 3 Camp Musicians Booked in Concert Event Is Sunday Nite At Chapel 3, 7th & D On Sunday evening, January .11 it. 1943, at 7:15 o’clock. CYlnpel N -. i (Field Artillery). 7th and D .tree south, will present an organ recital by Pfc. Lamar W. Crask, a.«s«ateel (pianist) Pfc. Crark was formerly tl ganist for the Church of St. thews, Christian, Louisville, tucky; recitalist for radio sti WGRC, , WINN. WHAS, WAVE; is a member of the Arne-: can Guild of Organist ; and was a pupil of Prof. George R. Latim« r. 1-ondon. England. Pfc. Steinbeck was formerly member of the San Franei.cn Open.« Company, and «va. a member f several sca«ona of the New York Lyric Opera Company. Pvt. Babel was formerly an in­ structor of piano in Chicago, Illi nots, and la a pupil of Dr. Franklin Stead. Chicago He has appear«-! nationally as a recitalist and gae«t soloist. Civikan. wishing to a t« ««1 1) > leciUil ate w< kora«-. Aussie troops who strutted arotfnd in captured Italian generals’ j uniforms, saluting and bowing to I everybody (including the company rniascot, a t monkey), __ _________ reported one '’thing that wasn't so good. . Kverv ■ time they’d start walking forward, their pants would turn t ight n.'ound ui’d run u away with them. They < lalm they ha«l to surrender to oth- cr’Aussie, to get back home. . .—o— “Roumanian Oil Field Bombing Haunts Hitler.” IL adline. Among his little nightmare, is it p > -sible •I Dfr Führer eve- s<-«-s something swinging from a dr-nick? O-4 | DNB, Beilin re n;«l . -tales t'int | "German troops withdrawing from : Caucasus :«■ -« «irding to < hodulr ' | So far as is known, no mention was I made a« to whose . chixbile wa» ba ing followed -Gelman or Russian --- o—- British sir ministry announcer the, new Hawker Typhoon i. h service. Wi'.h Hitler f:«< ing Rus sian blizzaid- in th Fait and llur licane« Typh'ains, Lightnings an«' Spitfires in (he West, it I , ika a though the « loment.« were slightly against him. v, Mrs. Deeney, Major Russell, Purchasers When the American civilian an«l military get together—look out Axis. They got together yester­ day afternoon at the War Bond window of the SCU postoffice and the two largest bond sales yet to be mad«- nt Adair were handed over the counter by'Mr. Don Shaw, civ­ ilian postoffiee employee. M« Ann M. Deeney of the kitch­ en staff at the Hospital Unit, was the civilian whose money goes to buy the guns to whip the enemy. She bought ttAon worth. Major Henry Russell of the 96th Division is the man who’» buying as he’s fighting—al) out—to hand the ene- my hia one way ticket to defeat. He also bought $4.600 worth. Both sale* typify the efforts that every American—man or woman­ civilian or military—must make to win this war and the kind of peace that must follow. The Sentry sa­ lutes Mrs. Deeney and Major Rus- »ell for the splendid example they have set. The Sentry believes that this example should set the pac» for other civilians and oth«*r sol­ diers at Adair. For when the American civilian and military get together—look out Axis. SOO/MO j OOO. I Hidy Tidy! The l ank. Take Babe A Did« * Listed as “invasion e< ment” wh«m the Yanks into North Africa were — what «I«« yon think! — GOJXMi pal Labi* s’ diapers. They will lx- distributed for “good will purpo««-»” arn« p th natives. This in perfectly ail npht wrth The .Sentry, of our we. but w< do with that Army QM mirht have rec la rm if led th«- i«>ue in •om<* manner i m uc vs - s de* “fan s th««ug) the now- tor j “D icsti’t af- BISHOP SELL 10 SOLDIERS 10R SENSING H0M1 < urtoons of a ruukiehi BXperltmrflit, drawn by a Nohiier Foil of ltul£hrt and Ix’llv iHMtera. Jowl Hie thing to <0*11'1 buck borne to show «h« I o IK h the Imio>>n>ii4 «|n«,y xv III iik th«r boo?« to y«»ur ready for tnalhng. -i I >■• f «r alogto «•<•()) or $’ imi for A < •Jl« »w u» >«»ur !*'< anti gi ’ then» t-oMtoe:» It. Will Dav you u liberal comtnMton on all they wll ituNh your order for Nainple < ofdea today. I i The cumulative value of all Iwnd- Lease avi extended by »he United State, from March 11. 1»41. to November 30, 1942, wa- about |7,- I "I Love You" ra * Es»l. S' i Photographers 520 Stale Street .... Salem c array svNBiCATt Pkarint HUI. Ohl« OFFICERS - NON-COMS SOLDIERS WATCH THIS LIST AND CHECK ITEMS NEEDED Or better still — come imo cither of our stores—at Albany or Salem— ana go over the stocks with us. □ All Wool O. D. Shirts Uniform Cuttons 1 ] Money Belts (With zipper. ! 1 Shoulder Patches Slippers - Packed in Kit i Chevrons for All Grades "Aunt Lydia's” Thread □ Web Belts, Brass Buckles i i Reg. Buckle Oxfords J Officers' Slacks "Spiffy" Collar Stays FJ 0. D. Laundry Bags < Pink X Green > __ Sewing Kits □ Gun Cleaning Brushes G •ri r/’í >rv 1 <’ 'n I i al op ir ri lourci Wr ivo rd I I Bra*R Wire Top Kick Chevrons Glastic Dog Chains Li Metal Polishes Romir, t sea t ed • Alamari, unita mu III for Korps ha« rt­ miles from f' crinan panzer made « fi tt Io Name for h ell« Kell y r Id, th ld«-»t I I h.H.l In t id uni 'HI srht for >1« ra ed I mporli t C'tlM V L t ith, K ’F Duma Ph hot in the ■_ 3 g « ent« r wilt I t Í A if the Tin wandered, and the ratei is much cone* rned. The (>iiu-k la<.(ic) Field Caps □ Stationery i, v Garrison Cop Rain Covers Copper Button Boards ARMY t NAVY "Your Dollar’s Worth Always” TWO STORES EOR VOI R CONVENIENCE 233 N, ( ommerri.il SALEM \\ « • ««nd St ALBANY I J ■ í