Camp Adair Sentry Page Three Thursday, Janu; Chatter Away Soldier But Not of Military Plaque for General Trenchant Bulletin Reveals Our Conceit Is Our Danger "Button your lip!” Those are the popularized words to the War Department admonition: "Do not reveal military information” by design, by accident, or under any circumstance. e are human and we are garrulous. If we know our frailities, we are fortunate. We can guard against them. Soldiers will talk, about something. ‘‘Shooting the breeze” is a favorite pastime. There are, however, plenty of subjects to dwell on besides the military. And—it is strikingly pointed out in a recent bulletin issued by the Secretary of War—there is only one real safeguard. That is: KEEP MATTERS OF A MILITARY NATURE COM­ PLETELY OUT OF ANY CONVERSATION. As some of the more salient points in thè bulletin . emphasize : 1 Major General James L. Bradley is shown above as he viewed a likene-s of himself carved on mahogany by Pvt. Kurt F. Litzkuhn, left. The plaque now adorns the wall of the newly opined 96th Division Officers’ Club. u aider foi in >eclion, he con« ihued. “th ■ l i< e fell mt at IS M v. i it h f pack (10) mm nd i) f >r a 1 to i” of in th • «vn tim| or hetti r.” In case you won i ’t kn w a full pack consisted of shoes raincoat, mosquito bar, two I blanke tent pins, tent peg«, >, a shelter h:ii f. 3 changes of undetwuir. ratio's r two days (6 cans corn beef. 2 < hard bread!, 2!0 rovnds of ammuni­ tion, rifle, mayonetie. and belting. After his tour of duty in the Far East S Sgt D i Vail ret ir- • I to Vancouver luinaeks as chief bul. ami later aided in tro p movement cookirg under Lt. Col. Pettibone, now (’iinm:innt of the Ninth S', vice Command School for Bakers and Cooks, but then a Captain It was al’o at Vancouver Ba: ck- that General Gecrge C. Mar -hall, pieseit Chief of Staff, hut then commander of th" Barra ks. gave S Sgt. Du Vail permission to marry. The Sergeant wsaia a Yangtze S- rvice Medal and n good conduct medal. Free in Portland, IF— In Geo. White Center I Again Activated One of the most famous Dixie divisions of the last war, the 87th, has been officially activated at l amp McCain, Mississippi. FOR "WARTIME ECONOMY I & WITH EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE at BROWN'S House Dicks Wanted I Expert Watch Repair department will com- pleti ly repair your watch. You can depend upon Brown’s long rec­ ord of watch service for quality workman­ ship. Signal Company Ups Among Timber Wolves We Learn— INFANTRYMEN ARE On the day that we donned the i The Signal Compiny a mounces BORN. NOT MADE day», it is because in a joking way uniform of the United States Army ' the following promotions: he had PFC Michalik writc to his Twenty-two year old George we began to learn things about the From Technical Sergeant to girl friend and who do .von think is Shaw of New York City, re­ Army, things that Hitler and Hiro- [Master Sergeant, Mark E. Moore getting the most mail? None other shito would like to know to aid ceived his induction notice while I .11*., 38694079. Home mid re- i, 2'137 than PFC Michalik. working in Albany. N. Y. Shaw them in attacking our country, our I Broadwav. Beaumont, Texas. families, our cities, our homes, our wanted to .be an infantryman From Sluff Sergeant to Techni­ z Closed Jan. 25 to 29; Incidentally, I just heard from a farms and ourselves. and just to prove himself that Bakery InstructorTells cal Sei grant. John B Pace. '.Sti.i '.:»7. HURLEY'S LOTION Miss Jean from Portland Every day since then we have he could take it, walked all the Heme addi i ss. Rox 136, Adding,on, Soldier Wives to Meet certain For Poison Oak Tales About Career I Oklahoma. who had just received a letter from been entrusted withk information. way to his draft board head­ Over R0<><) bottles sold. G um C- miin »oc her boy friend here at Camp Adair We will continue to be entrusted quarters. From Corporal to Technician till an teed treatment for poiwon Due to renovations, the Corval­ oc*.«’ vastas A baker by trade ami unaceii - She had finished her letter, “ Dar ­ with more and more information I tmk rein I. •> ><• bottle by mail He completed the trek in a N M lis USO Club will he closed from Grade. Wilburn Member Belter lisien Institute tomed to a ration consisting largely HI M S DIH GS. Alban) IK ling you don ’ t know how I miss so long as we are privileged to little under five days. 16285811. Homo nddre Monday through Friday next week, ..................................... — — .. _ _ _ > your Company.” And S Sgt. Soc­ of Spanish fried baloney, fried ba­ Broadway, Ukiah .mi.: ( wear the uniform. January 25-29. loney and green peppers stuffed Every bit of military information derstandable enough. On Sunday the USO is inaugurat­ man wrote back in a rage: hoimi. Everyone » I ! 11111 ! 11111111111111 III 11 > 111111 II II 11 IVI 1111111111111 i I II 111111111111111111111 i 1111111111111 “When did you get acquainted with baloney. S Sgt Frederick C. I From Technician 6t!i is of value to the enemy, no matter tends to “hand out a line” when ing what it hopes to be a series of with the rest of my Company, any­ Du Vail, bakery instructor for th:> Technician 4lh Grude, I how small. AT THE EXCHANGES OR IN TOWN out with a girl. There is little weekly talent programs for the Camp Adan Branch, Ninth Service Yarbrough, 38tl9396 drill in the afternoon tempted to get themselves com- except guard and fatigue details. fortable and making every effort Eugene Paper Pays But to make up for this siesta time to keep real warm, a shrill whistle I the comp iny drilled late at night." blew. At first not a sound nor a Tribute to Mothers; 1 "But don't get the idea," the murmur could be heard, when final­ i sergeant warned, "that service with ly a voice like from Heaven called 35 Sons in Service 1 the .'Hut wa » snap. Paa«« out: “Strike Tents.” ■ limi'td to one 3-day pa* Oh boy! Was that sweet music A salute to those Ijine county month and an annual I5- Under a setting sun that pre ­ —with the Valentine 1 Guard in a special service »< ction t tall daik hair«•*<1 S< rjf »ant. , "was sented an ideal atmosphere preced­ recently. Only YOU can give . ftrict vnc.ugh ♦ i make on«* ha i ve l.ud ing retreat, Lt. Alfred Smith hon­ Eight entire pages were devot«"! ¡dream*.- If on e wi re ab«< n it from ored the entire Company by be­ I exclusively to photographs at 1 I stowing upon those who qualified j brief service description» of I ji : > Reveill it u a* a Nummary court < Prophylactic) on the range, medals symbolizing I county boys, both the living end martial with a f’¡ne of two-tb lirds of one’* pay or 3 nnorth* in the guard \ their achievements. th«- dead, who are bringing or h«'. <■ PFC» Kenneth H Skipper. John already brought distinction and house, or both.’ .Soldier* who were an muc ha a Haider, and Pvt. Elgin E Hail re­ honor to thia region. minute late to n vt ille or r «•treat ceived the highest reward, that of | The front page of the xecti receivca onipany ptjfi!*nmen t Thia The award of Expert Rifleman contained the photographs of •<•»< consiati d of p »un.liny rock into Sharpshooter was presented to - Lane mothers who have contribute the land«cape in preparati! First Sgt Dones Maulden, Pvts J a total of thirty-fiv«- son» to •!> the cornine ramiy ataron. D Roger». Philip D. S. Allred. Roy branches o( th» armed fore« - Th couftv, ail thia uork wa Ward Jr., and Joe I. Belk Al»o I outstanding contributor proved t in the blazing mid-day run, u honored by qualifying as Marks­ men were HO members of the Com­ be Mrs. E. V I). Murphey of Ei. company truard armed with a pany. Average was S3 per cent for gene, who ha- seven »on» in th« ( r et anti a club. _ J -L- I ________________________ - ' _ The »erg' ant's next oba*lva'i'm the entire organization, certainly service. “ Your Dollar'* Wurth Alwayx ” something to be proud of and wcih, I An unusual feature of the edition was directed at soldier» who TWO STOKES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE incidentally, is considered the Camp ' was the inclusion of a page depie' "grouse” about th» »«verity of 233 N. fommerrial 20b W. Second St« irg the Lane county brother cow. pre»» nt army diacipiine. "They Record. Salem 520 State Street lonatlons who are in serva-e don't know what discipline i»,” said If you ar» wondering why PFC rixtjr set» of brother- eompri-e th he. Corvallis USO Will Prefly Up Next Week This Mess Sergeant Larked Imagination BROFK/V’S OFFICERS - NON-COMS SOLDIERS YOKUM HOKUM □ All Woo! O. D. Shirts □ Uniform Buttons Money Belts (With ziPPer> ! rShouldtr Patches Shoe Rags Slippers - Packed in Kit [ VALENTINES Chevrons for All Grades □ "Aunt Lydia's" Thread [ j Web Belts, Brass Buckles Reg. Buckle Oxfords "Spiffy" Collar Stays O. D. Laundry Bags Gr □Officers' Slacks I Corl's Book Shop . ‘ 'Tz Shirts (w„h „ i . Gun Cleaning Brushes Souvenir Pillow Tops Glastic Dog Chains □ 0. D. Scarfs Say- Metal Polishes □ 0. D. Army Coveralls I Love You" 0. D. Wool Sweaters □ Soap Boxes 0. D. Cotton & Wool Sox 1 Officers' Raincoats Shoe Brushes, Shoe Paste —Your Portrait Leather Wallets Field Caps (I Garrison Cap Rain Covers SEND YOUR PHOTOGRAPH J Tooth Brushes □ Stationery Copper Button Boards ARMY l NAVY BISHOP Photographers SALEM Saceeny w «o down-hearted the»» county's donation. “If a »old¡er'» e«|uipm»nt was not ALBANY