Paj^r Eight Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, January 21, 1ÍM3. T 96th Cage League Starts; ‘Old Irish’ Tourney Ends 1 Win, 1 Lose; And Decisively ~~.............. ? I i Eliminations to Pick Champs for Division ■ Second Guessing- ; Boxing Team Begins CampÄdcii' SPORTS By S Sgt. E. A. Brown Boxing eliminations to pick con tenders for the divisional champion ships and also a team which will later compete in the Camp Adair tournament, are now underway among outfits of the Timber Wolf Division. Although it is a little early to make the dope bucket picks, it is evident that the talent is pretty well rounded out to take in every thing from the heavyweight divi sion right down to flyweight. ♦ M i » i » i It Is Quite All Oke For Lady Wrasslers To W restie—If Ladies handball King Gets Processed Either because so many of the »re-time grunt and groan men became lA’s after awhile and are in Two Games on Lorenz the Army, or also because the cash Court Decide Tourney and carry-em customers got tired of looking at some of the faces As Ruskauff Defeats they had to take, the situation of women wrestlers is acute down in Fireman Toby Wallace Loa Angeles, So the State Athletic Commis- -■ . n got its head together Monday Camp Adair's first open singles and decided it will be all right to hardball tournament, which was have at least two exhibition at least six months between lady described as “the hotte«t tourney wrestlers. seen on a cold court in these here Rut, decreed the colle -tive head: parts,” was polished off in rousing “They must be real lady wrestlers, | atyle Monday night on Lorenz not those of questionable charac Court. ters." In the finals match Pfc. Bob Ruskauff, Hdq. Co. SCU 1911, took the measure of Assistant Fire Chief Toby Wallace, former big-time “rassling champion" and the power ‘ bouse of station one, in straight games. She scores were 21-13, 21- (The “1i1 Arthur” of this distin Pfc, Boh Ruskauff, Editor guished column today gladly bows lout in deference to the following i sw« II story by Pfc. William N. Bat- | dorf, concerning a grand-old timer Salvage l>ept. This Knittin' Not For Britain Either | of pugilism- none other than Col. Will the salvage collectors plea-c Michael (Iron Mike) Mulcahy, of In the first gam< of the 96th In- ■ the Timber Wolf Division. call for one large balloon donated But far.try Di vision BasketbaM Round- read on.) by a bubble dancer with a slow Robin T turrament, the 1st Bn.; Teaching men to throw leather leak?—Adv., Mgr. Gem Theater, 2nd Irf ' ■ < ' a «' d and out- and develop a power (or Sunday) from the “Bealiner, ■cored 36' !rd F. A. Bn. to the score punch that carries all the wallop of 35 to 2 1. i of a heavy artillery •■»»ta-’k is the Led by Pvt. L Storey, former work of Colonel Michael “Iron -or.<| 14 points. Mike" Mulcahy, supervisor of box- I L. S U. a ■; ■ . 1st Bt.. 3 ».’ 1 Infantry wax lead- ing for the Mountaineer Regiment I ing, 15 to 4, at the half. of the Timber Wolf Division. The 1s lii , ;.:iHist Infantry, John-on. Willard. Dempsey former All-American coached 1 ■ Boxing has been one of Colonel Star, 1st Lt. John Byers, from “Iron Mike’s" chief interests since Routh Ben i<! Indiana, came through way back when Jack Johnson, Jess '-.’th an ir nnres«iv‘ victory in their Willard and Jack Dempsey were in first gami” of th- 96th Division their prune. He entered the ring Bn iketbnll Tournament by a »core Pvt. Sevmour J. Fish of the Tim Boxers! Talent Call back in the days when boxers were of 42 to 10 ber Wolf Division, a checker play For Feb. 10 Bouts Clash Set for Tuesday J»3, afteHr 6,5 ™nutes of plav sluggers and the ear marks were j i tiie first quarter, Lt. John er of five years standing, defeated * k 4 . . Power Beats Sonne Boxers! Amble over to Field numerous. A broken nose or a i rs saw his boys blank out the , Pvt. Jack Flynn of the MPs, SCU At 8 P.M. in Portland Wallace rode into the finals by House. See Matchmaker scar on the face bespoke the man’s 362nd F. A Bn. with superior fire 11911, to capture the Camp Adair successively defeating Pfc. Morris Jim Shackleton and profession. There was little of I power. I »ii g a fa»t break to its draughts championship and the The Portland Boilermakers, a Weldon, SCU 1911, Pvt. William “booked”. the dancing around, the light jabs, best advantag Captain Frank C Wimer trophy, in fast, dangerous basketball team, Finchel, of the Timber Wolves, and The call and the wearing-down system now finals of the week-long tournament, I Bn . 381st got t! ,r hafidH on the w ill be next on the bill for the Charles Sonne, Mdq. SCU 1911. In Shackleton is lining in vogue in professional boxing ball it was a ui money bet they at Service Club No. 1, Tuesday roving Timber Wolves of Camp the roaring semi-finals match with bouts which will be on the Field circles. This leader learned and he would hit the bi. k-t. With such evening. Sonne, Wallace’s power told against Adair. House boxing card Feb. 10. teaches that the army fighter must sharpshooting the Infantry team The 36-year-old, one time Chi- I It will be Tuesday night at Port the southpaw, with the three-game Bouts are preliminary to the be u slugger and a brilliant man. cagoan, who had won his way into ‘ had little trou I ■ running the score land. Place is the Jefferson high scores reading 21-13, 20-21, 21-3. Post championship tournament, There i< probably but one man in the bracket over some mighty fine up to an imp i xsive victory. Victories over Pvt. Toribio Bo school gym. The starting time will March 30, 31 and Aprils 1 to 3, h Divirion, used a Camp Adair who is personally ac competition (so did Flynn for that Hq Co canegra of the Timber Wolves; the lie 8 p.m. And for cage fans who inclusive. superior hi'ight advantage over the quainted with the punch carried by matter), lost the first game, took can make it, the battle is a “must”. grand veteran of handball warfare, “ We expect to have anywhere the colonel that is 1st Sgt. Leon 3rd Bt.. 383rd, csperially under the the second. They drew the third, Fire Chief A. L. Sherk and Pvt. The Wolf Line-up from eight to a dozen bouts on basket, where it counted the most, ard T. Fletcher of Company M. The fourth game, Fish won, to Player-coach Lt. Bob Duffy an Eddie Jacobson, the acrobat king the card," Schackleton said yes Sergeant Fletcher and his two aril defeated (hem, 34-17. Starting capture the two-out-of-three game nounced yesterday that probable of 96th Signal Co., pit Ruskauff, terday, “and will go all the way off slow in the first quarter, Hq. brothers were corporals nt Ft. War match. fart, the bizarre las^llieres. bracelets and other trinkets starting line-up of the Timber former Long Beach, Calif., YMCA from lightweight to heavy rm, Wyo„ in 1931 and Col. Mulcahy Co. team, led by T Sgt. H. Berge Checker Mob There fashioned hy Pvt. Frank Swain aren't e%en knitting. The Crow Wolves quintet will include Lt. and Pacific Coast Cub player, into weight.” Indian soldier, whose most fighting name proper!} translated is. ■ nd ( pl N. Weiner, gradually eased was their commanding officer. A goodly audience, including “lakes The Enemy’s Gun Iwajr” (or Dck Sha e Estakke Doch Herbert Brown at center, the new- I the final match. Soldier fans of this Post who 135 Pounds of Iron ay as the game progressed. Post Commander, Col. Gordon Mc- in the Crow language), finds his present tenure at Station Hospital I comer from divisional play, Sgt. One Play-Off Left remember the last seven-bout Hhr l«iw>d’n Brutal Hruiner» Sergeant Fletcher and his broth . Coy, <’Hpt. Wimer and Lt. Rich- far easier than a lot of local jobs he has held—or that life in the Jacobson and Sonne were unable John Frazier, playing with Wax set-to and its three k.o.’s, prob ilackwood's Brutal Bruisers, the er. Jess F. Fletcher, who is now a I arils the champs own C.O.. was on AOOC old days when he was a stellar jockey and top-notch bronco buster to get together to play off for third man at forward; Duffy and Lt. around Billings. Montana. ably need no urging to attend. un of giant s from the 96th Mill- lieutenant in Pennsylvania, took up , hand to watch the tense final en- place in the championship bracket Besides, who wouldn’t like to weate a lavalliere. when he can Jos. Quin starting at guard. Sgt. As for others, mark down the tary Polke took over the hard boxing at that time and on their counter and spur their favorites on. present ii to such a well-favored nur*e as 1st Lt. Sadie U heless. I Clark Brown, though not slated to at scheduled time and will do it date, Feb. 10. In checkers this is done different wood arid veritably beat 321st initial appearance for training. which Pvt. Swain is doing in this Public Relations Photo. late this week. I start. will probably see plenty of Medicai Bn, lo try and liold thè Captain Mulcahy demonstrated on ly than in other sports, principally By virtue of a couple defaults action in the game. * bv maintaining a genteel silence of tournament rounds during the team a» top cagc outfit of thè 96th Spl. L. T. Fletcher. and victory over Chaplain Lt. Vic The Boilermakers ( nobody Infaiilry Divirio: . With every man The latter put up his dukes in and seeing to it that recalcitrants week, as Pvts. Fish and Flynn tor E. Newman, 21-17, and 21-14, around here knows whether that Fireman Ray Maddy went through ■tretehing a . Il above nix feet in the upproved manner as instructed who can't stand the inertia, do like fought their way into the inner I stands for their occupation or the to win the consolation rounds. height, thè M. P.’i had little trouble and attempted to carry through wise. shrine. At Both Club« way they drink it), definitely are keeping thè -phiie out of the reach with >i blow. Fletcher’s jub was In opening brackets at Club 1, Plans are underway for a doubles Both service clubs were scenes Fish beat another Timber Wolf of thè hard fi'.'htir g Medica. Ile- parried and he received a wallop on classified as big game. Their con tournament to be held shortly. ginmng tti. ■ ■ :<l hulf the <>. I the jaw. Behind it were 135 pounds quests include University of Ore- draughtsman, Pvt. Thorrjpgton. ______ ♦---------- -- The Camp Adair championship politemeli led by a »core of 26 to of iron. ! gon and one victory (though they tournament will be conducted in By the time six more games are 1 basketball team, the be«t loixing Pvt. Tenn.x lost to Pfc. Welton, both Sonja Henie's Show thè Madie» 8. At thè ! dropped the series) against the April. He still remembers that the tysm, the No. 1 rifle team. Of also of the Timber Wolf Division. rolled out of the way, tonight and ■Cote wax 34 to 10. famed Vancouver Ramblers. course, it was not always as he At Club 2. where Florence Coardy tomorrow everting at Field House, Has Plenty Ice Aces Colonel can punch. Initial tournament brought forth 3r<l Bn., 3H2nd li Their squad is bolstered by the a number of players with prime Fletcher since fought for a num- desired, hut he has far more than Merriam was in charge of this Although hilled and known as the Post Complement and attached Engr. Bn., IH. her of years. He never lost a fischi one man’s share of victories to re mental war. Pvt Miller took Pvt. an ice show, Sonja Henie’s Ice noted Slim Wintermuth, 6 foot possibilities and a Post handball Ut Bn.. 3H2nd Inf. 35 . 363rd F. in the six years he fought in the member He would never deal Asher of the Medics and Flynn troops basketball league will really Revue now on a ten-day stand at • 8 inch former Oregon U. star and team may be organized. A. Bn . 21. won by default from Cpl. Stol- be barreling in their round robin Madison Square Garden, boasts one of the outstanding centers in with a quitter. Army. 9«th Signal Co.. 30, ‘With Rr. Tr„ Lt. Christopher Christo, Co. E, iutlo. It was in 1936 that he was first many figures of the athletic world, America. series. Fish took Welton straight games beaten by a soldier, lie kept a has taken active charge of the HO On the immediate schedule, fol more than many bona fide sports Hq Co Oilth Div., 34, 3rd Bn., long-time promise to Mrs. Fletcher men who have signed ui> for boxing in the semi-finals at No. 1. Flynn Helen Jacobs, world's top rank events. 3S3rd Inf.. 17. that whenever he lost a fight, he ! in tb< regiment. AmorfV his assist- was forced to a pair of draws but lowing games are on tap: Most prominent are Dorothy and ing tennis player for many years, M I’. Platoon, 34, I2UI Medicai would quit fighting Since then he I ants are Ricliurd J. Barr of Holly- scored struight wins over Asher at Tonight—Medics vs. Motor Main Hazel Caley, champion figure skat has signed up with the Navy’s Bn.. 10. tenance at 6 p. m.; MPs vs. QM at has handled numerous boxing I woim I, Calif., member of Headquar Club 2. WAVES. ers of Canada. 2nd Bn., 3M2nd Inf., 28, l«t Bn., squads and always brought back ters company, Second Battalion, a The new chanipi* is an able 7; Hdq. vs. 332 QM at 8 o’clock. 383rd Inf'., 18. champion* from tournaments they professional. He fights under the player, with considerable experience Tomorrow night—691st QM vs. ^51111II IIIllllllllIII SI II II II 11111 Mill Illi IlllllllllllllIII I II Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllù Ext Bn.. 381 »I inf, 42. 862nd F. fought in. name of “Young Mickey Walker.” in club tournaments in and around 3429 Ordnance at 6; Hdq. vs. A. Bn . 10. because Walker was always his idol. Chicago. He had to be to take the 332nd QM at 7; MPs vs. 336 QM Win or Nothing 2 Mi. N. of Albany on Hwy. 99 Today, Colonel Mulcahy, with There is also Pvt John G. Paskus, long undisputed champ of the MPs. at 8. EVERY SATURDAY’ the aid of his assistants, is impart | Company M, an amateur who has Pvt. Flynn is a cagy boardsman The Yokums of 337th Depot Co., NIGHT Jitterbug Contest for Men in Uniform — Cash Prizes = ing the knowledge that he has been under the management of ami earned right to represent the who have been keeping themselves Enjoy the Smooth, Modern amassed during the Snore than Tuny Morgan« at Philadelphia for Post Complement and attached pretty prominently injected into Stylings of Lota of girls. Music by TOPHATTERS, three decades that he win in the the past three years. Both of these troops in the tourney by losing only most everything lately, furthered ( OK\ ALLIS Salem’s Leading Dance Hand. ring and later since he has watched men have answered the bell to the one Came in «erie« last the cause in a couple of the out ■ p note hers in their divisions. Wil -By HR. standing games of the week. from the ringside 10-Piece ORCHESTRA Sat. - Sun. - Mon. lie says that it is his intention to liam A Siscoe from Missouri, Ser Salem Armory—Adm. 10c—Every Saturday. 9 I’. M featuring After toppling the 555th Rail 96th Div. Games Ahead round out some champions from vice company, has had 15 years ex- j Sponsored by Capital Post No. 6, American Legion DOROTHY EVANS heads. 59-14. last Thursday night, Claudette's niest TONIGHT Sidney the raw material given him by perienee in gym work. 1900 •21ft r A Bn. vs. 1st Bn . 381st they stopped the winning streak Meiling te»«w«y Camp Adair. Colonel Mulcahy has Glick. Co F, was lightweight chain- i Ii t 'iiliiiiiiiiiiillilililiiilllililllliiiilillllliiililllll inriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. 2000 -321st En<t Bn. v«. 90U bienal of Hdq. of SCU, by a score of atm never been satisfied with second- pion in Indiana from 1923-26. Co 24-6. The Yokum regulars arc 2100 381st r Á Bn vt 3«3rd r A Among the recruits for the box "It Htpprntd Oat raters. When lie first entered into Bn Cpl*. Stolpc. Arterburn. Sgt. Wel s|Hirts, his must la- the winning ing class are men who have never FRIDAY Night! ter, Pvt. Blevins and PFC Welton. IBM lit Bu Siiti Inf 3r9 B b .. seen a bout, However, with the Si’Bt Inf <hv4«n« 3000— 3 «lit r A Bn . training they are receiving, one 2nd Bn.. 39 i at Inf COLBERT week's work has started them .100 321ft Med Bn vs ) 796th Ord. Co. toward a coordination of muscles, SATURDAY McCREA u rhythm and timing that will re ! .00 921»t r A. Bn ’ vs. 3rd Ba.. 391 at Inf sult in many becoming finished SUNDAY woo 2nd Bn. 391 at Inf . vs 3rd B b .. fighters fighters who can send 393rd Inf knockout blows cascading from the T uesday 1900 9«U Sitati Co vs. Hu Co 98tk chins, off the noses or to th«' solar Pit Pvt. Storey, Mighty 2000 - 9« th YM _____ _______ Co _ V» _______ Si 1st Mod Ba plexuses of their opponents. noo 1st Bn. in Easley Set, With Sky-Scraping 5 Of Hq. Co. in Kane League, Swamp Foes Timber Wolf Player Post Checker Champ Pvt. Seymour Fish Beats Jack Flynn to Snare Wimer Trophy Timber Wolves Point t Bad Boilermakers SCU-IX Corps League Swinging Into I LET S DANCE at TUMBLE INN DANCE Al Benning's Ex-LSU S’ar Nabs League Point Lead 921st F A Bu vs 5 9 J nd F A Bn Stari» Sundav ezei £ <(IRV ALLIS Pvt Horton Sniiril, the famous golfer, is now in the Army Air Forces Technical Training Center. a LAMARR 1 a> "* PIDGfONl GRANADA ROLLER SKATING ALBANY Playing Burgess MEREDITH 81 \\i> in \i i NETWORKS" KI SSH I. II O DEN Start« Sunday JOHN < SKKOl.l. and Kt III HI SbKY • BOS TON Bl. O KIE GOES HOI IA WOOD < ii i *» 11 K MOMM also BEHIND I HE s BAI I KHZ BROS. WEDNB8DAT M P Platoon vs 796th Ord Co 96th ÇM Co vv let Bn. J Bird Complete Line of Used Mite, Heads 1st Bn. Pvt. Lawrence Storey, former Basketball star of L. S. V.. now putting his talents to work for the ¿Ulllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllll 1st Bn.. 3H2nd Inf., stepped out tn front with l.cagne scoring honors in the first week of the 96th Inf Division Basketball Tournament, by adding 16 points to his personal credit. Thus far, competition for the title has been pretty stiff and it showM be even closer a* the series draw, into the second week of play Breathing on the neck of the 5 foot 5 inch mite. Pvt I. Storey, arv Pvt. J. Sevier of the M 9 a and T Sgt H Berge of Hq Co. 96t h Div., vwch with 14 points IN- H C Strickland of the 1st Bn Miet Inf team is close behind with 13 Invites You to Attend points. 2nd Bn 3tlst Inf . vs 9«tb Welcome Elks in Service Mondar W rdnesda* Friday Satardav SKATEWAY Roller Rink 7th & Montgomery Allmny, Oregon Mat " illamftt* Valley’» loa-Hi(hl Koller Kink Household Furnishings We Buy and Sell If you can't find it anywhere -- try us We'll probably have it! ELKS LODGE No. 359 also • IOKN AIM) IN THE 8 IDDI E Pierre of the Plains" 8:00 P.M. i»oo 1000 taf 2100 I K<n Ti • Albany Bargain House ALBANY Ah Fraternal Meetings LODGE MEETS EACH THURSDAY The individual scoring record al the close of the first week of play rvv I. Stars,. l,i H |hHk 1« I*»« j w r T Sft H Here*. H i Rtrirkland ELKS TEMPLE ALBANY. ORE. imimmiiimiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiii ber H«| F*3h Nr«« 3*4 H r I I Ul Be ’»»»4 T«t JSl.a 1st INVEST YOUR SAVINGS IN WAR BONDS