Tage Four Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, January 21, 1943. but has added momentum to the'ouarry after getting official per. functioning of an outfit, of which mission from their CO. Just to make it easy the applies we are all proud. Several Pool personnel earned tion only has to be in, in writing “QUOTES and QUERIES” citations for work o’er »nd above two months before the day set for Pfe. F. Smith—Sgt. M. Gaines I the call of duty during the unusual the wedding bells. QUARTERMASTER Visitors Enjoy Camp Adair Service Club SOCIAL SWIRL By Adele Adair The regular Friday evening dances were again the “large time” headliners of the week at the two Service Clubs. At Service Club No. 1 cuties, eager to pay their own way for the dance with the boys dressed in OD, came flocking in from McMinnville, Eugene and Monmouth. Probably the big event of the evening for the soldier- dar.cers was the appearance of Colonel Gordon II. McCoy. For Col. McCoy was not content with watching the younger soldiers from a sedate sideline; he got out on the floor and whirled his partner Mrs. Hutchins, Monmouth hostess, around with the best of them. During the intermission Pvt. Syl vester Veronne of the 385th Bees swung out in a jitterbug dance. Pvt. Gene Logan obliged on the guitar, and sang while he played. Emily Post Says Civilians in sur rounding towns have been pretty gener ous of invitations to parties and gatherings in their homes. But frequently soldiers who have ac cepted these invitations through the service clubs or their com panies have not shown up. Transportation, u ne x p e c t e d duties are responsible for a por tion of this. Plain cu: -edness and irresponsibility for the rest. The bad impression this creates is too obvious to point out. If you accept an invitation, plan to make every effort to appear. If circumstances prohibit your ar riving on time phone. It’s the least you can do. also promised that (!■<• original Visiting Notables sketches which were used to design At Service Club No. 2 the roster the murals on walls of the state of visiting notables included Gen capital building in Salem will be eral Claudius Easley, Colonel Mc loaned to the club. Coy again anil Chaplain Lloyd Date Bureau at Club No. I Harmon. Major John W. Fry, new 1 Service Club No. 1, with Hostess head of the 96th Chaplains corps, Margaret Blodget at the holm, has was also present. Chaperones in set up a date bureau at which sol cluded Mrs. Harry Belt, Mr. and diers get -dates. Details of the Mrs. Carl Nelson from Salem and huieau can he found elsewhere in from Corvallis Mrs. Lorna Jessup the Sentry. and Mrs. C. W. Winston. At the j Sunday night at Service Club No. intermission«Lt. Sigmund Salcanski 2 was devoted to group singing and played the violin; he was accom n jam session. Pvt. L. W. Crasak panied at the piano by Pvt. Tullis. sat at the piano stool and I’vts. CpI. San Farkas, SCU Q.M, former G(.ortf,. Randall and Li ster Baer Junior National Ping Pong Champ, led tile singing. and Cpl. Albert Nachsin, former | Sitting out th«- next dance is an Pennsylvania Senior Champ, proved old custom; bundling is another. their stuff in exhibition games. I Tradition is a fine thing. Hut the Miss Rogers, majorette dodo of Service Clubs are not the places to Service Club No. 2, had lunch this honor these particular traditions. week with Denn Ava B. Milan, If you're not content with a rousing Home Economics Dean at Oregon I game of checkers, if your pulse I State. Abo there were eight others doesn’t quicken at the thought of I from the college of Home Eco- ¡a ping pong game, if your bend nomics and Physical Educat ion. ¡doesn't swim at the thought of a Miss Rogers now has the definite . dance with a junior Kosten.«. Out. assurance that u large amount of For necking at the clubs will no recreational material will he fur longer he everyone tolerated, nished the Service Club. Andrew agrees. McD. Vincent, head of the Depart ment of Painting at the college, has Lt. C. S. Brazelton. QM 1911. was married last Monday to Miss f------------------------------------------------ y Kay Talco) t of Oregon City. The I ' marriage WHS performed at the SOLDIERS WELCOME I bride's residence. The newly wed Homelike Atmosphere ded couple will live in Corvallis. Previously the wedding had been arranged for Junuary 3rd. but in ability to secure a nearby apart ment had postponed the date. Six soldiers rounded up by Mar Albany garet Blodgett, hostess of Service Edgar B Luther, Minister Club No 2 went to an Oyster Fry Fifth and Lyon Streets held at a Grange Hall. Invited wire Pvt«. Geo. Watson, James Corvallia I.oxton, Edgar Davis, Ed Cptting- Pastor, Edward B. Hart, D. D. ham, W. W. Hayes, all of the Tim Corner Ninth amt Monroe berwolf division, and R. V. Dttin ger, SUU. All reported u swell Service Schedule In Both ( hurches time ami asked Mrs. Blodgett to let them know pronto when Ml. Bible School Sunday 9:45 Morning Worship .. 11:00 Wagner culled again. —f- Young People’s Hour 6:30 Evening Worship. Albany Corvallis FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHES Soldier’- Fellowship Clubs are open Sunday 12:00 6:30 p.m Saturdsi t 30 10:30 p.m. Corvallis, Wed. 6:30-10:30 p.m. Albany, Thurs. (1:30-10:30 p.m. Hosts and hostess to welcome you. Something to cat. WE LIKE YOU! WE HOPE YOU LIKE US! Insurance AUTO ACCIDENT FIRE LIFE BURGLARY and all others Reliable Stork Companies Elmer Patrick INSURANCE A BONDS Elka Bldg Phone 142 Corvallis. Oregon Broadcasting group (“The X oicr”—Spaak er stated to right of microphone. THE VOICE OR PROPHECY ( OAST 1'0 COAST ON THE MUTUAL SYSTEM Tune in Station KALE anti KWIL 9:15 p. m. Suntiat Thi itopular broadcast deals in a stirring way with striking prophetic Bible messages for these solemn times. Tens of thousands are writing in letters of appreciation. Your frit-nils will l*e thankful to learn of this great broadcast. The VOICE OF PROPHECY offers the finest plan ever launched for systematic study of the Bible in the RADIO BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSE of 26 lessons. This course in the most important doctrines and prophecies of the Bible is ABSOLUTELY T REE Your only textliook is the Bible. Enroll today!—ami you will immediately receive your first lesson. •Mail this slip to Voice of Prophecy, Box 56. Loa Angeles. Calif Please enroll me without present or future obligation in your Radio Bible Corrvsponuence Course ol 26 lessons Name Street and City • State floods throughout the State of Ore Hello again we -ay to you— gon. Names? Later, we hope. You people with nothing better to do, We know to find us here is quite a But Gosh! V/hat if They jolt— Altered Their Minds? For us too, we thought we shot our bolt. Yank headquarters has an- But since some people aren't nounced a reminder to U. S. sol- choosey— diers in England that they can only We’re writing this while you're ~ still woozy, • Hoping there’ll be another time— ' We’ll wind up this little rhyme. V HOGG BROS f f First on today list of important and unimportant Q.M. 1911 doings: , A very gracious person celebrat ed a birthday, January 16th. She's Mrs. Ross Rogers, Jr., of Amarillo, California, wife of QM’s Executive Officer, Lt. Ross Rogers, Jr. Un like most women we have permis sion to state which milestone it is that she’s passed. It’s the 23rd. j Congratulations Mrs. Rogers! May you have many, many more. Have you ever seen a drcam walking? No? Then meet QM’s own “Mr. Jordan” (Bob Stair I come Reveille time each A. M. While the soldier is training for war, his sweetheart, wife or relatives may spend the hours they wait for him at the service club, reading books or magazines from the library, playing games or writ ing letters. Pictured here from left to right, are Nancy Camilli. 18.3 I) street. Independence; Miss I lizal.eth Rogers, director of Service Club No. 1; Jean Rogers, 183 I) street, Independence, and Mrs. Florence ( oardy Merriam, assistant to Miss Rogers. To Headquarters Company: Please!! and again we say please!' : If every time we beat you in bas ketball means we’ll be weighed 1900 Tuesday and Wednes down by characters like Tom | Catholic Mass Daily—1715 E. M. Are Guests day—Chapel No. 4. (Transportation) Ryan, we’ll glad- j Men of the Signal Company, : Catholic Confessions Saturday— 0700 Episcopal communion; 0900 ly forfeit the rest of our contests I 1530-1700 and 1'100-2100 Timberwolf Division, were guest.« Chaplain L. F. Todd; 1000 with you. of the company officers at an in Chapel No. II—I) & Sth St. North Chaplain Phil Roberts; 1ÎMM» f To prove the Q.M. isn’t cheap. ; formal party last Saturday night. Protestant Service 1000 for Div. Chaplain L. F. Todd—Chapei especially when it doesn’t cost any- I and Sp. Tr. The affair held in the company No. 5. mess hull featured a five piece im Christian Science- 1100 also Wed. thing to prove it, we offer you not 0900 Chaplain John K. Ormond; at 1900 promptu hand, community singing one victory but two. And like all j 1000 Chaplain Charles O. and various soloists. Sandwiches Catholic Mass 0800 and 1200 legitimate double features, we have ' Churchill; 1900 Evening wor and liquid refreshments were Lutheran Service—1900 a little extra to add. It’s not a ship—Chapel No. 6. served. Choir Rehearsal (Prot.) Monday bingo game but a littie prayer j The band and Wednesday—2000 that our luck and skill hold out till ■ Jewish Services Alan C. Ri the end of the tournament. F riday at Chapel No. 2 M Sgt. Richaid Melntin saxa- POST <11 WEI. SERVICES Led by Pvt. Torgerson, the' January 22, 1943 phone; Pvt. Joe Richardson, guitar; Friday. January 22 team’s captain (complicated, isn’t Avenue I) and 3rd Street South. Pvt. Thayne Thompson, piano; Pvt. 2000 Jewish Service, Cpl. Bernard it?) the Q.M.-S.C.U. 1911 basket 1930 Orthodox. T. S. Wilcox, clarinet, played sev ball team beat the 332nd Depot Co. Axel rad I 2000 Reformed. eral numbers and accompanied the 22-10 on January 14 and on the Sunday. January 21 community singing which was led following night, to show It was not 0800 Episcopal Communion, Chap by M Sgt. Homer McDoWtll. BIG STUFF—Mosquitos' are big I a fluke, beat the 338th Depot Co., lain Newman Vtx-al solos were offered by Pri in Florida, says a Reader's Digest 39-20, vates John S. Asker, William Cichy, I 0900 Ci-.tholic Mass. Chaplain Me. "tall yarn.” Three carried a horse Those responsible for the QM’s I i >• >»■ r; v’l and Arthur N. Hackman. away. As they flew it past the ascension to the top of the SCU | Company officers who hosted the 1000 General Protestant Service - recruit he heard one say: “Where and IXth Corps basketball league, Dedication of Gideon Testa affair included: Lt. Col Ralph E. ments »>*»!*• can we hide him so the big fellows besides Pvt. Torgerson, are Sill j Willey, lit Lieutenants Stephen E. won’t get him?” (Keyboard) Rowen, Charlie (Pants I Mori's, Alan ('. Rosenbaum, and 1045 Genera’ Protestant Commtui. Plcater) Johnson, Larry (Biscuits) iiw, f'h.'pinin Harmon ’•• J John P. Slican, 2nd Lieutenants Belka, Hank (The Iceman) De- Henry Frezee, Clyde II. Hemphill, 1115 Mormon oetvice, Pfe. .AJtaa Announce Regulations Benedictus, and John (Cowboy) Nielsen Rov G. Michie, Robert G. Moore, To Protect Plumbing Steer. Adrian N. Renz and Frank A. Wil STATION HOSPITAL SERVICES, cox. The Company Commander, Friday, January 22 If we may, we'd like to get seri t'apt. Vernon II. McKissick, unfor 1845 Jewish Service, Cpl. Morris An announcement from Post tunately was ill and confined to the i Headquarters has called attention ous for a moment. We, in our Stavsky station hospital. small and humble way, would like Sunday.January 24 to the precautions which must be to convey our sincerest sympathies 0800 Catholic Muss, Chaplain Me- taken to guard against the freez to T/Sgt. Walker and his family, D..:ir 'H 100 I Pr”‘.. stant Service, Chaplain ing of plumbing fixtures and water on the loss of his Dad — for Lts. pipes. Braselton, Rogers, M Sgt. Jacob B. rtell sen and the whole Quartermaster, Wherever possible, windows will be kept closed if not in conflict S.C.U. 1911 Detachment. Christian Science Churches “Truth” will be the subj«-ct of the lesson-sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. January -4 The Golden Text will be, “Teauh me ly Way O Lord; I will walk in thy irut.r: unit« ,nv heart to fear thy rm.ne ’ (Ps. 86:11). Among the citation.« which will UMBER WOLE DIVISION comprise 1 i.e lesson sermon is the CH \I’EI. SERVICES following from the Bible: Sunday. January 21. 191.3 "Because 1 will puldi«h th«- name I ’( oiifc'sion la-fore Mass.) < h*|H-l No. 7— ( A 1st St. North of th Lord: ancribe ye greatness Episcopal Holy Communion- 0700 unto our God. He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways •Catholic Mass 1000 General Protestant Service 00(81 are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is and 1100 I he” (Deut. 32:3,4). Bible Study 1500 I'he lesson sermon also includes Evening Service 1930 the following correlative passage* Jewish Service, Friday 2030 I Chapel No. 9—C A J 5th St North from the Christian Science text- book. “Sqitpice and Health with Lutheran Service • 0800 •Catholic Mas: 0900, 1000, 12V I Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: “Spirit. Life. Truth, Protestant Service 1100 l ove, combine as one. and are the I Catholic Eucharistic —1300 Si riptunil names for God . . . .1 Catholic Benediction —1400 Truth, spiritually discerned, is »ci. | Protestant Vespers -1930 Discuss! ion Club 1830 entificaliy discerned, is scientifical-f Catholic Mass every weekday v\- ly understood. It cast» out error and heals the sick” (p. 2751. cept Monday 1830 Catholic Choir Monday and Tur»« day ■ - 1900 REI.IGIOI S SERS h ES 96th Inf Division Protestant Choir. Thursday 1900 Sunday, January 24th. Chapel No. 9—< A 9th St. Xnrth Catholic •Catholic Mass 08<H> and 1000 Protestant Service 0900, 1100 10! 30. 1130 Masses, Chapel Ny>. J. 083 10 1 Mas«'.«, confession» Saturday and 1930 1500 - 1700 and 1800 . 2000 •Catholic M»«« «-very weekday ex- Daily ma-u at 1830 except cept Saturday 1830 W edneeday Chapel No. 3. Novena Service every Tuesday 0645. 1130 Mas*. ». confession* Sat 1900 urday 1800 • 1900 Sorrowful 'rotestanl Choir Rehearsal Tuts Moth. r Novena Friday at day 1930 1900 Chapel No 4 Bible Study Class every Wedne« », 1130 conf «.«ion* Sat- M . day 1930 urday 1800-1900. Chapel No. Discussion Group Wednesday 19 id tilth) Ma« 1115 confessions from Catholic Conf Saturday Saturday 1900 Chapel No. 6, laoo-utKio < ha pel No. I# 1» A 9th St. North Protestant •Catholic Mass 0700, 0900, 1130 0915 Ihrdieation service of Gideon Protestant Service 1000 Bible*. Protestant Vespers 1800 10(8) General »ervice. Chaplain C, Choir Rehearsal (Catholic), Tues M Kild«- Chapel No day and Thursday - 1930 U8 45 Protestant worship; i>t»45 Choir Rehearsal (Protestant) »»• Lutheran service; l9tM) Eve ery Wednesday 1915 ning worship; Bible «-la»s at .j I with sanitary regulations. An at tempt will la- made to maintain an even temperature, in rooms - that have plumbing installation, by an adjustment of window openings. When practicable, exposed pipes will I h - wrapped to prevent damage. Maximum precaution should be taken with reference to unoccupied buildings with plumbing fixtures, by the most proximate unit. All units and installations will be responsible for the appliance of precautionary measures to prevent further damage from freezing. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES REPAIRED The addition of still another Motor Pool Officer in the person of 2nd Lts. Willis M. Parrish, has not only been instrumental in the continuance of customary M. P. (and wc arc not going from the sublime to the ridiculous) efficien- Aussie Streets Deserted The AEF in Australia have ra tioned love, at least in public. Yank headquarters has just is« sued an order which says “Ameri can soldiers on leave must not put their arms around a female com- panion on a public thoroughfare in a manner unbecoming a soldier ç -7 “ Quality Furniture and Appliances At Moderate Prices Terms Salem 260 State St I DR. CHAS. O. ANDERSON Optometrist Humphrey Bldg., 557 Monroe—Corvallis—Phone 424-J Officers' Clothing and Supplies * ' Exchange No. 2 1st St. North and Postal Ave. Just arrived Ladies'White Raincoats . Galoshes..................................... 3.60 Campaign Hats....................... 6.30 Green Slacks............................ 11.00 Uniforms (all sizes) . . . 44.50 ' Ba rc I ay' Spor tswea r S wea ters 4.95 Green Shirts (McGregor) . . 6.35 Garrison Hats . . 5.25 and 7.00 Bath Robes .... 6.50 and up OD Shirts . . . 8 05, 9.10 & 9.80 Overcoats (long)..................... 44.50 Field Jackets........................... 10.50 Choice Luggage . . 9.10 to 35.00 Post Exchanges ASK FOR— BUTTER and ICE CREAM (Biggest Variety of Frozen Bars) Distrib utors fo ihehr Green Valley Creamery 115 North 16th, Corvallis, Ore. Corvallis 3rd A Adams. Phone .36.3 Perpetual Novena Looking For » XÍÍ2 The C”rp)Aà’Ì|ro2ted>Cón Theatre of Sorrows For Victory 2.30 ,Ce Troi^^ÄsSday« *nd hohd,yS‘ t rameo —— and 0900, to U00 you V. p. (Call H,,rn Begins Sunday, February 7th Chapel No. 8 North 7th and C St t & I