li Page Three Thursday,January 14,1943. Talent Shows Hit for Two Audiences Producer Arranges Weekly Skits Here Well ’les at Canip Adair Pvt. Raymond L. Boyd. Hq. ., Bee Bn., Timber Wolf Ar­ tillery, was born on Friday. June 13, 1910. He was shipped from Ft. Sheridan. III., to Camp Davis. N. C., on Friday. June 13, 1941. He was later dis­ charged, but after 13 months of liberty he was recalled to service. On Friday, Nov. 1942, he was transferred Camp Adair, where he was ceived by an infantry unit hav­ ing similar numbers and was assigned to bunk 13. Recently he was called in to sign the pay roll and there was his name on line 13. Corvallis pOKS. Remember When matrimonial DANCE JHeeb.-cn. nitrii M Sgt. only to “Fancy” Sam Farkas, former New York state champion, as a ping pong player, is also high up on the “hit” parade of checker players. The talent shows of Camp Adair are going strong—with two fast- moving shows presented on Mon- day night and last evening. The show last night was pre- .‘■ented at Recreation Hall of SCU 1911 for an enthusiastic houseful of EM. officers and guests and, as producer Pfc. Leonard Green ex­ plained, is designed as the first of a weekly series. Forthcoming shows, displaying a horse, to help him get through the variety of the talent which is de­ veloping throughout this Post, will lines. All night long he carried messages. be held each Thursday at 8 p. nt. Later, while serving as a bat­ This is for your little red book. talion sergeant major, he was sent Of the Timber Wolf entertainment, forward as an observer when the which drew laughs for a solid 90 man he replaced became a casual­ minutes: ty. Fine served in the St. Mihiel Produced by Pvt. Bruce Sharritt and Meuse-Argonne offensives. Once upon a time it rained and rained in Oregon. Proof is herein presented in a photo that recently arrived by ox team. ____ __________________ _____ (Eddie Bruee of the movies) and It shows the Mellow _____ .Moon __________ dance hall __ and ___ roller rink _ resting imeoni- fortabl) under the West Salem bridxe. The bridge has since been repaired. The Mellow Moon, alas, with a cast headed by emcee Cpl. is no more. Floyd Healy, Timber Wolf Divi­ Hitch Hiking a Cinch sion, Special Services Section pre­ When Wife Does Work sented the first of a series of trav­ Sergeant’s Mother M as Right eling ultra-division shows last Says Private Rudner Sergeant (sweetly addressing Monday night at the Recreation his men at the end of ah exhaus­ I "Ql’OTES and QUERIES” Hall of the Seagull Infantry Ragi- Claiming to have perfected a tive hour of drill): “When I I Pfc. F. Smith—Sgt. M. Gaines meut. brand new technique for soldiers was a bit of a tot, I had a set Elsie Lee Stars who want to hitch-hike without "Hi t Ml” Says Anti-Tank Group of wooden soldiers. There was A feminine attraction. Mrs. Elsie “hitching” (thereby keeping well a poor little boy in the neigh- or Is Perfect on Range Lee Meyers, wife of T '5 Meyers within Army rules), Pvt. Sidney forhood and after I had been to (Introducing at IK!» and 170 of Div. CWS, lent spice to a pro­ Rtidner, library worker at Service Sunday school one day listening The range season is over but the Lbs. Respectfully Ye Q.M. gram which included such well Club No. 2, today told how he to a stirring talk on the beauties Editors.) known entertainers as Pvt. Law­ recently completed a round-trip to final results aren’t in. The top of charity, I gave them to him. rence Perez and his bird calls, Pfc. San Francisco while on furlough unofficially appears to be the Anti­ Then I wanted them back, and + When people first meet Pete Wong singing Chinese words without once lifting his thumb or tank Co., which claims a 100 per cried, but my mother said. ‘Don’t cent qualification on its principal They soy "Hellu". to American popular songs, Sgt. his woice. cry. Bertie; someday you’ll get weapon. Perfect is hard to beat! | But all we can say Angelo Calabrese with words and your wooden soldiers hack.’ “It was simple,’* said Rudner. “Troubles conic not in single Is Read Below by-words, Pvt. Gene Logan and “My wife, Ida. made it simple. Be­ “And believe me , you lop­ git-tar and Pvt. Roger Rooney. A cause she did the hitching. I mere­ number but in whole legions at a sided. muttonheaded, g o o f u s ( First, for good reading. Go elsewhere, six-piece orchestra led by Pvt. Joe ly went along. As cars approached time,” somebody said once. Take brained set of certified rolling Our’s is for those who don’t Sieff rounded out the entertain- us, she’d look so wistful it would Pvt. Sol Schaehtman, Service Co. pins, that day has come!" Give a----- care ment. —Timberwolf Cannoneer. break your heart — and then she’d His “Sweety” came all the way So don’t expect much Featured skits included such ‘thumb’ gracefully. It almost from the old Windy City to visit From this gruesome pair. hilarious nonsense as “The Vam- caused pile-ups, it was so effective. him during the holidays, but he, To those that do— pire,” "The Cameraman, », ” and a In fact, it got so we’d wait for alas, was on the rifle range by day Them Ain't No Zebras We say "Beware’’ piece of business we’ll have to call I , swell-looking jobs to come along. and cleaning his rifle by night. You're a Looking at; “Guardhouse Blues.” since no other Why not? After all, you want the Then came the quarantine. As if Them Is 96th Div. NCO's Am! in the future this weren’t enough, Pvt. Barnett. When you have nothing to title can adequately describe it. little woman to have the best.” Expected to bring down the i Come around and sa.v leaving Corvallis December 27. Sol’s true and trusted friend, was The 9(’>th Division decided they "Hello" to us two. house again during its repeat per­ Rudner and his wife ran into a seen in the company of the young had a real bunch of he-men sol­ lady by a disinterested observer formances throughout the division, series of what he called “four- + Proof that our column is some­ the show will be scheduled again gallon” rides. These ended with a while Sol was faithfully on duty! diers. So this week they decided Congratulations are in order for to celebrate and what happened? times read i the furlough granted in another infantry regiment soon. mad 110-mile dash over the Cali- those new six-stripers of the regi­ A lot of EM were promoted. Here to Sgt. Weinstein, dispatcher at Watch for it. fornia line, done in one hour, 50 ment, M/Sgt. Bert McLeod, Ser­ theyare in all their new glory and our motor pool, after n notice in minutes flat. the Sentry last week about his wan vice Co., and 1st Sgt. D. C. Scott. stripes: Private Impersonated "We didn’t mind the speed at Anti-tank Co. appearance. S/Sgt. — Clifford Anderson. Jr. first,” Rudner explained, “until we Officer, Won Honors Notice to owners of names in Winner of the prize for Maggie's Sgt.—Richard Handschin, Rich­ noticed the driver was letting his this week’s column: “Stand )>H<-k drawers appears to be Pfc. Bert ard Anthony Bauman, John L. The Redleg Bn. of the Timber pre-New Year’s glow go down to Mitchell. Service Co., who thought Gorman. fellows, we’re all out of them. Fur­ Wolf Artillery has a first class his feet and on to the gas. Then, he must have wandered into a dry loughs, that is.” T/4—Charles A. Saylor. private who received the Order of his wife started shpving road-maps goods store! Hot shot of that + Cpl.—Oily Robert New, James the Purple Heart, in World War in front ef his face and telling us company was Pvt. Frazier, who Into the contest for most years R. Keller, Frank Palmieri, Law­ , in this man’s army, we humbly No. 1, partly for impersonating an what a wonderful driver he was walked off with the $5 jackpot! when he was sober. This with the officer. rence James Sjogren, George B. submit the name of M Sgt. Sin­ Ping pong champ of the regi-' Deinhart, John F. Mencin, Mat­ At that time Pfc. William Fine rain on the windshield, made the ment still seems to be our genial | thew T. Savino, Allen L. Berryman, nott, QM’er attached to the finance visibility just about invisible for was in a headquarters battery of office. Those ten little marks on the Fourth Division, He was a him. Still we didn't much mind, postmaster, Sgt. Leonard “Jim William A. Tague, Lawrence C. his sleeve, for the benefit of all, one-man liaison between his bat­ until the whole windshield blew Farley” Boyer. The reason he's j Johnson, Edward L. Carr. mean 30 years in Uncle Sammy’s talion and the advance infantry completely off the car. We sudden­ still champ is that he listened to i T/5—Thomas W. Nichols, Wil­ Armed Brigade. all the challenges—then took off units. Because of the breakdown ly decided then to walk a little. + on a furlough after the Christmas . liam J. Schmeissing, Bertrand of other means of communication Thumbing From a Lobby Nathan. William J. Akin, Claude Without any publicity, S 'Sgt. rush! If he doesn't play, you can ’ t ( he was given a first lieutenant’s i H. Bazil, Harry J. I.uczak, William i Cooley and staff (no pun intended) “At Shasta City that evening, coat and bars and his colonel’s we were stymied. No cars were beat him! ■ D. Wilkie, Paul H. Moseley, Paul ' did a commendable job in mid With the basketl«ll league abdut D. Haigh, Jr., William T. Hal), Jr., 1 around Eugene during the Wiliam. going through. For ten hours we stayed in a hotel lobby, running under way, there’s a lot of argu- I I George Butta, Robert G. Ballenger, ette’s latest "uprising.” out now and then to try and flag ment between the 2nd Battalion Virgil Tenney, Hubert I. Muenster- + Roy Lancaster, one of our down cars we imagined were com­ and the 3rd as to who is going to man Robert Joseph Raleigh. “flood-floogiis,” f«‘ll asli i p with a ing. They were ALL imaginary— cop the pennant. There is a rumor AUTO ACCIDENT [ lit cigar in a (censored). Result: for ten hours! But we weren’t thi’t there are some other teams I FIRE LIFE Timber Wolves on Make i One slightly sunburr id police alone. Some well-dressed gentle­ in the league that these groups . BURGLARY have net yet considered! However, j In Promotional Manner blanket. men staggered out from the bar and all others + and decided we needed some money, 1st Sgt. Thomas, leader of the Reliable Stock Companies 3rd Bn. team is already dusting St< nzh i, fugitive fr<»ni an though we politely said we didn't. When promotions come along in One tried to hock his suitcase for off a spot for the trophy! Hie Timber Wulf division they fall (MMturn furlough, went down for Top story of the week concerns INSURANCE & BONDS us? us. but the hotel manager wouldn't like the gentle Min.from th«' < »r« (¡.I. glnb *• Thu butter io an anonymous private of Co. B who Elks Bldg. Phone 142 Or tlirni frnmi« 1 take it. He then insisted his pal gon heavens. Which is just that a Corvallis, Oregon + empty his pockets of all change dashed into the guard house the lot of Camp Adair Wolves are on Pvt. Vincent Frsni i Amalfitano and turn it over to us. ‘I've l>een other night when it was raining the make. Promoted to: as usual, with the exclamation, “I buying him drinks all evening, any­ Captain—Gus A. Craig; First (a name) is one of the rru-ons for did it, I finally did it!” Quizzed, the length of the Q M. roll cull. way — it ’ s jus ’ a li ’ l contribushun I TO« WARTIME Lieutenant—II. F. Harfst, Henry the following story came out: ♦ think he oughta make cause you’re W’alking his post with the rain U. Bettendor, Benjamin IL Leon­ / ECONOMY X. A new pdditiop to our l lotbing a li’l soldier boy and anyway, he beating in his face and covering ard, Roger Humbert Rebman, <’. Warehou e i» la-onard Benton, for­ won it on a slot machine.’ his glasses, he thought he saw a merly of Joe’s Clothing -tore and “Altogether we rode in 24 differ­ person approaching. "Halt!” cried W. Carroll; W. O. (JGl Donald J Smith; 8/Sgt.—Albert E. Kreme more recently of th< .Ml’«. ent cars,” Rudner stated. "And our able sentry. The pemon con­ . wicz; Sgt.—‘Alvis L. Tucker; T'4 + with twenty-four of the most ‘dif­ tinued on. “Halt!” cried our noble Faust, Adrian II. Carr. Ssh! Via u ’’Winchell Whisper” ferent’ people you can imagine. sentry. The person continued on. —Joe B. : Ramon L. Sparks. Antone B. Wen- we heard that I’.F.C. Levitt, of the One was a Navy lieutenant who Growing a little suspicious, the ' Henry G. Brugtfcr, Wil- Property Office, 1« contemplating talked about the Navy. One was a sentry lifted his glasses, and |o! da; Cpl. having hi ham F. OTrxile. milk-truck driver who talked about he’d been challenging a 20 MPH milk. One was a labor conciliator speed limit sign. WITH BXPERT who talked about labor. Another Have you recognized that husky, was a mayor who talked about masculine voice on the bi-weekly what mayors do. And an Army orientation radio program ? One »OFFICIAL* Nurs* coming to Camp Adair who of ’em belong« to our own Sgt. talked about —I couldn't believe It! Dan'l Myers, Co. K. who not only a/ —Camp Adair. Then there was the performs on the program, but pro­ Spanish family, who didn't know I duced and wrote one of them bim­ spoke Spanish, and who talk«! self! In addition to bi« other al>out me. duties, too! Expert Watch Repair “The payoff was the rU< given Name of the week: TIRE department will com­ us by a millionaire who. of all peo­ BIGSOLDIER. AT Co. TIRES INSPECTED INSPECTION pletely repair your ple, didn't talk about his millions. Forlomest soldier of the week : STATION watch. You can depend He drove us in his new Cadillac Sgt. Biexcdad, ex Service Co« upon Brown’« long rec­ right up to the swanky St Francis present K Co. Once a soft office Holders of "A” cards must have tin iiisfHTtnl Is ord of watch service Hotel in San Francisco. Tm stop­ worker, Sgt. Biexcdad ha has been M^rch 31. 1943—Holders of “B" and ”C” card for. quality workman­ ping here.’ he said. ‘Are you?’ spending long hours on the range, have tires inspected before February 28, 194 ’.. ship. ■Well, to be technical, nr.' 1 told only to find the day's work barely I him. ’let’s just say I’m getting out under way when he returned V’ the Don't Wait -- Come In Today! here with my wife.* And we did.” barracks. “At least." he says, “Fm losing some of this fat!" FIRESTONE TIRES —Pvt John Jurick. Serv Co.. Pvt. Berwick, formerly of the JM3rd Inf.. Mth Division Swias army, now in the Medics at limp Bark-ley, Texas, and the camp’s ehnsapwin »norer. recently A «on u bom to Cpl. and was hooked up to a publir address Merritt Sander. Hr b»lon<’ 2nd at Van Buren Service Btry., Redleg Rn.. T Member Reiter Vi„iM last it «te system while he slept. The ramp I—A «1 fs din bomb« r Wulf artiHrry Pvt. Jurick Reports On 96th Div, Affairs Jitterbug Contest for Men in Uniform . . . Cash Prizes Lots of fun anti girls. Music by Salem TOPHATTERS Ailm. 40c. Salem Armory Every Saturday. S + Sgt. Manuel Fenner and Cpl. Hany Dworkin, QM’s gift to the gas school, as a result of a test without masks, are going around with “tears in their eyes. ^IIIIIIUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIHIimiHHIlA? ♦ I AT THE EXCHANGES OR IN TOWN Sights Around Adair An ambulance was seen outside our Salvage Warehouse. Question: Were they salvaging one of their patients ? Lt. Reier (clothing magnate) and Lt. Lawrence (Asst. Property Of­ ficer) walking the railroad track back to Camp from Albany during the Willamette’s recent surge. That Q.M. ‘‘quartet" Pvts. Calen­ tó and Mctice walking down the street paging Ringling, liarnum and Bailey circus! IN BOTTLES Dr. Pepper Buttling Co., Salem "Dives, dumps and clip-joints thrive because nature provides a sufficient number ot fools to make their wares commercially .irufit- able," says the Kirkland Fa Id magazine, at Albuquerque, N. M. It'sTime to Think If submitted in time, the winning fish story in the recent contest here might have been won by the I soldier who swam, with wall pack, across a Louisiana river, vul on the way caught a fish in his hip pocket. About Your Valentine Dr. A. W. Marker Optometrist Ball IHdg.. Corvallis, Oregon Office Phom- 470 Corvallis SEND YOUR PHOTOGRAPH BISHOP Sales and Service Modern Shop — Be$t Mechanics Photographers Wilson Motors 520 Stute Htreet - - - - Su le nt Phone 43, 2nd & Jackson Xw.V.W.W.'A OFFICERS - NON-COMS SOLDIERS WATCH THIS LIST AND CHECK ITEMS NEEDED Or better still — come into either of our stores—at Albany or Salem— and go over the stocks with us. Í J All Wool O. D. Shirts AÄoncy Belts I I Serge Ponts (An w.. » L J Shoulder Patches REPAIR SERVICE BROWN'S (With zipper) Í ] Zipper Utility Kits Insurance Elmer Patrick □ Uniform Buttons ' J Shoe Rags □ Slippers - Packed in Kit n Chevrons for All Grades Í 1 Web Belts, Brass Buckles Í 1 Reg. Buckle Oxfords □ "Spiffy" Collar Stay s □ 0. D. Laundry Bags * <... □ Officers' Slacks Í "Aunt Lydia's" Thread JI ST IIK< EIVED—HOI.I.Y VOGUE Sl-NTAN STAY TIES. Sewing Kits □rr shirts □ Gun Cleaning Brushes Bras» Wire . Souvenir Pillow 30 and 45 Calibre □ Glastic Dog Chains 0. D Scarfs Metal Polishes (of all kind O. D. Army Coveralls 0. D. Wool Sweaters (Wool, kw ) Soap Boxes □ 0. D. Cotton 6r Wool Sox □ Officers' Raincoats YOU MUST Shoe Brushes, Shoe Paste Military Jewelry HAVE YOUR Leather Wallets J”00th B rushes Field Caps (1,,, Stationery BRO WN’S RICKARD'S GARAGE f V( Garrison Cap Rain Covers (Prophylactic) (Kits, folder or I k » x .) Copper Button Boards flRMYt NAVY “Your Dollar’« Worth Alway«” TWO STORES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE 233 N. Commercial 20« W. Second St SALEM ALBANY