Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, January 14, 1943, Page 13, Image 13

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    Camp Adair Sento
Tliur-day, January 14,1943.
Principle. This principle makes
whole the diseased, and brings out
the enduring and harmonious
phases of things” (p. 487).
Double Wedding
By Adele Adair
Jewish services will be held this
Friday, January 15, and each Fri­
day thereafter in the Red Cross
Recreation building in the hospital
area. Cpl. Morris Stavsky will con­
duct the services which begin at
1845. All officers, enlisted men
and patients are welcome.
Memorial Union, stately building dedicated to those who
» ed in World War 1. which is located on the campus of
f i -on State College, Corvallis, was the setting for a gala
ted men’s dance la t Saturday night under auspices of
nen of the ‘.16th Div. ion. This was the first of two
ton dances, the next of which will be staged at the same
li<“- next, month by the Timber Wolves.
■ . mge aueeeM” is pert
-. way to describe tin- affair.
'hit Loor wis comfortably filled
aj1'- .t.ncirs, with Members of the
>4 Hoste.-s League of Corvallis
, u .A am i . A portion of the dance
bii.s/jcait over KOAC, with
-j .n the campus, after which
mi an intermission which
AM tale ited members of the
kn Divilion, many of whom have
<rtii in post shows. There was
chorus, jitterbug team, sev
, u female impersonator
r; Mer lam filled in the pro-
’n ing the bchind-the < ones
by singing “Daybreak"
jgx . • ■ Just.” i’vt. Ci-c Birukiant
|«d IN Les Bear wire in charge
it ti> e teraimni-nt. The 382nd
I,«.’’». ■ Swi ig Barili played for
held this week in Club . 1, —
the supervision and arrangements
of Anne. Tucker Caddy, new hoat-
< . The girl- hailed from Oregon
State College and were brought
here by Miss Sybil Tucker. If thia
type of dance “goes over,” there
will be more gals and a barrel of
gun is in atore.
(lub 1 Addition:
Pvt. William Linahan, who in
civilian life was a stage technician
for M-G-M Studios, is now a mem­
ber of the Club 1 staff.
When the Timber Wolf Division does something it’s never by
half measures. So when Sgt. Frank Hedinger, Div. Art. Hq., and
Cpl. Walter halm. \rt. Medic . decided to get married they made
it a double wedding. Sgt. lledingi ’s bride is the former Ardella
Marie Schoppa of Hunting-ling, Ind.. Cpt. Kalm’s bride is the
former Dorothy Main i -ky of Moo c Lake. Minn. The double fea­
ture took place last Saturday in Chapel 10 with Father Mussell
Friday, January 15
20O0 Jewish Service, Cpl. Bernard
Sunday, January 17
0800 Episcopal Com-tunion, Chap­
lain Newman
0900 Catholic Mass, Chaplain Mc­
1000 General Protestant Service,
Chaplain Harmon
1045 General Protestant Commun­
ion, Chaplain Harmon
1115 Mormon Service, Pfc. Alma
Hill Billies:
Friday, January 15
Better organized and ready to go
Service, Cpl. Morris
pla< i i is tin- musical aggregation
in c.imp want - special information
known as the “Ozark Cowboys,” a For Those Liking Jam
along that line.
Sunday.January 17
hill-billy band which appeared ln- On the Musical Side
In ¡dentally, his college nick­ 0800 Catholic Mass, Chaplain Mc­
foi-mnlly a couple of Sunday nights
name was “major.”
ago nt Service Club 2 und made Drop in Club 1 Tonite
jht Dances «<■ nini-d:
1000 Protestant Service, Chaplain
Huch a hit that it is hoped it will
Jam ... in a musical sense . . . St I < IIAI’EL ATTENDANCE
;• t post EM’s daffi
thè b, . .mu a permanent entertainment
On the first Sunday in January
i i riday night om i
of feature. During the week, the mem- is to be served tonight at Service
Chaplain Lloyd V. Harmon, Post-
Club 1.
i’ •
fea" were belìi la t I I I
• i have been holding rehearsals,
From the Timberwolve ha bis-n Chaplain, instituted a new plan, 0915 Chaplain Virgil W. Jackson—
day ikr.l’i at both Service Clubs, and trying out new men. Mean­
ib r iK<l to stimulate greuter in­
Wth X aj - usual merriment and pood 1 while, a “caller” for square dances recruited a group of fine musicians,
Chapel No. 2.
zed by all. S Sgt. Bob j ba been located and there is every most of whom as civilians wer« ter. I in Chapel attendance. On 1000 General service, Chaplain C.
■ingaroos played for tlx lea on to believe that those old- members of big-name bands or ucn iv<- Sundays the responsibil­
M. Kilde—Chapel No. 3.
featured at prominent night clubs. ity for attendance at services has
lilA- llb : . t ( lub 1 an<l Warrant fashioiied square dances that were
worship; 0945
For want of a better name, they
Wfl'MN'', ' ictrey and his 96th Ar- hinted at last week, will become a call themselves the Timberwolf been a-sumed by the various de­
Lutheran service; 1900 Eve­
tachments of the SCU. Next Sun­
ace Band played at ibi- reality in the very near future.
ning worship; Bible class at
day tin- responsibility devolves
1900 Tuesday and Wednes­
Weekly Schedule:
On tenor sax is Eddie Apple, who upon the QM detachment. This sim­
day—Chapel No. 4.
Ai? nr.iiiual interini, ioti ri ter-
Hostess Caddy, social and re­ formerly played with Charlie Bar- ply mean that the QM’s will make
0700 Episcopal communion; 0900
C.-.ii in- ' rt ■« thè tl'eat ut Club ! creational directress at Club 1, has net and Les Brown; Dave Orwitz
Chaplain L. F. Todd; 1000
|,f «-»s tourii.-uneni i pi ■ ■ d the desire that the week­ is featured on trumpet . . . he used a special effort to promote attend­
ance in their unit. However, it does
Chaplain Phil Roberts; 1900
li i .r .
pl. 3am Furkas of thè ly ehedule now in effect at the to be with Larry Funk; former
Chaplain L. F. Todd—Chapel
|IGt- fJ.M ind Cpl. Albert Nachsin clubhouse, be announced at thia clarinetist with Bill Carson . . . not mean that this unit alone is to
attend. Members of all other units
No. 5.
1 di Div. HQ Co. The time:
Arty Bender . . . does a B. G. on
are also a -keel to attend on all 0900 Chaplain John K. Ormond;
|v .»
1<I thè titlc of Junior
Monday: Recorded concert, I hi - the licorice stick and G. Roneyna, Sundays.
pianist, who used to hold forth at
1000 Chaplain Charles O.
1« <
>iì Champion ami the lutter ginning ut 8 p. in.
Churchill; 1900 Evening wor­
iti - r Champion of Penn-
Tuesday: Latin American danc­ the “Famous Door” in New York,
Christian Science
controls the 80 and 8.
ship—Chapel No. 6.
. i i». Ni elisili won 22-20, and ing clus ec. Square dunce.
is the subject of the Les­
Last Thursday night, the Jam-
|b- p tir will niei-1 in a return
Wednesday: Game night.
son-Sermon in all Churches of
aiibitioii to.norrow night during
Tlnii: day: Jam session; band Band also appeared and introduced Christ. Scientist, on Sunday, Jan-
at Chapel No. 2
kc ia ■»- issimi at Club 2.
mid guest artists.
Phil Horan, magician; Pvt. Daniel uary 17.
January 15.1943
Friday: Regular EM dance.
fiddler from Texas; and Chaplain 1 The Golden Text: “The gift of Avenue D and 3rd Street South
Saturday: Cabaret Night (in-
Raymond Johnson, concert pianist God is eternal life through Jesua 1930 Orthodox
■ h i anything you don’t f. mini entertainment).
has toured Cuba, South Amer­ Christ our Lord” (Rom. 6:23).
kr< ... or anything you’d | Sundiiy: Open house ... informal
2000 Reformed
Among the citations which com­
ica and the United States.
tk.ttAV about those amorous progrnm.
These jam sessions get underway prise the Li son-Serinon is the fol­
rec .lug” and “petting," ( heckiiig System Available:
shortly before 8 p. m. Ami remem­ lowing from the Bible: “My son,
i|> in either Service Club
A free checkroom service is now ber. it’s TONIGHT!
forget not my law; but let thine
Hie participant aren’t availiilile at Club 2, and from now
Jan. 17, 1943
heart keep my commandments: for
«t tashful, o your pr<
mi then should be no problem of
length of days, and long life, and Chapel No. 7 — C and 1st North
: Xi scene will not put the I t articles of clothing. Although
(‘Confession before Mass.)
peace, shall they mid to three”
; n tilings. You’ll lie able there will not be u checker on duty
0700 Episcopal Holy Communion
(Prov. 3:1,2).
j ■ teveral pointers nml continuously, you arc advised to go
The Lesson-Sermon also includes 1000—‘Catholic Mass
improve your own tei h- t<> the office where someone will
the following correlative passages 0900 anil 1100 General Protestant
jiiit lo some of the men take cure of you.
from the Christian Science text­
•i into the clulii- . . and
Cb>vx-.v.<. i book, "S< ¡i-ni-o and Health with Key 1500 Bible Study
of the visiting guests
to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker 1930 Evening Service
- and intimate friends) ... I’m u ruggud soldier, Bud,
Eddy: “The understanding that 1930 Men’s Choir Rehearsal every
lit .¡.js-i of walking into the club
Who has wallowed in the mud,
Life is God, Spirit, lengthens our
l.ti I l a’.lin,' on Woo.pitching on And I learned my battle tatica,
.l ivs by strengthening our trust in 2030 Jewish Service, Friday
t •> .1 pi niu -t ion i, .ill' . . J i ovc -
soaking wet.
tlx deathless reality of Life, its al- Chapel No. 8 — C and 5th North
1 bi‘ to swallow. I-lankly, it
I was never one to swear
mic'btiness and immortality. This 0800 Lutheran Service
Chaplain (CaptT) IXIwm.l r M. faith relies upon an understood 0900, 1000 and 1200 ‘Catholic Mass
M4« hk
ilk II
- - -, and it
’s up to ’l ill I came to Camp Adair,
But it hardened inc for what in Donnell bus arrived at ( amp V!
rs xho disapprove to “bn iik
and is assigned to the Post nml
coming yet.
-¡’git yang up and watch
the Service Command Unit X.
t V«
1911, as the Roman Calls In1 ( :q
dr »■ s>-l it might do the trick! I hav. beaten through the brush
lain the first that tlx St I ha
In n rhapsody of slush,
\nd the wind has stung my carcasa had. He will conduct s.rvn.
MM-W r< k It do
Chapt-I No. 1.
like a whip;
T The V
a sei i< of I n. -day
Chaplain McDotinel i pml ably
But, at Camp Adair, I any,
night i,
I square dance
unique, in nil the armed forces, a
It is just another day,
a son of an army colonel who hoped
And you learn to keep a stiffer
that he might bitom a Cat- Ji
iqqier lip.
Sc id Her
priest. The fath'-r > Col. l’hilip
havt itood the wind that blows— McDonnell, rctirm, t o in I Lil.
seventies and living quietly at Dev
Water oosmg through my toes
A I tried to concentrate out in the enish Villa, Garti-op 'inity, I . i
nianagh, Ireland.
by «ir» Bonded delivery
Cnl. McConnell atwav w > . '
It was plenty mean enough,
CMTl«.- . ' «lllct I cl. l I .Iphll
. .
ng I
Itut it made me gtxxl and tough, VOUt -ehl..
BiJérw r A ««M-iation ....
W Il I It I
Ai. 1 that’s the very thing for which lain, who as a boy planned t > i nter
the priesthood. The rhaplain was I
we train.
I easing Floral Co.
twi n ui India, whi re his fath. i was '
’ho. MH. Vo ialli-.
w ith the Rev ill ”
the I
llow I swore I’d get the seamp
British Army.
W ho dn ided on this camp
Although retired a- a ,
\ I sat ami puurvd the water from
the chaplain's father rnlisti ,|
my shoes.
private, in the same i
Still, I knew in spile of all.
whieh he later nmiri.iiI.
I must heed my country's call.
\ ! it wasn’t up to me what camp present chaplain act -inpiin' I
father to Egy pt and to the Bri
to choose.
Isles, going back and forth, vv
.L! ; and Kl HANY
ever it was necessary to g I r
So, Buddy, cast your vision
Corner "f
20 years the colonel wss in India
b ■
On the 9<5th Division,
It- u lough and n-ady unit full of lie fought in the Boer War. in
South Africa, and in 11 .
'll I I
.■ I I .'
Greece, during World War X ■ 1.
Ami when we get overseas
The chaplain attended St. Pat­
<• will bring thorn to their
rick's College, at Cavan. Ireland,
Ami crush the yellow menace ami was ordained at St. Peter’s
rill’>, Jtl b avi
Seminary, Carlow. Ireland, in
with our might.
I' t. ige Hindberg, Co. I, 383d 1921, then being «> nt t tin iim
MO« of Wheelit . W
\ | He has
been pastor of St. Piter’s Par
fio I Si -
X >'
tab. Welch. West Va a* d be. me
»-eo ¿I«-'. |L
Non Com Wives Club
a chaplain in the W •-t Virginia
ere * Warship
National Guard, going in
e ■ Fed-
Now Invites Wives
At «nv ..
era! aervice early in 1941. SI IK
Cv.-vailis .
Of All Service Men
then he has been mainly in thv
Panama Canal sone, with the in­
Members of the non-rontmis- fan try.
Two brvtheis are in the British < ■
I «Uv fe) era .hip club rooms
- ■ .si officers wive- club pledged
> < -i -h« rs-hes. < >1 I x
at their last Tueaday’s meeting to forces, one tn the air corps, an ■ther X
in the tank corps, ami two sisters 5
. 12 no « oo enlist new member«.
< uids .
nurses, who have experienced
. . . 2:30-10 30
The N C. O. club now opens its
Wednesday. 6 10-10
membership to all wwri of serviee air ranis. The chaplain has been in
unday, 0:30-10:30
men and urges them to join the Cains and Aleutndrta for long per­
155 Madison
.o h Tuesday at 1:30 at the iods and is familiar with onnwa
—Don’t hesitate In
read« to aorte « nu *
Men's Cantor of the Fed- and places figuring in the curren
i Uaichas, «.
A41.-MS1 aa olp ai>n
Perpetual Novena
of Sorrows
For Victory
Protestant Service
Protestant Vespers
Discussion Club
Catholic Mass every week day
except Monday
Chapel No. 9 — C ajid 9th North
0800, 1000 and 1900 «Catholic Mass
0900, 1100 and 2000 Protestant Ser­
1830 ‘Catholic Mass every week
day except Saturday
1900 Novena Services every Tues­
1930 Bible Study Class every Wed­
1800 to 2030 Catholic Confessions
Chapel No. 10 — D and Sth North
0700, 0900 and 1130 ‘Catholic Mass
1000 Protestant Service
1800 Protestant Vespers
1930 Choir Rehearsal (Catholic)
Tuesday and Thursday
1945 Choir Rehearsal (Protestant)
Every Wednesday
1715 Catholic Maas Daily
15.W-1700 and 1900-2100 Catholic
Confessions, Saturday
Chapel No. 11 — D and 5th North
1000 Protestant Service for Div.
and Spec. Troops
1100 Christian Science, also Wed­
nesday 1900
0800 and 1200 Catholic Mass
1900 Lutheran Service
2000 Choir Rehearsal < Protestant)
Monday and Wednesday
0800 Masses, 1130 confessions Sat­
urday 1800-1900, Chapel Nv.5.
0700 Masses^i 415 confessions from
Saturday 1800—Chapel No. 6.
«--------- ~
~~------------ ~~
For Poison Oak
Over 5000 bottles sold. Guar­
anteed treatment for poison
oak relief. 50c bottle by mail.
• ■
- ■
... —
1030,1130 Masses, Chapel No. 2.
0830 Mass, confessions Saturday
1500 - 1700 and 1800 - 2000.
Daily mass at 1830 except
Wednesday—Chapel No. 3.
0645, 1130 Masses, confessions Sat­
urday 1800- 1900. Sorrowful
Mother Novena Friday at
1900—Chapel No. 4.
S u n d a y or
evenings b y
if not con­
venient other­
Phone 5528
Dr. Harry E. Morris
444 State St., Salem
Let “Uncle Sam’’ act as your bank messenger.
Your pay checks may be mailed in the special
Deposit Envelopes which we supply without
A postal card addressed to any one of the follow­
ing United States National Branches will bring
you full details on our Bank-by-Mail plan.
Albany Branch • Corvallis Branch
or Ladd 4k Bush—Salem Branch of the
of PortluiHl
UJ11111 II11111111111111 i 111 i 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II 111111111111111111111 li i 1;111111f111111111111111111111111
Send Them The
Camp Adair
Begins Sunday, February 7th
Every Week
Chapel No. 8
North 7th and C St
6 Months
A Dollar Bill
To Your Sweetheart
Send Your
'Voi h p With Us
Photograph for
Her Valentine
Res! and Relax
Have it made at
mu h liiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiniiiiiiit ninni ni i
Camp Adair Sentry
Box 347,
Corvallis, Ore