Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, January 14,1943. PâjW SereB 1 .'!■ Gen. Cook Explains Army Orientation Timber Wolf Commander Says Courses Will Show How to Win I AMP ADAIR is presently engaged in the greatest C campaign “TO SELL MORE WAR BONDS THAN ANY OTHER CAMP IN AMERICA.” And we can do it, too. AU it needs is your help. If you are an Officer, Enlisted Man, or civilian, attached to this Station, Buy Your War Savings Bonds here, where every Bond Purchase increases our Percentage of Participation. If you do not possess a “Class A Pay Reservation,” we urge that you contact your unit representative, or Post War Bond Office immediately. Capt. Eagle New Head Of Bakers and Cooks (Continued From Page 1) North Dakota National Guard, the new Assistant Commandant, helped protect the state's capital city, Bis­ marck, from a so-called "pitch fork brigade.” The state's governor, Langer, was being tried in federal court at the time and according to rumor the farmers of North Dakota were marching on Bismarck for the pur­ pose of lynching the United States marshall and the federal jpry. “I didn’t see a single pitchfork artist,” lamented the captain, “and our company was soon ordered back to the sage brush m finish our maneuvers. But,” he added, “it was fun while it lasted.” The captain's hobbies include photography, radio and mechanics. made the trip on the S.S. Titan, n ACREAGE, farms. Large selec­ WOMAN TO ASSIST with house­ British ship. His division was ex­ tion. Robinson Realty, Independ­ work. Will have good room with changing artillery shells with an ence. pmo. private bath, also privileges of Austrian division on Nov. 18, 1918. having husband stay nights and FOR RENT “Gosh, those shells made a lot dinner occasionally. Good wages, of noise,’ says Henry. pleasant surroundings. Mrs. G. About 45 minutes before he was BEAUTIFUL HILLSIDE country C. Knodell, SOS Washington St., home 5*i miles from camp on scheduled to leave Camp Adair a Albany. Phone 415. scenic drive 2 miles from Albany. mail orderly ¡landed him a square Nine rooms, every modern con­ shaped manila packet from Local venience, oil heat, wonderful SOLDIERS to represent their own Board No. 16. New York county 061, 17 Perry Street, New York view, large estate. May he used outfits in the news columns of city. for two families — two complete The Sentry. Turn your stuff in "My God, I kitchens, etc. Can furnish one to the Camp Public Relations Henry said. electric stove and refrigerator, office, where it goes through few other pieces. Available Jan­ censorship and is prepared for uary 1st. Inquire Hurley's Drug publication. "Flying Colors," Girl Store, Alhany. The Army Orientation Course of ing. We cannot march five miles in the Timber Wolf Division will ex- one hour, yet. We are not used to plain and discuss the major events bombing and shooting and don’t yet of military importance that have know how we and our buddies are occurred since the war began in going to react in battle. We may 1939, Major General Gilbert R. feel that we can trust our reaction, Cook announced in a KOAC broad- but not that of our buddy. Our Revue Comes Wednesday cast, introducing the series. WANTED buddy may feel the same way. "How the Axis powers have ruth­ Confidence in the learn Needed (Continued From P ?!ly by and your officers and the other of­ months’ fighting, my battalion, Indian (Mohawk tribe), had Naval Reserve. There was Tony mother, who works at Station Hos-■ singing over station WOR in New | York. After a successful two-year Ptpu Cola Caayaay, Loaf lilaad City, N. T. ficers and men of the division. strength 1,000, lost men at the rate planned to bring his bride west, but Canzoneri and that swell trainer, pita). network run she played supper ! tailed Isolly by: Know' the people you are going to of about 250 per month, of which Schema will temporarily remain in Whitey Bimsteih. Yeah, and there clubs and theaters all over the east­ Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. fight with. 50 per mnntli were killed. In that New York assisting DeGrasse’ sis­ was Kingfish Levinsky. The King­ KOIN Radio Broadcast ern seaboard from Toronto to A Green Fighting Team Now jwar we did not have the trained ter, who is interlocutor for the fish was, as usual, up to his old of Corvallis Miami. She has also toured with “The Timber Wolf Division is leadership of time to make us su­ Indian show owned by “Smiling tricks; going around giving guys Set for Monday Night the Camel Caravan. still a relatively green fighting perior fighters. We won neverthe­ Bear,” and presented as an educa- the hotfoot.” (Continued From Page 1) Dancing Sweethearts team. We know and a," ’-eciate less because we had the ‘will to Johnny Carpenter, and any given In addition to a line of Gay Fos­ that. We are going to chant" thaL win’. a two weeks leave on January 7 and cranberry sauce was on the number of necessary technicians, ter Sweethearts, good-looking, well- condition and we are going to lo “In that war I saw officers, to see his new born baby boy. His menu and several of the boys ap­ timekeepers and so forth. trained dancing girls who pace it quickly. NCO’s and men get killed or child was born on Monday, Janu­ peared with members of the op­ It will be a good show, as will the show with their novelty num­ “Fighting means that we must ! wounded because they didn’t know ary 4. He turned a handspring in posite sex. Corporal Wm. Gray know ‘How to kill,’ by shooting and how to keep from being killed. One the air when given permission to and Pfc. Edward Silver arrived the weekly ones that follow. Audi­ bers, the pretty and talented tap­ ence participation in the commun­ ster, Linda Moody, keeps the show stabbing and ‘How not to he killed.” soldier tried to run in and choke a visit his family in Los Angeles, with their wives. Sgt. Harvey Mc­ ity sing will create more fun for zinging along with her intricate, by using cover and concealment German machine gunner to death Calif. Donald brought his girl friend. all. So remember the day, soldier fleet-footed routines. A talented and by more killing of the enemy. instead of shooting him. The enemy Per Roil of 8 Pictures M/Sgt. Gordqp Young and Pfc. The general conception of the —Monday, January 18—the Field tapster, who originates all her We fight as a team—with each shot him. Two officers entered an Francesco Bellucci returned from men of the 332nd is that we don ’ t i other. We must be good individual observation post of ours from the House 8:30 to 9:30 p. m. Every­ routines, this lithe young brunette Free Enlargement One-Day Service get passes at Port Adair, instead thing is FREE. No tickets are is a show-stopper. fighters, but neither you nor I can side exposed to the enemy. The a two weeks furlough. Pfc. James Shane has gained we receive Shore Leaves! win the war as an individual, no enemy shot both of them. One non­ needed. Just make it a point to quite a reputation in the 332nd. matter how good we are. walk in and have the time of your commissioned officer wouldn’t ad­ Although one of the shortest men CLASSIFIED “The riflemen need the help of vance down a ditch because there life. BERMAN’S DRUG STORE the automatic riflemen, the 60 and was water in it and he would get in the outfit, he is full of punch ADVERTISING at all times and can hold his own 81 mm. mortarmen, the machine wet. He got killed. Opposite The Banks MY LADY SPEAKS Ten cents per line per insertion. with *any man. At present he is Count 5 words tn line Cash must ac­ gunners and the artillerymen. Ail Corvallis, Oregon “A number of soldiers were shot working in the office. company copy with order. Bring you me some comet’s fire r need the help of each other and by the enemy because they didn’t In a diamond jar; Pfc. Paul Witaschek's mother ar­ of the engineers, medical, quarter­ take care of their weapons and am­ FOR SALE Travel swiftly thru the space rived from Los Angeles on January master, and ordnance men. They munition. and they failed to func­ To that gleaming star. WILLAMETTE RIVER souvenirs Matherr.atical Data supply and maintain us, protect us tion when needed. Many became 11. He hasn’t been in long enough for mailing. Agates, moonstones, to get a furlough; so he was cer ­ and care for our wounded. casualties because they didn’t know Among Best Sellers Seek you there a flaming jewel Jaspers in red. green, brown, “The reconnaissance troop finds how to get the assistance of a tainly happy that she came to see and yellow. Petrified Wood. Chas. Redder than a ruby, the enemy and protects us. While machine gun, mortar and artillery him instead. C. Wilson, Box 226, Corvallis. Then lay your spoils upon my lap the signal company permits us to fire to help them train fire super- Like a smart military company The 332nd Quartermaster Bas- If you wish to woo me. talk at all times with each other. iority. in brand-new jackets, 400 new for ketball team triumphed over the ONE MALE Boston Terrier pup. I —Pvt. Andrew Galet, You see we are a fighting team A.K.C. little Reg. R. J. Gildow, “We are not going to commit 336th Qm. in a game played on books are now “on parade” at the consisting of all arms and services such errors. They are too costly. January 4. Members of the 332nd libraries in Service Club No. 1 and 44(i I). St., Independence, Ore. with many different types of weap­ We are going to know ‘How to who participated were Corporal 2. They are the vanguard of 8,000 Sgt. Beckett Forsakes WANTED TO BUY ons, equipment and transportation. fight’—‘How to fight’ as a team. Boone who scored ten points, Pfcs.' books to come, according to Miss Adair for Other Climes LATE MODEL Coupe. All USED The best in the world. Doris Fickel and Miss Helen Schu ­ “We don’t like dictators—we like Pierre Oubre, Norman Olson and and Appliances cash or equity. II. L. Houser, “We are human beings, just like our freedom. We fight to maintain Jim Kennedy who made two points maker, librarians in charge at the (Continued From Page 1 ) 1227 W. 15th, Albany. Phone the people in the communities from our freedoms. In order to fight apiece; Pfc. Berthold Butz who con­ two clubs. • which we came. We represent every fiercely and ferociously for free­ tributed four points. Pfc. George 5G8-R. At Moderate Prices “The titles cover every subject bread. Henry nursed the mangy state in the Union, every religion, dom, we forget our freedoms, dur­ Mass and Charles Bolton were also imaginable,” Miss Fickel states, one-eyed beaten wet and hungry Terms every grade of education, and every ing the period of training, and dur­ on the team. At half time the “from mysteries to mathematics cat back to a bountiful health, de­ spite the Camp Adair climate. trade, profession and business. KRATAVIL'S ing the fight. We recognize no lim­ score was fourteen to ten in our and art to engineering. In fact, here And Henry’s last night in camp “Some of us want to fight,, some its on the number of hours we work Salem 260 State St favor. In the end the 332nd won are new books for all soldiers of was spent in the Public Relations SHOE SHOP do not want to fight and others or fight. We have a job to perform. 20-17. all tastes. Although many are late office with his feline friend, Robin are, at present, indifferent, Many We give up our rights and privil­ For Quality Shoe S/Sgt. Ronal Brock is still tear­ fiction, Book of the Month selec­ Adair, purring and sleeping happily of us are married. Our age varies eges, temporarily, in order to main­ Repairing tions and so on, the new list in­ atop the desk at which the Ser­ ing his hair out every time he from 18 years to above 50 years. tain them permanently. cludes a great number of the new­ geant worked way beyond tap« thinks about the game we had with We guarantee both work­ We are comparatively young. We "While absent, doing the fight­ est and most practical technical (Robin now has a new home in the manship and materials. are, in general, not used to the ing, we leave our cares and wor­ the 337th on January 8. Since the hardships of war. We are not hard ries about the loved one we have score was a little lopsided, per­ books of interest to soldiers spe­ post stables). But the sight cf Full line of polishes haps it is best to forget it. In cializing in technical fields. Judg­ Henry and Robin having their ra­ mentally, physically or morally. and shoe laces. left, to our well wishers in our time we should have a squad that ing by the demand for them, these tions in the Public Relations' build­ “W. are not accustomed to kill- communities—who mainly profit by will be tough to beat because most manuals, handbooks and course ing furnace room in the evening 118 S. 3rd St., Corvallis of the men on our team are former books are going to do double duty and Sundays will evoke long-time ■■ Y our fighting and winning.” in Camp.” memories in their buddies. basketball stars. Sgt. Beckett, who referred to Among the “best sellers ’ for First Pvt. Fred Kirchmeier is really LES NEWMAN'S TYPEWRITERS holding his chest high since his service men are books on mathe­ himself jokingly as “an elderly sergeant in perpetual controversy National Bank wife presented him with a seven matics! ADDING MACHINES in Salem “So many men who are studying with the camp's chaplains,” enlisted and a half pound baby boy. As yet of Monmouth the child hasn’t been named. Pvt. or brushing up for Officers’ Train­ in the United States Army last REPAIRED Has What You Need in Extra Kirchmeier was fortunate that his ing Camp want books on geometry, May, and was one of the hard work­ Cktthing—Equipment—Metal wife was in Corvallis when the algebra, trigonometry and calculus, ing pioneers of “tent city” here. Complete Banking By Pvt. Harry Klissner A long-time columnist for the New child arrived. This gives him a Insignia that “ math ” is giving Zane Grey Service chance to see his family quite • nd the other fiction writers a real York Post, Henry hoped to “es­ OFFICE EQUIPMFHT F SEE US FOR Second Lt. Cordes received a often. All the men in the 332nd race on our out-going files. For­ cape” by throwing up earthen em­ SLEEPING BAGS SERGE TROUSERS YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS bankments for Headquarters ’ com ­ eign language grammars, too, are F’irst Lieutenant's rating on De­ extend their congratulations. 115 North 1 lith. Corvallis. Or». AIR MATTRESSES -BLITZ pany at tents ’ edges. But his sins y i Since the return of First Sgt. surprisingly popular — especially cember 29. He is Second in Com­ KITS OF ALL KINDS mand and in charge of the 332nd Windell Martin, S/Sgt. Art Iliele- with men looking ahead to over­ overtook him—and the Camp Adair FIELD JACKETS CHEVRONS Quartermaster Depot Co. while man has been supervising at the seas duty. One corporal asked us Sentry benefited thereby. In addi­ to his news stories and col­ Books for Sale Commanding Officer Lt. Donald warehouses. Another soldier quite for a text on Japanese. He safd tion OVERSEAS CAP ZIPPER BAGS umns here, he wrote a daily column active at the warehouses is Sgt. he wanted to know something of Burnett is on leave. GARRISON CAPS on Army life to the Post. or Rent Sgt. Forbes certainly makes a Connie Cronin who helps the girls the language so as to make the TIES- GARRISON BELTS Henry will be 54 yeurs old to­ O. D. SOX ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ J with their typing. hit with the girls. It seems that Japs eat their own words when he morrow, the day he is scheduled to Pfc. Rex Redhouse and Pfc. Dick got to Tokyo.” Corporal Stellmach has appointed Many Other Items arrive “home” in New York. He Stationery Here are some examples of is in perfect physical condition himself as Sgt. Forbes’ publicity Gross are assisting Corporal Arven agent. While Corp. Stellmach was Scott who really has a difficult technical books now available: however and was as mad as an Ore­ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ★ on furlough in Minnesota, he per­ job since Supply S/Sgt. William Telephone Theory and Practice; gon goat two weeks ago because he STATE FARM INSURANCE Trout left on furlough. Considering Machine Tool Work; Elementary suadcd four girls to write to Sgt, was too busy on the Sentry to en­ Office and World’s Largest Johnny Forbes, At Christmas time the short time that Corp. Scott has Practical Mechanics; Personnel gage in a few hours' bayonet prac­ Automobile Insurance been in the supply room, he is He these gals sent him presents, Administration; Practical Electrical tice! That's Henry! School Supplies Company received shaving equipment, sta- working under a tremendous handi­ Wiring; Airplane Maintenance; Air The noble Old Oak was younger Where Buddies Meet tionery, hair tonic, etc. Al) the boys cap but at the same time is show­ Navigation; Handbook of Engi­ in 1916. He was working on the in 332nd Qm. Depot wonder just ing that he can handle the position neering Fundamentals; Structural Cincinnati, Ohio, Post. America at Hollenbeck Insurance Service War Department Authorization AG-095 Corl's BookShop how he can fascinate members of in spite of the difficulties that he Engineering; Kent’s Mechanical war found him in the J 36th Field Over Berman's Drug Store 179 N. Commercial Street — Phone 5508 — Salem. Ore Madison at Fifth . Engineering Handbook: as well as Artillery. He had been on the Mexi- the opposite sex whom he has never may encounter. Phone 718, Corvallis, Ore. Sunday was a real day of feast­ other titles on Thermodynamics, can border three years when his mat. Corvallis : outfit was shipped overseas. Henry Pvt. Clarence Porter was granted ing for men of the 332nd. Turkey chemistry, physics, geology. I I I I I I I THINK CLEARLY! ACT NOW! Bring Victory to Our Shores! DeGrasse Weds Hopi lass in Brooklyn; Says Levinsky Siill Giving Hot Foot BIG DRINK TO GO BUY ! Photo Finishing c New Books on View Al Service Club 1 HOGG BROS Quality Furniture [ OFFICERS Service Men 332nd Depot Co. Activities c A r i