•€ > * Page Sis ~ ìliuisday, January 14,1943. —: t LL • Double Wedding SOCIAL SWIRL I Principle. This principle makes whole the diseased, and brings out the enduring and harmonious phases of things” (p. 487). By Adele Adair Jewish services will be held this Friday, January 15. and each Fri­ day thereafter in the Red Cross Recreation building in the hospital area. Cpl. Morris Stavsky will con­ duct the services which begin at ' 1845. All officers, enlisted men and patients are welcome. Memorial Union, stately building- dedicated to those who served in World War 1. which is located on the campus of Oregon State College, Corvallis, was the setting for a gala enlisted men’s dance last Saturday night under auspices of the men of the 96th Division. This was the first of two huge dances, the next of which will be staged at the same place next month by the Timbei- W lvs. -t POST CHAPEL SERVICES “A huge success” is perhaps the* he!.: tl - veek in Club 1, under Friday. January 15 best way to describe the affair the supervision and arrangements 2000 Jewish Service, Cpl. Bernard The floor was comfortably filled < Arre Tucker Caddy, new hosi­ Axelrad with dancers, with member- of the er . The girls hailed from Oregon Sunday. January 1? Junior Hostess League of Corvallis State College and were brought 0800 Episcopal Communion, Chap­ M partners. A portion of the dance here i ;. Miss Sybil Tucker. If this lain Newman wus broadcast over KOAC, with typt of dance “goes over.” there Catholic Maas, Chaplain Mc- studios on the campus, after whiei will be more gals and a barrel of Donnell there was an intermission whicl gun is in store. 1000 General Protestant Service. featured talented menibets of thi Chaplain Harmon 9flt.h Division, many of whom hav. Club 1 Addition: 1045 General Protestant Commun­ appeared in post shows. There wa Pvt William Linahan, who in When the Timber Wolf Division does something it’s never by ion, Chaplain Harmon a male chorus, jitterbug team, sev­ half measures. So when Sgt. Frank Hettinger, Div. Art. Hq„ and was n stage technician 1115 Mormon Service. Pfe. Almn Cpl. Walter Kalm. Art. Medics, decided to get married they made eral skits, a female impersonator 1 : M-G-M Studios, is now a mem­ it a double wedding. Sgt. Hedinger’s bride is the former Ardella Nielsen and Mrs. Merriam filled in the pr - ber of the Club 1 staff. Marie Schopps of Huntingsberg. Ind.. Cpt. Kalm’s bride is the gram during the behind-the-scen. - former Dorothy Matusesky of Moose Lake. Minn. The double fea­ changing by singing “Daybreak" Hill Billies: ture took place last Saturday in Chapel 10 with Father Slussell STATION HOSPITAL SERVICES officiating. and “Stardust.” Pvt. Cec Bimkran: Friday. January 15 1 ■. janized and ready to go and Pvt. Les Bear were in charge pl:, s ■ the musical aggregation Jewish Service, Cpl. Morris in camr wants special information of the entertainment. The 382nd kr-.... a- *: ■ “Ozark Cowboys.” a For Those Liking Jam Stavsky along that line. Infantry Swing Band played for i. ¡1- Sunday. January 17 band which appeared in- On the Musical Side Incidentally, his college nick­ 0800 Catholic Mass, Chaplain Mc­ dancing. , formall a > uplé of Sunday nights name was “major.” Drop in Club 1 Tonite Donnell I ago at Service Club 2 and made Friday Night Dances Resumed: 1000 Protestant Service, Chaplain isuch a hit that it is hoped it will Jam ... in a musical sense . . . SCU CHAI’EL ATTENDANCE The first post EM’s dances—the • become a permanent entertainment Bartell On the first Sunday in January regular Friday night soirees—if- feature. During the week, the mem- is to be served tonight at Service Chaplain Lloyd V. Harmon, Post the New Year were held last Fri­ I ■ hav, een holding rehearsals. Club 1. PROTESTANT From the Timberwolves has been Chaplain, instituted a new plan, day night at both Service Clu: I 'd tt’:ng out new men. Mean­ recruited a group of fine musicians, designed to stimulate greater in­ 0915 Chaplain Virgil W. Jackson— with the usual merriment and g< Chapel No. 2. tv b ... a “caller” for square dances most of whom as civilians were terest in Chapel attendance. On time enjoyed by all. S Sgt. I’ ha • en 1. rated and there is every members of big-name hands or successive Sundays the responsibil­ 1000 General service. Chaplain C Blacks Swingaroos played for th, reas. ■ ' believe tha^ those old- M. Kilde—Chapel No. 3. dancing at Club 1 and Warrant fasi.ioned square dances that were featured at prominent night clubs. ity for attendance at services has 0845 Protestant worship; 0945 For want of a better name, thev , been assumed by the various de­ Officer Chetney and his 96th Ar­ hinted at last week, will become a Lutheran service; 1900 Eve- call themselves the Timberwolf tachments of the SCU. Next Sun­ tillery Dance Band played . nine worship; Bible class at reality in the very near future. Jam-Band. day the responsibility devolves other clubhouse. 1900 Tuesday and Wednes­ Weekly Schedule: On tenor sax is Eddie Apple, who upon the QM detachment. This sim­ An unusual intermission ent." day—Chapel No. 4. Hostess Caddy, social and re- formerly played with Charlie Bar- ply means that the QM’s will make tainment was the treat at Club 1. , createdirectress at Club I. has net and Les Brown: Dave Orwitz Episcopal communion; 0900 It was a ping-pong tourname: • expri --'-d tie desire that the week­ is featured on trumpet ... he used a special effort to promote attend­ Chaplain L. F. Todd; 1000 between Cpl. Sam Farkas of the ly -ehedule now in effect at the to be with Larry Funk; former ance in their unit. However, it does Chapinin Phii Roberts; 1900 SCU QM and Cpl. Albert Nachsir clubhouse, be announced at this clarinetist with Bill Carson . . . not mean that this unit alone is to Chaplair. L. F. Todd—Chapel of the 96th Div. HQ Co. The time: Arty Bender . . . does a B. G. on attend. Members of all other units No. 5. are also asked to attend on all 0900 Chaplain John K. Ormond: former held the title of Junior Monday: Recorded concert, be- the licorice stick and C>. Roneyna, Sundays. pianist, who used; tc| hold forth at National Champion and the latter ginning at 8 p. m. 1000 Chaplain Charles O. was Senior Champion of Penn- Churchill; 1900 Evening wor­ Tuesday: Latin American danc- the “Famous Door” in New York, Christian Science controls the 80 and 8. sylvania. Nachsin won 22-20. and ing classes. Square dance. ship—Chapel No. 6, “ Life ” is the subject of the Les ­ Last Thursday night, the Jam- the pair will meet in a return Wednesday: Game night. Band also appeared and introduced son-Sermon in all Churches of exhibition tomorrow night during JEWISH SERVICES Thursday: Jam session; band several guest artists, including Pvt. : Christ. Scientist, on Sunday. Jan- the intermission at Club 2. Friday at Chapel No. 2 and guest artists. Phil Horan, magician; Pvt. Daniels, | uary 17. January 15,1943 Friday: Regular EM dance. The Golden Text: “The gift of fiddler from Texas; and Chaplain Learn First Hand: Avenue D and 3rd Street South Saturday: Cabaret Night (in­ Raymond Johnson, concert pianist God is eternal life through Jesus 1930 Orthodox If there’s anything you do: • formal entertainment). already know ... or anything you’d ' Sunday Open house ... informal who has toured Cuba. South Amer, Christ our Lord” (Rom. 6:23). Among the citations which com­ 2000 Reformed ica and the United States. like to know about those amorous program. These jam sessions get underway prise the Lesson-Sermon is the fol­ arts of “necking” and “petting." Checking System Available: TIMBER WOLF DIVISION shortly befoie 8 p. m. And remem­ lowing from the Bible: "My son, just drop in either Service Clul SERVICES A free checkroom service is now ber. it’s TONIGHT! forget not my law; but let thine any night. The participants aren't available at Club 2, and from now Sunday. Jan. 17. 1913 heart keep my commandments: for i ' in the least bashful, so your pres­ on there should be no problem of length of days, and long life, and Chapel No. 7 — C and 1st North ence on the scene will not put the lo-‘ articles of clothing. Although (’Confession before Mass.) peace, shall they add to three” I damper on things. You’ll be able there will not be a checker on duty 0700 Episcopal Holy Communion 7.N ■ (Prov. 3:1 2). to pick up several pointers and continuously, you are advised to go The Lesson-Sermon also includes 1000—“Catholic Mass perhaps improve your own tech- to the office where someone will the following correlative passages 0900 and 1100 General Protestant nique. But to some of the men take care of you. Service from the Christian Science text-1 who drop into the clubs ... ami book, “Science and Health ’.rith Key 1500 Bible Study to ALL of the visiting guests CAMP ADAIR to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker 1930 Evening Service ( relatives and intimate friends) ... I'm a rugged soldier, Bud, Eddy: “The understanding that 1930 Men’s Choir Rehearsal every the aspect of walking into the club ; Who has wallowed in the mud. Thursday Life is God, Spirit, lengthens our and stumbling on woo-pitching on And I learned my battle tatics, days by strengthening our trust in 2030 Jewish Service, Friday a mass production scale ... proves soaking wet. the deathless reality of Life, its al- Chapel No. 8 — C and 5th North quite a bit to swallow. Frankly, i- I was never one to swear mightiness and immortality. This ' 0800 Lutheran Service Chaplain (Capt.) Edward P. Mc- faith relies upon an understood i 0900, 1000 and 1200 »Catholic Mass Jooks like H---- , and it’s up to ’Till I came to Camp Adair, the ones who disapprove to “break But it hardened me for what is , Donnell has arrived at Camp Adair and is assigned to the Post and it up.” Just gang up and watch— coming yet. the Service Command Unit No. from say no more than 6 feet j 1911. as the Roman Catholic Chap­ away—and it might do the trick! I have beaten through the brush lain—the first that the SCU has In a rhapsody of slush, And the wind has stung my carcass . had. He will conduct services at Mid-Week Frolic: Chapel No. 1. like a whip; The first in a series of Tuesday Chaplain McDonnel is probably But, at Camp Adair, I say. flight informal square dances was unique, in all the armed forces, as It is just another day, a son of an army colonel who hoped And you learn to keep a stiffer that he might become a Catholic upper lip. Send Her priest. The father is Col. Philip I hav. stood the wind that blows— McDonnell, retired, now in his lati seventies and living quietly at Dev- Water oozing through my toes I A I tried to concentrate out in the enish Villa, Garrison county, Fer­ managh, Ireland. rain. ...by wire. Bonded delivery Col. McConnell always was a de­ It wa- plenty mean enough. service .. Florist Telegraphic Delivery Association . . . . But it mad. me good and tough. vout soldier, according to the chap­ ANYWHERE And that’- the very thing for which lain, who as a boy planned to enter the priesthood. The ebaplain was we train. Leading Floral Co. born in India, where Ms father was . 201, Corvallis, 458 Madison How I swore I’d get the scamp with the Royal Fusflliers, of the British Army. Wh> decided on this camp Although retired as a colonel, A I rat and poured the water from the chaplain’s father enlisted as a my shoes. private, in the same regiment Still, I knew in spite of all, which he later commanded. The I must heed my country’s call, And t wasn’t up to me what camp present chaplain accompanied his father to Egypt and to the British to choose. Isles, going back and forth, wher-; 9 CORVALLIS and ALBANY ever it was necessary to go. For So. Buddy, cast your vision Corner of Corner of 20 years the colonel was in India. Ninth & Monroe Fifth & Lynn On the 96th Division, Minister Minister IC a rough and ready unit full of He fought in the Boer War, in Edu. B. Hart Edgar B. Luther South Africa, and in France and Í fight; Greece, during World War No. 1. And when we get overseas WF HAVE SEEN YOU — The chaplain attended St. Pat­ NOW WE WOULD LIKE TO We will bring them to their rick’s College, at Cavan, Ireland, BECOME ACQUAINTED! knees— And crush the yellow menace and was ordained at St. Peter’s When on leave— Seminary, Carlow, Ireland, in with our might. —Pfc. George Hindberg, Co. I. 383d 1921, then being sent to the dio­ cese of Wheeling, West Va. He has Inf. Bible School Sunday 9:45 A.M. been pastor of St. Peter's Par­ Morning Worship .11:00 A.M. ish, Welch. West Va.. and became Non-Com Wives Club Young People’s Hour 6:30 P.M. a chaplain in the West Virginia Evening Worship— National Guard, going into Fed­ Now Invites Wives Albany . 7:45 eral service early in 1941. Since 7:30 Corvallis Of All Service Men then he has been mainly in the Panama Canal zone, with the in­ Members of the non-commis- fantry. i J«* r. Two brothers are in the British aioned officers wives club pledged In our fellowship club rooms in our churches. OPEN— at their last Tuesday’s meeting to forces, one in the air corps, another in the tank corps, and two sisters i enlist new members. Sunday............... 12:00- 6:00 The N. C. O. club now opens its are nurses, who have experienced Saturday .... 2:30-10:30 Corvallis. Wednesday. 6:30-10 membership to all wives of service air raids. The chaplain has been in “Your Buddies Will Tell You Albany, Thursday, 6:30-10:30 men and urges them to join the Cairo and Alexandria for long per­ 455 Madison Corvallis SOLDIERS—Don’t hesitate to fun each Tuesday at 1:30 at the iods and is familiar with anmes call. We are ready to serve ? ou! Service Men’s Center of the Fed­ and places figuring in the current erated Churches, in Corvallis. African campaign, in case anybody chaplains " COLUMN Perpetual Novena FLOWERS TODAY of Sorrows For Victory Begins Sunday, February 7th 7 Chapel No. 8 BAPTIST North 7th and C St CHURCHES To Your Sweetheart Send Your Worship With Us Photograph for Her Valentine Rest and Relax Have it made at ? HOWELLS STUDIO • ». 4 * 1100 1630 1830 1830 - Camp Adair Sentry ... — — — • 1 Protestant Service Protestant Vespers Discnssion Club Catholic Mass every week day except Monday Chnpel No 9 — C and 9th North 08G0, 1000 and 1900 »Catholic Mass 0900, 1100 and 2000 Protestant Ser­ vice 1830 »Catholic Mass every week day except Saturday 1900 Novena Services every Tues­ day- 1930 Bible Study Class every Wed­ nesday 1800 to 2030 Catholic Confessions Saturday Chapel No. 10 — D and 9th North 0700, 0900 and 1130 »Catholic Mass 1000 Protestant Service 1800 Protestant Vespers 1930 Choir Rehearsal (Catholic) Tuesday and Thursday 1945 Choir Rehearsal (Protestant) 0800 Masses, 1130 confessions Sat­ Every Wednesday urday 1800-1900, Chapel No.5. 1715 Catholic Mass Daily 1530-1700 and 1900-2100 Catholic 0700 Masses, 1115 confessions from Saturday 1800—Chapel No. fl. Confessions, Saturday Chapel No. 11 — I) and 5th North 1000 Protestant Service for Div. ' HURLEY'S LOTION 1 and Spec. Troops For Poison Oak 1100 Christian Science, also Wed­ Over 5000 bottles sold. Guar­ nesday 1900 anteed treatment for poison 0800 and 1200 Catholic Mass oak relief. 50c bottle by mail. 1900 Lutheran Service HURLEYS DRUGS, Albany 2000 Choir Rehearsal (Protestant) Monday and Wednesday CATHOLIC 1030,1130 Masses, Chapel No. 2. 0830 Mass, confessions Saturday 1500.1700 and 1800.2000. Daily mass at 1830 except Wednesday—Chapel No. 3. 0645,1130 Masses, confessions Sat­ urday 1800 - 1900. Sorrowful Mother Novena Friday at 1900—Chapel No. 4. Let “Uncle Sam” act as your bank messenger. Your pay checks may be mailed in the special Deposit Envelopes which we supply without charge. 'K ail TRY THIS CONVENIENT WAY TO BANK — A postal card addressed to any one of the follow­ ing United States National Branches will bring you full details on our Bank-by-Mail plan. 4L Albany Branch • Corvallis Branch or Ladd & Bush—Salem Branch of th* UNITED STATES NATIONAL B of Portland »