» am * **»♦ * Page Eight - ses K *> :*4R1 > » »rrrrrrj Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, January 7, 1943. - ■' — 20 Teams Start Basketball Tourney ---------------------------------- « Timber Wolves Post Complement and : IXth Corps Open Fire Back in Fight t Camp Adair I Meet O.C.E. Cage Squad at Monmouth Tomorrow; To Meet OSC Saturday Night Due to the ravages of one thing and another there have been some changes made and might be more; nonetheless the Timber Wolf bas­ ketball team ia set to resume its schedule tomorrow night, at Mon­ mouth. The Timber Wolves will play Oregon College of Education, whom they defeated 39-37 in the first, bruising game of what has proved to be a tough schedule. In their own league the OCE has . been faring well, arc in good mid­ season form. Prospect* arc good for a hot battle. It starts at 8 p.m. Altered line-up to go into action I brings Pvt, David Waxman, a | speedy, sharp-shooting forward, into the starting five. The con­ sistent Lt. Gene Badgley will take the other spearhead post. Rangy Lt. Herbert Brown remains, Gibraltar, at center position, Duffy wil (handle one guard posi- tion while either Lt. Jos. Quin or Sgt. ( lark Brown will start at the other. POOR PORTLAND WOMEN! Portland women need exercise and the best way to get it is via ice skating and routine exercise, declare* Emmy Anderson, profes­ sional women's figure skating champion, of Denmark, visiting Portland. Batty Stuff In 1942 there were 73 left-hander*, 164 right-hander* batting in the American league. Getting off to a roaring start TABLE TENNIS CHAMPS IN EXHIBITION TOMORROW Monday night with three sizzling games, the championship basket­ Those who have been chasing ball league for 13 teams in the Post ping-pong balls over all the day Complement and IX Corps, 2nd Hdq. rooms of Camp Adair will have troops, was launched at Field a chance to gee some big-time House. play tomorrow evening, start­ From now on out, if you like ing at 9:30 p.m. at Service Club basketball, it looks like a Roman No. 1. holiday until April. A special exhibition match in The PC-IXth corps teams will table tennis (that's ping-pong’s play a total of 152 games — round grown-up name) has been sched­ robin fashion, each quintet meet­ uled between Cpl. Albert Nach- ing the other twice. Games will sich, Hdq. Co. of the 96th Div. be played at night. There were ar.d Cpl. Sam Farkis, Qm., SCU four more tilts Tuesday night, four 1911. Cpl. Nachsich was former last night, and there will be four Pennsylvania Slate senior sin­ i tomorrow night. gles champion. Cpl. Farki* for­ Games next week will be played merly held the Junior National Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. championship. The match will come as a Where Wa* lldq.? In opening round action one game welcome prelude to the Post was a default, as SCU hdq. boys championships in table tennis, went out singing in the rain and which are on the agenda for SCU Q.M. showed up. The MPs, the spring. touted last week in the Sentry, must have hail the sign put on ’em YOUNG — BUT DON’T CALL thereby, for they dropped a close HIM JUNIOR one to SCU Medic*, 23-20. In an-1 other equally close battle, 332 QM Lieut. Col. Peterson of Santa stopped 336 QM, 20-17. quin, Utah, is lielieved to be the The 337 QM, which Lt. Miller has youngest officer of hi* rank in the had organized for quite some time, U. S. Army. Now stationed in Eng­ showed benefit of the practice by land with the AAF, Colonel Peter­ Htepping on the 555-Railheads, 26- son is all of 24 years old. Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. of Corvallis Former Big League Pitcher, Acting Sgl. Knoll Bals for Timber Wolves >--- MAN WRICKiHI Snoopers Gain on Hdq. Team, as Redleg Loss Dims Their Threat i Handball Tournament Monday and All Week Match Play to Start On Fine Lorenz Court Apache Trail' Manila Calling' BAPTIST CHURCHES CORVALLIS M ed.. Thur»., Fri., Sat. WITHERS •gain •nd It will take a lot of stopping now to halt Oregon State college and Camp Adair’s Timber Wolf team will have the first chance, at Cor­ vallis Saturday night. It’s the first of four practice games slated by the Beavers, scheduled return last night from their road tour, which netted four wins in five starts. Then Slats Gill’s boys launch defense of their conference crown. Opening at Madison Square Gar- . den the rampaging Orangemen first whipped City College in a 45-34 up- | set, before 18,000. Christmas night. ' Then they went on to take Wayne University at Detroit, 41-29 and ‘settled for a 33-29 decision over Michigan State. Powerful Bradley Tech stopped them by a slender 42-41 overtime at Peoria, after the regular game had wound up 35-36; this, coinci­ dentally, was comparable to the 47- 46 loss last year against the same team. They dropped Washington Uni­ versity at St. Louis, Saturday night, 40-32, then started the home jour­ ney. LET S DANCE at TUMBLE INN Al Benning's Welcome = Elks in Service ELKS LODGE No. 359 The champion is -lated to receive the trophy personally posted by Captain Frank C. Wimer and will Invites You to Attend be determined from the winner All Fraternal Meetings among six players from each of the divisions, one from IXth corp* 3 and two from the Post Comple­ LODGE MEETS EACH ment. THURSDAY Nominations are to be turned in to the Athletic Officers and in ELKS TEMPLE | turn to Field House, not later than : Monday night. Pairings for first I ALBANY, DRE. round play will begin immediately SlIIIIIIIIIIHINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINR thereafter. ALBANY = f -- L — . The favorite ciga­ rette with men in the Army, Navy, Ma­ rine*. and Coast Guard is Camel. ♦ muU ( Based on actual tales records ia Post Ex­ changes and Can* Worship With Us WHCOIOM IlMAIIIf "Canal Zone with CHESTER MORRIS JOHN HUBBARD SKATEWAY Roller Rink — 1N THR they ^y: ROLLER SKATING Triumphant OSC Home- In First Clash With Timber Wolf Quintet Twenty basketball teams, divided into two leagues, will on Tuesday night at Field House launch the championship tournament of the 96th division, Athletic Officer Lt. John C. Van Vulpen, announced yesterday. The tourney will be conducted * —.— as a round-robin affair and the Sharpshooting in the three Tim­ leagues will be named in honor of ber Wolf division basketball leagues two generals—Brigadier General continued during the week, with Claudius M. Easley, assistant divi­ four games played and this week, sion commander, and Brigadier although schedule had not been de­ General Paul V. Kane, artillery tailed last night, they’ll roll to­ commander. ward the home stretch with several Play arrangement will be de­ games at Field House, Timber Wolf-OSC Game Probably top battle of the week termined by drawing. Every bat­ was played Tuesday night, when talion will have a team in the in­ Broadcast Over KOAC Redlegs of the Artillery league lost, fantry and artillery with the engi­ With Burton Hutton, veteran an­ 31-24 to the leading Boneheads and neers and medics also represented. nouncer, at the mike the Timber In Post Tourney also lost, possibly for good and all, their one chance to tie-up the Considerable practice has already Wolf-Oregon State College basket­ series. gone under the bridge and as mat­ ball game at the OSC gym in Cor­ But it was a rousing finish. At ters stand for dope-bucket preview, vallis, Saturday night, will be half-time the Boneheads led 14-8. a couple of teams that are already’ broadcast over State Station KOAC The Redlegs, superheaded by their primed to do some heavy pitching in Corvallis (550 kilocycles). Station will go on the air at 7:50 new player, Frazier, who scored are the 921st F.A. and the 96th 8 points, tied it up 24-24, with two Div. MPs. p. m. Game is called at 8 p. m. minutes to go. KOAC will also follow other Since the round-robin will carry Then Cpl. Kuklin broke the tie j on into April, it will not be com­ OSC games, broadcasting the series and the Boneheads were thereafter pleted by time the Camp Adair with University of Washington, championship tourney is started, January 19, 20, 22 and 23. never seriously threatened. Bees toppled the Generals 24-6 March 23. The 96th will, however, in a lop-sided match Friday night, be represented by its three leading Mere 215 Pounds — Sgt. Joe with Sgt. Craven garnering 12 of teams. Louis, home for a while, now weighs Tournament play in the round­ 215 pounds: “Just enough to work the winning team's points. In the one Infantry league game robin series will be conducted each off to get in fighting shape.” the Gull* strengthened their claim Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to second place behind the Moun­ night. k taineers (idle), putting the Pill Rollers into deeper last-place dis­ Beau Jack to Battle comfort by the biggest score rolled up in the leagues to date, 70-32. Lil Hank Armstrong Polivacheck, with 22 points and Beau Jack, recognized in two of Touccinardi, with 20, had a scoring field day. Zarvas, 10 points, headed the 48 states as world’s lightweight champion (New York and New Jer­ the losers. Best first place battle now looms sey), will meet Henry Armstrong 2 Mi. N. of Albany on Hwy. 99 in the Special Troops league, fol­ at Madison Square Garden January EVERY SATURDAY lowing another victory for Recon­ 29 in a 10-round, non-title bout, thus NIGHT naissance, who defeated Sig. Co. killing hopes of a few for an Arm­ Enjoy the Smooth. Modern strong-Jackie Robinson tussle. For 27-24, in a sparkler. Pvt. Moore of Stylings of the losers topped scoring with 10 a while qnyhow. points. As the situation rests the Artillery League Snoopers are yet behind Hdq. Co., 10-Piece ORCHESTRA which has 4 wins and 0 losses. But Boneheads .......................... featuring the Snoopers have now snared 5 Red legs .............................. DOROTHY EVANS wins to 1 loss. The League Stand- Bees ................................... ings: Generals.............................. Infantry League Falcons ... ................ ¿IIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIHU w L Special Troops League Team 0 H.| Co. Mountaineers ...................... 5 2 | Snoopers .......... Gulls......................... . .......... 4 2 Storekeepers Geysers ................................ 3 4 I Balls o’ Fire .. Engineers . 1 0 5 Sigs (Signal) Pill Rollers, (Medics) Hidden Hand' Man in the T runk' Two Leagues, Named For Generals Kane, Easley, to Compete If It's Smoke, Don't Holler 'Fire! Checker Men Smoking Up for Tourney GRANADA ( ORVALLIS Sat.-Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Timber Wolf Cogers in FourMore LeagueTilts Half of the players in the first j bracket of Camp Adair’s first open singles handball tournament will launch their play Monday night, on , the Lorenz Court, Fire Chief A. L. . Sherk, the 58-year-young handball veteran and himself an entry in the play, announced. Entry of the first bracket com­ pleted, the pairings were made yes­ terday. Another Bracket Due to requests, however, pro­ vision is made that if other hand­ ball enthusiasts in the divisions and post complement want to compete, another 16-player bracket will be formed and play-off begun as soon as the present tourney closes. Champions and runners-up in the two brackets will then meet in finals play-offs. Sgt. Clink Brown, formerly Iowa U. basketbull star, will probably Players not entered in the pres­ Sturt ut forward in the two week­ When Washington’s monment year*. Now 21, and a veteran, his ent tourney and anxious to get end game* of the Timber Wolf *tart* walking toward you smil­ contract was sold to the San Fran­ into the second bracket, may con­ quintet. They resume winter serie* ing, and with hand outstretched, cisco team who were in turn tact athletic officers as follows: •gainst Oregon College of Educa­ it’s time either to stop drinking “properly” induced to relinquish 96th Div. — Lt. Van Vulpen, phone tion tomorrow night at Monmouth. 3.2 beer or see your oculist. Our him to the St. Louis Browns. Our 2406; Timber Wolf Div., Lt. Bob Saturday they tangle with the first act wa* a careful examina­ boy did yeoman’s work with the Duffy, phone 3406; Post Comple- potent, just-returned Oregon State tion of our hand, to see if all the Browns, and after five and a half ment and 2nd Hq. IXth Corps, call College "champs” at the Corvallis digits were where they belonged. year* was traded to the Chicago Field House, phone 2897. State college gym. Both games will be Whereupon we glanced up to be­ White Sox with whom he served name, rating, attachment, previous lulled ut 8 p. in. hold u* magnificent a hunk uf for two years. handball experience. Among .Mack-men soldier as our old eyes have seen. Some top-flight competition will ■v That, friend, wa* our first impres­ He was traded then to the Phila­ go into next week’s action. Pre­ sion of Acting-Sergeant Jack delphia Athletics where he played liminary games will be played be­ Knott, HQ Co., Timberwolf Divi- until he received an invitation to tween 6 and 10 p. m. Monday and ALBANY trade uniforms, this time GI. sion. Tuesday night. Quarter-finals, Now Playing Jack’s popularity is no accident. Born in Dallas, but reared in Brownwood, Texan, Jack pitched his His slow Texas drawl, and smiling, Wednesday and Thursday; semi­ way through Byron St. high school, gentle eye.*, testify to his ability finals, Friday. The championship then to Southern Methodist U. to make friends. His mild manner and consolation play-off, for third MARLENE DIETRICH RANDOLPH SCOTT His pitching form began to accen­ and sage judgment have justified place, is slated Monday evening, tuate itself at the tender age of his superiors’ confidence in him. January 18. Start* Sunday Top Player* Perform four, when, according to Jack, he Baseball and the world of sports Not the least of the talent began tossing a few curve* at hi* may well be proud of him. -V At entered is the veteran, Chief Sherk, To quote Jack: "You know, I nurse, who, he vaguely recalls, soundly applauded the seat of his found out that being a good soldier who will match skill, speed and en­ britches. and a good athlete require the durance against Lt. Robert Rosen. * "Biinjls" lot Britain' Before lie could complete the same formula. Team work, enthus­ 104th QM, three years a West Point curriculum at S M.U., he wa* per­ iasm. and the will to keep pitching player, among first round battles. Chief Sherk has been playing and suaded (?) to join the Dallas team, when the going is rough.” where he pitched for two and a half By Pfc. David G. Optner. officiating big A.A.U. matches for ALBANY 30 years, and with or without his 58 year*, rates as a definite tour­ but a number of talented fighter* N um PlnyiiiR To Begin Regimental have already been unmasked in ney threat. If you spot a bluish haze over Boxing Eliminations There is Toby Wallace, "power the day rooms about the post dur­ work-out* and in the l>out.* at Field house" of the fire department. Lt. ing these blithe evenings, don't be House. Of 96th on Jan. 29 < It \K. STI V ENS It was indicated the 96th will Philip E. Horan, 414 Inf., Timber alarmed. The place isn’t on fire JUI.IE KISIIOP Regimental elimination boxing be able to turn out a prime candi-1 Wolf Div., is an experienced play­ maybe. also bout* of the 96t|> Division, to be date for each title from bantam­ er. A dark-horse candidate is Pvt. Champion “draughts-men" are hehl regularly at Field House on weight on into the heavy ranks, | Toribio Bocanegra, formerly r»f now being picked from the Timber W m LI ndk ; \ n Friday nights, will begin on Janu­ when the Camp Adair boxing tour. | Mexico and now of the Timber Wolf and 96th Divisions, Post Wolf division, who wa* former Complements and the IXth corps ary 29. nament i* hold in the spring. Start* Munday champion of the Monterey. Max., second headquarter* for the Camp The "whose who of whopper- Athletic Club. Pvt. Bocanegra in Adair checker tournament, which doin’’ around the 96th ha* not been For Grid Notebooks; the first round will meet Pvt. Bob will l>c held in the two service figured out yet the tournament LI OY D NOLAN Ruskauff. Hq. Co., SUU 1911, who clubs, lieginning Monday evening, will pretty much tell the story <’ MIDI I I. VNDIS Bowl Games Recapped previously played with the YMCA January 18. also /• and Pacific Coast Club at Long Invincible Georgia has gone home Beach, Calif. 1 from Pasadena Rose Howl; Frankie The pairings follow (these Sinkwich won’t let his wife enter be posted at Lorcnx court l the movie* unless he get* a con- mimeographed copies of play and LYNN ROHER I S . tract first, and he’s going in the conditions can be obtained by r cn- R W \l III IlN J marine* soon anyhow; and besides, tries from Field House. Fire Sta- CORVALLIS and ALBANY the I’CLANS. defeated 9-0. thought tion I or Sport* Desk of the Sen- Corner of Corner of ! Ninth A Monroe Fifth A Lyon Charlie Trippi was the Bulldogs' try. Public Relations Office I: Minister Minister best man on the field that Jay. any­ First Round Play F.dw. It. Hart Edgar B Luther how. hav Fire Chief Wallace IM. Morfin Waldon That's ■ left-handed football WE HVVE SEEN YOU — NOW W E WOULD LIKE TO highlight of the bowl games. For BECOME ACQUAINTED! i your files, in event you had your " JUGHEAD Anny I two-bit* on the right team, the When on leave— I other score*: M.OO Keiar Stadium. San Francisco — •CHICKENS" I East 13, West 12 in the annual !’. M. Bible School Sunday 9 45 A M ^1« inaigma ol • classic. Morning Worship 11:00 A M Orange How l at Miami - Alabama Young People’» Hour 6 30 P M 37, Boston College 21 Evening W orship Sugar Howl at New Orleans -• Mondar Albani , 7:45 Tennessee 14. Tulsa 7. M ,-dnr-d»» Corvallis 7:30 Sun Bowl at El Paso- 2nd Air Friday Ready to hear from friend*, Saturday Force Bomber* 13, Hardin-Sim- and all. is Jame* P. Ijiyton. I mon* T. mer head of the Post Field Office, In our fellowship club room* Cotton Bowl at Dalia* Tr\ae American Red Cross, who recently in our churvhe* OPEN Tech 14, Georgia Tech 7. departed on orders for overseas COSTLIER Fish Bowl at Harvard empty. duty Sunday................... 12:00-10:30 Porridge Bowl at Mea* Hall — Saturday . . 2.30-10:30 7th <& Montgomery Achires* Kim: Jame* P. Layton, Corvallis. Wednesday. 6 30-10 I scoop it up men. Albany, Oregon APO 3321. care of Postmaster. New Albany. Thursday, 6:30-10:30 I York City Ride sharing groups have been SOLDIERS — Do* holilat* to Mid W lllsmetle talle»- rail. W • are read» tn serve yon! Top Flight Roller Rink or can i ted in all of Connecticut^ Rinkwich Set — Mr». S. won't 169 war plant*. make any movie»; I *i|| ,f *ny. L 'PITTSBURGH' PEPSICOLA i< suJ. «1, by P«*d-C«l* Cmguiy, L m * Idaad City, R. T. letW iwtllt by: I’vt. Bob Kuskauff, Editor I VENETIAN BIG DRINK TO GO BUY! SPORTS Round-Robin League Under Way; 3 Games Held Monday, Field House Cage Wolf Play tö Start u\ Tuesday Night I Rest and Relax Camel I LL TAKE CAMELS ANY TIME’ THEY'RE THE REAL THING — PLENTY FLAVORFUL AND AAlkO!