Thursday. January 7, 1943. Camp Adair Sentry i». > .■ ----- c. When it is officially reported by the Secretary of War that a person is missing, missing in action, interned in a neutral country, or CLASSIFIED captured by an enemy under circumstances that entitle him to receive ADVERTISING pay and allowances, the allotment is authorizes! to continue until receipt Ten enta per line per insertion. Count 5 words to line. Cash niuet »<•■ of evidence by the Secretary of War that such person is dead or has company copy with order. returned to the control of the War Department. I ONLY FACTORY d. The provisions of the act which are applicable to persons in the EOK KENT AT ANY TIME during the war you may expect AUTHORIZED SERVICE hands of the enemy are also applicable to persons beleaguered or a sudden change of statoin. You will want to IN CORVALLIS besieged by enemy forces. BEAUTIFUL HILLSIDE country know that your family is being protected during e. The Secretary of War is authorized to direct the payment of new home 5’s miles from camp on your absence. Now is the time to arrange your Van Buren at Second allotments from the pay of persons other than those missing, missing scenic drive 2 miles from Albany. personal affairs—and theirs; you may be too busy in action, interned in a neutral country, or captured by the enemy; to Phone 21 Nine rooms, every modern con­ later on. This series of articles will help you to do increase or decrease the amount of any allotment heretofore or here­ Procedure for shipment of gift parcels to prisoners of venience. oil heat, wonderful so. The material is taken from the War Depart­ after made by such persons, and to continue allotments that may have view, large estate. May be used j ment's booklet. "Personal Affairs of Military Per­ war and interned civilians is outlined in a bulletin issued expired in November. 1941, and any month subsequent thereto, with for two families two complete i sonnel and Their Dependents," and is therefore offi ­ 2nd it Van Buren, Corvallis by the Board of Economic Warfare, Office of Exports. or without the consent of such persons, subject in all cases to termina­ kitchens, etc. Can furnish one 1 I II I II——J cial. Of course, all laws are subject to change. To A general license known as “G-PW-2" has been issued tion by specific request of such persons, when in the judgment of the electric stove and refrigerator, keep the record straight, each section that follows Secretary of War such action is considered essential for the well-being authorizing the sending, by mail only, of gift parcels to few other pieces. Available Jan- | will indicate the date on which the specific laws and protection of dependents of persons in active service. Such allot­ members of the armed forces of the United Nations who uary 1st. Inquire Hurley's Drug were in effect.—Ed. a ments shall be paid in an amount not to exceed the monthly base pay Store, Albany. are prisoners of war and to civilians who are nationals of plus longevity pay without regard to the fact that the 6 months' death the United Nations interned in enemy occupied territories. gratuity may be paid later. MODERN FlVE-room furnished Section III—Instalment 2 An export license from the Board of Economic Warfare is f. Claims for the continuation of old allotments or for new allot- home in Kingwood, West Salem. ' no longer necessary but the following regulations must be met. TRANSPORTATION OF DEPENDENTS OF MILITARY PERSON­ meats should be filed with The Adjutant General, Washington, 1». C. $55 per month. Prefer Army Of- ! NEL AND SHIPMENT OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS Note.—Information contained in section V received from Chief Packages must not exceed 11 ficer. Children acceptable. Phone 1 of Finance July 16, 1942. Verified correct as of September 9. 1942. pounds gross weight, 18 inches in WHAD’YA MEAN. MORALE? Salem 9716 after 6 pan. House 27. Dependents and household goods entitled to one move after Sep­ length, or 42 inches in length and open Sunday 10 to I o’clock. tember 1. 1942.—Circular No. 261, War Department, 1942, provides that Section VI Morale in the Post Public Re­ girth combined. Only one such par­ in order to conserve labor and transportation facilities after September lations Office has been rising NEW TRAILER house 8 x 20 ft. I cel may be sent to each prisoner 1, 1942, only one move of dependents and household goods will be made steadily since the wise, kind Furnished or unfurnished. Chas, j each sixty days. The contents of for the duration of the war. This move may be made to any point in Public Relations Officer engaged 35. To whom payable.—a. Immediately upon official notification of H. Moore. 1730 Water St., Salem, | each package must be listed on a the United States designated by the individual concerned. All regula­ the death from wounds or disease, not the result of his own misconduct, Mrs. Jane Wilde, the wife of Ore. 3p I special form provided by the post tions in conflict therewith have been suspended. Pvt. Gregory F. Wilde, Ord­ of any officer, warrant officer, or enlisted man in active service in the office department and filed at the 28. Dependents entitled to Government transportation.—Commis­ Army of the United States, the Chief of Finance, U. S. Army, will cause nance, 96th Division, as a secre­ HOME FOtt SALE I time of mailing. sioned officers. Army nurses, warrant officers, or noncommissioned to be if there is no widow or child, to any other dependent relative of tary. None to Orient personnel of the first three grades are entitled to transportation for such officer, paid to the widow, or, if there is not widow, to the child ACREAGE farms. Large selec­ It was so evident that the The Provost Marshal General's their lawful dependents in accordance with the provisions outlined in or children, or warrant officer, or enlisted man previously designated tion. Robinson Realty, Independ­ Military Intelligence group, office will furnish an oficial label across the way, looked enviously paragraph 27 when ordered to make a permanent change of station. by him. an amount equal to fl months’ pay at the rate received )>y such ence. pino. in duplicate for parcels going to at the Public Relations men as Lawful dependents are defined as wives, dependent fathers and mothers, officer, warrant officer, or enlisted man at the time of his death. members of the Unitzuj States WANTED and dependent children. they helped her on with her b. Until December 10, 1941, the fl months' gratuity was payable only armed forces who are prisoners of coat and brought her lunch and 29. Procedure to obtain transportation for dependents.—Application to dependents of officers, warrant officers, anti enlisted men of llie GIRL OR WOMAN for part time ' war. Packages may not Tie shipped even offered her their sweaters for transportation will be made to the local transportation officer. W. D. Regular Army, The Act of December I0, 1941 (Bull. 35, W. D„ 1941) work. No heavy work. Steady I to the Orient at present,1iut when to wear, when the building was Q. M. C. Form No. 207 (Certificate for Passenger Travel) in quintupli- extended this gratuity benefit to all classes of personnel of the Army employment. Call 865-B1, Cor­ facilities are available to transport not warm enough. cate must be accomplished and four copies of the pertinent travel orders of the United States. This law was retroactive to and effective ns of vallis, p | such packages to Japan and Japan­ must be furnished. In the event Government transportation is not August 27, 1940. Dependents of individuals whose death occurred ---------- —---------------------------------- "Wish we could steal that ese controlled territory, labels will Wilde woman,” one M.I. man utilized claim for monetary allowance in lieu of transportation for subsequent to August 27, 1940, and who believe themselves entitled SOLDIERS to represent their own be issued to the next of kin with­ murmured. dependents will be made to any disbursing officer on Standard Fonm thereto, may file a claim therefor. outfits in the news columns of out request. labels will be issued No. 1012 (Public Voucher for Reimbursement of Travel and Other The Sentry. Turn your stuff in “Their Jane surely does c. The 6 months’ gratuity paid to the beneficiary includes compen­ by their respective governments for spread sunshine,” said another. Expenses Including Per Diem.) For detailed information, sec AR sation of every kind such as flying pay, pay for qualification in the use to the Camp Public Relations packages sent to prisoners who are 55-120 (formerly 30-920) and 35-5320. office, where it goes through Superb result: Mrs. Margaret of arms, increases for longevity, etc., as distinguished from allowances. nationals of the British Empire. 30. Authorized baggage.—Authorized baggage is defined ns house­ censorship nnalls; ball gtoves; socks, belts, Baby, he’s a WOLF! Note.—Information contain«! in section IV received from Chief of absence of an official report <>( the missing person, to make a finding shorts, shirts (regulation if Army Finance July 16, 1942. Verified correct as of September 9, 1942. of death of such person. Following such finding the fl months’ death or Navy); slacks (regulation); un­ If he says you're gorgeous looking. That your dark eyes start him gratuity is authorized to be paid. Should the person <> reported as derwear, gloves, handkerchiefs, Section V cooking, dead return, his pay account will be reopened and charged with the mufflers, sweaters, shoes, laces, PAY, ALLOWANCE«, AND ALLOTMENTS OF PERSONNEL amount of the 6 months' death gratuity. slippers, insoles, bathrobes, paja­ But your eyes ain't where he’s KEPORTED MISSING. MISSING IN ACTION, OR looking— Note.—Information contained in section VI received from Chief of mas, nightgowns, suspenders and CAPTURED BY THE ENEMY Finance July 16, 1942. . Verified correct ni of September 9, 1942. garters; tooth powder and brushes Baby, he’s a WOLF! (To Be Continued Next Week) in nonmetallic containers, combs, 3. Pay and allowances.—Any person who is in active service and is brushes, razors, safety razor blades, When he says you are an eyeful, officially reported as missing, missing in action, interned in a neutral talcum powder, stytic pencils, shav­ And his hands begin to trifle. Pfc. Frank Smith just celebrated country, or captured by an enemy shall, while so absent, be untitled to his 26th birthday amid the clatter ing soap cakes and powder, small And his heart pumps like a rifle— receive or to have credited to his account the same pay and allowances Master Quibblings mirrors; gum. »hoc polish, tooth­ Baby, he's a WOLF! of upper-bunk sleepers hitting the to which such person was entitled at the time of the beginning of the By Two of Them deck. (Oregon has me talking like picks, nail clippers, wallets, pocket • absence or may become entitled to thereafter: Provided, That such a tar.) books, mending kits and sewing If by chance when you’re akissin' person shall not have been officially reported as having been absent After all night emergency Issu­ kits without scissors; button*, and You can feel his heart amissin’ from his post of duty without authority; * * • And provided further. The sight of Lt. Braselton's fig- And you talk but he won’t lis’en— ing of bedding by Pfcs. Joe Fon- hair clippers. That should proper authority subsequently determine that the person ure( courtesy of Station Hospital) Baby, he’s a WOLF! I tanazza anti Sid Rosen to the guest For Women concerned had been absent from his post of duty without authority, such is a sight for our sore eygs. house for stranded civilian- they For women and children — Hose, person shall be indebted to the Government in the amount for which The past week was somewhat of safety pins, mirrors, ribbons, hair If his arms are strong as sinew. payments have been made or pay and allowances credited to his account an anniversary. Just six months fall asleep counting beds. (A new nets and pins, knitting needles and And he stirs the gypsy in you * * * during such absence. Act March 7, 1942 (sec. HI, Bull. 14, ago, on Dec. 24, that 400 of us ar­ substitute for sheep.) A large group of SCIJ tried to crochet needles (nonmetallic), So you want him close ag’in you— W. D„ 1942). rived here from Ft. Dix. It wasn’t thread and yarn, elastic, blouses, Maybe you're a WOLF! 34. Allotments.—a. Under the provisions of the act March 7, 1942 raining when we got here — but swim into Albany anything rather skirts, dresses, toilet articles (no (rec. Ill, Bull. 14, W. D., 1942), any person who has made an allotment that was taken care of later. Then than be stranded. Our versatile motor pool dis­ liquids), cleansing tissues, cam- Tour of Campus for Service Men of pay for the support of dependents or for the payment of insurance we had to go to town for water Saturday afternoon, unless the patcher Sgt. Milt Weinstein looks phqr ice, sanitary supplies; orange premiums, shall be entitled to have such allotment* for dependents or to take a bath—and drinking water sticks, clothing and shoes for chil­ weather is “unspeakable,” a tour insurance premiums as he previously may have executed continued for waa hauled into camp in trucks. a little wan after,!’ i siege in the dren. crayons, and small indestruc­ of Oregon State college campus a period of 12 months from dAto of commencement of absence, not­ To think we onee had to go to all station hospital. tible wooden toys. Approved food and buildings is planned. Starting withstanding that the period for which the allotments had been executed thia trouble to get water! Pvt. Donk» C. C. Fufeich, who items are dried soups in cellophane from the beautiful Memorial Un­ may have expired during such 12 months' period, and the proper dis­ We had a fire «care here last Med to be a captain in Yugoslavia, bags, cereals, dried skim milk, nuts, ion building, erected in honor of bursing officer shall so continue the allotments during such absence, week. When the fire engines enlisted in th»- army on the day h< plain or chocolate powdered milk, the college students and alumni provided that, in the absence of a previously executed allotment, or screamed up it wa- found that an received hi- citizenship papers, cheese, dried fruits and meato, cof­ who laid down their lives in World where the allotment mails is not sufficient for reasonable support of ambitious janitor had piled too says the < AMP WOLTERS (Tex War I. the gardens, the art ex ­ fee (no more than one pound), a dependent and for the payment of insurance premiums, the Rerretary much coal on a* protection against »•) LONGHORN. He is taking the hibit, the broadcasting station, the malted milk table«.», dried of War may direct that an allotment, not to exceed the base and longev- Oregon mists From now on we’ll war seriously. A brother is a ser­ library, gymnasium and other ity pay of the person concerned, shall be paid by the appropriate have our own rationing of coal! foods, tea, cocoa and sudar. geant with the Yugoslavian army Packages are sent postage fr«- points of interest will be visited. disbursing officer to the insurer or such dependent as ha* been desig We got our overshoes this week! and a brother-in-law is u lieuten­ Soldiers desiring to accompany the nated in official records or. in the absence of such designation, to such T 'Sgt. Heilbron got back from ant, and the private’s mother »»' tour may meet at the USO at 3:15 person as may he determined by the Secretary of War, or by such California this week The fact that killed when the Germans bombed or at Memorial Union at 3:30. The person a* he may designate, to be a bona fide dependent he brought back a few souveniera her town. college is furnishing a guide. h If no decimon is made changing the person's statu* during the for the boys made him doubly wel­ i initial 6 months’ period, the dependent may be paid an allotment not to come. Pressure on your Adam’s apple A I TO ACCIDENT The A Btry. mail clerk, in Col. exceed base and longevity pay. If it is determined, after the initial 6 To the tune of “Anchors A weigh” often will prevent a threatening FIRE UFE Rourke'- regiment. Timber Wolf months' period that death occurred during the fl months' period, the a convoy of jeeps, truck* and am­ cough which might reveal your BURGLARY^ artillery, requests transfer for Pvt dependent may retain the allotment* and in addition receive the fl phibian* left to evacuate the flood­ pn sence to the enemy. A sneeze and «11 other* I-eo Jordan, who last week received months' gratuity pay. If al the expiration of the initial • months ed Eugene area. The Q.M supplied may tie smothered by pressing up­ Reliable Stock Co«panie» 44 letters and packages . . Lt period of absence no decision has been made changing the person’* tenta, tool* and believe it or not ward with your fingers against Hemer's men want the w-eM to states, the allotment will cowtiape for a second period of 6 month* I water wing*. your nostrils. know that the band's program of If. however, payment« are made to a dejiendent after death of the Sgt Charlie Solomon’* cheery INSURANCE A RONDS enrols, on ihrisUnas morning, pet'on in the second 6 month»’ period, then the payment of allotments face .is the result of visiting bet­ Elk* BWg Phone 141 Manufacturer* of straight razor ( .relit». Oreg«»" helped to make the day memorable. after such death will be deducted from the 5 month*' gratuity. ter half—staying at the Benton. ( ar« turning out commando knives. | Do .You Have a Friend I Interned by the Axis? This Is Official AwDbr u re ly New Regulations Govern Sending Of Gift Packages to Prisoners Rickard's Garage * OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION ^STATION Firestone Tires Dr. A. W. Marker Rickard's Garage Photo Finishing BERMAN'S DRUG STORE HOGG BROS for Quality Furniture and Appliances At Moderate Prices Terms 260 State St Salem Insurance Elmer Patrick V