Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, January 07, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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Camp Adair Seiilry
nary 7, 1ÎM3.
3 Little Sisters
By Adele Adair
They are Edward Keating. Arthur
Riley, Melvin Gamble, Robert
Fleming, Homer Boone, Robert
e i
Lipoid, Albert Riendeau, Arven
Scott, and Kern Tic£. Pvt. William
kt .
Gray also was giv?4a»T 5 rating.
Seventeen Privates now Pfcs.
are Toivo Anderson, Charles Barr
rett, Berthold Butz, Ben Graetz,
Richard Gross, Myron Johnson,
Theodore Johnson, Thomas John­
son, James Kennedy, William Lid­
dell, Freeman Mortenson, Oscar
-------- -, , ----------- ,
Pollari, Marvin Rikansrud, An­
tonio Saumell, Worth Thomas,
Arnold Williams and Pierre Oubre. invited to a concert of sacred r
music, Sunday night at Chapel No.
-o -
Corporal Kern Tice and Pfe. 4. Av. C and 12th St. South, by the
Pierre Oubre seem to have an I20-voice choir of St. John's Luther-
| an church, Salem. The choir will
endurance contest over the ping
pong table every time they play. ' be conducted by Mrs. W. F. Fischer
They are evenly matched and draw and Miss Margaret Meier, of Cor­
Cites Church Stand in
quite an audience. Sgts. Russell vallis, will play the violin. This
Barry and Alva Kinkade also fre­
Talk at O S. College.
quent the Day Room. Corp. Herbert L. Von Husen, of the 96th Division,
Bloedel keeps the boys supplied will begin at 7 p. m.
Fighting efficiency is higher
with balls. He says so many have
and anger are kept out of
been broken in recent weeks that
(Major) Loren
there is actually a hole in his pock­ Avenue D and 3rd Street North
Jenks, assistant divisional chap­
et burned from the money he has
Friday, January Sth
lain of the Timber Wolf Division,
spent in replacing them.
2000 Jewish service
in speaking recently at the Triad
Sunday. January 10th
faculty club of Oregon State col­
fin a recent bivouac, members of 0700 Catholic Mass
lege, Corvallis.
the 332nd took over two beautiful 0830 Episcopal Communion, Chap-
‘.‘The men in the service are go­
“hotels.” One was a bam former­
lain Newman
ing about their job cooly and dis­
ly inhabited by sheep and the other 0930 Bible Class, Chapluin Har-
passionately,” he told the profes­
by cows. At 2:30 in the morning
sors and instructors. “We know we
they were awakened by a tear gas 1000 Protestant service, Chaplain
can win this war without hate and
concentration. Tall, slim Everett
anger, as they merely lower ef­
Willman swung out of a hay loft 1045 Genera! Protestant Commun­ ficiency in war as well as else­
and yelled: “Fire!” He was leaving
ion, Chaplain Harmon
the bnrn at triple time when he dis. 1115 Latter Day Saints, Pfc. Alma
Discussing the extreme pacifist
covered that the smoke was cause«!
stand of many churches, including
by the gas. Fighting his way
I his own, prior to the war, Chap-
through the concentration to his
January 10th, 1913
lain Jenks said that happily this is
original position, it didn’t take him CATHOLIC
changing now, although it doesn’t
long to get his mask and put it to 1030, 1130 Masses, Chapel No. 2. mean they approve of war.
0830 Mass, confessions Saturday
“So long as the basic attributes
The hoys received their biggest
1500 - 1700 and 1800 - 2000. of civilization are threatened we
laugh when they saw Pvt. George
Daily mass at 1830 except must bear arms,” he said. “This
Erickson, sleeping without a mask
may not be the last war, but it can
Wednesday. Chapel No. 3.
and not being disturbed in the 0645, 1130 Masses, confessions Sat­ be the last if we all do our job . . .
urday 1800-1900. Sorrowful I have no fear for the boys unless
— o -
Mother Novena Friday at you at home fail to keep faith and
Pvt. Emmet Larkin and Pfc.
don’t have a normal civilization for
Ben Brown usually go to Portland 0800 Masses, 1130 confessions Sat­ them to come home too. You must
on pass. There they’ve spotted the
urday 1800-1900, Chapel No.5. keep the other front while they are
Catillon dance hall, n place which 0700 Masses, 1115 confessions from holding the battle front.”
allows soldiers to enter without an
Saturday 1800. Chapel No. 6.
admission price.
Master Sgt. Herb Rothman has 0915 Chaplain Leslie A. Thompson.
had his hands full in the last couple 1000 General service, Chaplain
of weeks. Our men have been
Howard Patrick. Chapel No.3.
down at various warehouses gain­ 0845 Protestant worship; 0945—
ing practical experience. Sgt. Roth­
Lutheran service; 1900 —
Sales and Service
man is in charge of apportioning
Evening worship; Bible class
Modern Shop — Best
the details for the multiple jobs.
at 1900 Tuesday and Wed­
- o -
nesday, Chapel No. 4.
Assisting Sgt. William Trout in 0900 Chaplain Phil D. Roberts;
«he supply room is Corporal Arven
1000 — Chaplain Virgil W.
Phone 43. 2nd & Jackson
Scott, known to his many friends
Jackson; 1045
as Scottie. He spends most of his
1830—Bible class; 1900
spare time checking clothing in and
Evening worship, Chaplain
out for the men of the company.
Jackson. Chapel No. 5.
0900—Chaplain John K. Ormond;
1000—Chaplain Charles O.
Churchill; 1900 — Evening
worship. Chapel No. 6.
The first of two, large Division- their presence known. He has
sponsored dances to be held at promised “wimmen” partners, so
Oregon State College, Corvallis, put next Tuesday night, at 7 at
will take place this Saturday night, Club 2 down in that little black
January 9, in Memorial Union, un­ date-book!
der auspices of the boys from the
96th. A similar affair will be held Sweetness:
next month under sponsorship of
In case your sweet-tooth is over­
the boys from the 104th.
working, let this be the light to
Invited guests of the 96th at this inform you that candy-vending ma­
affair are the EM from SCU 1911 chines have now been installed in
—Headquarters Co., Quartermaster both Clubs ... at convenient spots.
Corps, Medics and Military Police. The machines carry a popular brand
To the 104th dance will be invited of chocolate candy in four varieties.
the IX Special Troops.
Cooperating on arrangements < onference Luncheon:
were the members of the Defense
Two radio executives from
Recreation Committee of Corvallis KOIN, Portland, were luncheon
and Privates Les Baer and fee guests of Lt. George II. Godfrey,
Birnkrant of the 96th and Mrs. | Special Services and Public Rela­
Merriam of Service Club 2. Assist­ tions Officer, Tuesday at a radio­
ing is an entertainment committee conference luncheon arranged In
and there will be prize dances dur­ Club 2 by Mrs. Merriam.
ing the evening. A portion of the
Henry Swartwood, program di­
dance will be a remote broadcast rector, and Ted Cook, production
over KOAC, radio station located manager, were the radio men,
on the campus.
( S/Sgt. Bob Black of the radio sec­
The Junior Hostess Ixague of tion of PR and S/Sgt. E. A. Brown,
Corvallis will turn out en masse associate editor of the “Sentry,”
as dancing partners, and tripping were also present. The group dis­
the light fantastique will be to the cussed the forthcoming “Camp
tunes and rhythms of thc 3M2nd Adair on the Air” show which
Here are six lovely I----- «hoops! Pardon us, here are three
Infantry Swing Band.
bows in on a local beam a week
lovely lasses. The) are the Winters sisters, aero-tap dancers, who
This affair promises to be the from Monday, January 18, emanat­
will be featured in the Broadway show, “Flying Colors,” the
UHO-Camp show which comes to Camp Adair, at Field ¡louse,
social highlight of the week and ing from the Field House. Steak
January 20.
We are safe in prophesying that it luncheons were served.
will be the bombshell to set off the
1943 “social swirl” with n bang.
Guest House Renovated:
Amateur Night Tonight!
Cooking With Gas
Guest House 2 has been re-
Service Club 1; Prizes
Dances Resumed:
arranged. This was accomplished
you dance? Can you sing?
By Sgt. Rolland <’. Rogers
If your supp;y of dancing energy Tuesday by Mrs. Merrium and the
Are you "hep” at some thing?
Is sufficient for two consecutive staff and Mrs. M stated today that
How’s your technique in a band?
nights, why not plan to attend one the place now “looks more like a
Do they offer you n hand?
of the two enlisted mens’ dunces hotel.” The main lobby, on the
It’s only six month old but the
And when you strut your stuff
on the post Friday night. Tim reg­ north end, has been equipped with Camp Adair Blanch, Ninth Service
Do they yell “More,” not
ular Friday night Service Club a reception desk anti the door at Command School for Bakers nnd I
dances are being resumed tomor­ that end will now be considered the Cooks, boasts a record that is the
Come on down to Service Club 1
row night, at Club 1 and Club 2. main entrance.
envy of every other SCU branch.
Join the fellas in some fun,
There will be specialty numbers
Toss your hat right in the ring,
Founded lust July, it has tuken
Airing the intermission and dance Deadline Flash!
Dance or act or play or sing!
only half a year for the Camp
tunes at Club 1 will be provided by
Just learned from the powers Adair School to become the largest
It’s a gala Amateur Night
B/Sgt. R"b Black’s SCU Swlng- thnt be at Servlco Club 1 that
So prepare for anything!
Branch in the Ninth Service Com­
eroos, and at Club 2 by the 96 th tomorrow night’s EM’s dance will
mand with an efficiency rating
Div. Hep Cats. Come over and I feature a championship ping-pong
second to none, according to in­
get back In the "swing.”
| exhibition match during intermis-
formation released by the office
i sion. The chump of the state of of the Assistant Commandant.
Cooperation Would Help:
Pennsylvania will engage the
Efficiency reports now being re­
The hostesses In charge of both champ of seven Eastern states. So ceived show that 85 per cent of the
Service Chibs are using thin column it should be well worth watching! graduates are rated “Excellent” or
an a means of making an urgent
"Very Superior" by their CO’s. So
appeal in behalf of the clubs. The Jain Session:
far only 3 per cent of the former
lly Pvt. Harry Klianner
An all-out jam session, featur­ students are ruled unsatisfactory.
appeal, or perhaps we should say
request, is that you be more care­ ing hot trumpet, sizzling cornet
With such n “bull's eye score”
ful about throwing cigarettes on nhil boogie woogie piano, will be it is no wonder that last Monday
By Pvt. Harry Klissner
the floor together with magazines the highlight of the evening next the School completed its second
Ushering in the New Year at the
and other things which go to make Tuesday night, January 12, at Club successive big time enrollment 332nd Quartermnster Depot Co.
the place look untidy. Ash trays 1. T Sgt. Ralph Everard and his when an entire division enrolled n was a Latrine Octet consisting of
are provided as well as tables upon Timlierwolverines will dish out the large pait of its mess personnel Sgt. Ronal Brock, CpI. Homer
which to replace the books and jam and n featured performer will in either th«1 cooks course or the Homer Boone, Pfcs. Jim Barnes,
magazines. Guests visiting either Id Lt. Saunders on the ivories. mess sergeants' course.
Bob Dickerson, Johnny Blevins,
Club for the first time get a bad Specialty numbers and vocal selec­
Last month's record enrollment Jim Kennedy, Pvts. Richard Lind­
impression when the place looks tions will give the program variety. made it necessary to build addi­ berg and Worth Thomas. All of the
downright "sloppy.” The Clubs cor-
tional classroom space ami thi - old time songs were brought to life
respond to your living rooms at Anmteur Night:
month’« repeat enrollment hn including such numbers as "Down
home. Let's remember that und
If you rend n certain poem else­ forced Camp Adair carpenters to by the Old Mill Stream,” "When
give the janitor a helping bund!
where in this paper, you know all rush work on the new building be You and I Were Young Maggib”
Maj Riordan Writes
about the Amateur Night nt Ser­ ing put up just south of the BAC und "Should Auld Acquaintance B»'
Staff Grows:
On Scope of Conflict
vice Club 1 tonight, arranged and office.
There is a new enlisted man at­ produced by the joint efforts of the
— o -
This rapid expansion of the
What amounts to an ppeal for
tached to Service Club 2 in the iu w hostess, Ann Caddy, and Pvt. School has made it difficult to j Thre«» more men returned from
person of Pvt. Bruce Sharritt, who, l.en Greene. If you like to sing or maintain ndrquate classroom spac» furloughs this week. First Sgt. home front cooperation is made by­
in his brief weeks at Camp Adair, dunce or piny an instrument, why But upon completion of the new U indell Martin spent his time» in Major R. E. Riordan in words
has made his presence known by not come over and join the fun. annex the School will be able to i Pocatello, Idaho; Sgt. Carl Hughes addressed to brother Elks. It heads
his many services. He directed the You'll be umong friends so there’ll offer a balanced instruction pro visited Dubois, Wyoming; and Sgt. a symposium, by members of the
New Year's Eve Jamboree at the be no danger of stage fright. Pvt. gram.
Harvey McDonald went to Magna, BPOfc. and appears in "Mission
Field House and with justification Mahon Tullis will be on hand as
Elk.” the publication of San Fer­
The new lecture room will be Utah.
Valley lodge No. 1539.
...for show business is his forte. an accompanist.
— o -
equipped with al 1th«» modern eon
Major Riordan’s words are as
He was known in civilian life as
veniencea including running water ' Thirty-six men received new rat­
comedian Eddie Bruce ami has ap­ Hoste*« Furloughing:
sinks, facilities for meat cutting ings. T I Ronal Brock is now a follows:
peared in several movies, cast with
"We are living in trying times,
Mrs. Blodgett of Club 1 is taking demonstrations nnd ranges for Staff Sgt. Corporal Arnold Foster
Abbott and Costello, Buddy Rogers, n recuperalory rest (wow!) in th«1 cooking demonstrations.
the worst is ahead of us. It
has been advanced to the status of
Jean Arthur and Cary Grant.
state of Washington. She left last
a Sergeant. Thr,'e T 5’.« Herbert must always b»- darker before ulti­
mate victory. The victory will de-,
Monday morning with a friend.
From boogie-woogie to reveille Head, Russel Barry, Alva Kinkade
Mrs Patty Benjamin, and will tells it, in the case of Pvt. Frank and one Corporal Edgar Becker pend entirely upon the amount
America is willing to give In her
Pvt. Sid Rudner. librarian at spend some time in her horns town, Mazzio, of a Hdq. Btry , T W. ar­ are now T 4’s.
Club 2, has sent cards to his friends Seattle, as well as visit friends ill tillery. After playing the piano
Three T 5*a Herbert Bloedcl, war effort. This year will be ex«
on the post from San Francisco Olympia and other spots. Sh«» plans two years in a New York jivi band, Charles Browder nnd Stanley Km. cecdingly trying on th«' hearts and
where he is furloughing with his to drop in and visit Fort !<ewis, he is now practising bugle calls, la have been made full-fledged lives of our nation. There will be
more annoying factors to our regi.
charming wife, Ida Roth Rudner. too. She will be buck on duty on reports Pvt. Morton l.e««< r, Hone­ Corporals.
While on leave he visited a brother the 14th.
head Bn., T.W. artillery.
Nine Pfes. have received T 5’s. mentation — which is absolutely
necessary If we are to win this
stationed with the army at Salinas,
war. It will call for a great deal
and on every post card raves a bout ; Several articles of clothing are
reported missing from the cl»>thes
of intestinal fortitude for u« to
‘■beautiful California."
rack- in Club 2 and hereby an
stand up to the ordeal that is go­
earnest plea is made by the club
ing to be necessary.
Club- Functioning:
Thiz Job of folding army blanket.« take« a lot of time to
“The shock period of this war
The several clubs on the post, officials for the return of articles
do correctly. They hav»> an S hour day in the army, but they
Is still in evidence among the civil­
which recessed for th»» Yuletid»* which ar»- known to belong to
have it three times a day -o don't worry about enough time.
ian people. The realization of the
holidays, are now back to normal. omeoiie else. Articles are. of
No man can be an officer m the army until he can fold n
actual conditions of thia war is
At Club 2, the Camera < lub meets course, left “At Your Own Risk"
blanket without a wrinkle. That's all officers do- look for
still ahead for most of us. America
Monday nights at 7. the Bridge until a system of ch«*cking is put
wrinkim in blankets.
faces an extremely difficult posi­
Club Tuesdays at 8, the Mai«» into operation, plans for which are
O. K. Now first you reach across the blanket and take
tion as the arsenal of Democracy.
Chorus on Tuesday and Wednesday already well underway. The fol-
the farthest corner between th»» thumb and forefinger of the
She is also the storehouse of the
at 6:45 and the Dancing Classes 1 lowing men lost the following arti­
right hand. The nearest corner means nothing and is ingored
fo«xl stuffs for the entire world;
on Thursday, at 7 and 8:45. Tues cles; if foun»i, please return them
because it is always out of bounds.
and the huge number of men that
day night is also “Game Night” at to Club 2 where the owners will ba
If you have followed directions thus far you haven't even
are necessary to keep on the non-
the Club and a nook under the stair notifi«»d:
On New Year's day: William
started yet so don't start praising yourself.
military work is an extrt»me drain
has l>een set aside for games. Th«-
Bring the corner« together quickly ami then reach for the
upon the American army that is
ping-pong table is now on the first Roby, HQ 96th Art. Band — an
two lo»s»e corners with the same motion, You will have to
spread over so many fronts. The
floor and ths approaching tourna over» at anti overseas cap, size 7.
•hake the blanket thoroughly at this point until you fall out.
testing time > will come when the
mant is mentioned in other columns -i ph. HQ Art. Batt., raincoat and
Then fold the blanket on the diagonal so it look.« like a
glove-, overseas cap. Paul G. Jo-
nation must decide whether both
of thia pa|wr.
diaper for a baby elephant. Fold it once more and you will
-eph. HQ. HQ Art. Hatt., raincoat
be continue»! I or whether one hiay
discover that the blanket ha« five corners This is where disci-
cap. T J. Shruier, IIQ Batt., 96 th
be abolished I for the other.
Conga Continues:
pline counts because nobody ha ever got rid of th«1 fifth o-mer
“World Wi ar No. 1 hi beginning
Pvt. Len (“La Zonga”) Greene Div . one small raincoat
ao the soldier must forget this small item.
On January 3: Sgt. Charles Har.
to look like a Roy Scout maneuver
over s’. Club 1, in anxious to have
No matter ho* you fold an army blanket it will be wrong
in comparison with World War
his Latin-American dancing classes Hara, HQ Batt , s»6th IHv, one
to somelssi). Some blankets are thinner than an excuse for a
No. 2. The countries over which
on Tuesday nights at 7 pick up raincoat, small. Pfe. C. C. Me
furlough but are auppaswd to keep you warm providing you are
we have our many /rents locate»!
where thay left off Just baton Williams. HQ Co, SCU 1911, rain­
stationed in a warm climate Some blankets are a deep red
look more and more like a Cook’s
Christmas. He expresseti the hop« coat, No. 5901». an«i overseas rap.
rolor Three are the one. the cooks use to «train eranherries for
Tour. Of course, the danger is
that all the “old” members come ! size 7*4.
the Christmas dinner. lu»«t but not least one question has never
that our forces might be spread
out next Tuesday night tor th«
been answered Why is it necessary to fold an army blanket?
too thin. This danger can be avert­
Helping in the office at present
next lesson, and alao invites the
Many privates are trying to figure »*ut the answer to this $64.00
ed. if the civilians will cooperate
new recruits who are interest«! in are Pfc« James tihane. Bob Oieh-
question — From Timber Wolf Cannoneer.
with the government, and will take
learning the rhumba, conga, earn arson. Rex Rcdhouse, Paul Wita
their place on the home front,”
ba or tango to coma over and make schek and Pvt Orville Trubvy.
332nd Depot Co.
Brother Elks Print
Home Front Appeals
Blonkcty Blank Blankets’ ’
____ »
Catholic Mass daily. 1715
Catholic confession Saturday. 1530, for chaplain service, he said, for
I chaplains today have a definite
1700, 1900. 2100
' place and a tremendous task in
Chapel No. 1!. D and 5th St. North
going with and ministering to the
0800 and 1200 »Catholic Mass
men in work, play and combat.
1000 Protestant Service
1100 Christian Science—also Wed­
nesday at 1900
1900 Lutheran Service and Movie
“Power of God”
Catholic Mass Daily, 1800
In Our Own Shop
Catholic Confession Saturday, 1900
Fighi Without Hate'
Is Advice of Chaplain
(Biggest Variety
of Frozen Bars)
utors for
Green Volley
3rd & Adams. Phone 363
A« we don’t have to resell your pol­
icy every year— as it is renewed by
mail—it is not necessary that our
rates include a yearly resale cost.
That’s why a Farmers conrnuing
form* automobile policy gives the
finest protection for less.
Dist. Mgr., Phone 844
221 W. 1st, Albany, Or.
l**«HN$URANCI fach«"««
Wilson Motors
Our Studio will be jjpen
Friday at Chapel No. 2
January 8th. 1943
Avenue D and 3rd Street South
1930 Orthodox
2000 Reformed
I evenings on Wednesday, Fri­
day and Saturday, until 9
o’clock p. m. ... We will close
at 6 p. m. other days.
Timber Wolf Division Chapel
Service Sunday, Jan. 10. 1943
(‘Confession before mass.)
Chapel No. 7, 7 and 1st St. North
0700 Episcopal Communion
0900 and 1100 General Protesant
1000 ‘Catholic Mass
1500 Bibb' Study
1930 Evening Service
Chapel No. 8, C and Sth St. North
0800 Lutheran Service
0900. 1000 and 1200 General Pro­
testant Service
1630 Protestant Vespers
Catholic Mass daily except Mon­
day. 1830.
Chapel No. 9, C and 9th St. North
0800 and 1000 ‘Catholic Mass
0900 and 1100 General Protestant
1930 Protestant Vespers
Chapel No. 10. D and 9th St. North
0700, 0900 and 1130 ’Catholic Mass
1000 Protestant Service
1800 Protestant Vespers
Send The
By Mail
6 Months For
A Buck
Send S Bill and
Address to
Box .W
CorvalMa, Oregon
“Your Buddies Mill Tell You"
455 Madison St.
Coats, 19 oz.
Slacks, 19 oz. Pink
Slacks, 19 oz. Green
• •
Shirts, 14 oz. Green
Shirts, 19 oz. Green
Available at Exchange No. 2
Tailor Shop
1st St. North and Hostess Ave