• N C«««P Adair Sentry Thursday. January 7, 1943. Comedy, Mystery as Frolic Ushers in 1943 MORRIS OPTICAL CO. Flyinq Colors' Will Play Here on Jan. 20 Versatile Presentation Among 15 Acts; Great Virgil Show Is Big i ’ ! ! 7 IE » liH JB \ 11 e xcww« « 1 The soldier with the dissipated locks has just stepped in where angel­ (well. ani wry the < th r There was “The Photo Shop,” a eve, we’d like to make it talk, say­ soldiers) feared to tread—and here removes the slipper of Julie, attractin' fnui.iire nssi tatt to The Great Virgil, during a high-light feature of the New Year's Eve frolic at Fit Id House. What is ing “i there is enough high-grade skit with pretty Elsie Lee Meyer as - * - - - - - I.. . , ,1 .. . mysterious ar.d magical about removal of a lady's slipper, you ask. Mell, go ahead. Vk. — I’ublii- talent of professional ability at this , the gal with the gams, accompan- Relations photo. post, to put on a show anywhere to ied by gramma, an old dame, Pvt. please the most uncompromising* Gene Logan, and Pvt. Sharrit as ’ r’ 1' 11 1 " 1 the photog. critics in the country.” Military Police Imitating several birds so well A show of such pretentiousness How many times have you as The Jamboree-Frolic set out to that none gave him one back, and Earracks Benter heard this statement as a reason V_______________________ be, takes time and plenty to pro­ following with “Indian Love Call,” for not saluting? duce. Had Time stopped its moving with orchestral background, was Faithful Military Police alwny Have you ever looked ibecly finger for awhile, until stage crew- whistler Cpl. Lawrence Perez, in at the soldier who gives such git iicogi ition aid our c.ver oi’■ Marooned Sergeants had more chance to familiarize the next acj. cup teda^v is doffed r'speet fully i un answer? themselves with the curtain situa­ The next phase was one of those Take Work in Albany The next time this happens in ¡to two new sergrants, John Snma- tion on the splendid new Field Rube Goldberg things. Very funny your presence, look closely at | duroff and John J. Halsay; to three House stage; had there been time though a terrific waste of fizz the' individual who said it. I new corporals, Melville J. Evatt, I Despite- torrential rains that for at least one good dress re­ water and very hard on the en­ This paper will he willing to Robert R. McKiddy and George caused serious flood conditions. hearsal; for a double-check on the actors (Calabruse, Perez, Rooney, bet a “coke” that the soldier Kohler: and to three new i i iva tes ( Capt. Julius Hale’ of the Military p.a. system; and had there, per­ Logap). concerned has hair that hangs fir-t clas . Joseph Souza, Vincent 'Police reported that MP details haps, been some story fabric woven Subbing on the next spot for the over his ears, complains eternal­ Brernan and Edgar Jurien. into the 15 stellar acts that were Three Lewis sisters, prevented by­ performed their duties as usual in ly about everything, and occa­ ’ | nearby cities over the New Year ’ s presented—hut let that be. illness from appearing, Cpl. San- 1 sionally spits in the lavatory. The show was good anyhow. Be­ sonia the versatile, did a piano­ I week-end. The pretty Christmas trios ut —Selectee, in Timberwolf Can­ I M Sgt. Gillis Narramore and cause of the following it can stand voice take-off on Ted Lewis and ' tih MP dinner and in the .Prove t noneer. S, Sgts. Joseph Oenning and E. R. firmly on its own GI shoes, as Jimmy Durante. Marshal's office, and the decora­ oeiHivr were marooned Bender marooriea in /iiuuny Albany probably the best and biggest tions throughout the MP buildings, _____________________ __ and took charge of details there, were obtained and decorated «• d staged at this post: ing to do with a guard, S Sgt. liar-1 giving aid and information to sol­ The Great Virgil erected'under the direction if M old R. Mowery; a chaplain, Pvt. | diers and civilians, and assisting Sgt. Gilli- Narramore. Evi pt f r It was easy to see, after the full ■ Rooney, and prisoners, Dahl. Perez. I | Police Chief Perry Stellmacher. typographical ommirsion this row.; hour of mystery and magic and fast I Logan, Hinckel. | The Albany reception center re- would have been printed last week. ' patter which was presented by The] Then _ Sgt. Angelo Calabresse | mained open. The Red Cross direct- Sgt. Narramore personally wintl Great Virgil. why this splendid steppeij up fO a bit of fast pro i ed relief work. Coffee and sand- into the forest primeval ta cut magician is acclaimed as having anj eon wjjh Sharrit. Angelo also i wiches Were plentiful everywhere the trees. They were admired by one of the best acts in the country. sang “Thanks for the Memory” I for soldiers and others. This was It was a show in itself. hl!, and accelerated the ipirit <■ trying t condensing” than the ration board on. The curtain is up. There is a cific railway trains. .-■ ’mg, ment and moved eggs around Willy Nilly man, struggling. No it isn’t Strug­ ini> g service to finally land on the head of one gling. It’s Zacharian. 'Tain’t either, Zilch's Zoology And soldier, Pvt. Willie Niljie. The it's Prof. Atlas, still striving to maestro’s lovely blond Assistant, get out of the strait-packet. Cur­ History Seem Unique Back from furlough-: Ale- Ma- Julie, made an ingenious explora­ tain. Ivica. New Yolk; Tom Chism Dear Sergeant: XVell, here tion into the arts, painting with) j ___ _ ...... ......... .... This picture of Sgt. Paul S. Mc ­ Did you ever hear When Irish fabric». The magician wound up ; Eyes a(^ SmilinK Hnn(r jn Chinese ? your reporter, Pvt. Zilch again, Cormick, Hq. Co„ was good enough Kearney. Neb., and Gu. Nicholas to appear on page one of his home with two spectacular exhtbUions— n>s sunipin’ Pvter Wong, cook-ex- with a good human interest story town paper (I.aken, Kans’s) so Oakland, Calif. about the trophies that are in the the "Man on the Guillotine” and the tl aordinary( came on lu.xti to {)o why shouldn't we print it? The h.t.p. said .McCormick was on fur­ supremely mystifying box trick. In Rf.veral numbers, including “Let Me Officers' Club. It has been written that they lough. We announce that he is back this stunt. The Great Virgil placed Ca|, you Sweetheart.” Personality a woman in a locked, lashed box and a good voice put 'em over, big. have there such things as deer from furlough. i hoi ns. a golden eagle, a white Ca­ and in an amazing three seconds, Intermixed were a couple of by the stop-watch, not only got quickie skits. In one, Schickelgrub- nadian owl, a simple barn owl. a might not he of much military in­ terest in an army paper, but th<* her out. but got himself in. Not er popped out of one of those Crane Chinese pheasant and a stuffed firemen also told me the animal duck. Al! ale dead. the least 'htupefied were 12 husky fixtures. In another, a guy picked What I found in a talk with As­ was shot with ¿1 Gerund rifl soldier’s from "Blank” division, up his bed and walked. I will keep after the news and sistant Fire Chief Kay Kielblock. S«-t. Ogd"’i Bentley i ns sore who had volunteered to help out Gene Logan, a splendid yodeler, report further happenings to yea with several firemen helping out. a triiTt'l m to -i. Gosh! out. Goah! Heck, there they they. has Sgt Robert Sullivan, grand- urUtn. Flash ,in< Y__ down th< the c curtain- Flask back back j son of John L. Sullivan th* fighter, I Unusual Weather No Handicap to M.P.'s I A- . for a rifle instructor. TODAY Ì BED .MANNERS For two weeks a certain re­ cruit at Camp Crowder had the most perfect bed in his com­ pany. No OCS candidate could 1 touch it. Day after day the commanding officer and first (1) If you didn’t go you missed ( sergeant gazed on it with awe and admiration. Finally they de­ a good show. The GI (strictly) part cided to take it apart to learn of the performance-«-apart from the grand hour of magic and illu- [ the rookie's system. The bed wouldn’t budge. It sion presented to open the show by ! was held together by two dozen The Great Virgil—drew a count 37 “belly-laughs” as they are termed i safety pins. in what was once the show world. If you who didn’t go to Field House I Appearance of Cpl. Nick Sanso- got that many out of this New v' nia. the ever-popular tenor, who Year’s eve, where in Newark did I this time brings forth two of his you go? 1 own numbers. One is the catchy (2) The show world is now pretty “Tom BoY Girl; Nicl\accompanies well represented at Camp Adair. | with his accordian. Always good, If we hadn't placed our money- sometimes better, tonight Nick is on The Great Atlas New Year’s ’ on the beam. For those who saw the New Yegr at Field House and the quite a few who didn’t, the big frobe-jamboree left this one-time peripatetic re- viewer with some distinct impres­ sions and no hang-over at 0630 New Year’s day; Sunday evenings h nonio tnient- if not c<'n- v»'Di»‘i t other. Il will ”< xt H” m;t i -III c n e ll that th I’SO-Camp Show« tirii ■; to Cam.» Adair. As a complete innovation firm the trio of stag’ : how« here, last òf which was lust nights racy riot, "Ar ciic and Old I ave." p'esenti li to a highl'--recept v • soldier *• .: i once in Thiatre No. 5. “Flvir Colors” will be sin \Ai on Jar P.'vs. there’« gal - in it ! i gals, singing gal in fact a ga'ai of b'g-time pe f'im;rs. There re th Winter« «’. r much hotter <4, sleeveless) Shoe Brushes, Shoe Paste □ Military Jewelry Leather Wallets □ Tooth Brushes Field C ods □ Stationery Garrison Cap Rain Covers (Kit*, folder or box.) Copper Button Boords ( • ó ■t “Your Dollar's Worth Always” TWO STORES FOR YOl R CONVENIENCE mercial 206 W. Second St, SALEM ALBANY