09FGON STA H? LF00 • 9Y X ------- «Uv New Master Calender Reveals 600 Games of Basketball; Features All Branchescf Sport * ■ Camp Adair. Oregon. Thursday, January 7. 1943. Oh The Pitiful Flood Victims! FROM GEN. COOK No man can suffer too much nor fall too soon, if he suffers or if he fall in the defense of the liberties and constitution of his country."—Daniel Webster ound Camp Adair, Oregon Mounting Guard in Vol. 1, No. 38. Post Athletic Program Huge Sentry Camp I weekly Journal devoted to maintaining morale, with the responsibility of circulating post informa­ tion and news at Camp Adair, Oregon. JAN 7 - rj.ja $1.50 a Year by Mail 1 Sgt's Heroism Lauded by All Major General G. R. Cook, Commanding General of the Timber Wolf Division, has sent the following message to Col. Gordon H. McCoy, Camp Com­ mander: "On behalf of the officers and enlisted men of this division, I extend New Year’s greetings to you and to the officers and men of your command. “We appreciate your earnest and constant efforts to serve and supply us, know the diffi­ culties and obstacles which con­ front you.” Sgt. Clinton Franklin Risks Life to Rescue Drowning Man in Flood of Willamette — War Dept. Film Makes Hit With Men of Adair Series Is Intended to Clarify Soldiers' Ideas Concerning War Camp approval seems to be unanimous in the case of ‘‘Prelude to War,” the first of seven informative films that are being shown the nation’s armed forces to increase knowl­ edge of the reasons why this country is at war, as well as the objectives of the war. The picture impressed everybody as being faithful to the facts and inspiring in its effect, and quite without hokum and false emphasis or distortion for the sake of propaganda, using that word in the bad sense. Attendance at showings of these films is compulsory and there are roll-calls at the theatre. That shows that the War Department considers these pictures impqrtant. BY PFC WALLACE X. RAWLES Intensive study of “things to Heroism of Sergeant Clinton L. come” at this Post, athletically Franklin, 25, red-headed fun-loving speaking — and primarily at Field and freckle-faced soldier of the House — resulted yesterday in this Military Police, SCU 1911, who imposing announcement of the pro­ risked his life to save Marvin H. gram to and including the month He Passes Inspection Smith, 35. Albany, Qre., farmer of April, as revealed on a master Despite a Turtle He from drowning in the flooded Wil­ calendar arranged by Capt. Frank lamette river before dawn New C. Wimer, athletic officer and Lt. Keeps Under His Bed Year’s day, remained the talk of Byron C. Wright, assistant camp Spl. John Bach is a perfectionist, Camp Adair taday. service officer: More than 600 basketball games and that makes it easier for Capt. Julius Hale and M Stft will be played, climaxing with the Johnnie the turtle to pass inspec­ Gillis Narramore of the MP were _______________________________ ♦ Although the content of the first Camp Adair championship tourna­ tion. Strictly speaking, Johnnie pleased highly ax they listened to NO DOL'BT A “C” CARD, TOO picture is already known to most ment, March 23-26 and continuing doesn't belong under John’s cot, of the men in camp, the film’s reports of Franklin's bravery. Capt. but he’s been there ever since he Two soldiers of Camp Shelby, story should be given here, in brief, afterward. Hale said: "We have heard many Miss., rode hack to their post if only for the record. Historically, The Camp Adai<- championship arrived, last September, in a paper glowing reports of how this man in style after cleaning up at a boxing tournament will take up the bov, by mail. dived into a raging torrent in an it takes on back to the Japanese His home is a round tin box, con­ nights of March 30, 31 and April effort to save three people from crap game. They took a cab. invasion of Manchuria, in 1931. It Questioned about the fare, the mentions the grandiose ambitions 1, 2, 3. In the meantime, as boom- taining water and a couple of rocks drowning, and did succeed in sav­ driver said it would be $6. up to this huge jamboree of fisti­ on which to sit and think. He is ing one life." of Japan, as set forth in the Tanaka “That's too much,” yelled the cuffs, there will be "Boxing Nights” the gift of four “adding machine” Memorial, and tells something of Sgt. Narramore said: “Every re- G.I.'s, and set to haggling about the way in which "incidents” were at Field House on Jan. 13, Feb. 10 girls, the Misses Mary McNeill, . port reaching our office indicates Mary Lou McSweeney, Jacqueline and March 10. the charge, until the driver im­ manufactured to give an excuse for See the flood victims. Tragic, isn't it? Notice f.e despair is their faces. Floods blocked the that Sgt. Franklin risked his life roads home, so these girls had to be put up in double-deckers in a can’» service club and hostess Every Monday evening will be i Matthew and Auth Aagenas, all patiently said, "Why the hell the next move. above and beyond his call of duty house. They include wives, sweethearts and others employed at cam». Here you see Mrs. Alexander filled, starting with the big Camp former co-workers with John at the don't you buy yourself a car?” Without condemning the German Sirken, Mrs. Lee Cleveland. Mrs. Bernice Berliant. Miss June Speer, Miss Lillian liustrulid. Mrs. Lee ' as a soldier of the United States Adair radio broadcast, Jan. 18, re­ Mutual Life Insurance Co. office The soldiers shelled out $450 people, the picture does say, ' Army. I’m not surprised. He's al­ Brady, Miss LaReva Ishim. — Signal Corps photo. in New York. leased over the Columbia outlet sta­ for the taxi and charged the through captions, that the Germans ways been a soldier’s soldier, and The girls had “Johnnie” painted tion, KOIN, of Pogland. These pro­ driver $6 to take him back to have been singularly ready to fol­ then some!" DONALD DUCK AND grams are scheduled to continue in black letters on the turtle’s red Over a floodeed highway, the town.” low bad leadership and have an in­ back and they send the turtle food, FUEHRER'S FACE each week. former and his wife and their seven- stinct for blind obedience. Yet and John feeds Johnnie every other That Disney special Donald Jan. 20 has been reserved for month.s so, Howard, were returning among all the bitter, sinister and Duck cartoon, "Der Fuehrer’s presentation at Field House of the day. What a turtle gets out of life, , home from a New Year’s eve party fanatical faces in the film there Face,” is booked to play at camp USO-Camp Shows revue, "Flying anywhere, is a subject which al- j in North Albany. Their car skidded Is shown the gentle, sensitive faco ways has fascinated philosophers, ! Colors.” theatres on these dates: 'Camp Adair on Air' from the Gibson Hill road at Pea­ of one old-line German, looking on, Sundays and Saturdays of course but Johnnie’s case is extreme. I Outlines Div. Aims Nos. 1 and 2—January 13-14. cock corner, near Albany on the Al­ with shock and grief in his eyes, To Be Weekly Feature There he is, night and day, under the Field House schedule is left bany-Corvallis highway. Seized by Nos. 3 and 4—January 5-16. ax the Nazi terror progresses, until In Talk Over KOAC open, but judging from the huge the bed in a barrack. Has no social the rashing waters, the car was No. 5—January 17 and 18. . his face fades from view, and hor­ Monday, January 18, has been lift, no sex life, knows nothing, array of events; the possibility of This Wish Expressed in ror succeeds horror. This technicolor subject in­ definitely settled upon as the start­ tossed like an egg-shell into the schedule changes to cope with any goes nowhere. Yet John thinks Major General Gilbert R. Cook cludes the song, “Der Fuehrer's center of the channel. ing date for the post broadcast Picture Has Emotional Impact forthcoming and big extra-curricu­ Johnnie wants to go living. I introduced a new Timber Wolf Di- Face," written at the request of Franklin, Corporal Melville Evatt, * New Year's Greeting “ Camp Adair on the Air.” The air Of course the picture appeals to lar activities, Saturday nights will Cpl. Bach is the first man up in j vision orientation course on Tues- Walt Disney for the cartoon. It -cjkow will be given from the Field 43, Bellingham, Wash., and Pri­ the emotions. It should. And it always find some kind of event in barrack, being shaved by first call, ; day night with an address over »ta­ vate Michael Bozza, 24, Newark, New Year greetings have been subtly conveys the truth that the is listed on the Hit Parade. House from 8:30 to 9:30 p. m. progress. and he not only keeps a dazzling i' tion KOAC, Corvallis, in which he Fidlowing two weeks of confer­ N. J., were enroute from Camp Ad­ issued by Major General Kenyon highest war motive of the Ameri- Basketball, now running a 105 shine on his shoes and makes the I outlined the division’s problem as ' ring and working out the thousand air to Albany to as«i«t in foold relief A. Joyce, commanding general of I can people is emotional, in that it windows gleam, but even scrubs temperature, which la »till rising, one of training to fight and defeat I Little Things Like and one details, Henry Swartwood, work. They stopped at Peacock cor­ the Ninth Service Command, and ’ involves indignation, hot indigna­ accounts of course for a huge bulk all of the woodwork near his cot. enemies. program director of KOIN, Port­ ner to assist the unidentified driver This Makes us Feel of activity. Divisional play of 225- Does everything pust right, so that by ( Col. Gordon H. McCoy, Camp tion, over the ruthless killing and of a "stalled ” car. Franklin glanced He quoted General McNair’s talk [ land, declared that all indications ' plundering of the innocent, and a game Timber Wolf league schedule poor, little Johnnie won’t get tossed to the effect that the enemies are Sorry for Civilians pointed to the show being one of up to see Smith's car, a 1936 four- Commander here. They arc as : righteous determination to crush has rounded the half-way mark, out, for Johnnie is the only mascot “formidable,” that it is “silly and : door sedan, bouncing up and down follows ! Ever lieen rich enough to order the outstanding productions of the the power responsible for the with 15 teams in action. This week permitted to live in a barrack. like a cork, in the river. Stripping dangerous” to consider the war a j Pacific coast. General Joyce -Greetings to you wrong. “Salad d'Alligator Pear"? the 96th Division launches league , "pushover,” and healthier to train The Timber Wolf and 96th divi- off his upper clothing the lanky THE WINNERS Before the "duration” swank So there are shots of little chil­ play, with 20 teams divided into two 1 [ hard and so avoid proportionately restaurants served this luxury i sion8 wil1 "Pofwor the show on ai- Franklin dived headlong into the and yours from the Ninth Service dren, lying mangled in the streets, leagues. Likewise Po»t Comple­ The week’s awards for the mess I high losses. torrent. When he reached the car, Command. May our efforts be dish with a check for 75 cents or ternate Mondays with production Mrs. Smith and baby were gone, and shots of women’s faces, in ment and IXth corp» troops have hall of the Timber Wolf Dicision crowned with complete success in “We are going to fight with con- more. But don't feel too badly jf | and dirwtion for allJiroadcMts ar- agony over their dead, and shots started a round-robin tourney, in ¡artillery went to S/Sgt. Clay R. swept away by the river’s force. I Morris, Btry. C, Bonehead Bn. I fidence because we will know ‘how you didn’t have an opportunity to ranged by the Post Special Service Smith was half-conscious. Frank­ 1943. which 13 teams are competing. of the starving and the enslaved. | to fight’,” General Cook said “The j office. 8 Set Robert I,. Black will Col. McCoy—I take this oppor­ Clearly it is brought out that on Which all adds up to one safe I Award for best supply room went order this dish before you reached lin succeeded in opening a door ‘how to fight’ is based upon superior | be the producer and S Sgt. E. A. tunity to extend to every member the higher level of intelligence in speculation: if you wander over to to S/Sgt. Wayne A. LeoService reception center. leadership of smaller included teams Brown will be in charge of continu- and removing Smith to a tree 200 of the command and to every civil, the Field House any week night of Btry., Redleg Bn. Award for best The army, has decided to serve this country Americans are fight­ feet downstream. They were taken within the Timber Wolf Division; i ity and script. ian employee the friendliest wishes ing not because they were attacked, any week, there will be something barracks in Bee Bn went to Bar­ this civilian delicacy to all its men from the precarious perch 30 min ­ of which there are many, varying in According to present plans, each utes later in a boat by Charles Pea- for a Happy and Prosperous New not because of Pearl Harbor, but to see; and present indications are rack 1102, and Service Btry. had (at n<> cost to them) for the next strength from the Squad to the show will embrace some variation (Continued on page 4, column that activity will not diminish aft­ the best mess hall in Bee Bn. few months. 6.) Year, and to congratulate each on because they want to live in a Combat team. of th. “Quiz.'' program with prizes er the present master calendar is a conscientious performance of his decent world. pick going to the winning soldier's Day And don't worry when you “We have superior officers, Our FROM PUBLIC TO PRIVATE completed in late April. duty during the past year. It is my Indirectly the picture rebukes up the mess hall menu if you Camp Adair Soldiers heartfelt wish that we may con­ all who felt that what happened to Bob Fenton, of Seattle, the non-commissioned officers are lim- don't find Salad d’Alligator Pear room. Station KOIN will present Pvt. Tibor Keszthelyi, Hq. Btry., sprightly chap who assisted The ited in number, but not in qualifi­ listed. In the army this tropical I outside acts on each program — Agree B.P.O.E. Means tinue to cooperate and function other people was of no concern to in the battalion commanded by Ma. Great Virgil in his big prexenta- cation. They know ‘how to kill and salad goes by the simple name of 1 i girls and more girl«, we hope. with the efficiency we have shown Americans. For example, there is Best People on Earth jor Stangle, used to be a gunner in tion during the New Year's Eve how not to be killed.’ The NCO’s avocado salad. in the past, and that our concerted a picture of the bombing of a mud WELL. IS SHE? the field artillery of the Royal Frolic at Field House — who was we now need to fill us up to full efforts trhoughout the New Year hut In Ethiopia, with the comment* Elks Ixidgc No. 359 of Albany This now California fruit, Is your wife an Alpha Chi Onie- Army of Hungary. Sgt. Ed Bolz, in fact a year with The Great strength will be selected from proved their interest in the soldiers will be marked by harmony and —never true - that it was of no who has been meaz sergeant, trades Virgil's company and was also with among you. This means that about grown, earned its place in field ga ? The Corvallis Alumni club of stationed at Camp Adair last week. bring a realization of our fondest importance to the United States. the frying pan for the howitzer, Major Bowes — will soon leave 20 per cent of you soon will be ration because of its all around that sorority is anxious to have Learning that an additional $150 common hope -VICTORY. (Continued on page 4, column 5) becoming a chief of section, and public for Private life. (As Pvt. NCO’s provided you know how to food value. The avocado is an alka­ all out of town members attend was needed to purchase curtains line food with the energy value of regular meetings on the third Tues- teach and lead others in battle.” Sgt. Detter Reed takes his place. Fenton, U.S.A.) and wings for the full stage being (General Cook's address was not meat and is 93.8 per cent digest­ day of each month. The chapter constructed for the shows at the ’ house is located at 33 North 26th available for publication until so ible. F Soldiers who eat the salad should street, and the telephone is Cor- Field House the "Hello late that only a few paragraphs No. 359 came forward can be published now. More of it grow taller because the fruit con­ vullis 16)0. necessary funds. will appear in the camp paper next tains 14 important growth stim­ The Albany Elks Will present a ( haplain Mussell, Timber Wolf ulating minerals. week.) This camp has the unique dis­ A year later he was a corporal and Avocados are also the original artillery, ha1 opened a contest for professional show and entertain- the naming of his tiny Australian ment each month at their Temple tinction of possessing a Post Ser­ in 1940 a sergeant, and then for one-a-day vitamin tablets. They for the pleasure of members who It appears that Service Club 2 is monies. Augmenting this group How About Some Cigars contain five essential vitamins: shepherd dog. geant Major who stood at present­ a while ho was at the district re­ going Western. are in the service stationed at cruiting office in Los Angelea. were Pvt. Andy Dahl, guitarist, On The House, Maestro? I A. Bl, C, E, and G. Wouldn't square dances, barn and Cpl. Gene Logan, yodeler and Camp Adair. Program was to get arms while the Japanese Ambassa­ I-ater he went back to San Fran­ cisco, then was transferred to dances and hoe-downs, together guitarist, and another "cowboy," under way in December but when dor passed by, Soldiers who make a habit of Capt. Bragan Leaves If thst smiling Jap passed by to­ Camp Roberts, and soon came here. G. C. Waller, chairman of that with hill-billy bands bring YOU to Cpl. Nick Sansonia, aecordianist going to Service Club dances will During the World's Fair at San committee, and Exalted Ruler Ray­ day it would not happen, for M Sgt that conclusion? be glad to learn that Brad Collins For Sunny (?) Cal. and man-about-Club-2. mond Barrett learned of the immc. Timothy J. Crowley could think of Francisco he was in barracks right The first vestige of this new Good old-fashioned hoe - down who does such a bang-up job at (¡apt. Clinton W. Bragan, Assist­ diate need of funds for materials, something better to do with a rifle there on Treasure Island, with the trend made its appearance Sunday numbers were offered to the the piano has been promoted to the money for the first show was than that. But at the time it hap­ infantry, which turned out for all night at the club whan Use "Ozark amusement and enjoyment of the T/5. Collins is plenty happy about ant Finance Officer at Camp Adair, diverted for that purpose. Date for pened that military gesture was manner of parades and formal func­ Cowboys” appeared out of the pro­ soldiers and guests visiting the the whole affair and undoubtedly I has been transferred to the Serv­ the first live show in Albany for all part of the trusting welcome tions, in addition to the daily verbial thin air and put on a show I Chib. Many joined in and sang, and his playing will be more hep than ice Command Unit at the Presidio, San Francisco. He left this camp the service men has not been net given to the little Jap who not mal guardmount. of more than an hour's duration. the handmembers expressed the ever. on December 26. When the President came but the Ixxlge is anxious for all long after wai unctuously pretend­ There was hill-billy music in that hope that they could get a “good Brad is remembered as one of The captain wax commanding members to make the Temple their ing to be working for peace, while Sgt. Crowley was among the old-fashioned style ■.. the twang hill-billy singer" to take the vocals. the first two soldiers to enlist at officer of the finance section here headquarters while in Albany and his countrymen wore winging their drawn up on Golden (.ate Bridge of the guitars and the rollicking Although they made their debut Camp Adair. A Portland resident from July to October and also in especially to attend lodge sessions way to drop bomba on Pearl Har­ while he crossed it and it was the tunes of the fiddle ... together with last Sunday night, it is expected for a number of years he is well December. Formerly he wax assist­ same when the Japanese Ambassa­ which are held every Thursday bor. cowboy singing and jrodeiing they will return from time to time known there as a theater organist Sgt. Crowley, born in County dor arrived from Japan, with much ant finance officer at Camp £ooke, night. Pvt. Bruce Sharritt. responsible for additional impromptu entertain­ and piano teacher. At present Col­ Cork, Ireland, in 1906. and na­ advance publicity to the effect that Calif. He is 37 years Id. for rounding up the band, discov­ ment. lins works in the Intelligence sec­ Since the arrival of the first turalized as an American citizen, he would further good relation*. Capt. Bragan went through rngh ered the members over a bottle of Getting to the subject of bam tion of the SCU. soldiers in thia community the Al­ in 1914, the year when World War In those days the geaeral public school a’. Hartford, C< nn., and tb*r I 3.2 at the PX and invited them dances, these are being planned bany Elks have been particularly No. 1 began, is a striking example saw Sgt. Crowley every day, but hmgton University, to make a “publie appearance" at as mid-week, come as you are active in entertainment and wel­ of the way in which the character not many knew his identity. Nowa­ HAVE YOU SEEN THEM? I zoology, in a the Club. affairs, the first of which will be fare work for the soldiers. Chair­ of a soldier’s duties may change days few men in thia camp nee him, In civilian life, Mr*. Merwin H:I1, the latest The members, meet of whom hail staged in the very near future In man Waller, on many occasions, in the course of a couple of years. for he isn't a display piece any was a newspapei addition to the offiee staff of from Missouri I «hence ewmeth the line with this, there is a talent­ has donated his sound equipment After holding down some busi- more, but a great many know who ¡•r and an Major Ralph Riordan, reports pt. Douglas McKay, popular and services for activities at the ney jobs, including one with the he is. From a parade soldier he label "Ozark Cow beys "> include scout search for a good "square a the kn»x of $60 in travelers' Marion county stale senator Post. Their announced plans for Southern Pacific Railroad, Crow­ has become a paper work soldier, Pfe. Bud Davie, on guitar; Pvt. dance caller." So if you can. drop checks somewhere on the post. and peacetime automobile deal­ Glen Greenwood, also on guitar; in Club 2 and talk it over with monthly entertainments and the re- ley enlisted, at San Francisco, in familiar with all of the compli­ If the finder will contact .Mr« er. has been assigned to the cen. substantial «¿-nation by the 1936. Two years later he was a cated routine of a military office. Pfe. Clyde Samptaa. aanouncer; Miss Rogers, or Mr*. Merriam transportation section of the Hill by phoning 2949. she will Use violin and See what we mean by Club 2 But who knows where he will wind CpI Louis Nobles ordnance corps al < amp Adair, fraternity is genuinely appreciated private, first class, with a crack smile apain S/Sgt. Ilsrold Mowery on the har "going Wulrm' * infantry outfit at San Frnnrixeo up, lwfor»- the war is overt by the men of (hi po> I I I Gen. Cook Introduces Orientation Courses 3ig Time Radio Show 5oes on Air Jan. 18 Commanders Hope For Victory in 1943 Sergeant Major Crowley Helped Greet Japanese Ambassador, But Not Recently Ozark Cowboys,' Plus Square Dances, To Give Club 2 Real Western Charm At