Camp Adair Sentí* Thursday, December 31,1942. 1 To All Personnel at CAMP ADAIR • The good old American greeting in the good old Yankee way: Good health . . good cheer . . . good luck and happineas through­ out the coming Yeur. • Our forecast for 1943 shows a definite indica­ tion of awaiting joy for you and your loved ones. BROWN'S Salem’« Leading Credit Jewelers • The sands of time are spelling out 1943 . . . and with it our wishes for hap­ piness, health and success for our friends al home and afar! A Victorious New Year! — and Thanks for your 1942 business! Gazette-Times Our very best for a Happy New Year. • A Very Happy New Year from us to you, and may the coming days make all your dreams come true. May you know cheer and laughter and enjoy peace and Victory that will come after. Sf‘ '*'• 4U Wagner's Restaurant Corvallis "Your Buddies Will Tell You" HOWELLS STUDIO 455 Madison Corvallis I’ublishers-I’rinters CORVALLIS • To your loved ones and you a yeur chock-full of good things; with health arid joy leading the parade . . . for the very beat of Happy New Yearn! RUSSELL'S Flower Shop From Your Salem Store • YOU u McGfaouj Mwl/to/i • May all your ships come safely in and all your fondest dreams be realized as the days unfold, Here’s wishing you the happiest New Year vou have ever had! • A tile Is'll« ring in the glad New Yeur, may they bring you joy and happi- n<", -uccesa and cheer. And may each «lay be bright, with peace anil the glow of Victory's light. BISHOP'S Matt Mathes, Flowers Salem "«•«•t Monroe < or» alii« • A merry day as you go your wav and a glad year to come after filled with love and homey joys and punctuated with laughter. So Happy New Year ... to you and all you hold dear. To Next to Hotel Benton Men's Store Accept sincere wishes for your happi- ness in the coming New Year . . . and may all your troubles soon dis­ appear! Here’s wishing you a very merry — Happy New Year. • The chimes of the New\ Year are also ushering in our heartfelt wishes for your and yours, at home and abroad. Good luck, much happiness and vig­ orous health! VICTORIOUS NEW VEAR^ Salem's Distinguished Eating Place The Golden Pheasant BISHOP ARMY & NAVY STORES Photographers Salem and Albany PHONE 213 Between Court and Chemeketa on Liberty Salem and Eugene • Full speed ahead ... to a Victorious 1943. A Hap­ py New Year to you and yours, in the hope that each of the ensuing 365 days holds glorious triumph for our just cause. mt We are deeply grateful for our opportunity to serve you during 1942. many joys, health and gtasl ltlvk for your fami­ ly. Happy twn especially appreciative of the courtesy New Year . . . January 1st and . rrtleinanhness of soldier* who have shopped in -tore during the Christmas «hupping • May this year mark the milestone of the end of war and strife and may you enjoy with the rest of the world a Vic­ torious New Year that rings in peaceful times. season. every day thereafter. Wm. KONICK JEWELER Corvallis • A Happy year to you our friend and may peace and Victory be ours before this new year ends! This is our wish sincere and true . . . . and dedicated to you and you . . The Ball Studio OeoFgaiMú PX No. 1 Corvallis Main Bus Terminal CAMP ADAIR SENTRY ■oaths by mail for a Dollar bill