Circus Star All Set To Perform at Adair Sen. Bradley Prcdids War front Christmas Flew fer Finland ln Holiday Greeting To Division He Leads Acrobatic Maus Is Now Private But Still Eager to Be Showman In the form of a General Order, adhering to military form. Mayor General Bradley last week ad­ dressed the officers, warrant offi- •ers and enlisted men of the 95th Division as follows: "1 take this means to convey :he Season's greetings to every member of the 9dtli Division. Keep­ ing in mind the meaning of our American Christmas, while we are far from our homes pieparing for 'he I attics that await us. let us rededicate ourselves to the service >f our country. "Tlie spirit in which you have met the obsetcles thus far en­ countered is in your training augurs tii II fm your future conduct against greater obstacles. I anticipate we will celebrate our second Christ­ mas together, as u combat division, in some remote battle area. "Let us establish and maintain a reputation for the 9titIt Division of which we mid our countrymen may be most proud. Our fuith in our own capacities is reinforced by the faith and devotion of our loved ones at home.” ‘Lnder the Big Top,” care of “The Bill Board,” has been the address for a good part of the life of 25-year-old Bernard Maus. Now his address is more permanent since he answered Uncle Sam’s call to the army. It is Pvt. Bernard Maus, Com­ pany M, Col. Arthur J. Touart’s infantry regiment, Timber Wolf division. Maus is an entertainer by profession and has travelled widely with circuses and to put on his act in theaters and night clubs. For several years, he and his uncle, Arthur Maus, appearing under the pseudonym of “The Mann Bros.” have featured two acts: “The Two Golfers on the Rolling Globes” and “Two Sailors on the Bounding Rope.” Bernard's ambition at present is to have an opportunity to try out for perform­ ances given by Camp Adair soldiers. He has sent home for his Indian clubs and other equipment and is rounding into shape again before admiring groups of his buddies in Company M. The soldiet was born in the en­ tertainment game, his parents having been acrobats and they travelled with circuses in the <>ld country for years. Mau« says that . far back as he eaqSjTemeinber, ic was billed on the px^grams and appeared in minor^^ofe. As a youngster, he I'Ccafiwt adejit at juggling and tight/rojr -walking. Later he learned ty rgjl the paper , niaehe ball up an incKe'-'and then ijown. In hiter ydBf^te.and his Wwle featurt-d this camUbuctioti act. Bernard has the reputation of i^lng a ball smaller other performer in the world in the ball ' aet on the teeter-toMf r^He ie juggles his Indian clubs wl «•forming tHs feat, thus combfiling three ( i tricks in one. Bernard also became aiwxpert at tap dabtifl^), ¡tumbling aw working with a lanal rope. Art of (lolling The BaH Accustomed to routine, ’ “letting on the beam" or more ex- I picitly “on tbe baftf'fjis a trite s^ing with the Mann Bros. Ber- n-rd explains that rolhnjf the ball u and down inclinqs. ti^kes very prticular balancing. Som^ months up, Bernard’s uncle 'sfFpped and S / Page Three Thur»d«ÿ\ December 31,1942. J‘anip Adair Sentry LAUNDRY HELP NEEDED The Camp Adair Post Laun­ dry has issued an urgent call for civilian help. If interested, apply direct to the Civil Serv­ ice headquarters, Camp Adair, or to your U.S. Employment Service. Opportunities are ex­ cellent to "learn while you earn” since instructions will be given in the various laundry operations, such as the mangle, various presses, flat work iron­ ing. ■washerman, tumblerman. extractorman, checker, distrib­ utor, and marker. Pleasant in­ side working conditions in an up-to-the-minute establishment. Tyko l.aaksonen. no» a private in the artillery of the Timber Wolf Division, was a lieutenant and reconnaissance flier in his native Finland, during the war with Russia. Later he came to this country with the idea that he could be of service in the American army. He divided to cnliM first and learn English later. He still knows little English, but the division has l.t. Leo C. Ilardell, of Finnish ancestry, who acts as interpreter when needed. Before joining up and being sent here. l.aaksonen was a stock clerk in a Brooklyn store, lie still hopes to get into war flying. Signal Corps photo. Statesman cut. A Sporting New Year! Enlisted Men Thank Athletics Boom Here B Tneir Holiday Hosts Many Repeaters Are Good Will Evidence Many Sports Blossom at Post And 1943 Prospectus Is Good 332nd Depot Co. Activities 1 ! I . i • | I hook. Sgt. Brock went to the In- fiiniary to have the wo e <1 e’ean cd and b»nd’ gce- cau-e he’s such a willing and hard worker. No one cullld hnve |v-— »e-o-e rleasisl with, a preai nt than Pvt. Robert Fa ssett. His brothei and I mother ent him a ic,-i>rd which l they had record'd, lie liiti-i-'d to his mother’s v-ice i-viral times with a gleam of iiitisfnrtion Corporal Edgar Be-kei- i out­ general lia- ily mun. Out- radio was on the blink: so he chin ki ll the wir. I irg. went to Salem for a lulu-, and put our llllleic box m tip top shape. Pfe. Edwurd Patterson’s «i-ti-rs, Connie and Ruby came to vi it him over the Chri: tine holidays. They live in Seattle. Wn-hington. It ■ didn’t take Sgt. Art*Dieh-mtin long, to get acquainted with them. Five* minutes after lie met the girls. Sgt. i Dh-leman was taking a picture , with them. BAPTIST CHURCHES Worship With Us Rest and Relax 1 ) I MOKI \l. I NION D W< : S L et ’ s A ll Here's to Victory in z43 The Buster Brown Shoe Store Wishes You A Very Happy New Year And Thanks . You For Your Patronage During The Past Year Pfe. Roger IltiL-liu» received I ome p h o n o g r a p h records for ' Christmas which arc the envy of nlmo-t every man in our company. His sister sent him the Vai <• lit Pvt. Harry hlissner Tri te. Danse Macabre, mid the Messiah. j Members of the ,332nd Quarter­ master Depot Co. really made mer- T W. .<)l ITCF.RS' ( LIT« PARTY Tile handsome Officers’ t'luli of ry on December 23. The Me s Hall was decorated by nine K.P.’s un- f particular faiths; still their “hot stove" divisional league, ri»’ > on when the rent of our < ur from tbe 3.35th. Quartermaster De J rirular program is taken rare of around Chicago.—By • Yfc-Bwilliani others for men of various frater­ with 15 train« in action. pot Co. nal attachments. we’ve proved ourselves pretty N. Batdorf. ' Timber Wolves Hove Pvt. Chester Moseley has treen a sporting, what! This is but one way tn which it is busy man for the past week. Hi- Wolf division («■am The Timber SHORT A RAINCOAT? becoming more and more evident *5 « made a more than ereriitwhlr- ha>l to fire the furnace« for both A raincoat with the mark B-13G0 that the residents of the Willam­ of our barracks and the orderly showing in roving competition, l.t. was left at Louis’ bowUr.g alley, ette- valley are taking Camp Adair -oom. Pvt lx- li-r Cbm- wa« in the Bob Duffey's cage»t«-i- , stars in Albany, it is reported ml «*rt. Bill am! the Camp Adair family to their hospital, aurri<--i on 1 'ere m In volleyball, the 96th divi iofi men got only five.minute fur spirit that has been so desired by ’«-r 12 in Alliany. Ili brulé V» the commanders of this post. It is took a big and early bite into the I Ipugbs. Life isn't worth two cent' ♦he former < bin lone Rnkter o' the spirit that builds for a con- situation. Y’ou'd have traveled many I if you make noise while M Sgt. Recktxm, Ilin hi a merry mile in th«- old day- tn - e (Professor, Guzrnski and Pft. I Crete civilian-military morale. Since the f' turn from the ho t-< a series any warmer than that in "Pop” Goodwill are listci inv tr CORVALIJS and ALBANY al of Pvt Johnny tdouehbovj Vil- which the Signal Company team Corner of Corner of qews broadcasts. China Letter Tells ’alolio*, promoter Ray Whitlock i- ■ Ninth A Monroe Fifth A Lyon won the divisional finals from Bat- ! Pvt. Pettingill is the new cc i>k M inner Minister tcry A. at Field House December • qnd his protruding “chest" sug making arr.-mgrnu-nt-i to train hirr Of Fantastic Prices Puf Edw. B. Hart Edgar “ B. I. Buther 'nr th«- limp Adair I antani weigh 16. its good eating . . . Our minia itle. With volleyball fairly tucked ture, dervish-twirling, gyrating WE HAVE SEEN YOU — NOW WE WOULD LIKE TO To officers in this camp ha* away, the 96th is now rounding out tf-rp»'chorean dynamo. Sylvestei Enriit r-'ire mi-n «ill lie on fur- BECOME ACQUAINJRD! come a letter front the Far East its oarn divisional luu-ketball league 'ough by the first of the year. They (Shorty » Vernine, is sure to In- th' Section of Starr. Park and Free­ to start in January. are Sgt Gor-lon Young who i- »• Imttalion show ’ s hit. When on leave— man. Inc.. 101 Fifth A»., New Boxing at the Post was put on By "BriHikl; n' nre-i-nt «pending hi« time in Se­ York, tilling of comlitions in the map with the rousing even ttle, W ««hingt Shanghai. It is dated Dec. Id, and bouts in the Field House December who will ta- 01 New Year Part, Bible School Sunday 9:45 A M. •>«: wife Th.- last 14. The card offered plenty -f' Morning Worship ,11:00 A.M. "Most of the large building«, Sgt. la e wa- j action but. more important, dis ­ “ Sjicnd New Year*» Ev«- at th«- Young People’s Hour 6:30 P.M. dubs and principal hotels have been Evening Worship— ’ closed that there is a big fistful Christian chureh'* in the invitatiot Pvt Fai Browt tpken over by the Japanese for Private Dewey Chi- of pugilhtic talent here broadcast by the minister. ('. W 'urky Albany .....j J. military »ud other purposes Prices Corvallis ............. 7:30 Two months ago a fine serie« of Reynolds, on card.« and by word of will be headed post ha-1<- f<> are fantastic. Multiply the cost of Tiana to see his wife anil new most things in 1989 by twelve and exhibition matches on the Lorenz mouth from the church in Corval­ tly member, a I «by girl, and Court injected Camp Adair enthu-1 lis. The minister assures service you won't be far out. Most tom- ■iaats with the handball virus, | men of a good time beginning at poral U alter Stellmach our mail modities are rationed: butter is In .our f»Uow»hip club rooms Among its participants it appears H:30, although men may romr in man is traveling to Minnesota. SgR off; bread is about $-150 * pound, in our churches. OPEN — to b* moat deadly. Anyhow, the I any time la-fore that »• there are Guy Bla Jtmore. our Me»» Sgt. is o-L-r..................... 1200-10:30 and a suit of elothinr $3.000 to result ia the Camp Adair open ‘ ping, pong, shuffle lain rd and other leaving for Wyoming, Sgt William $4."00 A bicycle second-hand costs Saturday . 2 K 000 No buses or motor cars; single- tournament which will start von the little black hall about r»H We are read» •• »erve vau! he waa hit tn the rmi - by a ini-nf (u nsmiling when yon get rigtA- - Will lx held Mt 11.30 Mare ■ twryeie ar raw watt S' the Timber Wolf Division will be th" scttii g f >r a Ray New Year party on Saturday night, beginning aliout 8:30 p. m. It i: sponsored I ly the 415.h Co in out Team and i invitations havi been ent to .Major General Gilbert II. Cook. Brigadier I Gcnei:-.l II. F. Kramer and Briga­ dier General Wiliam C. Dutickel. New Year A Victorious One in the Ccuse of Freedom for ¿11 minkind, to pre­ serve forever the fam­ iliar ringing of church bells, the right of free mon to vote, trial by jury, Home — secure from secret police, roaring mills, factories and business enterpris­ es, run and managed by free men. Mountain States Fewer Company "A Sclf-Sur P-ylf*. Tiii rling, Tax- Enterprise” I Îoddhur I I ARMY CASH TAILORS 115 North 16th Cori wills. Ore Buster Brown C.irv allis ' We serve the cities inni rural territory surrounding Camp Adair. t N I Ft > R M S ... INSIGNIA IN SI ( I NT A ...SUPPLIES ... SI I ’ I ’I. I ES UNIFORMS... I.. I . ( lullis 1520 Jefferson St., Corvallis ¡OFFICERS - NON-COMS SOLDIERS WATCH THIS LIST AND CHECK ITEMS NEEDED Or better still — come into either of our stores—at Albany or Salem and go over the stocks with us. □ Uniform Buttons I I All Wool 0. D. Shirts I ] Money Belts < wto, z^ri □ Shoulder Patches I I 1 Zipper Utility Kits Í 1 Shoe Rogs COMPLETE LINE of (he FAMOUS STETSON GLOVES—available now. ! ! Slippers-Packed in Kit U Chevrons for All Grades □ "Aunt Lydia's" Thread F 1 Web Belts, Brass Buckles H "Spiffy" Collar Stays □ Reg. Buckle Oxfords Officers' Slacks I J 0. D. Laundry Bags i I’ ii k A? Gwn > Li Sewing Kits I II ST WECEIVEO—HOLLYVOGUE SUNTAN STAY TIES. ! Gun Cleaning Brushes Hrs as IV ire Souvenir Pillow Tops Top Kick Chcvrors | 'll* Hnd 15 Calibre Í J Glastic Dog Chains O. D. Scarfs Metal Polishes Soap Boxes DO. D. Army Coveralls 0. D. Cotton & Wool Sox 0. D. Wool Sweaters < Wool, Officers' Raincoats Irt-vi-le- - ) s 1 Shoe Brushes, Shoe Paste Military Jewelry Leather Wallets Tooth Brushes Field Caps Stationery Garrison Cap Rain Covers Copper Button Boards H,.„,hyi>itie> ,Klt. M(,„ ,,r ARMYt NAVY "Your Dollar’* Worth Alway«** TWO STORES FOR YOLK CONVENIENCE 299 N. Commercial 20« W. Second St. SALEM ALBANY ____________________________ 111» • A»«' and make the