Page Two Camp Adafr Stntry Thursday, December 31,1942. Arthur them— of the men who are crawling inch Was worth a million men. No bombing or sniping or shell. by inch across the terrain toward their objective." For months they stopped the He moved to obey his orders dfasiay tassdai AdWsJAs^s. Notes From a Soldier's Sketch Book Other camps have soldiers who invader, UnmindAi! of death or the odds; don't exactly spread sunshine Tho’ outnumbered ten to one. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY His part was to do his duty. AMP wherever they go, judging by an Till Homma by self destruction While the far result was God's. A weekly newspaper published for the military and civilian per­ OMMANDER’S editorial in GAB, of the Greenville Atoned to the Rising Sun. sonnel of Camp Adair, Oregon, and circulated free to officers, soldiers OLUMN’ (S.C.i Army Air Base. It says in and civilians by written permission of the camp commander. When the* world was thrilled by But Yankee guns and equipment part: Published by "ST Camp Adair Sentry, publisher. Box 347, Cor­ action, Camp Adair And the order to carry on, "What we are hitting at is the vallis, Oregon. News matter pertaining to Camp Adair, furnished by name drew the praises And Were utterly insufficient the Camp Public relations Office, is available for general release. continual muttering of the malcon. of men, — To explain the strength of Bataan. tent, who is oblivious to the over­ “I came through,” he state simply, Editor and manager ...................................... Don C. Wilson P. 0. Address, Box 347. Corvallis, Oregon. Phone 865-M. whelming job we have to do. who The urge to prophesy is strong For heroes are roused to greatness, “And I will return again." is more concerned with his own as one year draws to a close and As every soldier knows, Subscription by mail 11.50 a year or $1 for six months. petty desires than the good of the another year begins. It takes Not by plans or figures. And all who had known MacArthur Advertising rates upon request. whole. We're fed up with the guys strength of will to resist the temp­ But by what the leader shows. Believed the thing that he said, Address all communications to "Camp Adair 8cntry, Box 347, who smile when you’re present, tation and especially now, as wc And they measured the hope of Corvallis, Oregon.” then knife you in the back; with reach the year 1943, because today The chieftain with heart of fire. triumph the guy who goes AWOL when his we have reason for optimism and Who kindled those men into flame, By the faith of him who led. New* contributors to this issue: Lt. George H. Godfrey, furlough is held up; with the clock we look forward eagerly, knowing Was the son of an honored sire, Public Relations officer; S/Sgt. E. A. Brown associate director; watcher who doea only what is re­ that it will be a year of crisis in One, Douglas MacArthur by name. So today we are ready for battle, S/Sgt. R. L. Black, Sgt. Henry Beckett, T 1 Raymond 0. John­ quired and no more; with the jerk the history of our country and in Long long ago at the altar, son, Cpl. John H. Gubclmnn, Pvt. Wallace Rawles Pvt. Robert And all hesitation is past; Ruskauff. who is unable to take the bad along fact of all humanity. We have staked our lives on the Like a knight he had pledged his with the.good; with the panty-waist Even so, it is wiser to refrain outcome; sword; who just can't take it. from exact predictions and of And through the years that fol­ We have found our LEADER at ARMY EMERGENCY RELIEE "You have nothing but con­ course we niust check the current lowed, last. tempt for the draft dodger, but inclination to talk as if the war MacArthur had kept his word. Army Emergency Relief has been organized by the Army what’s the difference between the had been won. The sensible way, to give speedy financial help and other assistance to all draft-dodger and the detail dodger? speaking whimsically, is to use And now in that spirit his soldiers W£ TAILOR soldiers and their dependents who DESERVE help, whenever Both are ducking their responsibil­ the “may or may not” formula. Defied death again and again, OFFICERS Thus it is fairly safe to say that Believing they could not be con­ and wherever such help is NEEDED. Relief may be granted VYNCH ity.” t A.FAP quered. the Germans may or may not be a . » a i e in the form of money, by loans, by aid in kind, including fuel, Pvt. Arthur W. Sawyer, of Ma­ UNIFORMS ther Field. Calif., bought 2G War driven from Africa, that our side Since they«were “MacArthur’s medical and dental care, hospitalization, assistance in secur­ In Our Own Shop Men.” Savings Bonds of fl 00 each and I may or may not invade Europe in ing pensions, compensation, insurance and allotments and foree, and that the European part PORTLAND, ORE qualified for five marksmanship How long they might have con­ through information, consultant, placement, and supervisory medals—the 103 rifle, M.E., bay­ of the war may or may not end in tinued, services. Soldiers or their dependents can ask for help at any onet, hand grenade and machine 1943. The world will never know, But some of our prophets — edi ­ Army post, camp or air field, or local Red Cross Chapter, "WHAT! You hereby resolve never to gold-brick again until the I gun—according to WING TIPS. For the United Nations were call­ tors, columnists, commentators — cruel yoke of axis tyranny is forever lifted from the where full information will be available. When applying, ing. Enlisted men have been ordered neck of all mankind.” lack the self-restraint for that. And MacArthur was ordered to go. dependents must give name, grade, serial number, organiza­ I to discontinue the wearing of small Within the last week or two defi­ emblem pins on garrison caps, at tion, station or last mailing address of the soldier. nite assertions that the European For the saving of human freedom A NEW YEAR ’ S RESOLUTION FOR Camp Kilmer, N. J.. KILMER The particular business and object of the A ER is to war is likely to end in 1943 have Mankind was needing him then; EAGLE reports, with the explana­ WAR-TIME appeared in a number of news­ And the presence of Douglas Mac- collect and hold funds; to relieve distress of personnel of the tion that “these miniature branch papers. Although there is no harm I Army of the United States and their dependents, (without Eddie Rickenbacker, on his recent return from his adven­ emblems are confusing since they in such predictions, unless we take ture aboard a raft in the Pacific waters, implored the American regard to the degree of relationship) including dependents are similar to the emblems worn them too seriously, it is difficult people on the home front to do not merely "their bit.” but their by officers, and cause unnecessary of retired, honorably discharged, or deceased personnel. In not to be influenced by them, lie­ entirety, if they wish to approximate in the least the man on the confusion at night or in dim light." general, AER is designed to provide funds for the type of cause they do fit in with the long­ fighting front. "We do not know the insurmountable difficul­ “Dazed Military Police, who ings of every decent human being relief and assistance which has heretofore been rendered at ties and suffering which our boys are meeting in New Guinea, could scarcely believe their eyes, today. older Army posts with |>ost relief funds accumulated. The in New Caledonia, and elsewhere.” he said. "I beg you to make lugged off to a Washington, D. C„ Yet in this camp, at least, men AER coordinates its activities with the Red Cross now being this a total war, and let each be determined to bear his share of cell a soldier in a uniform xoot must have the intelligence and the common burden. ” carried out by its field directors, home service, and chapters. suit with a drape shape,” THE moral stamina to disregard all pre­ What are your reactions to these words of a man, one of In some cases the AER will supplant aid given by the Red RANGE FINDER, La Jolla. Calif., dictions of the kind. For curiously, our soldiers, who has come back not to boast of the sufferings says. "His ensemble was as fol­ all hope of European victory in Cross. Dependents of all components of the Army, on active lie personally endured aboard a raft floating aimlessly for 21 lows: A uniform blouse made of 1943 depends on our behaving as if duty, have equal rights to necessary assistance during the day.i in the Pacific waters, not to seek glory and fame- but to expensive officer’s gabardine. It the war will go on indefinitely, and war emergency. ask YOU as an American to lie worthy of your brothers, your hung below fingertip length and on our acting as if the conflict will sons, your neighbors on the far-flung battle-fronts. You who Has What You Need in Extra The nature of emergency cases with which the AER is li had flared puff sleeves. grow to proportions vaster than at. arc still living in comparative case and comfort here in the primarily concerned are those arising from casualties caused Clothing— Equipment—Meta! “The pants, of the same material, present. States- what can you say in answer? by combat or accidents, hardships caused by sudden change Insignia were held up by a white belt Two facts are clear. First, that This week brings to us the New Year, a year which may of station of units or individuals, and other emergency through double loops, and tapered the enemy still has tremendous be darker than the passing one, a year which can be brighter off from a chest-high waist to peg .striking power and certainly great financial distress arising from causes incident to military SLEEPING BAGS SERGE TROUSERS if you resolve to make it so. And so, instead of resolving "not to bottoms of less than 10 inches. The resources 1 for defense, so that we service, falling within the scope of AER aid and FOR WHICH complain shout the sugar or coffee ration” why not consider the BLITZ AIR MATTRESSES cuffs were hemstitched. A long have I a long, grim way to go if the following as your New Year's resolutions: THE RED CROSS FACILITIES ARE NOT AVAILABLE KITS OF ALL KINDS chain hung down to within an inch war - is to last until a complete mili­ 1. resolve to “prove my p'edge allegiance to the COVERING THE TYPE OF AID NEEDED. Specifically, CHEVRONS FIELD JACKETS of the fellow’s shoe tops. The out- tary 1 victory has been won. Second, United States of America" through a personal without prejudice, ter any other cause of need, there may fit was set off by an overseas cap 1 that the war can end without com­ ZIPPER BAGS OVERSEAS CAP total war effort by means of ACTIONS and not tailored with an especially high plete | victory by force of arms only be considered the following: GARRISON CAPS peak. A cocoa colored shirt, with if i the enemy sees that our power WORDS, a. Temporary supi>ort of dependents, (pending allot­ O. D. SOX TIES GARRISON BELTS •> and determination to win are white necktie, completed the odd i I resolve to become a part in this war in whalever ments, back pay, etc.). outfit.” i steadily growing and will continue Many Other Items capacity I am called upon to serve. b. Emergency trans)>ortation of military personnel or to grow. In that case the enemy 3. I resolve to share the burden of this war to lhe their dependents, to or from home or station areas, not may crack up, from sheer hope­ SCI/ Chaplain Has New lessness. ★ ★ LIMIT of personal sacrifice. provided by the government and justified in the particular 4. I resolve to make each pay day a War Savings Bond Therefore Americans have two case, particularly, air transportation, for which the Red Sunday Service Plan reasons for doing their best in this day by subscribing to the war department's class Cross cannot usually make loans or grants. war. at home, in camps, at the “A” pay reservation plan which will help to c. Any case of emergency need by dependents of military This Sunday wil lmark the be­ front. One is that we may have shorten the war, avoid inflation today, and bring iwrsonnel where local Red Grona chapter facilities are in­ ginning of company sponsored to fight on to a full military vic­ Where Buddies Meet economic re-adjustment in the post-war world. chapel services in the SCU at Post tory and that the length of time sufficient or not available and the soldier is dead, interned, War Department Authorization AG*095 AG-095 Chapel No. 1. Headquarters Com- 5. By these resolutions, 1 resolve to remain American. it will take depends on our dili­ in enemy hands, or otherwise without access to the field pany will be first and every effort gence and efficiency. The other 179 N. Commercial Street — Phone 5508 — Salem, Ore. service of the Red Cross. will be made to secure as large an reason is that if the enemy gives d. Urgent need for loans or cash grants of more than of combat than mere simulation. attendance as possible. f up, short of full defeat, it will be Nerves steels«! to the reality of a 1160. (The largest amount which can be granted by the The plan, worked out by Col. because of the showing we make. ‘shooting war' is the order of the Gordon H. McCoy, Post Command­ Rad Cross field service, without clearing through their Area From time to time we have been day . . , er, and Chaplain Lloyd V. Harmon, warned against the probability that Office in San Francisco.) “The first step in this direction is similar to arrangements being the enemy will seek a "negotiated Prom Our Army e. Any cases which, in the judgment of the soldier’s was taken when a strip of ground carried out at other Army posts peace," which would be an uneasy Commanding Officer should be handled by the AER in prefer- in the center of the Camp Chaffee and is designed to acquaint the truce rather than real peace. That Cousins ence to the American Red Cross. reservation was mined, xxirw.l with men with the type services offered warning will need fresh emphasis barbed-wire, and with a machine by the Army Chaplain's Corps. as enemy hopes fade. L’liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimtiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiimiiir The bamp song leader has led gun emplaced in sueh a way that On the following Sundays, the Also we may predict, safely, 3M0 sing-outs in six months, the' it throws a fan of live ammunition Military Police Company, Quarter­ that as fighting intensifies, losses CAMB BARKKLEY NEWS n I a calculated distance alsne the master and attached troops will be will increase and the nation as a porta. Thcj- have attracted more | ground nnd a little over the heads responsible for attendance. whole will become more war-con­ than P5.000 soldiers and have been ’ scious. Surely it will be a solemn held in mess halls, station hospital. | year, a year of challenge, demand- ing the utmost from all of us. For l*vt. Steven Clemaoa, of llilq. to the level of a gorilla to try and stockade and even bivouac areas.' HERE'S SOMETHING DIVINE — YET REAL some it may be tragic, for others Company, SOU, writes me this let­ understand one? Would you take S«>mc companies appoint their own, Of course a great many soldiers at Camp Adair received ter: dope to understand a dop«- fiend? song loaders. it may be proud. Incidentally, a There’s a camp quartet consist­ beautiful and tender letters from home, at this Christmas. But soldier of this camp, one now train­ "The letter from your minister keeping ( aim In War \d»i«ed it happens that one of them showed a letter to the officer with "Now, In war. is the time most ing of Pvt.». Gletut D. Good! Rolu-rt I* you on the subject of Imle in the ing in obscurity, may be in the roll whom he worked and that officer persuaded him to let The war strikes iue as the first gleam neecssgry to have the calmest, san­ <«. Nite. Albert Angel and William I of American heroes, licforc th« year Sentry publish it. The letter reads: of laipe I've ye seen in this, the est mind. 'Intellectuals' who advo­ M Darling. CAMT ROBINSON is over. latest of ‘civilised* wars. I’m more cate hate are either overrated Imbc- NEWS says. Do you get it? Good- "My Precious Son; Last night when for hours I than happy that it was a minister riles or conscirntless hypocrites. Nitc-Angel-Darling Naturally they DOUGLAS MacAKTlIl R lay awake, thinking about Christinas and what it really who had the courage to -uggest that The countries nt war arv doing the xpeclalixc in love songs Ry Gail Cleland. I.t. Col. Chaplain means liehind all the froth anti tinsel, I determined to “Practice for real war is no (loti was not on one side alone, but same thing: all trying to win Keo- that he was on the aide of hu­ tiomic wars have always Iwcti a longer a matter of 'broomstick' write you the first thing today and tell you how grate­ The war that began at Pearl Har­ manity- on the side of all men who stone around th«« nock of man and machine guns ami hypothetical ex bor ful 1 am for you, desire only' this much of tolerance I since it is too late to avert the war plosions, but rather the experience | Had spread to the Southern Seas; "At Christmas especially, it seems such a privilege in their hearts: that they may j vc may as welt try to h«- as kind of live machine gun fire a scant 1 And the earlier stage of the work, raise a family, unJ die as as we can to one another al»»ut it. foot or so over head, and luml to know the dear relationship of mother and son. 1 am struggle naturally as they can on modern If only a few hur.drdH are saved mines exploding among the sol-1 thankful that my son is you, and that of all the bless ­ Had favored the Japanese. frol> being cymes it's well worth it. diets,“ says I’HK ARMODIKK. of j civilian terms. ings I have had in this earthly exjx*rience, that know­ "People hacome what the State Camp Chaffee, Ark. "Flying dirt. I “I have not particularly irone tu The defenses of Hone Kong ing my son—seeing him grow to manhood, real man­ churli in late years and du nut teaches them: and very little less. debris and violent concussion is a And even stout Singapore— feel qualified to judge whether I The state may be the supreme better prologue to the actual strife , hood, strong but gentle and loving, a worthy citiacn, That impregnable Malay fortress-— am a good Christian or mil I was faith vestetl in one man. or the love Withstood the attackers no more. a dependable and honest nature—that has been my hot o good one when 1 went tv horn of th«- color of a country's they w-ould if he were a ‘hater?' I greatest joy. Strategic Sumatra was taken. church, for 1 only went often earth; or the firm faith of a tradi­ And Java was overrun. “It scénsa to m«‘ that the spirit enough to please my folks. But the tion. Whether a man's faith ia "There is nothing more 1 ct»ukl ask for. Christmas While scores of the smaller islands I conceptive of a Christian I gath­ 'right' or 'wrwnt* it ia hard to of Christ must he in any one who I ami nothing I could give worth giving in comparison. Surrendered one by one ered then ia the one I have now ' change it in a few years. The ia fair to himself and to his fellow- ' Indeed, we learn as years go on that what we give of and I hope I shall retain this much .strongest physical ami moral tenets human hetngs. be hr on any ‘side.* But a single defensive action. ourselves at Christmas or any other time is the real of youthful vision until 1 die. God must of necessity lie the right ones A ^>«1 man, no matter what his With all the world looking or help me. unul rigider one» Idoom and na- erred, has an innate .code of honor secret of our happiness. Just little tiny gifts like a Had thrilled every lover of free- ' “Ami so now, when we Imgm to , tun- sprouts new ones inexorably, which will let him die. If he must, smile, a tender thought, a smBIl courtesy—these make dom; hrsr on ail sides that we must hale, • mb ia life, or evolution, civilian- in glery and courage, even though us feel warm and rosy like lighted Christmas candles. Twas the miracle of Bataan. great odds are against him. Any I rebel with the fervor and clarity tian. progrès». or what you will. Rut you know this. 1 can tell by the way you express man. in the awful heat of battle, of youth. Hate is for the masses, Fighting Without Hatred On that battered island position these things, wherever you go in this world. possibly, but not for th«- individu “Gen«- Tunncy and Jo«- ti«>ubt«-diy fought like a man and «tot like a smvvlling Filipinos. how humbly grateful I feel that, of the millions of to its individuals. Arv we fighting , Iwtter by virtue of having a more ‘hater.’ And a handful of U.S. Mannes "The otta thing we arv fighting mothers whose sons will 6« absent from home, 1 am for hate or to prevent hate’ Yes. ¡alert ami sensitive perception un- 1 have fought fire with fire. but > clouded by hate. Children of all to exterminate and which »» must From foxhole* and rocky cavern.«. the one who has you. — Lovingly. Your Mother.” I I find that clean, cool water does | races instinctively flock around Joe be forever intolerant of is thi«: I Thev f.wtght lUe from hell, -- I the la-si job Or )ou would sink Inulin hii «I sdniifi him lh> you liiiitk intolerance ” And nrdhir.g aj^w tred t H's A Great Life Îâh- OFFICERS Service Men LES NEWMAN'S in Salem LES NEWMAN’S Culled ¡MUTTERINGS .X,“ I