Page Eight Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, December 31,1912. Crowded Week of Ball In League Cage Series Camp Adair SPORTS Two Timber Wolf Games Played Snared by Snoopers, Geysers Public Relation» Section Camp Adair. Ore. MP Squad at Barrier J For 96th League Play Crowds Curbed Much For New Year Games I ____ Capacity crowds in the west, se- verely chopped attendance in other sectors, loomed for the various big football games over the nation to­ morrow. Rationing of gas and re­ strictions on transportation in gen­ eral have affected the gates heavi­ ly. As the teams will line up, and the probable attendance: Rose Bowl—U.C.L.A. vs. Georgia (93,000). Sugar Bowl—Tennessee vs. Tul- sa (50,000). Orange Bow)— Boston college vs. Alabama (30,000). CQtton Bowl—Texas vs. Georgia Tech (25,000), East-West—60,000. Sun Bowl—Hardin Simmons VS. Second Air Force. 93,000 Fans Gas Up For Rose Bowl Game I ■ »— .. — »* Timber Wolf Cagers Resume Practice; Now 1st Lts. Duffy, Badgley Georgia Reckoned 2-1 Favorite Over UCLA A couple of the Timber Wolf basketball squad has reason to work out with extra ling Tues- I day, when the division cage team Before 93,000 fans, who must | resumed practice after a holiday have been hoarding their A ration i lay-off to get in shape for Jan. 8, cards for a last bust, the Bulldogs I when they meet the Oregon Col­ of Georgia and the Bruins of the lege of Education, at Monmouth. For Tuesday it was, that Coach University of California, at, Los An. geles, will meet today at Pasadena, Bob Duffy and Acting team Cau- tain Gene Badgley, got their sil­ Calif., in the Rose Bowl game. The odds, it appeared, will be a ver bars. They are now 1st Lieu­ little better than 2 to 1 on Georgia, tenants. As a matter of fact though, the following announcement tha/ their great two »A (J ” - time LltiiC all ~ - . American, “killVI iLull) j Timber Wolves are shaping up well will — definitely Frankie Sinkwich, L_____----------- ...... —„ accor' The most climactic and crowded week thus far in the divisional league play of the Timber Wolf division lies ahead, as the battle for with • ® with basketball supremacy grows tighter than a miler’s tendon. This week Sgt. E. A. Brown two garni- only were played at Field House, but they sizzled: The Engineers put up u whale of a battle in the Infantry league tilt with Geyseis of the 415th, but were finally downed, .36-34. It was Happy New Year! 17-15 favoring the Geysers at half-time. Th«- Engineers provided two And with that rather original stellar players in Rhyne, who garnere«! 11 points, proving an excellent beginning out of the way, let’s go shot and good floor man and Kroft, who earned 10 points. For the back down the sport’s trail of 1942. Geysers. Sgt. Garland Palmer, who has been a consistent high scorer It was quite a remarkable year in ' throughout the league, got 6 point*. sports in a number of ways, but In the Special Troops, the Snoop-1 why go into that. It was quite a Cage fans may rub their eyes 104th Signal Men Play ers of Reconnaissance tripped the remarkable year all around. Per- and take a second bewildered stare Ping Pong I iod. Storekeepers, 38-33, and drew to sometime during the next few Ortiz Favored Over Men of the 104th Signal Com­ within one half game of the lead­ How many sporting events do I weeks, when Blackwood’s Brutal pany are preparing for a ping Lindsay in Title Go 'you recall? V “ ~ ing Hq. Go. team, which they will Who won the Rose Bruisers tak<- to the hardwood to pong tournament scheduled to I Bowl game that wasn’t played in give rival 96th Div. basketball meet in one of the prime battles begin this week end. When Kenhy Lindsay, Canadian the Rose Bowl, but in Durham, teams a few pointers (not points), next week. Approximately 30 entries are champion, gets his chance at Man­ posed, finish hanging around the The picture ahead, as outlined Here is the last cull for entrants I N.C.? That was a year ago tomor­ in the divisional league play soon expected to fight it out for the uel Ortiz and the bantamweight radio this afternoon, for the play-j Gne T.W. artillery headquarters by Lt. 3os. Quin, indicate* that on in the Camp Adair open singles row—just think, a lot of us were opening. title of company champ, and the title in the Portland auditorium by-play of what bids to be a great battery wants the world to know Tuesday and Friday of next week hundball tournament to sign up civilians then. Remember? Any­ Drawn from the ranks of the tussle is expected to be closely ring tomorrow night, the fight, j game between two fast, aggressive that Brigadier General William C. way, in case you ’ ve forgotten, Ore ­ top games should unfold, for much their entry blanks, either at Field 96th Corps of Military Police, the contested from start to finish. records say, will be the first world and well-balanced teams, the truth Dunckel, inspecting a mess hall re­ i* indeed at stake. House, Fire Station No. 1, or gon State from right next door team ia unique in a two-fold way. cently, noticed that one window had championship bout ever staged in w'" be known. here in Corvallis walloped Duke 20 Monday night the Geyser» of Sports Department of the Sentry, The MP’s are (1) the smallest Candebat from New Orleans, La.; : the city where "for you a rose ‘ Meantime, one can’t ignore the no curtain, so he immediately do­ to 16. That was before Camp Adair Infantry league will meet the Pill Public Relations office. outfit from which a basketball Willard Lepper, who played with I grows” ’ I words Cravath, S.C. coach, nated one. Rollers, at I960; the Genera)» of Deadline is January 2 (Satur­ came along to really put Corvallis group has been formed and (2) not the Quincy, III., High School club; I The pink-cheeked C a n a <1 i a n, I " ho P™claimed, after watching Artillery league tangle writh the day). The pairings will be made on the map. one member is under 6 feet in “Treat rumours like mistakes,” 210-pound Milo Thompson "ho | La tho ...... Vgh heVprob^fr the, Georgia in one of its final work­ k " k_n ___ K-kii. Jobito ,k.. Here's one we ’ ll bet you ’ ve for ­ immediately. The tournument will »econd place Red legs, at 20.30. height. The average weight <>f played for six years, two on inde­ Timberwolf Cannoneer advises outs: gotten. On January 9, one Joe Louis ring an underdog in the betting, start January II und it was yester­ Geysers May Spout “Now I know why Georgia is a “Don’t repeat ’em.” Incidentally, pendent teams and four in high is popular and has proved himself kayoed a fellow by the name of each man is around 190 pounds. day announced that the preliminary Esprit de Corps school at Deerfield, Mich.; Joice a c]evcl. boxer who can hit. Both great football team. There never Cpl. Elmer Feathers received two In Tuesday night’» »et-to, the Buddy Baer in 2:56 of th«- first rounds of pluy will tuke place on i now fast-moving Geyser* should round in a heavyweight champion­ Probably the most outstanding Sevier, 3 years with the Willow, Ortiz and Lindsay have had to has been a better balanced club cartons of cigarets for suggesting two courts. unload the most dangcrou* opposi­ ship bout. The next day Joe enlist­ feature is the outfit’s high esprit Aik., team and Jack Kelly, who grind out their training in order on the coast. I mean as to height, the best name for that Timber Wolf Part of the first round games ed in the army and is now a ser­ de corps. With their duty hours played three years with the Arkan­ to get down to the 118 pound limit. weight, s^eed and general ability.” artillery paper. tion the Mtill-undefeatod Mountain­ will be played on the Lorenz cham­ geant. Buddy waited until two culling them out at all hours of sas City high school squad. eers have faced, ax the Infantry pionship court, others on the court weeks ago and is only a private. Robert Rose hails from Pelles- league's two top teams lead off the day und night, including at Av. H and 6th St. S., which the lh<- evening at 1900. ft's an even More Exciting Statistic» weekends, the big boys can work ton, Mich., played for six years; . Football Fans Would 382nd Bn. of the 96th division bus more precarious battle in the Ar­ On January 13, the Rangers beat out no definite practice schedules Charles Knapp had seven years of , Walk a Mile to Game put in admirable shape for tournu­ competition in and around Grand I tillery league situation at 20.30. If ment pluy, tourney director, Fire the Americans and set some sort and ure able to get in a few rounds Forks, North Dakota. Winding up they can topple the speedy Bone- Rationing or no. 96 per cent of at the Field House only in those of a record by scoring in 78 straight Chief A. L. Sherk, announced. heads, who have four wins and one the team of giants i W. M. Wil- 25,000 football fans who filled out Who plays who, where und at games of ice hockey. Where do we odd moments when they are on loss to' head the leugue, the Red- kinson who played professional questionnaires, said they wanted whut time will be revealed on u find such entertaining facts? Just their own time. 'college football continued. They'd legs, standing with three wins and Plans for the formation of the ball in New Madrid, Mo. I mimeographed schedule not later to go on and on, there were two Coach i 2nd Lieut. John Kinsler use public conveyances, or even on«- defeat, will < limb <>n top of the other exciting events in January team ure credited to Major Charles i than Jan. 5. It will be posted at a walk, they declared, to see the heap. each court. Schedules will ulso be a year ago Willie Hoppe won the M. Blackwood. 96th Provost Mar- games. Wednesday evening the Engi­ available at Field House, Fire Sta­ three-cushion billiard title and B»h shall. 2 Mi. N. of Albany on Hi. 99 neers «fill try to tunnel through the Pastor outpointed Gus Lesnevich. Speaking of his brainchild, Ma- tion No. 1 or the Sentry Sports de­ BEATS GARDEN DRUM Mountaineer»' top-o-the-heap home We could go right on through the jor Blackwood states that “While Meet your friends and welcome the New Year at partment. year that way, but we hadn't better. we do not make any claims ubout OSC Caqers Ravage at 1900; Sig* meet Ordnance in Attractive, petite Lillian Jenkins, Linn county’s gayest and best dancing party. A mong the 26 signet! entries to Instead, let's mention a few the qualities of our team's apti­ East in Five-Game Special Troop» league at 2030. who seven years ago was a house­ date who give promise of going champs in their respective lines. Thursday, one week from to­ wife, raising three children in the tude, 1 can definitely say that Tour; Back Jan. 9 places in the tourney are Lt. Rob­ night, the leading Headquarters | Baseball Bronx, is today publicity director there is no team in the division ert II Rosen, 164th Qin., With In baseball, Mort Cooper of St. with greater confidence and spirit.” Company team meet* the cellar of New York's Madison Square three years’ experience at West Those rambling Oregon State Louis und Joe Gordon of the boy- of Signal in Special Troops, Garden. From Nine States Point; Pvt. Edwin Jacobsen, th«- Yanks were voted the most valu­ eagers, who had won four games at 1900; Redlegs meet the Falcons Nine states arc represented and straight before departure and even “equilibrium artist" of the 9*th able. Me) Ott, new Giartt manager, at 2030. MIDNIGHT BAN »¡gnu) corps, six years YMCA again walked off with the homer a majority of members played pro. included our own Timber Wolf Friday night, January 8, Falcon* Throughout Oregon the stroke of play; the "power house” of Fire championship for the senior circuit. fessional, semi-pro, or collegiate team among victims, have been meet the Bonehead* of Artillery midnight will tonight signal the Hats — Balloons — Fun — Noisemakers — Novelties Station 1, Assistant Chief Toby He hit thirty out of the park. Ted basketball. ravaging the east on their road league, 1800, and Hq. Co. play» end of serving liquor to celebrating Pvt. William Reeder is 6 feet, tour. And All the Thrimmings! Wallace; Pfc. Sidney Feig, who Williams of the Boston Red Sox, Reconnaissance of Special Troop», patrons, the liquor control officials has hud several years YMCA hand­ who once startled sport* writers no 4 inches tall, weighs 210, has 4 Opening in Madison Square Gar­ nt 2000, in one of the week’» prime DON’T MISS THIS PARTY! announced. bail experience; Lt. Philip E. Hor­ end hy announcing he would rather years high school hall and 2 years den last Saturday night they de­ battles. professional experience with the an, 414th Inf., who has hud two be u fireman than a hall player, feated City College of New York, League standings: 45 to 34, Beck (g) scoring 14 years of college hundbull. led the American league batsmen Dallas, Texas, team. Ralph Juckowski also weighs 210 points, Cecil and Anderson eight hy smacking out an average of 356. Infantry League pounds, played basketball in high apiece. The year before he hit .406, but 3 Bees (,385th) Team W i Monday night they whipped Generals (Div. Art) 3 even with a fifty point drop he was school und college for six years, Mountaineers (414th) ...... 5 Falcons (929th) 3 i , better than ail the other ball play­ was on the University of Kentucky Wayne University of Indiana, 41 Gull* (413th) 3 er* who don't want to be firemen. grid squad. to 29. Tuesday night they played Geysers (415th) 3 Special Troops ls .eague The remainder of the roster in­ Michigan State in its opening The Ponies Engineers (329th) 1 4 Hq Co. Horse racing: The leading mon­ eludes Fred Booth who played high home season game at East Ians- Pill Rollers (329th Medics) 0 4 Snooper* (104th Rec.) ey winner of the year was Shut sc hool bull for four years in Ham- ing. Five games are on the tour ■> Storekeeper* (QM) Artillery League Out (we didn't have a «lime on him, mon, Louisiana; W. 1. "Red” schedule. Bonehead» (386th) 4 1 Balls o’ Fire (804th Ord.) 1 I di