rafe Eight Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, December 24, 1542. 96th Sigs Win Volley Ball Title In Home Games What is a Comeback? Sink Battery A In Final Games For Inspection — Here's The Timber Wolf Basketball Squad With Six Tilts Astern Cagers Rest Making Ready for O.C.E. Go; Willamette Loss Bitter Signal Company in 3-1 Triumph as Melees At Field House Climax Divisional Round Robin In one of the best nip-and-tuck Volleyball tussles yet seen at Camp Adair, the 96th Signal Company emerged victorious in the best three out of five series last Friday night, at the Field House, to claim the divisional championship. Under the brilliant captainship of Sergeant C. F. Ward, the signal boys had a swell battle on their hands and almost bit off more than they could chew when they took on the crack team of Battery A, 362nd Field Artillery. Both teams hud been proved the ace outfits of the division in a round-robin elimination contest which began two weeks ago. Get 'llie Jump Signal company took the first round, scoring 15 points to the ar­ tillery’s 6. In the second setup, the artillery came back with all their big guns firing simultaneously and their 15 points to Signal's 9 at the whistle began to make some of the fans feel a bit dubious about the highly-touted pole climbers. The third game was a bit differ­ ent, however, and the Signal boys seemed to get their second wind as they trounced their opponents, 15- 5. The fourth, and final game, was a little less one sided with Signal company scoring the top 15 to the Artillery’s 10. Goodly Throng A record crowd was on hand to witness the playoff which was fol­ lowed by presentation of th« championship cup. I n an impress­ ive ceremony, Colonel H. M. Mon­ roe, chief of staff of the 96th Divis­ ion, presented the beautiful trophy to Team Captain Ward, who in turn gave it over to Captain Harold A. Mitchell, commander of the Signal company. Also on hand to congrat­ ulate the winners was Major A. D. Stephanson, divisional signal of­ ficer. Lineups were as follows: 362nd F. A. Hstt. A. 96lh Signal Radcliffe F C. F. Ward .....,.. New Rolit. Javore .... F Beach F. Barnett ... ....F .... Sokolowski I. N. H Russell C Anderson W. L. Wppds R. Diamond R Vogel Subs: fur 96th Signal—Turner, Le Febvre, Kinkade, Knoll, Hart; for 362ml F. A., Batt. A: Geese, Shapiro, Custer, Lynch. • One monthly Post game, at the Field House, will be added to the Timber Wolf basketbal schedule. It resumes January 8 after a holi­ day spell, against Oregon College of Education, at Corvallis, Coach Lt. Bob Duffy said yesterday. Six games are under the belt thus far. Five remain as the sched­ ule stands, but will be augmented. One of the prospective Field House tilts may bring the Timber Wolves against the flashy north­ west conference champions, Ore­ gon State college, on their return from the current Beaver road tour. OSC opens tomorrow night at Madi­ son Situare Garden, against New • York City College. In their Friday night set-to against Williamette College at Sa- lem, the division basketeers lost a heart-breaker, 43-46. They trailed by 16 points, 36-20 with 15 minutes to go—then spurted to tie things up 43-43. But the Bearcats sank a final field goal and free throw to leave the final box score: Boasting a hot crew of casaba artists who, many ol them, used to perform in major college competition. is the limber Wolf divisional basketball squad. Oil athletic vacation until they resume their winter series January 9. they include: Front row (left to right) with former colleges in parenthesis, are I’fc. I.oren Garrett (Missouri). Sgt. < lark Brown (Iowa), Lt. Herb Brown (Indiana), Lt. Gene Badgley (Iowa). I.t. Joe Quin (Seton Hall). Lt. Sam Koster ("ol Point). Bat k row (left to right) are l.t. Bob Duffy (California), both coach and player. Pvt. Waxman, Sgt. Al Burnick. l.t. I.loyd Etaiison (North Dakota), l.t. McElmurry (Oklahoma), and Corp. Kuk- lin. (Signal Corps photo). ’ company champions meet for bat- « tulion titles and so on. A. <>. Give* Trophy A handsome trophy has been p<*r- sonally donated by Capt. Wimer for the champion emerging from the post tournament. 15 Top Players Will Investigation has revealed there J Eagerly-waited athletic equip­ ready distributed for use accord- are plenty of grade-A checker ment at least for two divisions— j ing to Captain Frank C. Wimer, Compete in Play Off players at Camp Adair and the has arrived from the Army ware­ I Post Athletic Officer, includes: For each division—100 volley- finals are quite likely to onvelop house at Kansas City and from The Camp Adair checker tourna­ the service clubs in n mental aura now on out the athletic picture at balls. 100 basketballs, 100 footballs. C a in p Adair, becoming colorful ' Fifty sets of boxing gloves have ment, in which top players through­ you could cut with a knife. In the finals al) match winners enough already, can really blossom. been received for the 96th Div.; out the post will meet to determine It stands to burgeon more later, 30 sets for the Timber Wolf divis­ the camp chumpion, will be con­ will be determined by best two ducted at the two service clubs, be­ out of three games won; draws on arrival of equipment requisi­ ion, which has also bolstered it’s ginning the evening of Jan. 18 and won’t count, although they will be tioned and approved for Post Com­ athletic wardrobe with seven bad­ plement anil EM of the IXth Corps minton sets, several boxers’ head­ continuing four days, Capt. Frank tabulated for the- official score. guards and softball paraphernalia. Players to represent in the post stationed here. <’. Wimer, post athletic officer, has And For Horse Shoes Goods For Soccer tournament are to be selected and revealed. Among sports which it appears i Indicating that the old barnyard Plan of play-off is designed to turned into Field House (phone give ratio presentation for top 2897) by noon, Tuesday, Jan. 12, may zip upward due to arrival of game may develop plenty of able players of each post unit, Capt. and will be immediately paired for the equipment, is soccer football. 1 pitchers come th«- spring tourna­ Wimer said, and will be us follows: tournament play, Capt. Wimer The 96th and Timber Wolf divis­ ment, each division has received ions have each received 100 soccer 100 sets of horse-shoes. Conducted under tournament said. ■footballs. All of the equipment is top­ system, with six top-picked players Other equipment here and al-' grade. each eligible from the 96th and ! SECOND GUESSING Timber Wolf divisions; three from I with the post complement and the sec from point of attendance anil re­ ROLL OVER Sgt. E. A. Brow n ond headquarter» IXth corps. muneration to the participants, is Edward J. Burke has boen pro­ “How the contenders to compete Miami's Orange Bowl, which will More sports news will be found moted to T 4, Pvt. C. Grasso re­ in the all-post tournifment are It’s about time to pay belated play host to the Boston College on Page Not 7. • ports for the lloiiehead Bn., T.W. picked is up to the divisions ami tribute to the south and we don’t Eagles with thrice-defeated Ala- artillery. post complement," Capt. Wimer mean South Dakota. gama. said. Some company champions are We mean south of the Mason The Crimson Tide is still one of already established A suggested and Dixon line and we mean the the top-flight elevens of the Na­ means of holding preliminary tour football clubs that come from tion. despite its loss to Georgia, naments has been to pick company down there. The Southeastern (’on- Georgia T«-ch and Georgia Pre­ champions via ladder tournments ferrnce of 12 members has a repre­ Flight. The 'Barna boys just had C 'OKV A in the day rarvl at mess hall. record, was the choice of the Sugar P-t athletes et al who wander Bow l |»eople after Boston Colleg«’» tata» Field H ouse for whatever defeat «ml Georgia'» acceptance of reason, will lie greeted by a big to Wonhip the Rose Bowl The Volunteers Isirrvl of cookies. It’s help will meet untasatrn Tulsa, and a yself. Soldier’s Invitation splendid game should result. Tulsa. The cookies were sent to Ath- atarrinf | by the way. is th» only on» of the lotie Officer. Capt. Frank C. eight Bowl teams that was unde- Claude A. Guild, Minister Wimer (or EM, by the Aurora | feated in th» regular »««son it onian’e Club. Thud among th« Bowl», nt l»a-t Post Checker Tourney Set Under Way Jan. 18 BIG DRINK TO GO BUY! Welcome Santa Brings Divisions An Athletic Sleigh-ful Willamette (46) Saxton, f ......... Kelly, f ........... Schmidt, c ....... White, g Runyan, K - Barnick, K Douglas, f .. Weaver, K - Ragsdale, f .. Deiner, c ... Ogdahl. g .......... . 0 Perry, f ............. 0 Totals ............. 19 The picking season is on—and here is the tally sheet of champ- I i ions in civilian sports, as picked by 87 writers of Associated Press. Tops—is CpI Sarney Ross down in Guadalcanal. The little round- faced Marine from Chicago, who once held three world champion­ ships, and on Nov. 19 delivered a , bolo punch against the Japs, was voted the Edward J. Neill Memor­ ial trophy as boxing’s outstanding man of the year. The Neill trophy is in memory of Eddie Neill, popular AP writer, killed in Spaiirnp 1938. Choice of Cpl. Ross was 'unanimous. In other picks: St. Louis “come-back”—to over­ haul the Brooklyn Dodgers, then go on to win four straight from the Yankees (after dropping the first game) and take the world series, was acclaimed by 39 of 87 sports writers as “top surprise of the sports year.” No. 2 surprise was the 55-12 licking Holy Cross gave Boston College, until that time rated as the nation’s no. 1 team. Henry Armstrong provided the year’s No. 1 comeback, for winning 13 bouts since coming out of re­ tirement last summer. Penny Singleton Jan. 29 Bout Set for Robinson-Armstrong At last Ray (Sugar) Robinson and Hammering Henry Armstrong will meet. The January 29 date at Madison Square Garden has been announced as “set” after the usual on-again-off-again maneuvering. The bout was first called off when Robinson said he “didn't want to hurt Henry’s eyes.” It took 37 seconds of the second round for Turkey Thompson, col­ ored Los Angeles heavy hope, to KO Ernie Nordman of Kansas in Portland Friday night. But Al* “Confoozed" Ft pt Tp It looks though, as if AP writ- I 0 2 2 ers were “slightly confoozed” in 2 1 10 i this year’s selections—point of ar­ 4 5 gument living what is the difference 1 0 1 4 between “comeback” and “sur­ 2 4 6 prise.” In a Dec. 18 dispatch from 1 2 2 New York, AP writer Jud Bailey 0 1 4 recited Armstrong as first, the 0 0 6 Cards second in the year’s come­ I) 1 4 back vote. On Dee. 20 A P writer 2 ■ 1 Orlo Robertson’s story headlined I 1 1 2 1 the Cards, for furnishing the year’s | 1 0 0 biggest surprise. It was apparently i 8 ROLLER SKATING 8:00 P. M. Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday SKATEWAY Roller Rink 7th & Montgomery Albany, Oregon Mid-Willamette Valley’« Top-Flight Roller Rink 22 Camp Adair (43) Fg Ft Pf 1 1 Waxman. f . .4 Badgely, f .......... 0 3 4 Brown, c ............. . . 0 0 2 Duffy, g ............. 3 1 0 Quinn, g 1 1 2 sH. Brown, f. 5 4 3 Koster, g 1 2 0 Garrett, c ........... 1 1 0 — — — Totals ............. 16 11 13 Celebrate ■ ■ NEW YEAR'S EVE at ■e TUMBLE INN 2 Mi. N. of Albany on Hi. 99 43 DIVISION WINS AGAIN The Timber Wolf Division again was the victor in the jitterbug ex­ hibition dances at the Salem ar­ mory Saturday evening. Pvt. Jos­ eph D. Lucera carried the colors to victory in an enlarged field of dancers. Sgt. Duke Ortoleva, Regt. Hdq. Co., 44th Division, with his I partner, Miss Jean Carkin of Sa­ lem carried off second honors and Pvt. D. Hoover, Hdq. Co., 1st Bn., Timber Wolves, received third place. Meet your friends and welcome the New Year at . Linn county’s gayest and best dancing party. featuring AL. BENNING'S 10-Piece Orchestra Dorothy Evans Hats — Balloons — Fun — Noisemakers — Novelties And All the Thrimmings! DON’T MISS THIS PARTY! May Your Christmas Season Be Extremely Happy in The Thought of the High Service in Which You Are Angaged. We Salute You All at Camp Adair Churchof Christ BLONDIE GOES TO COLLEGE decided the Redbirds hadn’t made a comeback at all. It is all very surprising and hardly worth coming back- to. FRAGER'S HOME FURNISHINGS Elks Temple—Albany