.1 Camp Atlair Sentry Thursday, December 24,1942. T« W. Artillery Show Win Go on the Road i Depot Co. Activities at FIRST ST. SOUTH & E o by Pvt. Harry Klissncr Talent Hunt Begins With Show by Men of Major Stangl's Battalion E.M. at the 332nd Depot Co. arc ■ “-r pieparinj; with hearty enthusiasm fr a series of battalion “home talent” shows, for the holiday season which is oni \.hw> a Timber Wolf artillery road show will be picked, proof enough that the Christinas as Riven last Friday night by the battalion which Major j0Se,ii Single commands. spirit js here. Especially is this t) those present, and sitting directly in front of noticeable since Sgt. Wm. Trout ..e, ,um and a trumpeter who can blow the roof off, and Sgt. Guy Blackmore chauf­ th*. General William C. Dunckel, in command of fe ured by Pvt. William Liddell ne artiliez^ if the division. He explained that although these took a trip into the hills to cut r tk S being organized and managed and put on alto­ gether by enlisted men, he and all of the officers were mighty down a huge evergreen tree, some Keen about it and were engaged in a talent hunt which would mistletoe, and holly. Upon their put the artillerymen in the middle of the map as showmen. I return, the carpenters immediate­ Ii>cidore Birch, Chari« Hol. 311 N. Commercial St. headed the committee. The greet­ initial broadcast. In this John Car­ of the Timber Wolf division, cam< ton, Homr r Boone, Edward t'urn- Salem, Oregon ing was drafted in the G-2 office. penter. well-known radio per-onali- from South Carolina, when' mills cron, Norman Olson, Kern Tice, ty, m.c.’d anIunary, He works by mail, as tittle. He's always going out of his follows: to handle the staging and sound ■ Regularly 1 is chairman of the group, "Dear Chaplain Harmon—I way to do mething nice for the By Mail Participating in the pageant will details, with Earl Denham as sound . men in the 32nd Depot company. wish you would read the follow, I be a 60-voice choir from Corvallis. engineer It’s finally hapfi* ned. Th*' fog j* mg letter to the men in the The Gray lauiies were also re- «o thick an>l the «wamp so «leef service: -ponaiMe for a humorous Chhst- Colonels to be Guests that a sailor landed at Port Adair “Hello, men. I am a boy 1 < ' mas play, presented by a Corvallis At Hq. Co. Dinner the other day. He was visiting years old. I am very interested i group far the station hospital pa- « Bill and in the army. If you aren't going with the 691st Laundry. 1 tient», last evening. (Continued From Page 1) tn On Tuesday, when the ae»k of a Christmas design by Ikon Ly h, to any other church I suggest F. A. DISK I SSION CLl'H I functions began, hospital nurse« of the company, and carrying that you come to the First Anybody in the Timber Wolf CVMPl tDAIR SENTRY Christian Church. Salem. We I ana detachment men enjoyed - greetings from Col. . McCoy and rQox M7 Diviaion artillery is welcome to have very good pastor. I wish ■ . lo 1 Page Three Horses, Dags, Cats Live In Pccce on First Xmas ( ( Olli llli.eo Fl'.m P»V" ll they a:v anxious about spring, be­ cause the cats are of both sexes, and in the spring a young cat's fa ncy lightly turns to thoughts of love. More Horses Cornine The horses on hand now number 38, but 22 more are expected. They are standard bred to thoroughbred and if anybody is caught abusing I them he doesn’t get to ride any more, whatever his rank. The horses are used for M.P. patrol and by divisional reconnaissance officers. They come from the cav­ alry at Ft. Lewis, and from Texn . and there are range ponies'. Sgt. Jensen and his assistant, Pfc. Edwin Wiebe» have a nice, little house nearby. With blow torches they have antiqued the wood and have made the place cozy. Jensen Used to be a Montana cowboy and California trainer at the race tracks, lie plans to es­ tablish a riding ring with hurdles. For Christmas the horses will get extra oats and the dogs and cuts will share the soldiers' dinner, and a special friend of cuts means to find them some catnip if he Merry Christmas from bishop Photographe Salon »nd p The Season s Best Wishes Corva i lis from BROWN'S Sales and Service Modern Shop — Best Mechanics Wilson Motors Phone 43, 2nd Ä Jackson Salem's Leadinq Credit Jewelers Liberty & Court—Sitimi Bit That Counts 2EZ The First National Bank of Monmouth Exchange Loan Office OFFICERS - NON-COMS SOLDIERS WATCH THIS LIST AND CHECK ITEMS NEEDED Or better still — come into either of our stores—at Albany or Salem and go over the stocks with us. I 1 All Wool O. D. Shirts [ 1 Uniform Buttons □ Money Belts □ Shoulder Patches □ Zipper Utility Kits I 1 Shoe Rags I 1 Slippers - Packed in Kit í J Chevrons for All Grades ] "Aunt Lydia's" Thread I Î Web Belts, Brass Buckles "Spiffy" Collar Stays n Reg. Buckle Oxfords □ O. D. Laundry Bags □ Officers' Slacks (l, □ Metal Soap Boxes Li Sewing Kits I 'T' Shirts (with PiviHlOh In ij'iua) □ Souvenir Pillow Tops MONEY TO LOAN Copper Button Boards J Metal Polishes □ 0. D. Army Coveralls Send The O. D. Wool Sweaters Sweetie-Pie The I JEST RECEIVED—HOEI.YVOGI'E I KI M AN STAY TIES. | □ Gun Cleaning Brushes Hr»«« Wire 30 and 15 Calibre Glastic Dog Chains Fitted In spection Kits [ ] Albums, Photo & Service (Wool, Nlccvch•- 4) 0. D. Cotton & Wool Sox Shoe Brushes, Shoe Paste Officers' Raincoats Leather Wallets Sentry Tooth Brushes Garrison Cap Rain Covers 6 Months For A Buck ■< (pr„|)h>l,„-t,. , Stationery |1 ARMY t NAVY “Your Dollar’s Worth AI way TWO STORES FOR YOl’R CONVENIENl E 2X1 N. Commercial . 2IW> W. Second S» SALEM ALBANY I Í