Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, December 17, 1942, Page 8, Image 8

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    Thursday, December 17, 1942.
Timber Wolf League Cage Games Next Two Ni
At Field House
Public Relations Section
Camp Adair. O?e.
Gull vs. Mountaineer
Inf. League Torrid Go;
Spec. Troops in Game;
Give League Standings
Giants Shade Dodgers
In League Fielding
Sgt. E. A. Brown
Did you see in the papers or hear
over the radio about the proposal
to divide the two major leagues
into eastern and western divisions?
Although it is doubtful if many
of us will have an opportunity to
watch first hand how this works
out providing, of course, they do
follow through—it is rather inter­
esting to contemplate how it will
confuse the habitual baseball fan.
First, here's the set up, as pro­
pounded to Transportation Czar
Joseph B. Eastman by a Philadel­
phia newspaper. (Ed. Note: Who
I cares whether the Phutile Phillies
and Connie Maca’s White Elephants
travel anyway') The East League
would consist of New York, Brook­
lyn. Philadelphia and Boston of the
Nationals and New York, Philadel­
phia, Boston and Washington of
the American.
The West League—Chicago, St.
Louis, Cleveland and Detroit of i
the American league and Chicago, |
St. Louis, Cincinnati and Pitts­
burgh of the National.
All straight so far? All right,
let’s go on from there. As vaguely
hinted at before, this would mean
that the two Philadelphia teams
would be playing each other. That’s
a pretty sad picture to contem­
plate both from the spectator and
box office point of view. When one
of those teams plays a visitor in
bis own back yard the number of
people who stay away is amazing.
When they play each other ushers. .
ticket takers and hot dog vendors
should be allowed to install jute
boxes and a well equipped library
to keep them from passing out in
sheer lonliness.
Them Brooklyn Bums
And now to Brooklyn, hooray.
The glorious bums from Flatbush
could, would and should have the
time of their irrepressible young
lives taking on the New York
Giants for three days and then
moving over to the Yankee stadium
OSC Meets Bruno's at
fur three more days of fun and may­
Corvallis Tomorrow;
hem with the Yanks.
Boston vs. Boston
13 Pre-Season Games
And up in Beantown? There, my
friends, will really be something.
Imagine if you can, the office boy
taking the afternoon off to attend
I grandmother's funeral and ending
against up at the ball park to witness the
January Braves and Red Sox going through
a titanic death struggle? It would
serve the office boy right for tell­
ing a fib.
Boy, 1 can hardly wait until my
38th birthday, so I can get back to
see some of that intramural ac­
Three Two-Timers on
AP All-American Team
With three men chosen for their
second consecutive year, here is the
takc-it-or-leave-it All American
1942 football team selected by As­
sociated Press:
E. David N. Schreiner, Wiscon­
sin*; T Richard K. Wildung. Min.
ncsota*; G. Garrard S. Ramsey,
William & Mary; C. Joseph Dom-
nanovich, Alabama; G. Charles A.
Taylor, Stanford; T. Clyde E.
E. Robert
Shaw. Ohio State; B.~GI*nn Dobbs,
Tulsa; B Paul V. Governali, Col­
umbia; B Frank Sinkwich Georg,
ia*; l<.Michael J. Holovak, Boston
•Chosen for second consecutive
/ A/
Ai Ä»
Start« Sund«»
Brothers Baer in Army
Now; to Instruct P.E.
Volleyball On! Upsets
In 96th Initial Games
Semi-Final Contests Tonight;
Field House Finals Tomorrow
Two terrific upsets featured the
opening double-header of the 96th
Division’s championship single
elimination volleyball series which
opened Monday night in the Field
In the first game, a spirited
team representing Company I,
383rd Infantry Bn. bowed before
the superior footwork of the 96th
Signal company. Scores were 15-13
in the initial setup of the best two
out of three elimination contest.
Then the dot-and-dash boys
turned right around and gave the
foot soldiers another trouncing in
the second round. The score stood
15-4 when the final whistle blew.
Battery A, 362nd F.A. showed
lots of power and expert coordina­
tion in the evening’s second con­
test. For the first few minutes of
the game, the 601st Q.M. Bn. look­
ed as if they might have had what
it takes but eventually ended up
' on the short end with Battery A
’way out front with a decisive mar­
gin of 15-6.
In the second game, the Quar­
termasters showed up a little bet­
ter by scoring 8 points to Battery
i A’s 15.
Finals Tomorrow-
Remaining semi-final games are
I on tap tonight, while finalists will
I meet tomorrow at 9 pjn., at Field
' House. It ought to be worth the
I time of any sports-minded soldier
to turn out and see the deciding of
the division championship.
At that time a fine loving cup,
to be appropriately engraved, will
be presented to the winner.
College Hoop
Game at Salem
Timber Wolf Quintet
Witt Tangle in Tilt
With Willamette at
8 o'Clock Tomorrow
In the fifth game of their winter
schedule the 104th Div. basketball
quintet, coached by Lt. Bob Duffy,
will tomorrow night meet the five
of Willamette College, in the Wil­
lamette College gym, Salem.
The game will start at 8 p.m.
Probable starting line-ups at
Salem tomorrow night will include
Robinson Pummels Al
Sgt. Clark Brown and Lt. Sam
Nettlow in 40th Win
Koster, forwards; Lt. Herbert
Brown, center; Lt. Gene Badgley
“Sugar” Ray Robinson scored and Pfc. Loren Garrett or Lt. Jos.
Quin, guards.
his 40th pro. victory and 29th k.o.
Monday night in Philadelphia,
when he delivered a terrific beat­
Baker Btry., Timber Wolf Divis­
ing to Al Nettlow, game navy chief ion, challenges practically the
boatswain’s mate, for a third-round world, in ping pong. The man
I see is S/Sgt. George W. Avery.'
ctaw 'ü' unir/
Wise Santas Are
Colorful Hassocks
Handy in any home.
Metal Smoking Stands -
Beautifully finished.
End Tables -----
No home has enough.
Table Lamps -----
Wide variety of beauties.
rager s
Kitchen Stools - - - -
Metal—Upholstered seat.
Bed Lamps -----
Easy on the eyes.
“ $^*^9 and up
5 and up
“ $^*75 and up
- $3-95
$ *7 5 and up
Glass Framed Pictures -
Large stock for selection.
The Home
Chenille Bed Spreads - -
Many colors and designs.
Glass Top CoHee Tables
Just the right < ne to fit in.
Samson Card Tables - -
Most popular and useful.
Clothes Hampers - - -
Handy. Fit anywhere.
" $6*5®
and up
" $5*95 and up
- $$.75
$3e5®and up
New Warm Blankets (Special) $6«75
Beautiful pastel shades. Cannon-Leakvillc brand.
72”x90". Reg. »8.75.
Frager's are showing thousands of other items, many too
numerous to mention, for every home for Christmas.
to our store will convince you that Frager’s is the place to
shop your entire list this Christmas.
The Baer facts are these:
Max and Buddy Baer since Mon-
day, arv both privates. U.S. Army.
The Livermore. Calif., ex heavy
champ and his ex-contender broth­
er both signed up at McClellan
field, are now spending 10 days at
Monterey induction center.
Roller Rink
7th A Montgomery
Albany. Oregon
W. Guy Parker
thstnet Mgr.
Phone 114$
l*> Monroe St . Corvallis. Ore
A visit