Camp Adair Sentry Chemical Warfare's Instructions Issued The universe is filled with spiritual ideas, which He evolves, and they are obedient to the Mind that makes them” (p. 295). Camp Office Advises Men on Gas Defense An illustrated leaflet of instruc­ tions, in case troops of Camp Adair have chemical warfare agents used against them, is being issued by the Chemical Warfare Property Office, headed by Major E. F. Armstrong. The illustrations are sketches done by Pfc. Donald Lynch and they show a soldier putting on the mask, getting out of a gassed area, etc., in line with the instruc­ tions, as follows: “If the Japs use gas: Shut your eyes—stop breathing—put on your mask. In an airplane spray attack get under your raincoat, shelter half or any other shelter. “If vesicants are breathed—get out of the gassed area and remain quiet—until evacuated by medical men. But if it is a lung irritant only, like phosgene, just put on your mask and remain quiet where you are—the gas will blow away. “If gas gets in your eyes, have a medical man wash your eyes with boric acid or bicarbonate of soda solution. “Areas subjected to gas atttacks may absorb vesieants—contact with such areas may cause bums Most of you soldiers are accustomed to seeing Cpl. Nick or blistering. Sansonia doing his stuff on an accordian. Just to prove his ver­ “Remove contaminated clothing satility. v>e show Nick dreaming of a White Christmas at the at once . outside of the gassed control board of the mighty Wurlitzer—al) right, an organ then. area, of course. Signal Corps Photo. “Use rag, handkerchief or any At 1045. a general Protestant com­ other material that has not been munion service will be held, to contaminated . . . Blot, don’t rub. which all men are cordially invited. "Use protective ointment. Rub in immediately (You carry it in your mask carrier) with your CHAPEL SERVICES SA - r X kJ hand, remove it with cloth, then Sunday, December 20th, 1942 rub on again and leave it. If you Chapel No. 7 have no ointment dab on no-cor­ C and 1st St. North rosive decor, agent, or gasoline, t . 0700—Episcopal Holy Communion. oil, automobile extinguisher fluid 0800and 1000—*Catholic Mass. (Pyrene) or a solution of chloride 0900 and 1100—General Protestant of lime. Then wash with water Service. and GI soap. 1500—Bible Study. “Test for gas . . . Insert two Chaplain Harmon, Post Chap­ 1930—Evening Service. fingers in side of mask—take mod­ erate breath then clear mask. Cau­ lain, will resume his usual Sunday 1930—Men’s Choir Practice every Thursday. tion—when testing be careful not morning Bible Class at 0930 on to allow equipment to touch the December 20th. These classes have proven very interesting to the Chapel No. 8 ground.” men in the past and all are invited C and 5th St., North to be present this Sunday, at Post 0800—Lutheran Service. j 11. ASK FOR— Chapel Avenue D and 3rd Street 0900 and 1000—’Catholic Mass. North. 1100—Protestant Service. I At the regular morning worship 1630—Protestant Vespers. service at 100O, the Chaplain will 1830—Discussion Club, Catholic Mass every week day bring a special Christmas message. BI TTER and except Monday, 1830. ' üb CHAPLAIN'S COLUMN ICE CREAM (Biggest Variety of Frozen Bars) Distrib­ BIRDS TYE utors for^,.oTf„- WOOD* Green Valley Creamery Corvallis 3rd & Adams, Phone 363 FINE PORTRAITS Reasonably Priced also Cameras-Supplies-Films Wilson Studio 135 S. 2nd Corvallis Starker's Nursery For All Kinds of Trees. Shrubs and Plants for Landscaping — at Reasonable Prices Starker's Nursery 3800 Oak Creek Road. Corvallis, Phone 919-W ATTENTION SERVICE MEN For your convenience, we are now open until 9 o'clock every night until Christmas. f ( hmh I Stock Of Electric Razors -- $12.50 & $15.00 Sporting Goods Luggage Auto Accessories Electrical Appliances Toys and Games Dinnerware Kitchen Appliances Auto Seat Covers for Your Car FIRESTONE STORE at Rickard's Garage 2nd A Van Buren Thursday, December 17,1942. ~ 1 Corvallis POST CHAPEL. SERVICES Avenue D and 3rd Street North Friday, December 18 2000—Jewish service, Spl. Bernard Axelrad. Saturday, December 19 1900—Catholic Confession. Sunday. December 20 0800—Catholic mass. Chaplain Talbot. 0900—Episcopal communion. Chap­ lain Newman. 0930—Bible Class, Chaplain Har­ mon. 1000—Protestant Christmas serv­ ice, Chaplain Harmon. 1045—General Protestant Com- , munion. Chaplain Harmon. 1115—Latter Day Saints, Pfc. Al­ ma Nielsen. Wednesday, December 23rd, at 1930 (7:30 p. m.) a special service will be conducted by Father George H. Swift of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Salem, Oregon. Christmas carols and other music will be pro­ vided by members of the church choir. CATHOLIC Chapel No. 2—10:30 a. m. Chapel No. 3—7:00 a.m.. a.m., 11:30 a.m. Confession Satur­ day, 3:00 to 5:00; 6:00 to 7:00. Mass daily at 6:30 p.m. except Wednesday. Chapel No. 4—6:45 a.m., 10:45 a.m., 11:30 a.m. Confession Satur­ day. 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Fri­ day Sorrowful Mother Novena. Chapel No. 5—8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Confession Saturday 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Chapel No. 6—7:00 a.m. to 11:15 NEWS. LOAFERS— BREAD FOR SALE! Bread, fresh from the new Post bakery, can be purchased by army personnel at the Food Sales Store, Assistant Sales Of­ ficer Lt. Wesley P. Herrmann, said yesterday. Price is 3 cents per loaf. The GI bread, which has been rated tops by all partaking ("the texture of angel food cake”), can be purchased dur- ing sales store hours, 8:30 to 11:15 a. m. and from 1:00 until 2:30 p. m. Sales Store is located at Ave. 1 and 1st St. N. Though opened only a short while, as high as 23,000 loaves per day have already been turned out at the new bakery. Cp/. D. Atley Reports About Private V. Ivich Pvt. Vladislav Ivich, who for two years had a restaurant in Brook­ lyn, now has the same job in our army as he used to have in the Italian navy. He is on duty at the officers’ mess in the artillery of the Timber Wolf Division. On this job he is impressed by the quantity and quality of the food, as compared with what the Italian officers had. The ujual Ital­ ian breakfast, he says, was bread and coffee. Ivich was born in the town of Molcalvo-Pisino, near Trieste, and he is of Austrian ancestry, but that place was proclaimed part of Italy after World War No. 1 and he was drafted into the Italian navy between 1929 and 1932. He served as an attendant in the officers’ mess on two large Ital­ ian vessels in the Mediterranean Sea. One was the Taranto, similar to an American battleship, Ivich re. members, and the other was the St. George, more like an American cruiser. Two years ago Ivich'came to the United States and busied himself in trying to get together enough money to bring his wife and small son to the United States. Since the war began, Ivich has had no word of his family. He has cabled Christ­ mas greetings and hopes for an answer. He isn’t yet a citizen and is eager to become one. By Cpl. D. Atley. Guns — Suits — Luggage Exchange Loan Office BISHOP-PHOTOGRAPHERS announce Saturday, Dec. 19 is the LAST DAY Pictures Can Be Made for Christmas Delivery BISHOP PHOTOGRAPHERS 520 State Street Salem Ground Floor Locations at BROWN'S ^1 IN THE TRUE AMERICAN WAY.......... KEEP THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT ALIVE Have no fear of slighting anyone on your Christmas list if you make your selec­ tions at Brown’s where you will find complete choice of up-to-the-minute gifts. Easy, convenient ways to buy! This Christmas get acquainted with one of "AMERICA'S FIRST FAMILIES" It’s the Arrow family of fine haber­ dashery t If you’ve never made their acquaintance, step in today and meet: Newest Modern Style Costume Jewelry SPECIAL AT . BILLFOLDS GENUINE LEATHER Gift Feature $ | OO ARROW SHIRTS ’s Your Credit Open a” BRACELET White« and fancies. All will» the San­ forized label, nil cut to the exclusive Mitofta figure-fit....................... $2.25 up. * « . «O « « « Made to resist wrinkles and knot per­ fectly. In stripes and patterns. $1.00 up. YELLOW GOLD COLOR Good Acc<>' ,unt * LOCKET Gift value! I, JIm»o — n _ “^ ARROW TIES BROWNS > A I I M, OKGOi SALEM’S LEADING CREDIT JEWELERS—OPTIC IAN8 ARROW SHORTS Member Better Vlaision Institute MONEY TO LOAN With the (unions seamless seat. San­ forized labelled. 75c up. l ops, 60c up. 311 N. Commercial St Salem. Oregon ARROW HANDKERCHIEFS To harmonize with Arrow Shirts and Ties. A dandy buy at ...............3$e up. Officers and Men of Camp Adair Christian Science "Is the Universe. Including Mar.. Evolved by Atomic Force?” is the spbject of the Lesson-Sermon in I all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. Golden Text: "Known unto God are ail his works from the begin­ ning of the world” (Acts 15:181. Among the citations which com­ prise the Lesson-Sermon is the fol­ lowing from the Bible: “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are «een were not made of thing* which do ap- pear” (Heb. 11.3). The Lesson-Sermon also include« the following correlative passage« from the Christian Science text­ £ book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scripture»” by Mar>' Baker E ddy: "God creates and gov­ erns the u