Tage Four Chaplains Speak Out Against Hate Motive Lt. Pete Laika With Headquarters Co. The McGees Christmas Carol Is Veteran of Adair From Days of Tent City Timber Wolf Chapel Dedicated As Post Chaplain Resumes Work Lt. Pete A. Lafka, last summer in command of one of the provi­ sional tent area companies since divided among the sections of the Service Command Unit, is now as­ sisting Capt. Paul S. Rutledge in running the SCU Hdq. Co. Of late he has been on the prowl, in and out of barracks, before reveille, and in the mess halls. Wherever he goes the lieutenant is welcome as the flowers in May, | unless somebody is doing something that he shouldn't, or failing to do something that he should. So busy is Lt. Lafka nowadays that he may­ be unable to have his usual quiet hour on Saturday nights, in the Corvallis library. 1 wo leading chaplains of this camp Sunday at special services warned against hate, as a fighting motive, thereby taking a position at variance with that of some military leaders and other prominent Americans. “I am worried about the man who is taught to hate,” said ( haplain (Lt. Col.) Frank J. Worthington, divisional chaplain of the Timber Wolf Division, following an address in which Major General Gilbert R. Cook spoke of the chapels as sources of strength for the division. “When the war is over, will that man transfer his hatred to something els war, traveled for engineering or­ _ It so. ganization of the Veterans Ad­ "Please tell my public also,” ministration Bureau. . pleaded Doc Arter, “that as a na- | live of San Francisco I thought I David Kaplan transferred from knew something about rain. Bro- MP to Hq. Co. I ther, I didn’t know ANYTHING about rain. MP promotions: Cpls. David H. Charles ami Herbert F. Haley have Per sonal nomination for hardest become sergeants. First class pri­ working young soldier in the Mili­ vates Armand E. Addonixio. Irv­ tary Police: Private Samuel Ha­ ing Altwarg, (.averne O. Nygaard, ber, who in private life was per­ Henry G. Klofkorn and Elmer S. sonal aide to Mayor Frank Hague Ruelle have become corporals. of Jersey City in the state which Famous last words: Any blondes ha- contributed so many quaint today ? and silent characters to the per­ sonnel of Camp Adair. B Shop Big Stocks of Many Gift Lines at— H E Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, December 17,1942. OFFICE MACHINE REPAIRS By holder of Federal and State Repair Contract*. Complete Service at ENGELSTAD’S Special Deposit Envelopes supplied by any one of these Branches without charge. Albany Branch • Corvallis Brandi or La40 OPTICAL CO. □ Leather Wallets Officers' Raincoats □ 0. D. Army Coveralls □ Military Jewelry □ Sleeping Bag (ZipperandSnap) Gym KedS (U.S. Brand) □ O. D. Wool Sweaters (Wool, sleeveless) □ Shoe Brushes, Shoe Paste □ Tooth Brushes Stationery (Brophyum-. (Kits, folder or box) ARMY L NAVY A our Dollar's Worth Always” TWO STORES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE 233 N. ( ommereia! 206 W. Second St. SALEM ALBANY