Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, December 17, 1942, Page 2, Image 2

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Thursday, December 17,1942.
A Great
Notes From a Soldier's Sketch Book
A weekly newspaper published for the military and civilian per­
sonnel of I amp Adair, Oregon, and circulated free to officers, soldier»
and civilians by written permission of the camp commander.
Published by the Camp Adair Sentry, i
Box 317, Cor­
vallis, Oregon. News matter pertaining to Camp Adair, furnished by
the Camp Public relations Office, is available for general release.
Camp Adair
Editor and manager
Don C. Wilson
P. O. Address, Box 347, Corvallis, Oregon. Phone 865-.M.
Sometime.« a commanding offic­
er and first sergeant wish that
Subscription by mail $1.50 a year or $1 for six month».
there was a special rating which
could be given to the chronic hu­
Advertising rates upon request.
mourist. in the outfit, by way of np.
Address all communications to “Cump Adair Sentry, Box
Corvallis, Oregon."
For morale value, humour is
uniquely effective, and your real
News contributors to thia issue: Lt. George H. Godfrey,
Public Relations officer; S/Sgt. E. A. Brown, associate director;
wit or humourist gradually wins
S/8gt. R. L. Black, Sgt. Henry Beckett, T 4 Raymond
the gratitude of officers and non­
son, Cpl. John H. Gubelman, Pvt. Wallace Rawles, Pvt. Robert
com», la-cause they find that he is
worth a heap of discipline.
Of course army humour is like
no other humour. Much of it comes
out in the form of mockery and to
(’amp Adair, ami more specifically, Theatre 3, become«
outsider it may seem almost
th«* point of origination of big time radio presentations
mutinous in attitude toward mili­
Monday evening, December 21.
tary- authority. But, curiously,
First program, scheduled to hit the air at 9:30 p. m.,
this grim, sardonic brand of hu­
will I m * preceded by a full 30 minute preview on the theatre
mour promotes good feeling. It
provides comic relief, eases ten­
stage providing a solid hour of entertainment for those
sion. Well-worded sarcasm relieves
attending the broadcast.
the system of grievances and the
To initiate the series, radio station KOIN, basic CBS
clever taunt provokes laughter,
northwest outlet, will bring its entire orchestra with a
and laughter is good medicine for
complete show including singers, comedy teams, gag men,
the soul.
“You would keep biviniy about the weather.
announcers, producers and engineers to Camp Adair, On
Then your real humourist in
I bound to be intelligent—for the
the following Monday night and each Monday thereafter
. psychologists have found that hu-
it’s to be a strictly Army production, with the exception
which gives figures anil draws con­
incur is a sign of intelligence—
of weekly artists to augment the Army cast.
clusions, as follows:
«nil he is forever appraising a sit­
Preparing a radio show of this size, broadcast through
“They say that when the typical uation or sizing up the men around
soldier reports for duty, be is 5’8" j him and making pungent comment
the facilities of a station serving several hundred thousand
From Our Army
tall, weihs 144 pounds, has a 33’4” i that reveals their characteristics.
listeners, plus the definite possibility that it will lie released
chest and a 31" waist line, wears* a To him, everybody is peculiar, and
over a regional network, will employ th«- talents of a great
I size 9'aD shoe and a size 7 hat. he is right.- Everybody is peculiar
many men. Writers, gag men, musicians, arrangers, singers
Rut Army life adds 6 to 10 lbs., and especially in the army. You
and all persons who have had professional experience in
This camp’s many etymologists I makes his feet row a half size hear certain men spoken of as camp
theutre, radio or any branch of public entertainment are will be interested in the latest in­ larger, his chest expand and his "characters,” because their behav-
urged to make their services avaltable. ’ No doubt exists formation about that word “shave­ , height increase. So. if your clothes | mr and interests are highly indi­
that there is ample talent, in great variety here at the- post tail.” It appears in the Camp Rob- ► don't fit you when you come in, vidual, but with acquaintance it
don't worry—just wait. They- will." i turns out that all soldiers have
to build an outstanding show and every effort will Is- made erts Dispatch and perhaps it wiU
be safer to quote:
Glenn Goetz, 11, of New Kens­ [ little ways that set them apart.
to use that talent in a professional manner, giving due credit
"Originally, it referred to
ington, Pa., has b< i n made an “hon- ( Somehow these personal traits
to everyone participating, both in the radio shows and the unbroken mule, according to
I orary private” of the "2d Modi« al stand out all the more in a military
stage presentation which will be a regular part of the Dictionary of American English i Bn., Carlisle Barracks, Pa., says , camp, where all of us are in uni-
now in preparation at the Universi­ THE MEDICAL SOLDIER. The ! form and must conform to rules
Monday night affair.
Plans have been completed for auditions which will be ty of Chicago. The' dictionary says proper insignia was pinned on him I and follow the same routine.
the term Originated with the army
Humour is badly needed in the
held weekly to select the cast for the following week’s anil was applied to mules because at a ceremonial parade and retreat.
This i- the result of his letter last army during wartime, to offset
program. From that selection, script writers will build their tails are smouth down to the .spring, stating that he played a
the tragedy of war, and to counter
the show turning it over then to the production men for tufted tip. It later was used with drum and would like to be a drum­ inevitable annoyances. The war
actual rehearsals.
regard to the second looies because mer boy in the battalion, even if army is always expanding and
' too young to he a full soldier,
This is an urgent talent call. If you have the stuff that of their ulleged stubbornness."
changing in personnel, so that it
One of the most optimistic sol­ i Health hints by ('apt. Hubert can't be a “going concern," as an
makes for .showmanship, on the stage or un the air, and you
diers’ pii|iers in the country is the ‘ W. Marlow, Camp Food Nutrition established business is, or, for that
want to help make the Camp Adair radio program the best
Officer, appear in CAMP BAR j
inliitter, an army, in time <4 peace.
Army show on the air get In touch with your Sjiecinl Service
NEWS, as follows:
from those countries will buck me
It is not static, it is forever on the
Officer immediately. If more convenient, call either 298J up. No people are fascist. This is
"American soldiers are the best move and perfection in details is
or 2941. You will be given audition dates and all other amply proven by the treatment of i fed in the world. Lots of vitamin | impossible. Camps are being built,
necessary information. Don't put it off. Do it today!
the population in fascist countries, (' (citrus fruits and salads),helps men are being inducted, and there
Remember the date. The first broadcast, with an by the work ins conditions and heal wounds and broken bones. are troop movements, replace­
all-Htar cast of Columbia Broadcasting Company talent will forced labor, by the utter lack of Most of the vitamins in vegetables ments, promotions and shifts of
freedom, hy the starvation and im­ are in the green leaves. Green cel­ personnel, mid chnnges in training
be held next Monday evening, December 21, at 9 p. m. poverishment.
ery is better than white; it is schedules, varying with the circum­
Tickets for admission to Theutre 3, scene of the big stage and
sweeter and contains more vita­ stances of the conflict. Of course,
Enemies Are Fascists
radio show, can be secured from your Special Service Officer.
"No, the people of the occupied min.». Sult is good for you in hot there are delays and frustrations
I weather."
without end.
fascist countries, far from lie
For high morale we need humour
From Denver it is reported that
ing our enemies, can la- considered
as staunch allies of the United Na­ authorities and members of the and fortunately the armies of the
tions in the fight against fascism. Liberal Church of Denver have United States have developed a
President Roosevelt and other "amended" the laird's Player, offi­ rich, characteristic humour that is
By H. II.
United Nation» leader» have made cio! prayer of the church, to in­ unmatched anywhere. Some of it
MllllllllHIIMIIHIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlUyilimillllllllillllllllllllllllll? this clear numerous times. It is clude ju«t before "Amen" the sen­ is fiction and some is fact and the
only those who have absorbed and tence, "Praise the Lord and pass two are mingled. The whole coun­
This week I give my usual space,
How Our Allies Feel
and more, to a letter from Pvt
“Try t<> tell that to the Chinese ucceptsd the ideas of fascism whom the ammunition." That’s in 9.3RD try knows jokes about th«- relation­
Abe Polisar, Hq. Cxi., 4144b Inf whose country has been overrun we must hate mid destroy in liattle. BLUE HELMET, Ft. Huaehuea, ship of the imaginary first ser­
geant, a regular demo n in his
It evada us follow»:
for four years by n ruthless invad­ With this approach, proposals for Ariz.
"To the Old Tinier: I read your er. Try to tell it to the Russian mass ox termination or sterilization
C. A. Mikkelson, 41, Sparta, wrath, ami the imaginary recruit,
column i>f Dec. 3 with pt<*at inter­ peasant whose wife bus been raped, of all Germans and .laps becomes N. J.. a father, ami C. R Mikkel­ who»«* awkwardness and ignorance
e»t because many of lay civilian whose child has been bayoneted to dangerous to the cause of freedom son, 21. of Phillipsburg. N. J., his have liecomc a legend.
But the best humour is in situa­
friends have discussed the sume deuth. whose fields und fucturies and the United Nations and should son. landed in the same anti-air­
subject with me through then have lieen turned into a shambles. cease.
craft battery at Camp Stewart, tions ax they arise and in our com­
“In your answer to Dr. Holmes (■a., .«ays that camp's SHOOT 'EM rades anil ourselves. The best thing
correspondence I find that I di» Try to tell it to the British citizen
agree with both your view» und whose home wax bombed dul.y for you say that only the men in the DOWN. Although they had been at ahout the tru«- humourist is that
those of the Rev. Dr. John Haynes weeks on end. whose son wax killed ui med forces have the right to I Camp Dix at the same time and after awhile his comrades hx>k for
Holmes, whose letter you quoted
fighting the German air force, und hate and if they don't then certain­ had been one car apart on a troop laughter w hen he is around. Laugh­
“The subject of 'hatred' for the whose church was mude n special ly the civilian population shouldn't. , trail-., neither knew, until reaching ter is infectious. Soldiers learn to
enemy has lieen discussed by army target of the Luftwaffe. Or try to You also imply that practically II Georgia, that the other was in laugh at other soldiers and by and
| hi stinnel, psychologists, college tell it to the American soldiers, the entire populabon is trying io ■ervi.e Now they march together. by laugh at themselves and when
professors, religious figures, new; sailors ami marines who were sta- escape army service. Such an ntti- : Men of the Navy Yard at Pearl that happens they are in sound
jiaper editors and columnists Th«' tinned at Pearl Harbor or llataun. tilde, unless I have milundorstood. Harbor have failed to return 201,- health emotionally and receptive
conclusions drawn by the»«- people All these p<-ople hate the Axis for is. I believe, detrimental to the re-, 552 hotties in three months, to training and instruction.
are at such variance as Dr. they have all come into direct and lntions between civilians and en- ' PEARL HARBOR
There is something funny about
Holmes on the one hand and ll< in- violent contact with it. They have li»te«l men. The army in America : complains editorially, remarking a platoon marching down a road in
ingway on the other. The formel witnessed the atrocities committed today ia not those in uniform that it's $4.031.04 worth of bottles, n fog. shouting in cadence. “One!
believes that to hate at all Is to hy the fascial», they have experi­ alone, t'ertamly the worker, pro­ lost through sheer carelessiu-ss. Two! Three* Four!" and if they
lose all reason aiul ia wrong; the enced the brutal treatment so ducing airplanes, is performing and that bs'iil dealers threaten to can see it, as well as passersby,
latter ia in favor of indiscriminate eharacteristic of the fascists; hat- just as vital a task. The shipyard withhold soft drinks from the all's well with the army.
hut<' and outright extermination
red is written in their brains, in machinist who helps set new pro­ Navy Yard. (But that was in the
duction records is just a» impor- October issue. I
"It ia impossible to read of the the blood tlpilled by fascism
brutalities. atnwiti«-« and «o forth
"Those of us who have not yet taut to victory us we in the arm<*d
Earl Meadows. "16 Olympic vault
committed by th«' fascist axt« and come into contact with the Axis forces.
Each division ha» a Camp Adair champion, once hohier of world rec­
“The Unitevi States Army of
not to feel a surging hat«' against gun men hate fascism too We hate
"Aitair." Jovv V. Adair is a S Sgt. on I tie at 14 feet 11 inches, is
those responsible. The Italian fus­ it with all the aversion of citiliens IMS ha» often been called a
and Curtis Adair is a Pvt.
civilian physical training instruc­
iláis used gas against th« deferí-,
of the greatest democracy, with people'» army because of th<- close
tor at l.uke Field. Ariz.
less Ethiopians 'way hack before all the intensity of peopl«- brought collaboration existing with the
the outbreak of this World War up and educated to tespeet the home front It ia up to u» to guar­ Il IND S tl.l TH! ONE! TWO!
They’re going to make it easy
No. II. The Japanese have used rights of the individual and the antee that such cooperation and
to spot a highball again, fellers.
ga» against the Chinese numberless group Me do not. however, hate singleness of purple continue We
times and the tales of their trench blindly. unreasonably. We hate are, after all. all working toward»! According to a new Washing­
ery are nuiucrous and horrible
fascism not only liecause of the one gsal the immediate and com-| ton communique officers arc to
go hack to wearing insignia of
"The German barbarians have atrocitien it has committed tn the plete defeat of fascism."
grade on "each shoulder loop of
Pvt. Polisai »<y* that he día­
outdone themselves time and time war but Iwcainw we know that
service eoatsovercoat, rain­
again with their mas» hos tag« fascism is organised erueliy and agree» with Dr Holme» and me,
coat, field racket and work
After carefully rereading my col-
murders, Ixiiiilung» of hospitals bartiarisni during war and peer,
an<l civilian ares». eold-bioo»ie<i
“We know that fascism can con­ unin that prompted his lattei I
This means that officers will
murder and rape of civilians in oc­ tinue only an th« basis of continued fail Io find any disagreement, rx-
grade insignia exactly as
cupied U-rntoriee
All these are loutality We must however make Ct-pt that he «ay» I »aid some
they did several months ago
not the acts <»f rea»unable men i«ut ¡ a distinction betwser. fascist» and things which 1 certainly did not
with two exceptions. Insignia
of perverts and unthinking brute» |x-<>ph- living under fascism Tn say. I did net criticize the civilian
ha- not been res tore»! to shoul
I merely »aid that
whose sense have lieen compb-lely j I-rand the entire German, Italian population.
of O il and suntan shirt»
dulled aud who have been turne»! | ami Japanese pepulaii m a> fa»- some of the most bitter hater» still
rira cou I*
Grade insignia w ill continue to
Pwd C«G
Into iteatrucUve automatons Can eists would mean to suirmdar be« •hrink from fighting
be worn on right collar wing
In next week's Sentry, appearing
we remain jiaasivv befoic them and I ¡ lief in the existence of under»!owed
Pepsi Cola Bottling Co
say to ourselves. 'Be «alm Don't i I movements in those ««mntties. 4, the day l—fore Christmas. HI have <h*sp>te restoration to shoulder-
You can't miss 'em hoys Now
hate Tn hate ia bad and wrong, a» ¡ for one, am not prepared to give tn<<re to say about hatred, war and
of Corvallis
I>i Holme» secuis to adsiaa!
up that hope and 1 think near* peace.
The University of Illinois li­
brary wants to be placed on the
mailing list of the Camp Adair
Sentry. The weekly will go into
the library’s collection of camp
"This collection, now cor, tain-
ing over 300 titles,” a letter
read», “will form a part of our
permanent collections of books,
periodicals and posters fllus-
trating all phases of this World
War. We have a fireproof build­
ing and excallent facilities for
insuring the permanent pres-
ervation of these papers.
“Files of army camp papers
published during the first World
War have been very interesting
and instructive. Those published
during this war should be even
more valuable in the years to
“Yes siree
Anyone driving to Seattle dur­
ing the Christmas holidays who
will accept u passenger to share
expenses can call Miss Louis
Jameson, U.S. Civil Service Office,
2<.i03. .
Miss Jameson wishes to leave the
post anytime between Dee. 21 and
24, returning from Seattle Dee. 26,
2.7 or ti*.
“Ice-cold Coca-Cola is more than thirst
quenching. Yes siree. I^’s refreshing. There’s
Send Her
TODAY wire. Bonded delivery
service .. Florist Telegraphic
Delivery Association . . . .
Leading Fiorai Co.
'ho. 201, Corvallis, 458 .Madison
on art in its making. There’s know-how in its
production. The only thing like Coca-Cola is
Coca-Cola itself. Nobody else can duplicate it.