Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, December 10, 1942 ¿^Camp Adair Sentry TO THE EDITOR: Things are never as bad as they I seem, especially when everything | feto to Atom Or^s around us is out of our usual rou- tine, and none of it is of our own AMP BY T 5 R C. JOHNSON PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY choice The best thing about a war O.MMANDER’S A weekly newspaper published for the military and civilian per­ is that the boys who have to live sonnel of Camp Adair, Oregon, and circulated free to officers, aoldicr.i OLV.MN in the military atmosphere learn and civilians by written permission of the camp commander. a whole lot in a hurry about the Camp Adair Published by the Camp Adair Sentry, publisher, Box 347, Cor­ values of being able to do as you vallis, Oregon. News matter pertaining to < amp Adair, furnished by please. I believe that a lot of fel­ the Camp Public relations Office, is available f1.50 a year or >1 for six months. that means, but in. this camp, dur­ else wants them to do, and the Advertising rates upon request. ing the laat few weeks, we have worse handicap of not being able Address all communications to ’’Camp Adair Sentry, Box seen that the expression is more to select the company with whom Corvallis, Oregon.” than a figure of speech, It is you must associate. In Eddie Guest’s poem. ”1 have literally right. Sunshine and high News contributors to this i-»u<- Lt. George H. (Jodfrey, to live with myself, and so, I want spirits go together. Public Relations officer; S Sgt. E. A. Brown, a- ociute director; As one cloudy day follow^ an­ to be fit for myself to know." That S/Sgt. R. I,. Black, Sgt. Hi-nrv B«-ek< It, 'I I Raymond C. John son, Cpl. John H. Gubclmari. Pvt. Wallnci- llawle . Pvt Robert other we find ourselves struggling touches the idea that 1 have been Ruskauff. to be as bouyant and bright as we brewing around trying to steam are under clear skies or in the off into expression. It is something mixed weather to which most of us like this. I have to live with my­ an* accustomed. Suddenly, then, self so I wpn’t be grouchy, no mat­ the sun breaks through the clouds ter what happens. I won't worry We have been at war one year. Let’-- pause for a moment and in glad surprise we look from since that makes me the kind of a WC OC»J a window and catch a hint of gold person that is hard for me to live and see how far we have come nine«* that treacherous day <*»**'« - - O r* O Q u i* on a field that was dull and for­ with. 1 won’t hate people around when Pearl Harbor was bombed -just bow treacherously and lorn before, or if we are lucky nu* because they probably hate me how devastatingly few of us realized until a few days ago. enough to ho outside the entire me as much as I hate them and Plunged from fteace into war twelve months ago, we visible world is transfigured by the they can't get away any more than I can. Therefore, I am going to be took to the defensive, seeking time to organize our forces warm light. nice to the other guy so I don’t for counter attack. On Bataan and f'orregidor we had to .ike so many other things in have to live with a hateful guy , sunshine is most precious lake it. But to the glory of those men who fell, it was evi­ (meaning myself). when it is rare. Last summer, dent, even then, the offensive spirit was already there. In There is another when this Willamette Valley had a "A Timber Wolf! Oh, My, My, My!" the words of General MacArthur when he first reached same logic. Here it few days of record heat, sentinels that a fellow has to Australia: “We Will Return!” Freedom i- the esse:ice of the air walking post around the ware­ men around him makes it possible Today our armed forces are making good those de­ we breathe. Army wives, yours is 1 houses hugged the shade, lingering for him to be hard-boiled, matter termined words. Slowly, but with deadly sureness our forces in it, and walked faster on the a sustaining task." of fact ami still look out for the sunny side so that they would be and those of the United Nations are beginning to drive the other fellow. I suggest that you in the sun as little as possible, American Front, Thursday—In a ' Japunese backward from bases they establi: bed in those first pick out the biggest bore in the From Our Arm, spectacular charge w ith rifles anil Later, through a long succession of company, or the most disagreeable hectic days. And we will not stop there our battle cry hand-grenade- against one of the brilliant days, we wore heedless of person that you have to contact. in the Pacific is “On to Nippon!” Cousins most powerful German divisions the sun, taking it for granted, To improve your condition you In North Africa, an all-out attack is taking place that scarcely knowing our good fortune. , northwest of ( hateau-Thierry, the the biggest problem first. makeH us proud to be Americans. Under skillful leadership, Over-optimism now is dangerous, United States Marines last night 1 Now it ia different. The sun eliminate Now you cannot kill the guy. You seldom shines, and it may be that showing the results of thorough training they received in THE SIGNAL CORPS MESSAGE and today drove the Germans back can't send him home. That’s out. camps similar to (’amp Adair, our brothers in arms are of Ft. Monmouth, N. J., warns in from two to four kilometers und we are in for a long period of What’s next? Try to keep him from dreary skies. If so, there is no use took 200 prisoners. l being a bore or whatever else is fighting with matchless skill and courage. We are wit­ an editorial, reading in part: The prisoners expressed nmaze- pretending that We like it. Cer­ . the matter with him as far as you "To expect that Germany will nessing the end of the defensive phase. We are now, hooray, tainly most of us don't. It will be ' meat at the stone-wall resistance on the offensive -an offensive that will continue until the now collapse, to anticipate a Hitler of the Americans to all counter­ an ordeal, especially for men from are concerned. Find out what is peace offering on any kind of real problem that makes him dry country where sun and far the world is’free. n iiptable basis, is to forget all attacks and the spirit and dash horizons make life what it is there. like that. Listen to him until he But let’s not kid ourselves. This war is not over by a the bitter lessons we have learned with which they made their at­ bores himself. Maybe he will let It’s no fun to get up before day­ you in on the secret of his mental tacks. French officers described long shot. Our offensives are going to mean much greater about our foe in recent years. the charge as magnificent. The break, at the blowing of a whistle, crack-up. Then you can help him sacrifice on the battle front and on the home front. "Germany is today the most for- attack was made in the open with­ or at the call of a sergeant who get the victrola needle of his brain As th«* conflict grows fiercer across the seas, the more niidalde military power in the out a barrage to prepare the way. nturally doesn't have a sunny dis­ intensified for the offensive will be our training in Army world. She occupies most of Europe With a yell, the Marines started position either, and to hear the over on a new groove past the cracked place where it has been steady drip of the rain, and look camps here at home. We must do it without complaining. ‘and therefore has tremendous straight for the German lilies. going around and around. Such natural resources at her disposal. We must steel our physical and mental selves for the task German factories hnvi* produced As they advanced further, the out on a world so full of darkness thingy will give you a real job to liefore uh . This is a tough war and we've got to he tough increasing quantities of war ma­ Marines were confronted with a and water that a fellow feels he do and one that won’t take time row of machine-guns. With hand­ must lie in Noah’s Ark rather than ! off when the commander or non to win it. terials for more than eight years. I grenades they charged directly a barrack. We in training must redouble our efforts to insure our She is a wily, unscrupulous enemy upon the machine-guns, suffering No, it won’t he fun and nobody coms says “fall out." It will go as you march. It will lull forces overseas a continuing supply of reinforcements. The who will fight to the death. Don’t rather severe casualties, but in­ will enjby it, but we’re going along you off to sleep. Try it out. You anticipate victory until (■erniuny is through with it just the same, ami increasing strength of our armed forces backed by’lhe ever down and has received the full flicting terrific losses on the Ger­ are a one man world—you are the mans. The prisoners expressed if we are M'nsibl«» we will walk in ' king. In this world which is you, turning wheels of American production and the never fail­ count.” the sunlight when there is any and amazement at the way the Ameri­ ing spirit of all Americans will help mark the coming year you can keep out all unpleasant­ Pvt. Wilfred Bernard Fortier, of cans fight. will build up reaMtance to wind and t ness, and you can make the atmos­ as a year of greater victories a year that will more than Chicago, now at Cafnp (¡rant. 111., co| assurance Here's to (In* sweet sisterhood of TO THE EDITOR: track when it come« to bombing he kept the overseas cap that he that rain won’t lu» falling in a half Army wives! Ever since starting At.Ft. Dix, N.J., five soldiers Tokio, according to CAMP CROW. won» in 11*18. He is still keeping hour. It is well to lx* in reach of west from my home in New York were asked how long they thought HER MESSAGE. M o . In addition this paper, which corresponds with a rain coat and residents of this 1 Citv. on Muy 14tli, I hove written the wur would last. Their answers to a bombardier's certificate he has newspapers of today in that it part of Oregon say that on* should were pubhshed in THE FORT DIX fi love letter to one of (hem. <*v* i \ a document presented to him by the reports American advances against keep dry when puasible and wear ' POST. Two privates thought the tiny, and now I feel like writ ini* i Japanese government. It permits the same enemy and expresses full enough clothing to protect from w;1r would be over by April or by­ letter of affection t»> them nil Ex him to fly over Tokio. No other faith In the final victory over that chili and still not he too warm. I Ea ster. A third privato guessed <*ept in th«* case of my own wif-.*, American airman has that right. It enemy. Diet is important, of course. I August. A fourth expected it to this letter would Is* brotherly, or seems that 10 years ago he won a Nowadays the Army moo is well- ’ end in a year, But a corporal even fatherly, in attitude, bill cash prize for flying the Pacific. I tear Mr. Editor: somi'whut romantic, nt that. balanced and men in the service , thought it would take two years, On October 10th I mailed four will lie nourish«*»! and have what Now what does that prove? Why For wur accentuates the differ M. E. Hicks, of the Remington packages at the Camp Adair Mill­ they need in tiiis climat«* if they t it proves that a corporal really en«« s betwe«*n the s«*x«*s and at th*- Arma Co., who was firearm in- tar.v post office destination ing- take full advantag»* of the variety does hove more sens«* than a pri- I miiii * time emphasises their inter tructur at General Haad<|Uartei s in land. of foods offered For example, vate.—A Corporal. dependence. Mor«* nnd m re, it •_______________ On Saturday, November 28th, I don’t pass up the fruit. Be mindful ' re difficult, inu-t pretend to In* Frunce, during the othei war. re­ peace, men and women arc mingl Australia is spending half its •erful, and must keep the home cently gave a shooting exihdation receive,! by mail a letter from of your physical r»*quirements nnd I iiiK nt work, following th« sinn< ■ burning so brightly that her for officers and men of Mt. Mac- England expressing gratitude for never over-indulg<* in anything national income for war. oci'Uputions, lint in wm. with »Hit Ilei Will fl', I their glow, wher- Arthur, -ays ALERT, nt that post. the parcels. exrvptlons, the men still do th< which puts a strain on your ays- He shot .22 cal. shells through a r he may In*. fightin«, and the women mnk< th< I think it speaks well for the tem. And drink plenty of water. ASK FOR— steel washer, he cut off a bullet ('amp Adair military post office fighting worthwhile Two kinds of men need to be from a shell I osm - i I into the air. and the allieil control of the high careful in different ways. One Yet the women have (lie nurd« r and gave proof that Isith eyes soils. Just 4U days of travel for kind consists <>f th«* office workers, it. A mull enlists, und is applaud should lie kept open when aiming. the return trip. isl for it, but whnl of th* wif* who whose duties are e o n f I n I n g. He remarked that "the left eye I <; k hunts u job to muke it poaall I fi.< M P. detachment there will In* now coming to the point of writing in th»« en»i is the surest way to «■th« i And that «a>l almoat -I h looking anil l*e«t equipped you. gain security from illness. It is H ami “ in the the best country. r misunderstanding hurt­ lli ” At least that’s The story was very nicely han­ amazing how much the human man more. the aim. The men will he issued dled. accurate and quite compre­ body can stand, and how initepend- f tl Sam Browne belts, black service hensive. One correction, just for ent of w«»ather it h«e«>me». after a But now about th«* wivr shoes, black ties anil service hats, the record sweethearts of this comp I my front name is proper amount of military' train »f Corvallis to In- worn on duty Also they will Berkeley, not "Beverly " Thank you by little I've b«*«ii learning 3rd * Adams. Phone .1A1 many th«r<* are, and how ga receive extra clothing allowances. also for the print of the photo use»! and true. “G«s»l aporta” ia t<»* with the story. an expression, although it con "Army Wife Truly a Noble I am now on the Sentry’s regu an Idea. They are not openly ca Woman." is the title of an editorial lar mailing list, ami I enjoy get­ i in n great cause, as we men in THE UNION VEDETTE, of Ft ting it very much It is well set They at* not in uniform, unifn Douglas, Utah In part it reads: up. has a hi-eeay style, and. I comi adrahip, formally dedteat« i "The war is definitely a woman’s should think should be considered a role potentially her« n job too A war conscious woman an excellent camp paper No, they are simply gentle, i | is an essential asset to the suer,-«- Berkeley Snow Th« Watch Word of America At War ful individuals, and so devote* Io mimic! that Ail conclusion of this assignment that holds the fat«* of Denrarrpe} . I on« man, in many caaec. that TO THE EDITOR this war, so On tba homa front or wor front, Nc-nilfon will go anywhtre, live anyh«*w Thank » ««> very much for drex» again may J B, resourceful. V»« all the short ia ticking off »ha rainafat wharavar anything, if only they may be n ar »«et privacy clit* for saving money Above all. mg up and printing my poem. Ik*» occvrota timo I* aaaawtinl. Sova lima remember that your big job u bto>1 3rd. him la there any human charm t« r for Victory with Amarico t flow watch. iatic ao strangely beautiful ing an inspiration to your husliand The hoys in Company H look woman's devotion to one Hit who la a fighting (actor in this con­ forward to receiving the Camp "There’s something al ut a sol- ! flict. True, you will have periods Adair Sentry each week Keep up G Jeweler ;er ” the song goe*. I ly there’s I of anxiety» Suspense at time» may | the fxHMi work. won! ALUS goinethirig about a soldui « 1» unbearable, but WK WILL WIN CpL Charles Bowden. Vignettes of Army Life------ Saturday Inspection another week by POPULAR DEMAND One Year of War MUTTERINGS Green Volley Creamery Wm. KONICK Open Evenings and Sundays No Appointment Necessary — .520 State St.. Salem — 991 Willamette, Eugene —