r/rs/ Annual Christmas Shopping Number Camp Adair Sentry-1942 1 1 1 TE R N AL truth it is that Thou art God and there is none else. And through Thy power alone have we been redeemed from the hand of op- pressors. Great deeds hast Thou wrought in our behalf and wonders without number. Thou hast kept us in life; Thou hast not let our footsteps falter. . . ’ ’ S Thy love has watched over us in the night of oppression HIS prayer marked the beginning of the first Jewish service, in fact the first ser­ vice ever held at Camp Adair. I will never forget that Friday evening of July 3rd, 1942, standing with a group of men in an open field near Chaplain Jorgenson’s tent, listening to his sincere w’ords of encouragement. I was standing there listening to the Chaplain, but in my mind went through a series of pictures and scenes. I thought of the long and dreary trip we had coming from the East Coast, (nearly 3500 miles); of the waterless condition we were in; of the heat of the weather, (somewhere near 107°); and other little things that seemed to bother us at that time. I was awakened to realization, by hearing my name. Chaplain Jorgenson turned over the leadership of the service to me, and asked me to continue to be the Lay Leader of the Jewish men, until the time we would get a Jewish chaplain. T And so I began the service with the appropriate prayer, “External Truth.” Through the power of God alone have we been redeemed from the hand of oppres­ sors. Yes, we children of the United States, children of early colonists, children of the Sons and Daughters of the Revolution, children of those people who were lucky to escape into the new country and create a freedom of the people, by the people, and for the people. We have gone through many struggles to keep this freedom. The love of God has watched over us in the night of oppression. Many a dark night have we lived through, because the mercy of God has sustained us in the hour of trial. At all times it has been our aim, that each and every person have the freedom to worship God in his own way. And now that we live in a land of freedom; we the children of those people who suffered oppression in their native lands, sought and succeeded in finding this land of freedom, and settled here since 1492, through the years, even some of us, children of immigrants of 100 years ago, 50 years ago and 25 years ago, (I would even say 10 and 5 years ago) native born Americans, and adopted sons of America; may we continue to be faithful to God and his word. With the strength of this faith in God, we will live to the day when the hearts of all His children will be united in fellowship. It is now five months since I’ve been here, at Camp Adair. I’ve seen America in action. I’ve seen services conducted in the field transferred into beautiful chapels. Services of all faiths are conducted in the same building. The doors of this house of worship never close. They are open for men of every religion and race. This is America being faithful to God and his word. God bless America. Pfc. MORRIS STAVSKY, Jewish Lay Leader.